Scream for me. That's just a regular white boy in a mask

Scream for me. That's just a regular white boy in a mask.

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Really, no responses??

Stupid question, IT only prays on children so no one posting on this board would be in danger of it.

Then why does IT 2 exists?

It Follows
I don't have sex so I can laugh at the normies

Because the kids from part 1 chose to go back and fight it. If Mike hadn't stayed to remind them of their promise they never would have returned and never would have been in danger.

Elm Street because I pass out drunk every night and wake up without dreaming.

It for me. I would simply move, I don't care what Pennywise does if I'm not there.

i agree with you. if you yourself are a self respecting white man with a fire arm there's virtually no threat at all

i had a dream last night where i got my own home that only cost $600 a month to own

after waking up to reality, shit was more painful than anything freddy could throw at me

All of them considering it and Nightmare are the only movies where it take some bit of intelligence to survive, plus Freddy only targets minors

none, because of the script


*sad reacts your post*

the family in TCM was just protecting their property, it would be easy to stay away and not violate the NAP

Not all the teens were trespassing

think twice

Texas Chainsaw Massacre because I don't live in Texas

>That's just a regular white boy in a mask
This is why I've never been interested in Jason or the Halloween guy. Literally just normal dudes who also happen to be immortal. I prefer a more more sophisticated and nuanced slasher such as Friday the 13th.

>This is why I've never been interested in Jason
>I prefer a more more sophisticated and nuanced slasher such as Friday the 13th.

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IT, I don't even live in that shit town.

IT because I don't live in that town.