Has the Office ruined a generation?

Has the Office ruined a generation?

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She's literally a vampire.

I bet she eats ass.


what does the jim to my pam even mean?

Pam is truly an inspiration to dumpy white girls everywhere

>I’m looking for a bully who picks on autistic people to cheat on my fiancée with

>looking for years of flirting with no follow through

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office was meant to showcase hellish societal mores
she didn't get the memo

she has that glint of insanity in her eyes, you just know she does

Pam wasnt really a used up roastie was she?
She was with one guy, roy, and that was it.

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I bet she has a nice pink pooper

>I want a beta to orbit me until my current situation is untenable

>what does the jim to my pam even mean?
A beta orbiter that just follows her around giving her elaborate gifts and sulking for 3-5 years before working up the courage to profess his love.

>The Office
>Dog mom
>No hookups, looking for something real
Am I missing anything?

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you could tell she's fat. she's trying to hide it by only posting her face but her neck is thick, her cheeks are chubby, her shoulders and arms are huge from flat and flab. she should be looking for her Tony Horton to whip her fatass into shape

The Seed to My Feed

>not DS9
Stupid whore


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What happened to the other half of her face?

>The Office
>Best show on Netflix
How droll

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Does anybody actually like the office? I’ve seen most of the show and most of it is boring as shit

>post a picture of you and your friends together and never specify which one is you.

CLASSIC fat chick move.

There are great episodes but women like it for the wrong reasons.

one on the left does actually.

She wants a guy who is
fit (not fat)
steady job
has no deformities

>Does anybody actually like the office? I’ve seen most of the show and most of it is boring as shit
yeah it's nice as background noise because you can just tune it out. Prime TV for eating dinner on the couch

This is the girl that cheats on you with the yoga instructor in either your late 30s or mid 40s because "he made her feel the spark"

False for both

Neither of them look even remotely similar. Dumb cunts


could be worse, could be the Shrek fandom

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online dating has legit made me realize women are memes
>i’m not into hookups
>dog mom
>the office
literally every girl i met with no hookups in her bio
fucked on the first date
deleted that shit

Hopefully she doesn't use teeth

Do they try to self insert as pam?

>Spin class

Comparing Dwight to autistic people is an insult to autistic people

>still using (((dating apps))) in the year of our Lord 2019

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Dwight was the best character on the show though

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We're supposed to grimace in abject horror at how alienating office work is. The later episodes lose sight of this and suck.

Yes, which is pathetic.

no you dont you stupid fat cow god fucking damn it just fucking kill yourself

I'm not justifying basic women's roastery but it's a cheaper alternative to solicing pros if you're a wageslave who's either moderately attractive or has something vaguely resembling conversation skill

Is this tinder?
What app is this?

why....ehy use that picture,she has to know.

>be my Jim to my Pam
>ok bitch give me a jimrob

Where do I meet women then?

Just be yourself in a confined room with no windows

Because there are literally 300 guys messaging her

i met my current gf on Hinge and so far its been great. she doesnt care for marvel, or complaining about politics or SNL. she loves giving me backrubs and cooknig dinners and just hanging out.

You don’t

>not getting the hoe out of you so when you settle down with a qt you'll be content

Todd packer

really? I knew some guys are desperate but come on.

The Office has done the same thing that It's Always Sunny and Arrested Development did to people. Anyone who has consumed one let alone all three is an critically boring person with no identity or personality.These shows are all funny, don't get me wrong, but they force their sense of humor onto all those that view them, and the people emulating the sarcastic humor do it poorly, predictably and all the time.

some girls use the worst pictures you can think and they still get matches

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Be a Chad

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As if I would fawn over a girl who stays in to read Kurt plebnegut and drink Cosmoplebians.

user, that may be her best picture...

Post pic

Through friends, work, hobbies, bars and so on like everybody else.

>the people emulating the sarcastic humor do it poorly
the Office had sarcastic humor?
I thought it was just cringekino.
Michael does something cringy, you laugh because you relate, in either having seen or said something similar, depending on the situation

She seems like she could at least be funny

in church

I like how Hinge is tinder for ugly people. Even I'm getting consistent responses.

At the bar, that’s where I find local slam piggies.

I think the problem is people start associating with the characters. You can watch always sunny, for instance, and be fine so long as you remember you're not supposed to he rooting for any them. They're awful people and you should be laughing at them not with them.

This. I never realized it before now.

