Why’s are native americans always depicted badly in films? It’s always the same stereotypes

Why’s are native americans always depicted badly in films? It’s always the same stereotypes

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Because Indians are retarded losers, who are lucky we gave them so much back. they are literally drinking themselves to death their people are so dumb

>implying they're stereotypes

Because,history is written by the victors.

Because sometimes art imitates real life

don't start wars you can't win

Why didn't aboriginals build any form of permanent structure in their thousands of years in north america? South American abos did. Why did they just decide to permanently live inside canvas tents and wood huts?

Not in recent times. It's gone the opposite way of every Injun is a noble and intelligent person.

why'd they wear those silly hats?

They were probably horrinle persons.

Attached: magua.jpg (256x417, 22K)

Mississippian Indians built cities around temples built on man-made mounds.

Attached: Monks_Mound_in_July.jpg (1600x1200, 1.49M)

>take everything from people
>reduce them to poverty in wasteland shitholes

>why are they drinking themselves to death

Maybe because they were complete savages?

Jesus that is sad

Because they realised freedom was more important than the enslavement of civilization. Pretending you're part of something good and noble when all you're doing is lining the pockets of rich men.

that's what a lot of tribes did

they were drinking themselves to death the moment alcohol was given to them

writers and producers are trapped by tropes... it'd be like writing a french character who isn't gay.
do they exist IRL? presumably but it would take too long to communicate on screen to be worth the time

reddit: the post

>eurasians had 10'000 years of drinking to get used to it

>natives get it for the first time
>its somehow their fault for not knowing how to deal with it

booze and milk... the red man's nemesis

I wonder if Australians depict aboriginals better in their films

>being a classcuck

Read any book on the Comanche. Some native groups were worse than any nightmare you’ve had.

Why do you feel that way

being racist to natives is good for them, they have adapted lazy lifestyles and calling them out makes them get up and try to prove everyone wrong, ive seen it myself


Actually Hollywood has been very kind to the Amerindians , often portrayed as stoic ,noble and wise. Their true sneaky, dim ,savage primeval nature has rarely been shown on film.

Ulzana raid is one of few movies to show them as their really where

race is a social construct

Because of the eternal anglo.

>race is a social construct
It is, but genetic groups aren't.

>genetic groups
That's what races are.

What race are these girls?

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They literally are. They are twin sisters to a mixed race couple. This phenomenon has a name I can't pronounce and something like a 1 in 80 million chance of happening

>dude things just happen it’s not because they were beaten and dominated

bottom two is them

Attached: twins1.jpg (1915x1379, 349K)

If you saw the girl on the left walking down the street, what would you think she is? There you have your answer.

White and nigger from left to right respectively

They are literally mixed race. You're feelings make no difference to this

>bro it this bizarre thing has a one in 80 million chance of happening
>therefore race isn't real

I'm not saying race isn't real, I'm saying these two are mixed race. I'm acknowledging the existence of race. Are you brain damaged?

Because you don't watch the films where they aren't stereotypes, like Windtalkers or Smoke Signals.

Race is the equivalent of using the word "fat." What the Japanese consider "fat" is not the same as what Americans call "fat," meaning that the term is a social construct based on the sensibilities of a particular culture rather than a cut-and-dry scientific term. "Obesity", on the other hand, is a term that can be clearly defined and exclusionary, meaning that it is NOT a social construct. There is no current "race" equivalent to "obesity", but genetic groups can usually serve as a substitute. The problem with genetic groups is that vastly different genetic groups can look quite similar which confuses and enrages retards who use the term "race."

Imagine not understanding the difference between genes and epigenetics

>this level of Liberal mental gymnastics to deny the existence of race
It's always fun to watch you morons jump around the reality that is staring you right in the face.

>Why didn't aboriginals build any form of permanent structure in their thousands of years in north america?
They did, you're just dumb.

You faggot redditors do realize this semantic Jewish nonsense doesn’t actually change reality, right?

