3 months later and this movie left no cultural impact

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Endgame killed the superhero movie. Joker will resurrect it.

It's Avatar's case all over again. Can't wait to see Joker winning best picture, best actor, best director and best screenplay.

It was barely a movie. Just a really sparlking fanfic.

>he says, as it's brought up for the quintillionth time since its release

But it did bring in wads of cash that's all that matters

This. Everyone I talked to agreed IW was better anyways. Shit people were still talking about IW long after it released.

>movie that left things open to speculation was discussed more than movie that concluded everything

The movie has no music that is memorable other than the stupid intro. Fuck the mouse. So glad I watched a screener of this piece of shit.

MCU flicks are just dumb, braindead popcorn spectacle for 2 hours. There is nothing worthy do discuss. That's why marvel universe is going to be forgotten in a decade or so.

i can't think of ANY memorable music from the MCU except "driving with the top down" from the first iron man

This is actually the best piece of music that has come from the MCU. Surprisingly from one of the worst flciks.

Well the mouse made their monies worth so they don't give a shit and people already forgot about endgame to consume the next big thing (star wars)

>but he remembered it and posted about it

I found it predictable and boring, the end battle was nothing special and the girlpower lineup fucking ruined it, brie's & hawkeye's lesbian haircuts were atrocious, and I didn't give a fuck when iron man died.


>Shit people were still talking about IW long after it released.

probably because it ended with a massive cliffhanger and introduced a new iconic villain.
plus memes

>but he replies to someone without replying to them

3 months later and this user is still seething

Nobody is going to consume the next Star Wars kek

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i think they want these to be forgettable so they can release what is essentially the same shit again and have it feel novel to the masses

>he jumps to the dc vs marvel conclusion if someone talks bad about Disney
You're the problem faggot

Fucking mouse drone
This is the second time you posted this type of picture


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>company wahs
A true capefan appreciates both companies (as well as side entries like Image), as long as the films in question are good. Limiting yourself to a single provider is just idiotic.

Endgame sucked, Infinity War was great.

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That's because it was a really bad film.
>plot holes
>destroyed entire character arcs
>really weak plot
>kino villain turned into generic bad guy
>badly written
>massively unsatisfying

>The movie has no music that is memorable other than the stupid intro.
The Portals theme is top tier and has already been used to improve scenes with inferior music, retard. Example:


>movie that was meant to be a 10 year finale is still talked less than it's predecessor

ITT: DCucks seething from the Joker fiasco

The MCU should've stopped after Infinity War. The ending was perfect.

>the end battle was nothing special
Except for the fact that we see all of the heroes using their powers whereas 90% of similar battle scenes are literally "sword and shield soldiers run into other sword and shield soldiers". I bet you're one of those losers that pretends the charge of the Rohirrim is superior.

>the culmination of 22 films
>highest grossing film ever
>still loved, "i don't think so" meme is everywhere
has to mean something right?

the theme is good for like the first half of it, and not to mention "portals" is such a dumb title. It has little relationship to the overall scale of the movie.

this movie is referenced by normies daily what the fuck are you talking about

You made a claim and I proved you wrong. Cope.

>Except for the fact that we see all of the heroes using their powers
characters used their powers in a superhero movie?
how much is the mouse paying you?

Infinity War sucked. Endgame was much better.

not to mention that that literally ruins the scene. WHY the fuck is the music still playing when he calls out to Aragon. Let alone the worst part of the song, like I said

>ignoring my main point and trying to sidetrack
What's it like being so pathetic and worthless? You're really poor, huh?

>"i don't think so" meme
Literally no idea what you're talking about

All of the shocking plot points got leaked months before it came out. No one was surprised and therefore there was no OMG moments from anyone. At all.

>how much is the mouse paying you?
Honestly cant tell if youre joking or if you actually believe disney pays people to post here. Cause you seem really stupid so I'm inclined to think you'd believe the latter.

what was your main point??? that they used their powers? and it looked cool for you to see? even though that's what they're literally suppose to be doing in every film theyre in? kys. i know you thought of it before

this movie was absolute garbage and all of the phony hype claiming its the greatest movie ever was all paid PR by disney fronted by obedient media conglomerations.

*mcu shills desu

>Honestly cant tell if youre joking or if you actually believe disney pays people to post here
I mean they unironically do. Companies like Disney have marketeers on every major platform and Yea Forums is one of the easiest to shill on

My main point is that it isnt "nothing special," dumb worthless loser.

