BASED Chamberlain
So, who's better? The show or the movie?
The show, obviously. Better story and direction.
What was his deal anyway?
Is there going to be another season? I thought like 99% of Gelflings were dead in the film and they were extremely rare.
I haven't even watched the show yet, but I can tell you the show. I just watched the movie again today, and while I think it's still a visual treat with a very interesting world, it kind of has it's own pacing and writing issues.
The show, it actually has story.
They're all going to die a painful death.
This is surprisingly good.
Plebs, the movie was pure kino. The show is good but it's plot is stretched so fucking thin, there happens more in 20 minutes of the movie than an entire episode of this show
Not to forget that the puppeteering was way better in the movie too.
it's kind of like the original was the Hobbit book and the series is the hobbit film trilogy, but not quite as bad as that implies.
>it's plot is stretched so fucking thin, there happens more in 20 minutes of the movie than an entire episode of this show
>the puppeteering was way better in the movie
Couldn't disagree more.
>Couldn't disagree more.
That's not how you do it here, on Yea Forums you have to state every opinion as if it were fact
Chamberlain is fucking based
I was initially annoyed by the blue tint in Rian's hair, but I rewatched the original film and Jen has it too, so I'm cool with it now.
And Kira is totally Deet's daughter or granddaughter. She's got the same pale skin and affinity with animals.
Literally nothing happens in the movie, it's 90% exposition.
The movie is a weird one, it has some real pacing issues and jumps all over the place scene from scene.
The TV show is similar honestly, probably could have shaved a few episodes off and had a tighter story, it does start to drag especially with how slow the puppets move.
Why don't any live action blockbusters use puppet effects anymore? Only one I can think of in the last decade is Yoda in TLJ.
Expensive. Which makes me wonder where Netflix got the money to do this, aren't they already like super in debt?
It's very expensive and the number of people with the skills to do it well are dwindling, same reason why you don't see stop-motion animation much anymore either.
Do they explain how the Skeksis are around in the show?
They mention numerous times in the movie that they never existed until the crystal split. This a small retcon or..?
That's not true at all
>DESTROYS Gelfling Guard with FACTS and LOGIC
It seems contradictory at first but I hear it gets straightened out, basically immediately after the split they aren't strictly speaking bad guys yet, they start out relatively normal and get worse and worse they age.
The manga.
Wish Chamberlain was my father
They split when the crystal cracked. The UrSkeks wanted to master themselves and return to their home, but faltered and broke in two.
My wife made me watch this fucking gay shit. It might be one of the most boring, lamest fucking snoozefest I've ever seen. Now I'm probably gonna have to watch this shit show too. I had to watch that dumbass anime movie about a little girl whose parents turn into pigs and she gets chased around by some dumb old fat bitch too and that one was better than this shit.
>Shitting on spirited away
Over half of the original movie were children or midgets in costume though.
>My wife made me
With her boyfriend or what?
Oh look, it's the user with the worst fucking taste in all of Yea Forums.
How do I become Chamberlain
And the show is people in sound booths talking over the puppets. Atleast the original movie had the puppeteers actually provide the voices
Cumerbrain is my favorite kind of character
I was really hoping to see these guys in an ancient age flashback. Damn. We only got a puppet show with a stoner lizard and a crack vulture.
Puppets and practical effects are cheaper than CGI, brainlets.
The shows great but lacks the subtly ambiance and scenes are too noises and busy sometimes. Every skeksis scene is pure kino tho
stick, horse skull and a cloth. It's close enough
What is it about this series that just has so much "soul"
The show has major pacing problems and ot looses its grand epic feel that the movie has.
Also sjw shit is in it, though it's worked into the narrative and is not obscenely done, its still in it and obnoxious when you notice it.
Fantasy is just a genre with lots of soul, top that with some kino puppets and you have the most soulful thing released this decade
They gelfling kill count doesnt rise until after the skeksis create the beatle borgs and crystal bats, season 2 will cap this all off hopefully
Because Henson made the movie. Netflix wasn't going to pony up all the cash this time for no name puppeteers to be the stars. They needed same sort of star power attached to generate interest amongst the normies.
