Tinder date comes round to "watch movie"

>tinder date comes round to "watch movie"
>plug in my laptop
>halfway through random flick she chose
>laptop restarts to update windows
>still not done after 30 mins, she makes an excuse and leaves
kinos for this feel?

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Other urls found in this thread:


use a usb

use netflix

>meet tinder date at bar
>spend whole night talking to her friend who I thought was my date because they looked a lot alike

lol why do people do this?

Grab her wrist, look into her eyes with a desperate face and yell, inches away from her nose
Make sure to have tears running down your face and clench your teeth as you wait for an answer

>tinder date comes round to watch movie
>start touching her boobs 5 mins in
ur fault faggot

remember those old vocaroos popularised the medium? the ones which went "fucking NORMIES AAGHH". they really have come true.

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>plug in my laptop

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>doesnt have a chromecast as a backup
You only have yourself to blame

>tinder date
normals pls vacate my board

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>he plugs his dick in my vagina

almost this entire board is either failed normies or pedo hyper-degenerates

>tinder date comes round to "watch movie"
>plug in my laptop
>xhe sees "Activate Windows" watermark
>xhe dilates
Original Netflix Series for this feel?


this actually works
nice dubs btw, you must be proud

Yea Forums- shitposts and piss-poor "moderation"

You made that story up. You're stupid.

>Yea Forums- shitposts and piss-poor "moderation"

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>>Yea Forums- shitposts and piss-poor "moderation"

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That's the cue to make a move. You blew it by being beta.

I downloaded tinder 4 days ago and got 50 likes and 18 matches. Is this good or bad? How come none of my matches reply to me? Help me bros

Holy shit!!! Do you retards not realize that there other boards than just Yea Forums?
Wanna talk politics? Go to /pol/
Cartoons? Yea Forums
Stupid bullshit with no purpose? Yea Forums or it’s many clones.
Seriously, Yea Forums isn’t the only board on Yea Forums, like holy shit post somewhere else.

For free you say?

>Yea Forums- shitposts and piss-poor "moderation"

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ok reddit

wan sum fuk?

that's why you have a game console or chromecast bro lmao now you'll never lose your virginity

Revolution OS (2001)

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should download oo shutup10
and just update manually and selectively, like everyone did back when computer users were smart

That wasn't the issue. The issue is that you didn't start cuddling and then making sexual advances within 20 minutes of starting the movie.

Wtf it worked


We warned you about the laptop user.

We warned you

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>omg becky this virgin doesn't have netflix

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that one episode of extras when stephen merchant goes on a date with ashley jensen and scoops a floater from the toilet

>he doesn't have a customised LTSC build with windows update disabled & replaced with a GNU update manager.
She was right to leave.

t. plebbit

i dont know why but tinder seems soulless to me... can you actually meet people that u can talk with or is it just to have sex with a normalfag stacey?

you deserved it

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she's the yify she sees my stiffy

I met a few girls on there, hated all of them. but I also hate women in general. had marginally more luck with okcupid but never found an actual relationship out of online dating.

>oh my god, is that gentoo?

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Ironically, anything that isn't an actual Yea Forums thread gets deleted. Actual topics aren't allowed, only autism.


Even better, it's GuixSD

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>you're not supposed to reply to the post you're mocking, summerfag

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>take me
>no, leave the laptop on

>open up netflix on my macbook
>gf starts s'ing the d

>*fires up Media Center xbox connected to a server containing thousands of movies and tv shows* hop in bae, wanna watch some classic The Office and chill?

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Use Plex

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i used a laptop with hdmi in 2011, was that the reason my gf left me then?

ouch bro... you messed up... im going to have to take away your chad status... sorry bro...

>watching jew corporate media glued to a potato saddle
americans wtf

That's why i have a backup

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>not using linux

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>pedo hyper-degenerates
Yeah I hate those guys, they should just be a wholesome cunnyseur like me

You are years late, only bots and normies left.

The thad VCR and CRT.

>Not being interesting enough to hold her attention.
>Needing a movie for filler.

>he doesn't have a smart TV synced to his Lenovo tablet for all his kino viewing needs