You can test it out yourself. Make a account and use her profile pic and see how many messages you get.

what app is this

It's a new one called "hinge". You basically are forced to have at least 3 selfies/pictures of yourself and instead of the surface-level "right or left swipe" that bumble or tinder works with, you have "icebreaker" type questions/statements on the profiles which people reply to and start "matches" based off of that.

its maybe about 2% "deeper" than the "surface level" matching system that tinder and bumble uses; all of these dating apps still work off of some hidden black-box ELO ranking system where Chads get a selection of super attractive women and the rest of us get a selection of single mothers, obese women, and trannies with a 1-2% handful of actual attractive/average women peppered in just to make you think you have a chance and to keep you from deleting the app altogether

There's a decent-ish offering of women on Hinge in my area but other circumstances in my life at the moment keep me from attaining the ones I find to be "gf material". Lots of "im a doctor and also a part time model and I volunteer with orphaned puppies who have cancer when I'm not achieving world peace or reading to my elderly grandmother" types on there. I'm just a basic $32k-a-year tradesman with low energy and niche hobbies.

nigga you crazy

Church girls are huge sluts because sexual repression.

thisand they do maybe not their dream bf just a lonely guy needing to drop a load

what doth life?

This bitch got K.K. Slider eyebrows

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is this a good idea to put on my profile ?

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Where I live its literally just

>only here for your dog
>swipe left if you don't have a dog
>looking to meet new dogs
>I love dogs!
>lets go on adventures
>I love to adventure
>fave thing is to adventure
or the crossover
>just wanna go on adventures with your dog!

>literally every girl i met with no hookups in her bio fucked on the first date
same. they put it there mostly so if friends, coworkers, family members see their profiles they can deny that they're sluts

>ywn meet a 10/10 cutie to watch The Office with

It hurts so much bros

Happens more often than you'd think.

you need to be like that greek monk who died without even seeing a woman

This is going to be my ironic tinder profile made from putting together what I see most often.
>Aspiring cat-mom
>I can fold a fitted sheet
>I love travel and fitness
>No cops, no military
>Partner’d and ethically non-monogamous
>The kids in my pictures are my nephews/nieces
>POC to the front!
>Just looking for someone with a boat
>I only swiped right because of your dog
>Tacos and whiskey!

No, because women will know you are into milking and will find you creepy

i think this trend started with Seinfeld.
at least they spelled it out point blank on the last episode
>literally being on trial for being a bunch of shitty human beings

That doesn't mean it's not retarded to actually do that

>watches a few episodes of the office
>omg i speak fluent sarcasm
people are so annoying

Only if you want to come across as a manchild

A gathering, small or large
Through a friend/relative

Even if you manage to get a match who doesn't ghost you, it's going to be a doomed relationship. It's the online equivalent of picking a girl up from a bar or club.

Put Sopranos memes instead thats what i did and already gabagooled on 3 girls faces

Not him but I work as an electrician and 90% of my coworkers are guys or middle aged boomers. The contractor I work for doesn't do residential work so there's no opportunities for shitty-porno-plot-tier "hey there ma'am you called me to take a look at your plug ;)" opportunities.

All my friends only know crazy bitches, flirting at work is asking to get slammed with sexual harassment, all my hobbies are very self-involved like painting and music, bars suck.

no but for real what the hell is wrong with her teeth?

what percentage of women under 35 do this?

>not using tinder to fuck as many dumb roasties as you can while you're still young and its acceptable for you to be a little irresponsible, then when you're done start attending church and marry a young christian girl to settle down and start a family with

you're a fag.

t. Women

charge your phone you fucking faggot

No i believe you im just amazed at how strong horomones are sometimes that people would be willing to date/one night fug that.

maybe with a few drinks idk

>lets go on adventures
>I love to adventure
>fave thing is to adventure
Dear god, I fucking hate this.
I even had one girl get mad because I asked her what kind of adventures she goes on.
The dog thing is fine, because I also like animals.

It started as cringekino but devolved into reddit-tier sarcasm as it went on. Peep Show is true cringekino desu

In reality Pam stays with Roy and get shit on her whole dumb ass life and rots away behind the secretary desk and never leaves her dying town.

Yeah I'm bitter.


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examples ?


is that some sort of broom?

This. Same goes with Muslim chicks and Jewesses.

Is putting "I love traveling" in your profile just code to say that you'll settle for black dick?

