Why was this thing so fucking weak?

Why was this thing so fucking weak?

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It wasn't. Gandalf just had to hide his powerlevel when he was sent to middle-earth, and let it all out to fight the Balrog.

What if he used “shan’t” instead of “shall”

>have wings
>fall in to a pit

there is no debate in the tolkien fandom more autistic than that of whether the balrogs had wings or not.

It killed a literal demigod, user.

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>balrogs BTFO of Ungoliant who BTFO of Morgoth
>dies to some old gray homo

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wasn't there like 6 of them plus morgoth?

Gandalf was fuckin OP

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going to have reiterate what this guy said ???

It took all the balrogs, and she was fighting Morgoth at the same time. Gandalf the Grey is probably average level Maia, not even as powerful as Saruman, and nowhere near Sauron/Melian/Osse level. Durin's bane is a jobber, Gothmog would have raped Gaydork hard.

The Balrog(s) plural, blew the fuck out of Ungoliant, and amongst them was the strongest Balrog that ever lived who was made into one of Morgoth's lieutenants

Gandalf knew what he was doing.


It took Gandalf 8 days to kill him and he chased him from the bottom to the top of Khazad Dum both were also Maiar.
>This foe is beyond any of you

there were hundreds of them

it wasn't, Gandalf is just fucking based

He wasn't weak. In an open field he destroys Gandalf. Gandalf used the environment (bridge) to beat him. Balrog lost almost all his health from fall damage. Gandalf landed on the Balrog and was fine.

>Why was this thing so fucking weak?
>Literal shadow demon
>took Gandalf and entire week fighting it
>went from the depths of the world up to the top whilst fighting it

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In the silmarillion when Morgoth is mortally wounded by ungoliant, the balrongs run to his aide