Stop being ironic

Stop being ironic.

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i wasnt

stop being contrarian

wrong board but has anyone read his shit like infinite jest is it good or pretentious bs

can't imagine covering my whole forehead desu

even a headband is too much


Sincerity is based. There's no argument for irony other than to signal how above it all you want to appear.

you're too stupid to get anything out of it

So what has this guy been doing since Leverage? He was good in that, a fun ensemble heist-of-the-week show.

>tfw too smart to read books

he has been dead

Not that guy, but you're probably right.

>rants on stage
>causes a riot

He was right you know.


Where should I start with DFW? English is not my native language but I did get into some Yea Forumscore recently with McCarthy.

Can we please leave "irony," "ironically," and "unironically" in the 2010's? Also, "literally" as well.

Yes, please.

Oblivion (short stories) or Consider the Lobster (essays). Or check out this article he did for the Atlantic about a conservative radio talk show host.

I listened to it in audiobook form and really enjoyed it , dont go in expecting something linear. Its absurd in style and touches on alot of different aspects of life and meanders into many different concepts through multiple seemingly unrelated stories which only start making sense as you plow through a couple hundred pages of the book.

>why yes I DO DRINK SOI

>no film adaptation of the novella where a guy can shit beautiful sculptured poos

what a pretentious hack

>t. has never read any of his books and follows the pack

it's really not that deep or meaningful, you're just pretentious

Go back to Disney.

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Thanks lad.

never said or implied it was either of those things. you should work on improving your reading comprehension, user

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Don't care, he was a hack

zoomers, everyone.


i made a typo! you really got me there!

Dead hack

Still much alive for a lot of people. Why a hack as a writer?

is that the nigga that invented doom

Wrote bad books and killed himself in shame


I'm ironically unironic.

You mean amazing books and killed himself because of shitty people like you? Fuck yeah. Legend.

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you don't actually believe this

Only relevant US writer of the last decades. Fuck yeah. That's why he got a thread on Yea Forums

It insists upon itself


Hunter S Thompson for dorks


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anyone have the video where a guy is shouting out of a moving car "DAVID FOSTER WALLAAAACE, DAVID FOSTER WALLAAAAAAAAAACE" and then holds up a copy of his book

This fucking "irony sucks" shit is the stupidest fucking shit ever. People who think this should read Kierkegaard or some shit and learn that irony is actually the fucking best. Fuck this shit.

That's so ironic and funny



thompson was an edgelord who is only relevant because he mastered the art of appealing to boomers via drug and gun memes

dfw was a sensitive artiste who played tennis and went to private school and appeals to art hoes

there really isn't a lot of overlap between them

waste of trips

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Hells Angels is a better book than anything DFW ever wrote, even he had to admit he liked it in his typical "above it all" way when shitting on Thompson in some interview.
Without HST, there is no DFW

>"above it all"

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>Without HST, there is no gonzo pornography


thompson is literally a meme that johnny depp forced on the american people whose fans are either burnout boomers or 15 year old fedoras

dfw wrote the first great novel of the 21st century (before the 21st century even started) that will be studied in literature departments in perpetuity

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Been laying down with the maggots

This, but ironically

Humour him and by extension humour me as well

Another guy here with a literature inquiry,,,,,, did William S Burroughs really kill his wife?

Fuck you!

No thanks, I don't read shit by godfags.

his story sounds fishy to me




Hahaha. I did it again mom. These unironic ironicals shure got told! You have some TV entertainment for me now?


Are you really going on a revolutionary movement to stop Yea Forums users from being ironic? Do you think you'll be successful?


You are all retards. You will never understand it.

Why does he wear the bandana?

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It's a bandage for his brain damage.

it's a fucking annoying book read some james bond instead

a literate pornstar who combines low and high-brow humor, marry me

The only thing I've read by him is The Pale King, and I enjoyed it (I'm an auditor and a literature-prone buddy of mine gave me a copy as a gift). Also, as a Yea Forums related question, am I doomed to a life of plebdom if I read Ulysses and really liked it but didn't make it one fucking page into Finnegans Wake?

Based Rocco already did

it's pretty fucking good. you get the most out of it when you read it through a second time.

this poster is unironically gay

fucking kek don't know why this is so funny. BTFO

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>thompson is literally a meme that johnny depp forced on the american people whose fans are either burnout boomers or 15 year old fedoras
came to write this but user already said it perfectly

i used to have a DFW pepe but i lost him. anyone care to post?

I have it.

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It's a fun book that says nothing and does so with style. If it had a Yea Forums equivalent, it would be Neon Genesis Evanwhatever. You get why it's beloved, but nobody with even a passing knowledge of the shit presented is going to be suckered in by the melancholic preachy bullshit. Enjoy it for the wacky blog prose. Stay longer to make fun of DFW fans, since they're faggots who deserve mockery.

>start being lynchian

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based. thanks, senpai.
also anyone else actually want to die after a supposedly fun thing i'll never do again?

*blocks your path*
*honks your nose*
*throws banana peels all over the ground and runs away*

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It's actually literary kino. Escaton is god tier.

Smugness and sarcasm and irony has become such a fucking burden these days. Even some utter troglodyte on Twitter who's factually wrong in every way can still be snarky and condescending.

miss you dave

I mean I understand if you find it harder but you should still read FW.

The only thing that irony is signaling is cowardice

I’m gonna be even more contrarian now just to spite you

unironically the best book I’ve ever read.
I got sad when I got down to the last 100 or so pages because I knew I’d never get to read it again for the first time


Axel ROse is looking good for his age.

I got up to the ebonics chapter and gave up. Pynchon is far superior to this bandana.

Is it sincere to wrap your head up like that?

>compares it to eva
>doesn't even know what eva stands for
your opinion is fucking worthless and you wear your ignorance on your sleeve. fag

you should work on your reading comprehension, user

>not being 200% sincere in every second of your writing and using it to critique history, storytelling, mythology, revisionism and american love of violence

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>sucks nigger cock on acid

I actually bought it for "lel maymay" shit and it's okay for far. Nearly 400 pages in. I tend to not read fiction but I had money to burn and I needed a doorstopper. It's pretty funny at parts and I got sorta depressed at the drug patient lady who listed her reasons for wanting to kill herself.

That shit was weird but fucking awesome.

Reminder that only stupid people think that being ironic is a desirable trait. The smartest and the best people are serious most of the time. It's OK to laugh at jokes, it's OK to laugh at the meaningless absurdity of life and at yourself every once in a while. But the people who constantly make jokes and spits one liners are idiots, and should be murdered.

stop an heroing pussy faggot

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