No no! You don’t get it! If we define “reality” as “whatever a faggot redditor wishes the world was,” then our reality is just that!

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These cities Couldn’t support them in famines, so they were abandoned for the older way of life. The rains that were supposed to come to North America poured on Europe till it rotted their crops.

Climate is no joke

So what? Imagine thinking this gradeschool bullshit was an actual deep thought
You can still have fat people and obese people

Because apparently the big money behind these films think that depictions that don't vacillate between savage and noble savage are too complicated for audiences

Define "white"


Back to pol you 3rd world retard

Ah yes the “we had a bad day so we forgot all our knowledge” argument, usually used for niggers

100% genetically European, with no race mixing impurity.

The fact of the matter is that most races other than whites are self-destructive, violent, and stupid. Perhaps worse than that is that they have no interest in bettering themselves, even when they only exist because they live off of working white peoples' tax dollars while they hate whites for stupid, made up, and unrealistic reasons in the first place. Most Native Americans are just lighter shades of niggers.

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So no one

Granted, this is probably true.

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alliteration of semantic Semitic would have been appreciated

Well if I simply define Yea Forums as /pol/ I am already there, bigot
It’s the phenomenon of light that is created when the entire visible wavelength is condensed for your color receptors

>You can still have fat people and obese people
Who says you can't? The point is not to use vague undefined terms like "fat" and "race" because you're too much of a brainlet to read more than wikipedia and unsourced jpgs

Ahh yes you are a retard

Insecure, fat, 95 iq retard

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If enough people believe something, that becomes the reality of the society.

Scary, I know, but that's the conformist nature of people.

That's why media is such an essential part of the system.

>The rains that were supposed to come to North America poured on Europe till it rotted their crops.
Yet Europeans managed to go forward.

great source, /pol
that junior-high school education continues to help you towards improved mental hygiene

Spare me before you start spouting that "Out of Africa" bullshit. You'll just embarrass yourself.

There are still clusters of genetics that are entirely European.

Lol, well you’re a fucking jackass. Moving beyond Wikipedia on race is how you discover that it is a concrete biological phenomenon.
Perhaps you’d like to explain why a different protein affects prostate cancer in indo-Europeans, Africans, Asiatics (including NA) and abos if race is “a social construct”
Fucking moron
That’s besides the fact that just because something is a social construct doesn’t mean anything by itself, reddit. Here are some other social constructs
- smart
- consent
- crime
- property
- rights (esp. human rights)
Fucking crybaby retard. You’re the adult equivalent of that kid who never figured out repeating why isn’t funny or clever.

lardass detected

Its funny watching non europeans being white supremacists

Not only are there sources out the yin-yang, you can actually observe them via living around non-whites in day-to-day life. I used to be a liberal like you until about 15 years ago when I had to live among blacks for six months. Taking public transportation with blacks for even a few weeks is enough to turn even the most brainwashed and retarded liberal zoomer into full 1488.

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If that were the definition then "race" wouldn't be a social construct and would be a valid term, but you'll find that most people will not agree with that definition.

Where is the error? Why couldn’t native Americans irrigate like sand niggers have been doing for 4000+ years?

There are a number of reasons for the way things have all turn d out just so. Geographic reasons and flora/fauna play major roles in the development or maintenance of a culture.
Stop buying into this racial superiority meme or the Great Man narrative

OP clearly doesn't know any natives

At some point, the false narratives eventually run up against the real world, usually in the form of a boot on the neck
- George Orwell (paraphrased)
I’m a lawyer, what do you do? Retail I am b

>If enough people believe something, that becomes the reality of the society.
That's completely false. Reality is something that can stand up to independent scientific scrutiny at any time or place and will still reach the same conclusion. You are a huge moron.

Except that some did you retard

They were hunter gatherers. Permanent structures are pointless if you have to follow herds.

Why? Europeans killed the bravest, most able bodied white men by the TENS OF MILLIONS only a few short generations ago
Did you forget?