How do all you faggot cucks know so much about the office

Tinder also will shove your profile down to the depths of hell if you don't message your matches or if your matches often leave you on read, etc.

Constant engagement is critical. It's fucking annoying

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again with this "going to church to find a christian girl" shit wtf, where the fuck do you all live???? in what fucking world you find good women in churches?? have you ever been to one at least?

dont forget T R A V E L

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I hate pictures like this because its never the fucking cute one posting this but the fat one knows what she is doing putting her in there

how does this even happen when you're supposed to be quiet?

at least she isnt plus++++ sized and proud

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aka I want YOU to pay for my vacations where I can get drunk and act like an idiot

>not wanting to go on an adventure

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I met my wife freshman year of college, we've been together for over a decade now. I don't know if I could stomach women on dating apps, my friends have told me so many horror stories.

its bait post m8

>dont get matches
>when I do, never get replies
>profile gets shoved down to the depths of hell
>started to consider getting into cocaine + steroid usage to artificially & rapidly jack up my appeal
>deleted tinder and settled for opiates instead

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I’d fucc

>God why do women like popular stuff why aren't they cynical and ironic like me

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Nowhere. Just keep rubbing one out until the day you die.

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>always the rebound never the girlfriend

>tfw no mid-functioning autism gf
My inner pain is immeasurable

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Is this the doomer's final form?

they NEVER have a job or MONEY

Deep down they're all as depressed and as sad as everyone else.

Sometimes more actually since reality is so much harsher on them than others, since they live in a world where they're judged by appearances much worst than males.

>meeting women
>not taking the asexual pill

Here's the thing: not even Pam deserved a Jim, so why the fuck do these bitched think they do?

So you don't want to watch season 2 of Dark with me?

I'm not an amerifat for starters.

I live in a university city and there's tons of young attractive people who are christfags for some reason. There's two hip and popular churches with people under 35 here. The pastor has tattoos and a hipster beard.

>drinking with my friend at his new house
>his fiance gets home
>after a little while she starts talking about how she's setting all her friends up with bfs
>"what about you user, wouldn't you like a date to our wedding?"
>intend to say "haha that's alright, I've met your friends and I don't think they're my type, but I appreciate the thought"
>brain full of liquid jew instead announces "I've never met a woman I feel any interest in, women are so boring it makes me wish I was gay"

They called me an uber about ten minutes later. I don't know if I should apologize or just hope they assume it was the alcohol or what.

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As noted above, regular-looking guys don't have access to even the mid-tier women unless they (((pay))) for an upgraded version. And even then you'll garner zero interest. It's cuckoldry unless you're an 8+/10 guy.

This is unironically the key. I broke up with my college sweetheart for the dumbest reasons. Then got married to a drunk, then got divorced, now I’m 40 and single and it’s a fucking nightmare of single moms and girls with issues.

Pick a good girl and marry her while you’re both young you zoomers.

The gym

Is that image supposed to represent you? You’re literally white knighting women in general.


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>Not having shitty taste or trying to be original means you're cynical or ironic.

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>judged by appearances much worst than males

I'm not cynical and ironic, and I don't require anyone I'm looking to fuck/date to have exactly the same interests as me. I just don't want to get bored when talking to them and I dont want them to get bored when I'm talking to them. I know it's difficult for you to understand but I actually have to rely on conversation skills/personality IRL because I'm not traditionally chadttractive.

I'd have a much better time and much better chances with someone who responds to me talking about PKD's novels and french house music vs. mainstream american house music instead of with someone who only wants to talk about The Office, "50 shades", EDC, and being a "foodie".

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shes a single mom with fat half retarded kid

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This is literally one of my primary goals is to at least get a white woman that looks as average as OP's pic as a Chicano.She's average as fuck too, you can tell from her fat Anglo head

>conveniently using her hand to hide her stomach
well done fatty

Face it. If you're over 25 and not in a long term relationship you're never gonna make it. All that's left for you in the dating world is single moms, mentally challenged women obsessed with animals who smell like piss and don't shower, extreme BBWs or bitches who are absolutely psycho,

It's over for you.

your buddy is suddenly going to have plans every time you want to see him from now on

he's probably forbidden from seeing you

>make profile on Match.com
>make age the only filter I use in my first search
>a few thousand hits
>add in the "no kids" filter
>search results literally get cut by 2/3

holy FUCK

I saw this really cute blonde skinny girl at the gym. Young, about my age. She asked if she could take a 5kg plate from my rack. Should have started a proper conversation from there. Fuck.

