I used to look forward to all the Simpsons threads on this board because whenever one of them popped up, I could expect to see Sneedposters shitting it up. I enjoyed the simple absurdity of it, the way this mildly funny joke was turned into a meme and spawned many new hilarious permutations each thread was exciting in the same way as Baneposting's exploitation of poorly-written dialogue. A bunch of my buddies couldn't ever get the meme, I tried to explain to them how the joke can be explained in at least three different ways, each one more subversive than the other, as well as teach them the social aspect of Sneedposting. Hell, in my opinion the Moeposter wasn't actively opposed to Sneedposting, he was willfully assuming his antagonistic role in what I saw as a simple game played out in all the Simpson threads, planned out from the start by the OPs, because if you start a Simpsons thread, you HAVE to be aware that it will be shat on by Sneedposters within the first five replies, or you're naive or stupid. What I didn't know is that in my Sneedposting habits I have been played by a trannycord cabal dedicated to raiding those threads with repetitive, dumb replies with a simple goal of derailing the threads. They aren't participating in a fun game, nor are they innovating this meme, they are just raiding the threads with the same reply every time and posting the same images. It's been a while since I've seen a remotely amusing Sneedpost, and I guess it's because of these city slickers. So fuck you. And thanks to whatever user leaked those screens, I'm in your debt. I hope that in the future Sneedposting will be used way more sparingly and much more cerebrally, because as it currently stands, it's a decadent, uninnovative meme on its way out.
In conclusion, that's it for me (formerly I'm participating)
>Valley Forge is a sneedposter Why am I not surprised
Jackson Cox
Christopher Ross
Former Sneedposter here. Not gonna lie, it’s hilarious watching Sneedposting crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can’t let these guys have the Simpsons threads.
This is why I sneedpost. You faggots honestly believe you’re fighting back against some “threat” to your autistic threads. Go back to Yea Forums where you trannies belong.
no one fucking cares you fucking retard. you shitpost on an anime image board? wow big fucking deal, now go and do something with your life. holy shit.
Cameron Sanchez
have snex
Leo Lee
I know this is pasta, but the point of Sneedposting isn't to be "innovative" or "creative" or even funny. It's to send a message to Simpsons fucking shits that they don't belong here and shouldn't fucking post their shitty liberal boomer show on this board under any circumstances. So fuck off and never come back. Sneed.
Dominic Rivera
OP here again.
I was just joking, how does it feel to be pranked so hard? Sneedposting is eternal. Sneedposting is based.
There shouldn't ever be someone saying "This is why I sneedpost" like there's a bigger reason other than for laughs. Bane was respectable because it was making fun of a hilarious scene and going so overboard with what you could do with it. Sneed has always been made with an agenda, to derail threads the user posting it didn't like, there's no good OC either other than a few people singing/yelling in a microphone that's gotten old already.
Sneed is only relevant in simpsons threads if it's posted anywhere else it's ignored and deleted
Liam Scott
>he still thinks Simpsons threads on Yea Forums are unironic C R I N G E all Simpsons threads here are made for Sneedposters by sneedposters, you've already achieved your goal and your kind is making it worse lol.
Levi Wright
Simpsons threads made by sneedposters, so there's literally no purpose to it.