Being a lawyer was impressive 50 years ago. You're probably a LARPing paralegal lmao

Not the ones that the user was defending in the post I replied to, you autistic goalpost-moving fucking retard.
Pay the fuck attention

>doesn’t even make up a profession for himself
>just changes angles
Kill yourself, seriously, you are pathetic

They did, then came the smut.
South American populations were isolated enough to avoid it mostly.

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Cool story Jared Diamond.

You're literally the moving the goalposts you idiot

>If that were the definition then "race" wouldn't be a social construct and would be a valid term
Race wasn't deemed a social construct until the 1980's when scientific research became suspiciously political (with a Liberal bias). For example the man who discovered the double helix of DNA (and became a Nobel prize winner), James Watson, believes in the concept of race, why don't you?

The freedom of surviving your second birthday if you're really lucky. Haha, they were so wise and noble.

Holy shit, at least learn the definitions of things before vomiting them out

They are twins.

We like to call those people "honorary Aryans", since at least they don't deny reality.

1) post about why NA forgot how to farm
2) mock them for thinking this is reasonable
I would be shocked if your iq was north of 85

>great source, /pol
You didn't actually bother to follow the link, did you?
No problem, I did it for you.
Here are the sources:

Immigration Impact Meta-Analysis:
Taxes paid by brackets:
Racial groups by income bracket:
Medicaid Enrollment by race, projected from these numbers:
Welfare use by race:
Medicare Enrollment:
Social Security Enrollment by race in 2014:
books.google.com/books?id=72kMCAAAQBAJ&pg=PA3324&lpg=PA3324&dq=Social security beneficiaries 2014 by race black hispanic white&source=bl&ots=IMvvS1GlQM&sig=Ry6RF3ZFXZ2lrIirsA2RClYSRE8&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjX6uzqydDMAhVr5oMKHX_JBaQ4ChDoAQg4MAQ#v=onepage&q=Social security beneficiaries 2014 by race black hispanic white&f=false
Total US Government Spending at all levels 2014
Total US Government Revenue of all types and at all levels 2014

>why can't natives irrigate
>they did
>no not the who did don't point out im wrong

i still think being a lawyer is impressive

>Geographic reasons and flora/fauna play major roles in the development or maintenance of a culture.
Developpement of your geographical environment and domestication of flora and fauna is precisely what makes the difference between civilizations and "savages", some can do it, some can not.

lol you're a dumb woman

>This phenomenon has a name I can't pronounce
They're called dizygotic twins, also know as non-identical twins.

Not the ones that user EXPLICITLY DEFINED as “the ones who didn’t irrigate.” Jfc


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It’s not but you need to be able to read unlike posting on Yea Forums
>gets utterly, monumentally BTFO
>u r girl
Ask how I know you’re a virgin

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So retards arguing for white supremacy are called middle eastern. You women are unbelievably dumb.

duh, to keep the red man down, dummy. Basically until 1977 or thereabouts they were considered feather-niggers by the federal government, now they got what the guineas and a few jews couldn't get; legit gambling enterprises and handouts from the government.
But for most of history? Savages who will rape your children in front of you and then bash their skulls, then rape you repeatedly, then scalp you or bash your brains out.

They were savages, how should they be depicted?

Yea, lawyers are impressive scumbags. They are all deserve a baseball bat to the side of their head.

you may need to work on those dunks my man, they're not good

Woman confirmed. How poor are you that you've resorted to being a paid shill? I wouldn't ask about integrity, that's foreign to women.

You’re not wrong but when the shit rises you need to be able to float, what can I say

>real civilization is possible without property rights and development
>structures inherently lead to enslavement
>property rights only line the pockets of the rich

This user ( ) is right, you're just a brainwashed normie idiot with delusions to the contrary. It's basic bitch delusion to romanticize primitive societies. You sound like an anarcho-primitivist, which is the dumbest ideology to ever exist. I've literally lived technically homeless (but with money) hiking thousands of miles sleeping in a hammock for the challenge and fun of it, which is probably living closer to your romantic ideals than you have ever done, and there's nothing truly romantic or wise about it (I wouldn't do it a second time although I could). And that opportunity was afforded to me by developments in technology, in the economy, and in capital.

