was it bad on purpose?
Was it bad on purpose?
The Don't Dead Die?
It's the truth, though
Kinda. I thought it was pretty funny.
well you should fucking rethink
The movie was too lazy and autistic to compete for becoming some kind of cult classic. But I don't regret watching it, had some good moments but doesn't really deserve a second watch.
The only redeeming quality of this movie was Selena Gomez in those shorts
All around awful.
>Plots and characters going nowhere
>Spelled-out zombies=consumers
>Horrible, drawn out pacing
>Forced meta/fourth-wall-crap
I assumed the ha ha le Sturgill Simpson meme haha over and over again was going to come around to some kind of joke at the end
but no, turns out Jim's just friends with Sturgill Simpson
and the Sadies
>wack wutang clan joke
>buscemi's character existing solely to shit on trump voters
>swinton playing the most embarrassing character of the year
>obvious lack of interest in the genre on jarmusch's part
i can't believe he followed up patterson with this shit
Nah, Swinton was pretty funny. Too bad it was the only funny shit in this.
Swinton's character, like everything about this film, was garbage. It just seemed less so because she's so naturally charismatic.
Jarmusch has always been self absorbed but avoided tropes enough to be enjoyable.
He just made one big bad trope with this, maybe to get it out of his system.
I will still give it a watch; I still need to see the Last Lovers though...
I don't contest that, but I have no particular problems about trashy movies. I mean, it's a zombie comedy, I wouldn't expect some Fellini, I'd expect tropey shit to laugh at.
>he would've made fantastic zombie movies, anyway
If I wasn't a Driver stan and didn't like Murray, I probably wouldn't have even finished it.
And I usually love Jarmusch.
please; do not
whatever you expect it to deliver, it will not deliver. that's not to say it will deliver something unexpected. it doesn't deliver anything.
I expected it to be bad and I was still disappointed. Didn't laugh, smiled once.
I actually thought the movie had some funny moments, but they were offset by a few annoying things, like hamfisted social/political commentary. Very uneven movie, but if you can get over that I found it had some enjoyable moments. And yes, it was bad on purpose, 7000 layers of irony and all that.
When did you smile?
Made me wish this trio was in a movie that took it's themes more seriously and see how they will deal with the situation.
one of the best films of the year
Adam and Bill definitely had some unexpected chemistry.
When he left the theater
Yeah, her ass hanging out was an unexpected treat.
I bet you enjoy the films of Wes Anderson
Yes, pic related
Timely fucking thread, I just finished it. I don't know how I feel about it, really. It was fun at times, Driver and Murray were great, Tilda is an actual alien, all that shit was good. But the meta stuff was questionable at best. I'd expect more from an "auteur" than an almost literal spelling-out that CONSUMMERISTS = ZOMBIES & TRUMP = BAD. Just seemed a tad heavy-handed at times.
Also helped me remember just how hot that half-Mexican hipster is.