Can Star Wars survive without her?

Can Star Wars survive without her?

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Yes, and i wanna fuck her

I agree, and I do too

Depends. Let's see which 6/10 twiglike brunette they cast for the next movies.

You cant say shit like that

Star Wars will be saved without her

If anything she's one of the reasons so many people hate Nu-Wars. Get rid of her and maybe it can be saved

The a Sequel Trilogy would have been so much better if Finn was the star.
>prequels are about good guy turning evil
>sequels are about bad guy turning good
Literally poetry

you mean keylo, finn was never evil



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I would destroy her little body with my cock

Yeah, but he’s a traitor to the empire, the same way Anakin was a traitor to the Jedis

Just fuck off John okay. I'm so sick and tired of your shit every day. Finn was shit and you have no talent.

Uggo cunt

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Can SW survive without an androgynous looking cokehead retard that can't act worth shit? Yes. You mean can it live without Rey? If you made Finn a jedi, and made it about a former stormtrooper ultimately redeeming himself (granted it's a ripoff of Anakin), sure.

This bitch looks like she wants to see the manager because the bartender didn't make her a hard to make meme drink. This bitch looks like she lives on a diet of free cakepops and pumpkin spice

Who’s John?

You're not fooling anyone.

Fucking hideous

Reminder that Rey is Neil Breen. She lives out in the desert, runs around in a middle of nowhere desert, talks to dead people, is a flawless god-like Mary Sue who everyone likes, and has existential confusion about how awesome she is and what to do with that.

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can i though?

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>jumps around unnecessarily to look bad ass

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Yes but star wars was doing fine without her.
Disney fucked star wars up so much that unless there are major changes the property is fucked.

Literally Who?


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Find a flaw

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She's ultra fucking ugly
Like death star ugly
The ugliest thing in the galaxy, ugly enough to instill fear into the hearts of the rebels

Also a terrible fucking actress in charge of a terribly written character