Post kinos that have unreliable narrators. Pic related

Post kinos that have unreliable narrators. Pic related.

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Pls be in...

>D A G O

I watched American History X with my black friend in middle school and he said he wanted to get big swastikas tattooed on each of his pecs.

Did he have dreams and aspirations?

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Wes Watson is a fraud that's been lying about his prison record. His channel is "GP (General Population) - Penitentiary Life Wes Watson".

Wes Watson isn't general population, it's been proven that the prisons he was in were SNY (Special Needs Yards) which essentially makes him a bitch that checked out.

There's some drama within prison youtubers happening atm because there's a tonne of inconsistencies with his story and they're more thorough than lawyers.

Here's a livestream where a dude who did something like 12 years in level 4 prisons ranting about Wes.

>get tattoos
>skip leg day
>pretend to have done hard time
>collect youtube bux


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About as legit as Patty Mayo

Who cares, wes is entertaining

go drink your "protein" shake, Wes.

Book of the New Sun when they finally adapt it

Oh no an ex con is a liar kek

Where’s your drivers license?

A chomo wrote this post. First homie to book him gets some chicken on the bone at the mess hall

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Watson pretends like he was pushing hundreds of pounds of weed before he went to prison when he choked a guy out for owing 2k.

My dad punched a dude out for 350 dollars he makes 95,000 a year.

Your dad is an idiot. Not for punching the dude, which, don't get me wrong certainly qualifies him, but for managing to reproduce something as terrible as yourself.

Sounds like someone has dreams and aspirations

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Didn't he say he had a house worth 2.5 million or something? Seems a bit far fetched

>Whoever this “lefteye” clown is should get a life. I’d pay money to meet your clown a$s in the street. Have fun pretending to be someone you’re not.
>Wes... Brother tell the truth.... You claim to be the shot caller and we all know what you really were. Stop the lies. 6 Mil Home? Come on Wes be honest
>Damn Wes you the man. When dealing with hundred packs n racks, escalades on twenty two's you got to be living at your friends momma's house in his old room BIG THANGS HUH WES. WES YOU A THUG HUH G LIVE BY CONVICT CODE. SHOOT THE ONLY PART ON CONVICT CODE U GOT ON YOURS IS STRAIGHT CON.

He name dropped the facility he did time at and other ex-prisoners were saying that prison has been "no good" (filled with chomos and dropouts) for the last 15 years. Wes never ran shit but a level 2 chomo yard.

imagine obsessing over criminal e-celebs

Whats a chomo?

Child molester

>let's read the questions here
>okay the first, second, third, fourth and fifth questions are about cheek busting

It amazes me how obsessed with petty status these type of men are. But generally lower IQ people end up in prison so it makes sense. If you're stupid enough to go to prison for 20 years because you stabbed someone for disagreeing with you then you deserve the life you get.

>this one is very detailed

Is that beacause he was a pedo or because he chose to be in protective custody? Don't blame him for not wanting to be caught up in the gang bullshit, American prisons are hell on earth

is Big Herc a fake?

Fuck niggers and FUCK jannies but I am not a racist that’s just how it is in the pen

I got the keys to this motherfuckin thread punk show me your paperwork

alright i'm putting a green light on this chomo

Why do people watch these shows? Are you getting ready to go to prison or do you just want to LARP as a tough guy convict?

alright peckerwood put your hands up you know what motherfucking time it is

It's interesting hearing about a world that is so alien to the average person.

I’ll split your wig motherfucker

Why learn anything that you don't already know?

Ok that makes sense. It's just sort of a carnival sideshow tour of idiots in cages that enjoy stabbing each other with toothbrushes. I was kind of afraid people were using this as a crash course to enter prison and avoid getting their cheeks busted.

It's funny watching them LARP as tough guy convicts as if it's an impressive thing out of prison instead of respecting people who somehow managed to not go to fucking prison. "Oh yeah I totally beat this guy's ass for looking at me in the showers fuck those fags, but oh I ain't glorifying that shit I just get violently angry at things and talk about it with no remorse."

If you're watching these videos without thinking its probably mostly lies, you're dumb. That said, it is kind of surprising Wes lied after talking all that shit.

I feel dumber every time one of these guys talks. They're so obsessed with being a tough guy that none of them can fathom that being an idiot tough guy results in a lifetime behind bars. Then they act like it's some act of fate that their decisions landed them there.

I generally try to avoid people that have terrible thought patterns.

I just watch them for the crazy stories and the politics of state penitentiary. It's interesting to hear about how these felons have their own sort weird of morality and hierarchy.

Why do mutts continually feel the need to ask "What's up?" every other sentence?

Who /Lockup: State Prisons/ here?

