I'm depressed and feel like killing myself every day

I'm depressed and feel like killing myself every day.

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>better shit up Yea Forums about it

me too dood ummm yah hai ummm 25-year-old d00m3r here LOL ^_^ i am VERY brooding and nihilistic for my age :3 ummmmm dae le clownworld?>??

>leave Yea Forums
>fulfillment and happiness increases 1000x

Stop masturbating

Yea Forums always had the best feels threads


After a certain point you realize there's beauty in that too. Internal misery is a charming thing.

I still don't understand what your guys's problem is.

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Off-topic, fuck off.

>just be yourself bro

>Internal misery is a charming thing.
Nobody says this when they're miserable.

just read history books of better times bro
just embrace escapism bro

I have that same picture saved myself. By far the best male selfie I've ever seen, and I've copied it almost verbatim with my own profile pic. It seems so nonchalant and un-posery. Love it.

Me too. You eventually become inured to it

here you go faggots.

You will find meaning in your life one day my bro. Just be patient. It’s so fucking worth it :)

Why don't you just suck his dick

It's so perfect that it's cringe.

if you dont already, do physical exercise.
it certainly makes me feel better

same I have no drive or spark. I just distract myself with PRODUCT

I hate women so much I turned myself gay morty, boom big reveal

I'm probably more miserable than you are, but I also don't particularly care anymore. There's a price you pay for everything. Either you get off your ass and work towards bettering your life, which can be difficult, or you let it go, which is easy short term but leads to suffering long term.
I've generally been somewhere in the middle, but two thoughts give me comfort, the fact that it's all my fault, and that I wasn't exactly "chained" by life, destiny or whatever the fuck else, and also the fact that nothing is permanent, especially not life. All of this will end sooner than you think, so might as well enjoy it.
And there is beauty in even the ugliest things, like a car crash, a fire, someone crying in the middle of the night, but few can remove their proverbial glasses and look at life in an abstract way.

I don't hate women at all. Nor any other sex, race or species. There's niggers on this board that are downright insufferable and objectively don't deserve to live, and I love them with all my heart. It's not your fault you're only human.

Deal with it OP. Depressed people always existed. You can complain about it on Yea Forums, which will just make other losers tell you to kill yourself, or you can simply swallow it and keep moving forward.

I can't relate.

>me too dood ummm yah hai ummm 25-year-old d00m3r here LOL ^_^ i am VERY brooding and nihilistic for my age :3 ummmmm dae le clownworld?>??

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I think there are people here who are depressed and dont identify with any of the stuff in your pic.

This one though, this is the biggest enigma. He's here all the time, but he rarely breaks the status quo. Wish you'd open up more dude. Not everyone hates you.

A few solutions:

>fall in love
Very short term solution. Since you are so broken, your chances of succesfully catching a girl are not considerable. Yet nothing is stopping you from trying! The pursuit of women gives men a little extra cheese to go through the labyrinth of life, as if breaking out of depression came with the reward of a cute girlfriend.

Sadly, being depressed often means you are not taking care of yourself and have low sexual market value because that. That means your chances of getting the girl are slim. All things considered, it's better to pursue a lost cause than purse nothing at all.

If there is no one that you're attracted to, meet some half decent individual and start projecting everything you praise on that person. You'll turn her into your imaginary one-it-is and maybe that'll motivate you.

>no porn / no video games / cut on any form of stimulation

Dopamine sources are abundant in the modern life. Yea Forums is one of them, by the way. You feel rewarded when you get (You)s. Try being less stimulated. For that to happen, you gotta do things that you dislike: studying, working out, working...

MOST IMPORTANT: keep your hand away from your dick, even if you can't keep your hand away from searching porn.

>join a group activity
I suggest things like theater, a sports club, a dance class, or whatever thing that has people working together to achieve something. You'll want to please these people and this should make you less miserable and neurotic about your life.

>recognize the absurd
Life is truly a piece of shit for most of us, and it'd have been better if 90% of humanity were sterilized so that miserable creatures like our parents and us never came in to being and only the happy and stable people existed.

