I don't get it
I don't get it
the pruitt igoe was fucking gay
we live in a society
There's nothing to get. It's pretentious overlong garbage with a pretentious overlong soundtrack. These and Lynch movies are objectively the worst movies have to offer.
planet Earth be like
jesus christ, pleb fag. you don't even know what the word pretentious means.
the film is a masterpiece. it's a visual feast. you don't have to 'get it' just watch it. what is meant to show you is how out of balance life on earth is
What's to get? It's just a music video that's 90 minutes long.
humans have unbalance nature by building crazy shit like power plants and freeways. They are breeding out of control and destroying everything other type of life like an invasive species. So its pretentious garbage.
>phone towers
>undercranked city footage
>a rocket ship taking off
that’s literally it and it sucks
that's still not what the word pretentious means. the film is what it intends to be, it's not trying to say something otherwise. hence, there is no pretense in that.
Fuck off
i made a mistake, i didn't realize this board was for underage morons
What part of 'objectively' did you not understand?
>A visual feast
See? It's made to cater to the pseuds.
kino ending
The point this movie is trying to make is so blatant that it's even spelled out in writing at the end. Anybody who claims the don't understand this film must be trolling
me calling it a visual feast doesn't mean the film is intended to be that. i am merely remarking that any film is visual and shouldn't need to be 'got' by a viewer. you're wrapped up in some bullshit and projecting. you're a pseud and you're pretentious
I think I said it first, you can't insult me back with the same insult. That's the rules. Go cry to your mother and she will merely slap you for being a massive crybaby faggot and having such a terrible taste in movies.
>consumerism bad, primitivism good
There you go
I can get the same out of watching those demo videos for hd televisions
The Saturn V never blew up.
The second part is an Atlas rocket.
>goodfellas is a bad movie because i can get the same out of reality tv italians and mob documentaries
>a massive crybaby faggot and having such a terrible taste in movies
perfect description of yourself
goodfellas has a compelling narrative at the very least. koyaanisqatsi doesn't even have writing.
it is just a collection of screensavers. it's filler. and its message is so trite and banal it's actually baffling that anyone would be impacted by it at this point in time.
sure, you can look at the pretty pictures, but why would you? what can you get out of this borefest?
It shows the triumph of man over the cruelty of nature. It is fantastic.
>koyaanisqatsi doesn't even have writing.
no fucking shit. you are braindead
civilization bad, you should feel bad and let that motivate you into supporting stupid reactionary left wing policies.
Stfu you virgin basement dweller. My favorite movie is The Assassination of Jesse James by The Coward Robert Ford. It has Brad Pitt.
if I don't have neither entertainment or emotional resonance or intellectual stimulation to look forward in a movie that movie is worthless
koyaanisqatsi hs none of these. it's an exercise at best. better directors may implement some of those shots and sequences effetively in a worthwhile movie (and many did in fact even before that movie was made).
other than that there is no point whatsoever in it besides being awed by the visuals for a little while.
I didn't like the music. I like all the music in this, but not pruitt igoe
Just listen to this shit and you will be mesmerized
you're expecting it to be dinner when it's a cup of water. you don't even see how your own criticism falls apart, and recognize all the classic films made in genres that defy everything under your prerequisite of what makes something worthy. you're a total pleb.
sure, whatever you say
as long as you stop pretending that a cup of water is worthy of praise or even warrants discussion
All this tells me is that no matter what we do we're all just gonna die and civilization is pointless.
of course a cup of water is worthy of praise when it's pure and from a good source. you have to be a youngster who has seen maybe 100 films and thinks he knows something about cinema. koyaanisqatsi is a masterpiece. you're a pleb
So why don't you do that then and fuck off faggot.
>there are zoomers in this thread RIGHT NOW who question the awesomeness of koyaanisqatsi
maybe you should stop being a zoomer
that will learn you
good ost with good cinematography, better watch on drugs
Wow. What a non-assessment.
Drugs are the answer for everything for this generation. You should try actually trying in life for once, instead of letting your mommie "drugs" bail you out all the time.
There's a certain beauty in the futility of that.
>le i need a plot to enjoy a movie
that is the most pleb opinion possible
That may be. But I prefer staying alive to appreciating beauty.
It's his film
Film is a visual medium, you stupid fucking moron. If you need good writing, just read Dostoyevsky. If you need exposition, just view Too Much Exposition Theater:
how does it feel to be completely destroyed by everybody
it will make him stronger, and he will strive to come out of his pleb status. these fuckin kids, man. tryin to take down koyaanisqatsi, a landmark treasure in the history of all film. they need to be smacked around
I am not. Though I don't keep track of how many movies I watch. That's autism
I said emotional resonance and intellectual stimulation precisely to clarify I am not a plotfag
I don't need any of that. I just need something, anything that makes me give a fuck
You know, there is a very rare quality in this and its sequel. And it's so pure you gotta like its honesty.
It's incredible how much rethorical you can get without words.
Bring it on sucker
read the thread.
gonna take that back, maybe it won't make you stronger to be ripped apart. maybe it will make you dig your heels in and hate film more. the problem is you, not a film. you bring what you are to a film and a film watches you while you watch it. you have nothing that you bring to a film so you're demanding what you lack in real life
The balls you have to assume what i being to a film. Such arrogance over enjoying a whole bunch of nothing like koyaanisqatsi.
