Janitor applications are now being accepted for the next ~48 hours

>Janitor applications are now being accepted for the next ~48 hours.
>Apply here.

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fuck jannies :)

Fuck nu-chan.

Are you applying?

Can I doxx the jannies if i join their super exclusive club?

What do they get paid?

I’d rather be a mod tbqh. That way I could do a crusade against sneedposters and wipe them out once and for all.
Jannies are powerless.

What kind of person applies to become a janny? Being hated by all, doing it for free... what kind of person does this appeal to?

I'm applying guys, I could add it to my resume


i'm not going to apply. i have a paying job. I couldn't imagine sitting on this site for 12+ hours a day doing low skilled work for free.

Casual reminder that the Janitor position was made solely so users couldn't blame mods and have another outlet.

Whenever someone says "FUCK THE MODS" the thread/user is usually instantly deleted during to posting restrictions set up.
Fucking cumbrain mods

Your days are numbered, sneeder.

>requiring 3 essays for a job that pays $0/hour.

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Fucking absolute state of this site.

>Apply here.
funposting is back on the menu boys

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>tfw didn't even have to do any interview for my $15/hr job
Fucking jannies lmao

>Janitors should own a computer for their own private use (i.e., not a public or shared computer). Janitors need to have a basic understanding of Discord.
holy shit tranny jannies isn't just a meme

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Do jannies actually have a set time schedule for watching the site or can they just go on for a half hour whenever they feel like it?

Seriously though, I know we all make fun of the janitors but this site would be unusable without them. They are alright by me.

How much do jannies get paid?

I hope they get paid well to deal with all this shitposting

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The latter. I've thought about it a lot. I would make a great janny, but I simply can't be bothered to invest even a half hour of my time.
Otherwise, you only really need 1-2 hours a day to do it, since you're not the only janitor. Very few actually sit on their PC all day and report people every minute.

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