>basic bitch.jpeg

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How do these bitches afford to travel so much, that's what I always want to know

An attractive pleb normie to do pleb normie shit with.

In college I had like 20 attractive woman friends who never set me up with any of their friends. Later I learned they treated me like their gay best friend, dumping all their issues on when they were lonely and they didn't want to risk losing that by helping me find a woman and be happy, Since then I have become incredibly fucked up and do not trust woman at all

Are you one of the above Yea Forums

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Debt and being financially reckless

Reminder that the almost all dating companies, apps, and sites are owned by the same jew run company. Shit is literally designed to ruin male/female pair bonding and destroy your ability to form healthy relationships in the future.

>Is that image supposed to represent you? You’re literally white knighting women in general.

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She wants a tall quirky stable guy to cheat on her fiance with. She then wants to cheat on that guy with a brian the sound guy equivalent when her relationship with you inevitably goes on the rocks

I'm 38 and found someone so thats bs.

>this post

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some are just thicc

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The British one captured this a lot better than the later seasons of the American one.

Söycucks are the ones defending/orbiting/providing for women, you projecting faggot.

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At least that kid isn’t a nigger

British one was way better imo

Based thorough analysis

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Rich parents. I used to work with dumb zoomer whores who were away in Europe at super expensive destinations every other month despite making $12 an hour working 3 days a week.

fucking kek


>being over the age of 30 and still on here


>I want a cuck who will fund my trips for brown/black dick

Eh, she's got big tits.

go on tinder and see for yourself. i swear like 40% of the profiles ive seen on there have some type of office reference in them

credit cards and a small percentage will just buy and resell stuff to other tourists

>The Office? Game of Thrones? ? That's gonna be a yikes, oof and cringe from me!

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Whats wrong with that?

Hinge. In my area, only fatties and Asian chicks use it.


Males are inherently visual creatures. It's an evolutionary trait.

That's why makeup is so important for them.

Are you retarded user?

She's got big everything, bro.

I'm annoyed that this dude removed his random comic generator.

The last panel should be edited to have like 7 martini glasses empty

he doesn't know

chick on the right is a cheater.


>tfw forever solid 7.5/10

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Not an answer


people still think Yea Forums is a club for losers, but the normie population has increased dramatically over the past three years that this place is just Reddit without an actual account

Been thinking about getting an Asian girl more and more lately

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You sound like my pseudo chad coworker, he has like 10 girls orbiting him and telling him their crap but he's been gayzoned and hasn't gotten his dick wet in half a year.

>tfw met girl of my dreams on Tinder
>tfw she isn't a normie, hates the office, etc
>tfw we date, do amazing fun things all the time
>tfw we move in together and immediately shit goes south
>tfw she can't watch one episode of a show without scrolling social media every couple of minutes then asking what happened
>tfw we split
>tfw I'm old now and won't find a non-normie that's as attractive as she is

It means you’re doomed to be here forever, there is no escape.

that woman literally does not exist, asians aren't built that way

Why split over something so dumb nigga


Fat but without fat tits, sad

that wasn't the reason it was a lot of things that were building up over the past 2 years.

all that's left are leftovers. there's a reason why anyone over 25 is still single. they're either disgusting look, single moms or mentally unstable. hopefully, you're rich and can snag a naive 20 year old college cutie

It's fine I don't care it's something to do when my kid is crying

>tfw cant ever get an azn gf or even fuck one because I'm not white
im not asian, just nonwhite

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oh god

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But Parks & Rec is on Netflix too and that's a better version of The Office

I did already. That was my point.

Oh god. I just want a qt gf to hold guys. And to overhead press

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>tfw going back to college
>tfw 27 but look 20
>tfw I'll keep my age vague with my 1st year classmates

I just gotta lose a bit of my beer gut I got during my depressive period.

Reminder that the voices aren't real and you need professional help.

are you black or latinos? if the latter, houston and los angeles are filled with asians who date latinos. they're westernized whores tho not the pure qts in your anime.


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>When the AI sex dolls see the patterns and start using dating apps to find cucks that will fund their programming

No but asking that question is code for
>“i am too insecure for anyone to have a good time with me sexually”

What is it with Asian girls listing over white guys? I fucking hate their dumb flat faces and gook eyes. They also fucking follow me around at clubs.

too bad she didn't realize her friend needed to also not be a fat bitch for it to do anything

I'd be willing to move to Houston if it wasn't so goddamn humid

Quite the opposite really, it means they want to date high status men who can afford to have frequent vacations. That does not describe nigs, obviously. And when they say "travel" they mean to Europe, so they also want to date European guys.