The most impressive thing is that he still has hair on the top of his head

>Mmm work on those strikes, son

mmmmmmm wouldn't wanna mess with him

Actual video of your average Yea Forums user in prison

I'm on it no worries

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Probably not, he never claims to have done anything that interesting in prison. He says he was not even in a single fight, just slapped a guy once (makes sense because of his size.)

it harkens back to a more primitive time where might was right, and every day was life and death, far from our world of averages and stability

but it says he's from Yea Forums right in the title. also if it was Yea Forums he would of gone to jail for having a cunny gf

any "biopic"

>mom and dad (both white) went to cali state prison
>im just a normal guy with no criminal record
life goes on

"might makes right" as an early man philosophy is largely debunked. early men were collectivists and even shared each other sexually to ensure a constant supply of children. it was only until agriculture started that power plays became a thing

>early men were collectivists and even shared each other sexually

>Guys who are literally you

shared the women that is. you can't have children from homosexual sex. also fucking some caveman's ass would have been fucking disgusting.

the only sex would have been hand relief and vaginal

It's actually been theorized that women moaning during sex was a way to inform the other males of the tribe that a female was ready to go. He's saying that gangbangs were an integral part of early humanity.

>live in california
>there's a savemart I figure out doesn't have any security because there's no real cameras, only dummy domes
>broke, bipolar, one day on impulse shove a vodka bottle down my pants and walk out
>steal like $500 worth of liquor and other shit from this place over the course of a few months
never got caught. I've since given up that life, thinking of starting my own youtube channel

Wes has enough followers and success that there gonna be some haters. Wouldnt be surprised if one of these prison folks make a go at him

That retard big lenny made a video against wes and clearly didnt even watch his videos - hes not even a convict and he’s jealous

Every morning we'd do 88 burpees, 88, hh, heil Hitler, start asking all the niggers in the yard if they want fried chicken and grape soda, pretend to be beans in front of the spics, tell the chinks to put they're grasses on, and so on. I'm NOT racist you COLD motherfuckers! That's just how it is in the pen. We're moving on

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Badger posting


>if you walk near another inmate on a tuesday and you dont have some playing gon get your wig split

Probably not but also keep in mind that blacks don't check their own kind as much as the other races do.

>white guy in prison
>prepare for hell

>black guy in prison
>ay man whats up

>latino in prison
>ay vato que pasa

>asian in prison

Doesn't Southside take pretty much anybody that isn't white?


whats the trend with guys getting earings in both ears? is he gay? that used to mean you were gay and still does

Stop shilling your gay videos, Wes is much cooler than you.

ye you would know wouldn't ya, fagit lmao

That fag is just mad that wes got 100 times more subs than him over a 1 month span

did this nigga just say furbabies?

you aint putting hands on nobody punk ass nigga, i hooped my blinky and im ready to split your motherfuckingg wig


he did but eventually he turned to the streets for guidance

He tried to rape a 15 year old in a mall bathroom iirc. she fought him off cuz he's that much of a little bitch

If your shot caller came to you and said you have to book that chomo would you do it? You could possibly get life in prison or at least an extended sentence.

yes, Chomo's dont deserve to live, and if im already in prison it will be for a fucking huge crime anyway

you guys having a badass weekend baby?

>have to hoop practically everything in order to survive in prison
My god their colons must be a fucking mess. Prison is hell.

Yes but only because I want to kill a chomo irl. Not because some AB brah told me to.

You trying to get them cheeks busted

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Sounds like cheek bustin is only something blacks do and not tolerated by whites or latinos.


If chomo is child molester what is dropout? Someone who quit the game?

no i dont do things just because some brainlet tells me to lol id probably bust the shot callers cheeks and split his wig

You'd get stabbed to death with shivs in a few days.

Gang drop-outs I think.

i doubt it id probably take over the whole block and have shit locked down ya feel me homeslice

you know it


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I think I can play him. There is the race difference but I’m around his size. Plus I’m not afraid to admit when I got locked up I took some cheeks.

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Looks ftm trans

Haha but I’m pretty sure I’m better looking than most posters here

Whatever, at least i'm not a spic

Still taking your women you incel

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I would fuck you up, you fat pussy mexican

that's a tranny bro

I feel so out of the loop. What show is this? Does "busting cheeks" mean raping a dude? Cuz that's hella gay

Legitimately looks like a 40 year old man on the right

you need to work on your traps, moonface


All this shit talking but your not posting your pics. Stay mad

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Wes always drives home the fact that prison isn't worth it.

did this guy bully you in community college and thats why you're posting him on here? you're a chomo irl dude and all the homies ITT are gonna book you ASAP if you don't roll it up right now

you know what time it is motherfucker

Kek. I don’t recall seeing your drivers license.

timestamp you roleplaying faggot

*hella based

On jared fogle:

>"He looks just like a chomo and he'll be treated like a king," one prisoner named Will who's doing 16 years for a cocaine conspiracy charge and did most of his bid at FCC Forrest City tells VICE. "He'll get to play softball... and be treated like a star... The feds take care of their chomies."

>"Here the debate has already started over whether or not he'll immediately be checked in [to protective custody], or whether he'll be allowed to freely walk the yard," says T-Mac, who is doing time at FCC Forrest City. "Forrest City offers Jared an excellent 'around the clock chomo protection' and the chomos here are praying that he's sent here to join their huge chomo-hood. It's also being predicted that perhaps Jared will be selected 'chomo shot-caller' for the chomos at whatever institution he's sent to."

>chomo shot-caller

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if you can't do fourteen consecutive sets of eighty-eight burpees you won't make it in twenty nineteen.

They have their own shot callers now?