Attached: aoc-primitivism.gif (800x534, 323K)

Should I post my balls? They aren’t nice


Appalachian trail?

Liberals are the silliest and most blindfolded group of people. Have some OC.

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Behavioral science.

That's if enough people have the IQ to understand or appreciate independent scientific study.

For example, in many languages there simply isn't a future tense. Examine the ramifications of this.

I take some small comfort in the inevitable racial conflicts that will arise in the USA and Europe this century
Can’t wait to hear leftists explain away racial massacres that make the la riots look like a joke

>why don't you?
Because it's not clearly defined. Please define race and how you differentiate races from each other

>Why didn't aboriginals build any form of permanent structure
They did, it's called living in perfect harmony with nature, which is far superior than this garbage civilization we live in where nobody gives a shit about you. But this is too deep for you so go ahead and call them as the meaningless philosophy books which lead to nothing pile up in our history.

If it's good enough for the guy who discovered DNA, it's good enough for me.


>Native Americans were all homeless.
Holy shit, no wonder you were homeless.

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What a brainlet

Go poop in the street

>Why didn't aboriginals build any form of permanent structure
They did, it's called living in perfect harmony with nature, which is far superior than this garbage civilization we live in where nobody gives a shit about you. But this is too deep for you so go ahead and call them savages as the meaningless philosophy books (which lead to nothing) pile up in our history.

Thank you, lads.

Low-iq insults make you look based and intelligent. Everyone is wondering what you'll say next.

What the fuck are you even talking about? They're both MIXED race, one is just white-passing and the other looks mixed. Their apperance doesn't change their race

>hey man you need to disprove my viewpoint to me based on an a priori framework I haven’t justified. Can’t do it? Looks like I win again
Imagine actually being a smuggie irl, Jesus Christ

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Yea, is kind of a brianlet, but you can't hold it against him though. He's a Liberal and they are often braindead or deny any facts that don't align with their political ideology.

There are some areas in NE Asia where the environmental conditions were exactly like Northern Europe, and the people developed very similar physical traits to Europeans despite sharing no genetic admixture at all.

It's fucking fascinating.


Attached: Hokkaido_Ainu.jpg (564x400, 34K)

Ah yes unlike living in dirt and squalor, that makes you look super smart (tm)
Come with retarded assertions you’ll be met with mockery and insult


Yeah the Ainu were fucking based. Strange thing is as far as genetics go I've heard they are the oldest native population in Japan. That means the slant eyed hairless inage we've come to associate with the Japanese is more general asian and less native japanese, and the ainu weren't a tribe of lost neandarthals as previously thought.

He just looks mexican

>retarded assertions
But that's what you did in you post. You know absolutely nothing about the Native's and you open your mouth anyway. In the real world, that's called being full of shit.

>Be you.
>Be ignorant of a said thing.
>Form assumption instead of confessing ignorance because narcissistic personality disorder.
>Believe assumption you just created because it must be true since you created it.
This is you.

Lold but I wish it could be made shorter. Truthpilled.

Define race

Geographic genetic groupings.

You don't know what you're looking at.

I just can't do the smug assholes on here, they aren't absolutely .50/10 human beings. They will lie just to save face.

I'm losing it.


yep better fix that typo, wouldn't want a blemish on your masterwork of a post

mate, native americans contributed more to the extinction of american bisons than european colonists.

You’re not as smart as you think you ARE

My friend the logocentric cucks may not recognize you but you are based and biocentric pilled

Nigger twin is way prettier than the whitoid, who woulda thunk it

>not a single concrete quote
>”y-you did th-this”
Holy hell lmao
Abos did not live in some magical elven society you fucking idiot hahahaha
They squatted in the mud
You are an embarrassment

Oh yea man dying of the flu and struggling to make fire is far superior to how we live now
You people can’t be serious

>didnt name it dances with swolves
you blew it

>le Indians lived in perfect harmony with nature meme

They didn't exploit the land in the same way Europeans did because they didn't have the capacity to.