>I mean they unironically do.
lol how old are you? Be honest.

Because it’s corporate slop. Most of the people who hyped it are basically shallow comic fans. They’ll watch it, they’ll hype it, but within 2/3 weeks they’ve moved onto hyping the next movie.

You made less than $24k last year, huh?

superheroes using their powers in a superhero movie is legit nothing special retard. even for a fucking finale

lol you're pathetic, kid. And you're always gonna be pathetic.

You run away from the truth because you don't want to be alone. DC CHADS RISE UP

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Old enough to work in the entertainment industry and see PR people do exactly this. Wake up user. Ads on tv don't work in current year. Starting some shit on Yea Forums/reddit/twitter does.

And why would it leave a cultural impact? It's a bland popcorn flick completely devoid of any idea or concept worth pondering about. In fact, even pondering about its most basic concepts quickly reveals them as nothing but meaningless intellectual decoration.

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>Old enough to work in the entertainment industry
Literal babies "work in the entertainment industry," stupid. But you don't work in the entertainment industry anyway, do you? Nah, you're just yet another larp bitch on Yea Forums. I wish I could shit in your mom's mouth and force her to swallow it for making you.

Ironman 3 was the best depiction of Ironman we got in MCU. Its the only movie that pointed out that Tony, the inventor, the mechanic, is the ironman since he works with iron. The suit is nothing but a disposable tool.

Why do brainlets think its a bad movie?

coming from someone who not only is avoiding the truth but projecting? I think i'm honestly doing pretty fine compared to you buddy.

>I think i'm honestly doing pretty fine compared to you buddy.
Really? Wanna compare earnings?

when even was the last time a movie had some cultural impact? black panther?

that fact that you gotta run to that shows that I'm getting to you. Over a fucking superhero movie. KYS buddy. You're already embrassing yourself enough.

No it shows you're a low income loser just like I said.

I find the general response to Endgame really weird. All the MCU movies are basically decent action/sci-fi movies with no cultural impact. They're enjoyable but none of them have ever been art. Infinity War got a lot of credit for Thanos, but he was a fucking idiot prune and nothing in that movie was meaningful or deep.

Endgame was nice fan service for people who've followed MCU and I think it was more satisfying than IW by a longshot. It focused on the core Avengers and let us return to important moments/locations in an interesting way. IW was full of B or C plots and felt tedious.

still going at it lmao
and it don't matter what i make
youre on the same fucking board retard

seriously just kys or go back to sucking your father's titties since you have 0 comprehension still

Wanna see what kind of money a non-loser earns?

not really I'm good. But if you need to show it to everyone to feel better about yourself than be my guest. It's not gonna change the fact that you're still embarrassing yourself defending a superhero movie

Yeah thats what I thought. Little bitch.

I hate to say it, but the Harry Potter films are more memorable

Theyre all trash.

Sorry but Grapefruit man will forever just be a meme.

The lack of memes proves how forgettable this shit is

keep counting your money buddy, it ain't gonna change what's already been proven. If only your mind was as rich as your bank account baka. But i can't blame ya, that's all you have

and the mcu isn't

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that was all manufactured though. I would say CoCo if anything, but even then that blew over quickly

I earn ten trilinion dollars per second fuck off with your projection. You don't belong here. Nobody is gonna give you upvotes just because you say you have money. Nobody here gives a fuck, tiny dick.

Name one (1) movie that had a significant, lasting cultural impact. No, memes don't count.

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It's fun to remind stupid people that the reason they're poor is because they're stupid.

No, I think it helps you cope with whatever insecurities you personally have. It's pretty obvious, especially on an anonymous board. Like I said, nobody gives a fuck.

ironman 3 fucking sucked.

Christ develop some taste you fucking

hey dog since youre bragging go ahead and post it. so people can see it and not give a fuck still and still make you realize how dumb you and fragile you are

why did it suck user?

Avatchads always win

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It was all fanservice
Infinity War has more of a lasting impact

Anyone else feel like infinity war was insanely memorable and a cultural phenomenon but endgame just kind of cane and went?

It would've been more relevant if it had postcredit scenes. That's Marvel's trick to keep people interested into their shit. If it wasn't for it then the MCU would've been dead from the beginning.

you fucking what? say it