Watch le livre d'image or adieu au langage if you want a visual experience worth a damn. Watch a Paul clipson movie. Even Jonas mekas's home movies are worth more than this poor excuse of a nature documentary with his aimless message. And kindly fuck off with your zoomer bogeyman
Are women capable of understanding Koyaanisqatsi?
If they can't make it through Master and Commander without taking out their mobile to check Instagram, I have a hard time believing they'll be able to appreciate Koyaanisqatsi.
Arthoes maybe. They love worthless movies that make them seem smart
You should go back to watching capeshit. It's probably more on your level.
you understand that the film pioneered time lapse shots like that right?
You also understand that the film has a weaving theme throughout that transforms it from just being a series of nice shots right?
Nature isn't in balance and it's a fallacy to think otherwise.
99.999999999999% of species to have every lived on this planet are dead.
>you understand that the film pioneered time lapse shots like that right?
>You also understand that the film has a weaving theme throughout that transforms it from just being a series of nice shots right?
The theme is laughably mundane and vapid
no your interpretation of the theme is laughably mundane and vapid.
Modernity is crazy, we're out of balance with the world.
>muh environment and bourgeois alienation
The movie doesn't have the slightest moral judgment. Fuck off with your brainlet ass perspective.
the film is about how people act almost like insects do at a macro level and structure things in to their own image and shape by manipulating nature and how this is a fruitless endevour because (as the ending suggests) the sheer might of nature cannot be beaten as it is the cause of our own existence. Nature will always restore the balance if we like it or not. We will destroy ourselves but nature will always win, as it always has.
In short, you're a brainlet.
It clearly has. It juxtaposes images of people going to their job with those of sausages in a factory (something that Chaplin did decades earlier btw) just to name one instance where the intended message is so on the nose if becomes film school level of hackery.
Hell look at the fucking title of the movie
That's exactly what I said though. I just took away the word salad
well that depends on if you judge the movement of sausages. i mean, they DO look like those sausages. there isn't anything moral unless YOU see that. you're making the judgment. different people see different things.
>took away the nuance and more complex ideas to satisfy my brainlet analysis of the film
fixed that for you
Sure. I can interpret they live as a statement about Jewish secretly controlling the world, but we know what it's intended purpose actually was. Same thing for this movie. Death of the author and all that if you want, I am fine with watching this crap and ending up being fascinated and proud of what humanity has achieved, if anything just to spite the environmentalist faggots. But acting like this movie gives no moral judgement I think is facetious if not dishonest.
>if I say it differently it will seem more important
This film must have been made just for you user
Yes i guess it must have user. Maybe stick to Tarintino films. I'm sure they're made just for you just as this is for me.
Posting the upgraded version. This film is also neo-reactionary in philosophy
A shame I won't be here to see the film school freshmen coping any longer.
You guys feel free to "own" my comments and think you won an argument all you like.
Unfortunately I live a life out of balance so I have stuff to do tomorrow. Peace.
Reggio stated that the Qatsi films are intended to simply create an experience and that "it is up [to] the viewer to take for himself/herself what it is that [the film] means." He also said that "these films have never been about the effect of technology, of industry on people. It's been that everyone: politics, education, things of the financial structure, the nation state structure, language, the culture, religion, all of that exists within the host of technology. So it's not the effect of, it's that everything exists within [technology]. It's not that we use technology, we live technology. Technology has become as ubiquitous as the air we breathe ..."
Not a moral judgment.
>so btfo doesnt even respond to who hes arguing with
passive aggressive reddit behaviour lmao
>Unfortunately I live a life out of balance
all this time, just butthurt that the film showed what life is really like on the planet when he didn't want to see how much shit is really going on
Not him, and I've never done anything than alcohol (completely stopped since) or take a few hits of a joint at a party, but being sober fucking sucks.
There's no morals in empiric images. This movie lacks that which morals is fundamentally based on: language and rationality.
There's no morality in this movie, which doesn't mean that you can't describe it with a moral perspective.
But please, do try to make correct use of language.
>but being sober fucking sucks
that's because you're a weak minded faggot like most americunts, but don't worry you'll be put out of your misery soon
jeez, you are that negative and you're calling someone else weak. totally delusional bigot
I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this
but you've been filtered user
that's right, now go down a bottle to cope
quads of truth
they just see
But everyone who saw the movie on release would have known about the failed housing project. Zoomers don't.
why would i take anything seriously coming from someone who has such a negative perspective. you're gross
because i will literally murder you and you're entire family
It came out in 1983. Here are some things that happened in 1983:
>Washington, DC gets it's worst acid rain to date, causing mild burns and moderate damage to sculptures
>Reagan decides to do war games in europe when Russia was doing war games too
>air force still expecting to use the space shuttle as a weapon
It was a statement about the era and the late Cold War. You have to go into it with that mindset. If this does nothing for you then you'll never get the film. Same for the sequels and their respective eras.
>all these seething replies
you can even murder a sentence, pal. go back to grammar school.
10/10 film, btw
kill you're self faggeddit