It's a very different thing to understand what you're doing is wrong (purposefully restricting industrial society) than it is to never developing industrial society in the first place.

We can see this in other areas of the world (India, China) that have since industrialized that the only people with a concept of conservation of nature are largely Europeans.

Male pms from a Hard night drinking huh.
Oh good fucking lord. Only on Yea Forums.
The irony.
>They squatted in the mud.

I can't deal with this, you guys are max-tier stupid today. Must be the alcohol hangover.

You don't know what you're talking about.

>mentions booze several times
pretending to be a native now as a decoy, spud?

>omg I literally can’t
You don’t know what irony is, either

I'm not a native of the United States, I'm from Europe, but I agree that all Americans are alcoholics. Good post.

People still die of the flu, so this is a pretty retarded point to try and make. And no one struggled to make fire.

Because they were savages

and then he abandons the ruse

Natives in their reserves STILL live in harmony with nature. You are completely out of your element here kid.

you do know mexico is part of north america?
so north american natives built the pyramids

They aren't always depicted badly. Also define what you men by "badly".
Four Corners region has a ton of 1000~ year old settlements. Pre-Navajo and Pre-Puebloan cultures had roads with engineering that rivaled Rome, sophisticated masonry and irrigation systems, and settlement and social planning that allowed them to prosper in such a barren, logistically-difficult region. They were probably too successful, as ultimately resource exhaustion of the entire region led to their downfall.
Those were Welsh.
Would plow both without hesitation.
Looks like the Chad version of Leonard from Big Bang Theory.

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So jews are white?

Because actual native americans have no real culture to substitute to it.

That's the point brainlet

>And I could have just have easily said “die from drinking water,” but I guess that still happens in some shit corner of nigger world
Like Michigan? :^)

Mexicans too

you idiot that was the whole point of the story.

He killed the girl and concocted a fanciful tale about "evil" indians.

Hence " he had no idea what to tell..." so he made up the bullshit heroic story

lol wut

>second post answers OPs question
>rest of the thread is muricans arguing about race and "muh incel have sex back to pol"
never change, americans. never change. You'll never shake the fact that you're nothing more than colonists from around the world who invaded a continent and rebelled because you didnt want to pay taxes

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How does one not take an interest in accounted history and compare such to film? You'd be surprised by the accuracy of such things, and what the film maker risks for the audience to see it.

lmao someones upset over the truth

Those savages were far worse than depicted. They were mexican cartel-tier.

Indians weren't abos, they moved here like everyone else.

>geographic and flora and fauna

Lol yeah they had a wayyyyy better set up than Europe that’s why they never evolved the ability to think into the future if there’s always going to be food avaliable then why do anything else than fuck around and fight? Europeans had to use their brains because of winter being a life or death scenario every year so they had to perfect agriculture and domestication of animals

Same with Africans. When everything is in abundance you have no need to work towards anything

>>second post answers OPs question
It doesn't though. You want that to be true so you can go "muh civilization white people so based wow Mozart those low IQ niggers omg glad I was born white lol." You're a fucking generic cookie cutter Yea Forums shitter with no personality aside from this place.

>still has a lower crime rate than Indian reservations if you scale it
>still has produced countless authors, philosophers, poets, scientist, architecture, art, cuisine

Yeah nah

>Uses the word savages.
Opinion discarded.

Literally american education here.

Go to an Indian reservation and tell me they respect nature with the amount of fucking trash they leave around

Because they didn’t have agriculture brainlet


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and white man also lived for tens of thousands of years as wandering bands
you can't say that given thousands of more years that eventually the abos wouldn't have developed some form of civilization


>t. never been on a reservation

>>still has produced countless authors, philosophers, poets, scientist, architecture, art, cuisine
You didn't produce any of that faggot, and largely all of our "achievements" are based on the selfish need to make money and to garner attention. Nature is more beautiful than all those poets and all those contrived things that don't really need to exist, and they only exist because the prison called civilization was forced on us.

