The fuck is this supposed to be about?

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We want the LEGION audience.

Wanda creates a pocket universe set in the 50s where Vision and her live in the suburbs. Kinda like that pleasentville movie.

White people bad.

We want the "audience" audience

She can't get over him being dead, so she wills into existence a perfect universe where hes alive and they're happy.

why wouldn't she just will him back to life, or will the current universe to be the way she wants, or will his death to have never happened?

Its not a real version of him and presumably her fake universe starts fucking with the multiverse.

God shut the fuck up


>a TV show premiering on the WB

>black people good, thanks for gold fellow *****ors

some shit they can make for 500k and reuse the Agent Carter sets

their relationship is forced as fuck in the movies lol

They have the set leftover from agent carter

>Oh yeah, that guy existed

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the first season will be regular sitcom and the season finale will be her losing a little control of her power and we find out it's all fake and she needs to take care of something in real life

No they’re not. I hate niggers. Nice schizo argument you made in your head though. Theres literally no one scrap of info that says it’s gonna be
>hurrrrr whites bad


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why dont they steal a vision from another timeline?

Criminally underrated post.

Okay, Bounding Into Comics.

I presume it will be influenced by pic related

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who gives a fuck as long as there is 2 hours of qt liz

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Why does Wanda's shadow in the corner have the comic Scarlet Witch design when she never looked like that in the MCU?

Anyone have the webm of him curling up into a ball to hit something?

ugh white people suck!

because her shadow in the MCU design would look like nothing because the design sucks

It's the multiverse Disney ain't got to explain shit.

Maybe she will in the doctor strange movie, it will be her fully powered final form

no she won't, she doesn't want to wear it

Isn't Vision a robot? Why doesn't Anthony Stark just make another one? lol

he's dead

So white people bad then

Tony Stank is dead and he didn't make Vision in the first place, Ultron did

Oh shit, I forgot. But surely Black Panther's sister can figure this out, no?

I'm just talking about the headpiece autismo
she already wears red clothes anyway, all that's left is a cape and it's close enough

>blacks inventing things
lol get your head out your ass!

We want the 50s-punk audience without doing any actual work to establish it

they need a magic stone and they all destroyed. I guess they could make another ultron though

>t. n-word lover