Who even watches this crap and understand what the f*ck they’re saying?

Who even watches this crap and understand what the f*ck they’re saying?

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I refuse to watch it because the title is obnoxious. Idc if they were a real gang.

yeah I used to like it then I just got bored and annoyed with it. the shtick wears off after a while. I saw the most recent trailer and it was just 'I AV TA INFILLTRATE MOSLEYS GROUP FOR MUH KING!!!!'

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I lost interest when Arthur started pulling off looney toons level of schemes ;like the fucking road runner

Tfw you're a brummie and the rest of the country hates your accent makes you sound like mongol

Oh no, won't anybody think of the poor fascists

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It's just really low level Brummie accents. What's hard to understand?

Target audience: teenagers, adult children, and soys.

This season is just peddling a load of liberal garbage.

>Muh fascism
>Muh women running companies
>Muh racism

The music used is utter garbage. The show is legitimate trash but my autism won't let me stop since I finish watching everything I start.


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Tfw when brave black country lad but the rest of the country lumps you in with mongol brummies

Lmao. I'm not even American you pathetic faggot. Now post body virgin.


nah I just think it's retarded that hes like under the employ of the king while being a gang leader shits retarded. plus brummy accents are just fucking annoying

i hate the essex accent more

What I don't get, is that the show tries to make Tommy and Polly the heroes but they are genuinely human filth. They don't give a shit about anyone except themselves - literal psychopaths. But the show makes it seem like I'm supposed to empathize with them?

Anyone else relate?

for me, it's the scouse accent

i lump shows like peeky blinders and penny dreadful and all that other shit into one category:

"if i had to guess, probably decent production value but i dont want to be the weirdo trying to talk to everyone about this weird show no one watches"

I love a brummie accent desu

sure, at this point its a less over the top sons of anarchy, tho it still doesnt feel as dumb as that ofc.
theres no real distance to their criminal undertakings and they are non ironical presented as the good guys who get shit done.

Scouse accent is fit as fuck mate

Exactly. They all act like they are these perfect, moral, human beings. They are violent scum that have killed innocent people just so they could profit.

But the kid is apparently the human embodiment of pure evil for saying he doesn't want the black man to be his father.

Why the fuck does the release date say october but the first 2 eps are out


because youre a dumb mutt

This is why I don't even bother watching anything lol

i just use imdb

I think it will be on netflix 2 oct, but it's currently airing on bbc1

turn on subtitles nigga

It's a BBC show, it airs in the UK first. Netflix does the international distribution.

The Jews have to fucking inject at least one line about their "suffering" into every fucking show. Even comedies. It's so obvious when you become aware to it.

In the latest episode of peaky blinders the kid says that people say "Jews and blacks are worse than anything". Amazing how they try to lump themselves in with blacks, as if they aren't the most privileged group in the world. That's also why the media always uses the term "minorities" instead of just blacks. They want to lump Jews in their too.


There are 0 stakes because we all know Tommy will always make it out scott-free and there is never any tension in the finales.

It's always been like that. Granny bad ass has been around since episode one. But they do seem to be leaning hard as fuck on her loud music walking intro seasons this time. AND SHE HAS SUNGLASSES, DID YOU NOTICE SHE HAS SUNGLASSES? They sure want you to notice she has sunglasses. Was that the first year they came out and the show is being historical?

A dramatic series is a good medium for telling a story about crime. *A* series. Having it keep going on and on dulls mortal tension, which is essential for a tragic crime story. Without that ultimate threat represented by a established ending point, it loses it's generic impulse, leaving it with only the aesthetics of tragedy.

tl;dr TV needs to be braver and abandon the serialized season-by-season format if it wants to hold on to artistic value

The first season (maybe second too) played it well because it made you support the protagonists since they were mostly honourable if not moral. It's utter shit now. Mom still loves it though

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The whole 'Birmingham AND the Black Country' thing has only been pushed in recent years desu. I don't think most the country could name any of the towns actually in the Black Country though

Time skips are so fucking bad for a narrative and this show has had about three now.

fucking kek. look how smart I am?

Only the first one was good.

Big brain. Digits confirm.

/fa/ as fuck