"uh hey, so are you uh...working out?"

It's becoming more common, especially amongst zoomer women of age partially due to it being memed on the internet. Still probably a minority of women in that age range would be willing to do it though.

FYI when you actually get a gf you have to pretend not to like these things. If you don't then it's a turnoff. It's stupid but it is what it is. You also have to be careful how much you lean on them for emotional support. My dad died and my gf left me shortly after because I was sad and she "didn't sign up for this"

>tfw qt Latina gf and no longer must experience the horrors of Tinder and online dating

Godspeed fellow anons

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It's hard to describe but when you are really good looking be in natural looks or shape girls come to you. You still need to know what to say but you get a lot more attention that way.

nice 5 you got there bro

She seems alright.

oh god i think im in love bros i hope she matches

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I think all the Jewish conspiracy bullshit is dumb as fuck and also makeup is a Jewish conspiracy to make people pay money forever to feel comfortable in their own skin and (You) are falling for it.

I wish I was chadly enough to acquire one of these gfs. Instead since I'm a 5'10" out of shape blue collar tradie wagie I have to settle for overweight women and/or single mothers.

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She looks very unattractive based in her minimal shown features


the only people that like it are literally americans

>gf tells me she has severe depression
>tell her i occasionally get sad also sometimes
>dumps me a week later
haven been able to open up to anyone since

>addicted to social media
>not normiest of normies
Get taste and choose one and only one.

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U mad Jamal?

Litetally every girl I know that masks her lack of personality and overwhelming depression with constant travel is a certified coal burner. Never trust a woman that travels alone.

The inverse is also true with dudes, except they tend to be rice cookers.

Do not get into relationships with girls on tinder. They are not loyal, they will burn you. Sometimes sooner, sometimes later, sometimes much later. Word to the wise.


I figured. I suppress my emotions all the time, so when I actually get to open up to someone I get real cringy.

I wouldn't really want a gf that doesn't like all that lovey stuff though.


There's no escaping it.

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No, but it does mean they ride the carousel twice as hard.

Tfw no Angela to my Dwight

I'm supposed to be his best man. I fully expect that plan to change in a month or two.

I don't hold it against him, this girl has her claws in deep.

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who hurt you

Sounds just like my ex!

>she'd constantly talk about how she's depressed and has anxiety despite never really showing these qualities
>I'm actually diagnosed depression and general anxiety but if I has having an anxious episode she'd just insult me
>fell into a deep depression and she dumped me because she "didn't sign up for it"

I once told my ex I had suicidal thoughts. All she said was “how is that supposed to make me feel?” Then cheated on me.

I really do despise them.

>I make bad decisions therefore all women are shit people
I've got bad news for you friend...

i just want a girlfriend to spend time with and kiss
why is it soooo hard

You’re supposed to use tinder as pump and dump not for relationships

she wants to cheat on her partner

The worst thing for me is that I actually could have a shot with a decent Qt if I wasn't an autist. I was already socially awkward enough, but going to an all boys Catholic school amplified that shit to the max. Can't talk to girls at all.

I'm 6'3", go to the gym religiously and have a great face according to plenty of girls. I've literally girls ask about me after seeing me on a friend's Snapchat story.

Release me from this hell.

>why is it soooo hard
Because 80% of women only want to fuck 10-20% of men


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>tfw met my wife shortly before the age of dating apps
I thank fuck everyday I don't have to try and find a partner in this dating climate.

unrealistic standards and autism and too many pictures of goose screaming

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I'm 5'7 140 lb dyel and have gotten with some 6's off of OkCupid (and 7's in real life) It's about face, not height


The early 20th century called, they want their segregationist bullshit back.

You and I have 100% polar opposite issues that lead to the same problem. I have a decent/great personality and a chadly silver tongue when it comes to conversation but I'm not 6'3 and I don't work out 40 hours a week so women don't gravitate towards me. I don't have any clue how to approach them without seeming creepily desperate.

I just want a qt arthoe gf.