You must recognize this and learn to smile at the thought of overcoming your own shitty life. Since you can't truly end suffering, you must learn to amuse yourself your own endurance.

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depressed people have always existed yeah, and here's a fun little redpill about depressed people. They live on average about 15 years less than a normal person. If you have no friends, no family, subtract another 10 years of life expectancy.

This isn't a meme, there's been literally hundreds of studied done over centuries. Humans evolved in packs, in groups even before modern society is a thing. I'm no paleoanthropologist but I would argue that human beings themselves survive to be usefully, to help others. When one's subconscious comes to the conclusion that they're worthless to others, cancer rates skyrocket. Diabetes rates skyrocket. Dementia, Alzheimer's etc all skyrocket.

If you want to live longer, make a friend instead of sitting alone in the dark weight lifting.

All of this is true, very well said. Amuse yourself, cope, crawl, and make the most of it. This is all we've got.

>tfw I will never be this attractive

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take some shrooms
i haven't been depressed since i did them

If I'm sad then everyone has to be sad. I'll drag every fucker I can down with me

Live stream it

All I have are negative thoughts.

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I've never been super attractive myself, but I used to get called handsome quite often in the past, and by females, which pretty much validated the notion that I was at least somewhat good looking in my own eyes.
But I got into a bar fight 2 years ago and my face became almost unrecognizable. It's not hideous or anything, but an obvious downgrade to what it used to be.
This feeling of having had something, and then losing it is arguably worse than never having it in the first place. But I still manage to find a way to be happy. You have to work with what you've got. Even if you're in wheelchair for example. Just make the most of it and bring yourself as much joy as you can before leaving this Earth.

Good post. Except a girl is not necessarily going to fix your depression

no it hasn't it's full of incels and people who actually think ryan gosling is a good actor. its pleb central full of forced memes, marketers and literal redditors

cut back on whatever it is you spend most of your time doing

Then leave.



> it's full of incels
These people need an outlet too. By purposefully bringing them down, you just prove you're no better than the (largely) imaginary boogeyman you perceive them to be. You have to realize that these people have been beaten down by, and fuck this meme term, society, and you can't be too surprised of the opinions they share when they don't know any better. It'd be like expecting a battered dog to just play nice like the rest of the priviledged pups. It ain't happening, and especially not when you take a militaristic, dogmatic approach and degrade them further. Learn to live and let live.
>who actually think ryan gosling is a good actor
You don't always have to be a great actor to be able to pick the right kinds of projects to work on. His resume is for the most part stellar. You strike me as closed minded and the second part of your post furthers that notion.

If you want something in this life, you're going to have to fight for it. That's all the advice you really need.

all these incels like woman bad and i need sex
i just wanna coom for god's sake

This. Titanic would've looked pretty at the border, but it wasn't meant to stay there, if you enjoy gay cliches.

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take the coom pill user

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what would you know newfag tourist

Your oddball dad had sex so you can do it too. True, it was easier to get back in the day, but it's still doable. A lot of you people genuinely haven't approached a single woman in your lives, and you expect for one to magically fall in your lap. It just doesn't work that way, and yes, it's shitty that it doesn't. But don't give up unless you've tried every trick in the book.

Short term.

I just want him working for something. Life is not a movie with a glorious ending. You just don't win the fight and get the glory. Ever.

Yet depressives lose the match without even stepping on the ring. I am not saying OP is going to find a girlfriend, much less one mommy moviesque Pixie Girl that will mend his depression. I am saying that in the pursuit of said girl, OP will be finally pursuing something, thus working for a GOAL. In fact, "getting the girl" is a positive motivation that sets him on the path of fixing his lifestyle. He will not get the girl, yet he will have lost weight, improved his attitude and improved his charisma. He will not get the girl, yet he will have ticked many boxes of what is required for you to be a functional member of society. Even if that is little improvement, it sure as hell is more than zero improvement, which he's currently experiencing.

This image here explains it very well. It's literally a corpse grasping a pretty ass. Spooky skeleton is sure not tapping that, but if it at least keeps him from sinking deep into the tomb, that's better than nothing!

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