All right, which one of you anons are the Thing?
Inb4 OP
All right, which one of you anons are the Thing?
Inb4 OP
Not it, trust me :)
This nigga is the thing
Wait a second I have to get something from my room, be right back
All you guys can be trusted.
well, we usually solve it with dubs..
It ain't me
not a thing
totally not a thing
move along
I am less than convinced desu.
During the kennel thing scene, they hint palmer being the one
There is a shot of several characters in a hallways somewhat confuaed. As this shot of happens, two things indicate Palmer is not human
>palmer is the only character in that shot to fully expose his face to the camera, all others remain fixated on something or in some way there face is obscured
>all the characters sound confused and annoyed
>Windows then asks directly in an annoyed tone
>HEY Palmer what is it?
>Palmer's response is very quick, and somewhat nervous/guilty
Doesnt add to the film really bit it's a cool thing to notice if you like thr film
I'm watching you user
I'm a human
I also thought of a pretty good reason as to why the thing never used that acid spray thing after the first scene
That sounds like the reasoning of some Thing, you two go stand in the corner.
the thing is my waifu
Trust me guys, you're safe with me
does Yea Forums suck this movies dick because there are no women?
Why don't we wait here...
See what happens
No danger here, I'm not the thing lol
confirmed the thing
If you guys like this movie so much, why can you never agree on any of the points in it?
You seem to know too much.
because that's literally the point of the movie, to cause paranoia and mistrust
The thing is a big dummy and deserves to get torched and blown up.
The Thing is not real, and why would I even be on 4channel anyway?
haha no way, now lets just go somewhere private and let me explain
* knock knock*
''Excuse me user, is everything alright in there?''
H-hello, Alan
Ain't no such thing as the Thing ;^)
They just keep appearing. Kill the damn things already.
uhhh, you don't get to bring clever girls
Dude just get assimilated bro. You'll be perfectly fine as long as you do everything I say
I know i'm human
No wait, Im not ready! Shut the door!
Motherfucker I'm duct taping you to a sofa.
oh no I'd hate it if you got close to me
Am I The Thing? Perhaps it want me to think I'm still human so it can strike without warning.
Childs get the flamethrower aimed on this guy.
This guy can't even write a sentence, stick a hot wire in his nuts.
why would he pour his whiskey in the chesstron 3000? it makes so sense, and for someone in the arctic on a scientific expedition he knows how precious those items are.
At a horror convention Q&A session in 2008, Keith David (Childs) was asked if he ever knew who, at the very end of the movie, was infected with the alien. He smiled and said, "Well, I don't know about (Kurt Russell), but it sure as hell wasn't me." He may be right, as the movie's prequel, The Thing (2011) established that, while assimilating its victims, the alien gets rid of all artificial implants and appendages (including medical implants, fillings, and earrings). Childs' earring can still be seen in his ear, at the end of the movie.
It was being a bitch.
He was a cunt and a drunk it is why he had his own shack
2011 isn't canon and if you think it is you're a dumb nigger.
Chesstron was a cheating bitch
The move it makes to beat MacReady is impossible
Here, check my blood, im clean
Thats exactly what the thing would say
Childs and McCready sharing a drink is pure kino
>Thats exactly what the thing would say
That's exactly what the thing would say to make us accuse and torch an innocent human
And thats exactly what the thing would say to save an alien partner
what role did he have in teh expedition? was he the caretaker or something?
maybe he just lacked the capacity to go up against the chesstron and had a temper tantrum when it beat him fair and square
He was the pilot you faggot, watch the film.
Nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.