You can clearly define someone's exact lineage by their DNA and genetic distance. In fact, africans are the furthest away from every other ethnicity on earth, to the point that it's a wider gap than certain breeds of animals which have been categorized as entirely different species due to that distance. Of course, tests aren't necessary because we have these things called eyeballs. What do you have to gain from being voluntarily retarded?

First off, you're full of shit just to win the argument. You've been to every reservation? How come the guy above who made the comment totally contradicts you? Is it because you're another white faggot who is full of shit?

And it's not an argument. Retarded alcoholics called Europeans took over their way of life by the sword because "muh bible," and as a consequence Native's aren't interested in integrating and molding to the white world. Why the fuck would you? They want to live like they did in the past, or NOTHING. I agree with them.

Where did he claim to have produced it?
> and largely all of our "achievements" are based on the selfish need to make money and to garner attention
> Nature is more beautiful than all those poets and all those contrived things that don't really need to exist
Based and biocentricpilled. Just stick with this point

It's because an self-respecting citzens of the world cannot respect you.

*any. I don't care. They're only dumb yanks.

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>I agree with them

Because you're a hippie faggot. Can't fight the future baby.

Ignore the truth all you want. They're violent beings.

>Where did he claim to have produced it?
It doesn't matter because the implication is that if white people did it, well he's white so he can claim that as his achievement. Every racist incel on pol does that.

>hippie faggot
Thinks calling someone a 60's hippie is an insult. Bruh, I bet you're in your 20's.

I'm 32 actually and it is an insult you fag. Go whine about the rainforest some more.

As a leaf, I can confirm that natives are violent. They make up a vast majority of the crime statistics, and get free gibs handed out to them endlessly. Imagine having a red carpet rolled out for you, only to pass out drunk and piss yourself on top of it. That's the state of most natives here, literally just welfare niggers of the north.

Yeah thats true though. You carry the weight of your ancestors.

>nothing matters but nature!
If this is the case and there be no gods then morality is subjective and your opinion holds no weight and the killing of weaker species through colonization isn’t wrong in any way shape or form so why bitch?

>Doesn't know the difference between a modern hippie and a 60's hippie.
Oh man another guy who gives his opinion and he's full of shit, why are there so many of you? Human race is fucking finished. Oh btw, being chad and being an asshole are two different things, just saying since you don't know a lot for a 32 year old.

>modern hippies are fags
>60s were fags

All I need to know. Can't fight the future baby. Enjoy whining impotently as humanity continues to dominate.

>they want to live like they did in the past!

Lmao you coddled stupid mother fucker. Is that why they have satellite tv? AC? Use western style homes and clothes? Eat processed foods and don’t hunt causing a huge obesity problem in their communities? Huff paint and anything they can get their hands on?

Your delusional and don’t know how the world works and it’s fucking sad how limo wristed and naive you are

Oneness, Enlightenment, spirituality, morality, all come from nature. They don't come from religion and gods. Those were created because massive cope from all the misery civilization presses on people.

Me in the back.

Just shut the fuck up already.

Not if you don't act on that weight and potential, or misuse it.

If you're this stupid, I can't help you.

most poltards are

>I only fight for the winning team.

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No thanks, because of our beautiful technology I have lights and the internet so even at night I can dunk on you.

>morality comes from nature


So you push for patriarchal societies? Rape? Murder?

If a man gets with a woman who has kids he’s justified in killing those kids? This is a very common practice in nature

Is rape okay? This is literally how most animals are conceived

Is murder okay if the other person gets to close to you after you’ve clearly shown your teeth?

I don’t need help, you need to stop living off your parents dime and actually put yourself out of that upper class community you live in if you want to truly experience “other cultures” don’t go to tourist destinations you little faggot