>those vampire teeth
ruh roh


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Tinder dating is absolute hell bros
Just stay alone it's not worth it
Im thinking of just getting a mail order bride instead

>and too many pictures of goose screaming

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I've worked with two of these kind of girls. Both came from upper middle class backgrounds, raised by their divorced mother's, went to college and graduated with no debt. Bio-dad was still paying for their housing/car/phone in hopes they could but their love, both constantly complained about being depressed, both worked less than a year before saving up enough to go on the next month long trip and quit. The only way they differed is one dated like 10 different guys in that period and wouldn't shut up about how hard finding a good man was, the other one had a beta move in with her to wait on her hand and foot, only to break up with him before leaving for whatever the next fucking trip was.

One of them ended up getting raped in Peru, turns out backpacking alone is risky.

My slut coworker dumped her bf cause the guy confessed to being depressed and having suicidal thoughts every once in a blue moon.
Then she blamed him for manipulating her into pitying him when he told her that he thought she'd at least accompany him to the therapy sessions.
Recently she got mad cause the guy posted a pic of his new gf on instagram even though she told him to block her on social media cause she wanted him to kill himself, so she shouldn't have seen it anyways.
Crazy fucking ho.


The calendar date changing does not at all change how disgusting race mixing is

>implying bait
>you still replied
Racist faggot.

I tried OKCupid recently and it was the biggest waste of time of my life. I got like 14 likes which made me feel rather chadly but I liked or disliked every single girl within a 100 mile radius and got nothing.

Jesus a fat bitch being that dark oh my lord


>I just want a qt arthoe gf.
They probably even care less about height than the general population of women - they want a low bodyfat twink with a good jaw and fashion sense

back to re.ddit

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>he got a new gf instead of killing himself?
>omg what a fucking asshole

>tfw engaged after 5 years of dating
>missed out on all this casual sex

at least I fucked my way around Asia for a little bit but I am a bit jealous

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Make me queer.

>They probably even care less about height than the general population of women - they want a low bodyfat twink with a good jaw and fashion sense
At least in my city (one of the up and coming arthoe/hipster meccas of the southwest), arthoes actually do care about height and looks. They all want a guy who's 6'0" or taller and who, even though they're arthoes, is built like Chad Hemsworth


Yeah dude it's all just a conspiracy!

How can you look at these girls and think "haha damn I missed out on fucking them".

kek based

Dubai sheiks shitting in their mouths

it's definitely a crapshoot, maybe I just got lucky.

had it for like 3 months, met something like 6 women off there between 5 and 6/10. there were 2 7's but I don't know how things would've gone with them since I accidentally stood them both up

Literally all women are like this. The only people who dispute that fact are virgin men.

Godspeed us all

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>At least in my city (one of the up and coming arthoe/hipster meccas of the southwest), arthoes actually do care about height and looks. They all want a guy who's 6'0" or taller and who, even though they're arthoes, is built like Chad Hemsworth
They all want an actor gigachad. Your point? They all settle just like everyone else.

I know guys eating ass is but I'd assumed like 0.1% women would ever try it

They want your money not you lol

I forgot to say that she made out of one the ex bf's college professors and then she proceeded to taunt him about it.
Bitch is mentally ill and tells us all that crap during lunch.

>match's corporate website
>doesn't actually list which apps they "own"
Clearly the conspiracy goes all the way to the top! Jews and pair-bonding and white genocide!

The Dubai Portapotty conspiracy has been debunked numerous times already, Kang Tyrone. You stupid coon. Shut the fuck up.

>his dad dying is his mistake

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congrats looks cute

Well, none of them are after my looks so it's safe to assume ALL of them are after my money pham


i take solice in the fact that she is the one lowering her lifespan, and is proud of that

maybe stop flaunting your shekels?

>Jews and pair-bonding and white genocide!
Now you're getting it.

It's all fun and games until someone gets herpes.

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you either need to marry your high school sweetheart or find someone in your first or second year of college/post secondary whatever (and no later) to get a long term successful marriage going.

fucking random people for years is pointless.

only time i been successful with girls is when
>always acted distant
>only talked to them when i was feeling witty and charming
>on dates acted high energy but not trying to impress her
>never expected a relationship even after months of sex unless they bring it up

yo where DA FUCK are those tits going

Having bad taste in women while being blind to red flags was his mistake. Shit personalities don't develop overnight or with new information.

>They all settle just like everyone else.
Not for me

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The less you say, the smarter you sound. Don't talk for the sake of talking. Less talking means less chance of you fucking up.