>Also sjw shit is in it,
It literally has an anti-jewish message, SJW my ass
>Also sjw shit is in it
What, fucking what fucking SJW shit is in the show?
I fucking hated these things. You'd figure, since the skeksis were bird/reptiles and the mystics were reptile hippies, the urskeks would be some beautiful dragon things, right?
Nope, their trees. Theyre floating tree people with eraserhead hair and no legs. Ya don't look majestic there buddy, you look like a faggot who venezuelad an entire planet and then when whole said "sorry about the genocide dude. gotta go, our planet needs us" then just flew off.
Fuck you they look awesome
Oh look it's the user on tv who never grew up and has the taste of a small child
Oh wow that sure explained everything, thank you for bringing us your logic and wisdom
I havent seen the movie in like 10 years. Do I need to watch it again to watch the series?
True I'm not ok with the skesis living after all the shit they have done
It's not really necessary as the show's a prequel but I'd reccomend you to. The movie is pure kino
Hahahaha the puppet scene it too much lmao
Considering it's a prequel it kind of uses this to flesh out the Gelfing societies and world build more, so you aren't missing out by not watching it, but the movie is barely a hour and a half long. Wouldn't hurt as a refresher. Plus it's gorgeous even now.
>all gelflings are led by women
>only male lead is a bumbling fool and an idiot.
>augra is represented as the holy matriarchal coming back to fight the white patriarchy.
>skeksis represent white male patriarchy, evil for evils sake.
Y'all niggas forget this is netflix or something? Dont think it is now, but wait till the second season to be so on your nose that its vomit enducing.
Lol fuck off retard, the show is good.
Tim Pool it's time to go to bed
Didn't say it wasn't good, but just saying "watch out, next season will probably have black lesbian gelflings who are amazing at everything. Watch out".
This is why nobody likes you schizo /pol/ retards. A female character having a major role is not SJW. Also, the Skeksis are litrally supposed to represent jews, retars
But you can also say the Skesis are jews and the gelflings are white people getting genoicide
Any show can change according to your personal narrative
Designated asshole.
Unironically fuck off to /pol/
The show is still better.
Who cares, they're hippy elves from a fantasy planet, their societies don't have to rigidly adhere to what works most often for humans. Mystics are led by a man and they're nominally the most morally upright faction in the universe.
>Male lead is a bumbler
What you mean like in the original movie which existed before this identity politics bullshit had to infect everything in society?
>Augra is represented as the holy matriarch fighting against the white patriarchy.
Except that a good chunk of the factions actively scorn her and don't give a shit about her advice, she isn't a matriarch because she's not any society's leader, when she first wakes up she's more feared than respected, and the Skekses are neither white nor a patriarchy, their a birb autocracy and they don't represent evil for evil's sake, they represent evil for survival's sake, the old refusing to pass on even at the expense of the young and new, and unsustainable, excessive vice.
Skek Heretic and Mystic Wanderer (same UrSkek) have a little puppet play about their background in E7.
No it's not
"oops, my bad"
I don't know why but she's so fucking adorable.
The fun thing about the universe of Dark Crystal is that nothing works as you'd expect it to at first glance. So reptile x reptile doesn't make reptile2 but "angel who touched a socket"
She is. I was legit mad when the Stonewood fuckers were picking on her.
>There can never be any improvement over something great.
If you refuse to watch a kino because it's age rating is younger, you will never be able to appreciate this medium. A true patrician watches whats good regardless of societal expectations
This world is so far removed from our human world I honestly could not give a shit what social structure they have, if anything it shows female leaders are just as susceptible to corruption as male leaders, IF anything.
Theme is environment and harmony with nature.
This. The movie was a kids film where the characters were repeating the species names so that they can sell toys.
>>skeksis represent white male patriarchy, evil for evils sake.
Hahahah, they actually have SkekTek shout "SHUT IT DOWN SHUT IT DOWN" and the whole routine about the pendant smells of "The Skek cries out as he strikes you!"
Not to mention the Chamberlain is always doing his "I'm not your enemy in this. I'm your friend... your /only/ friend" routine.
Oh and there's female voiced Skeksis about and the Gourmet pees in three streams, so he certainly doesn't have a penis.
The show is good, but the movie is simply better
Also, a show or movie can't be an "improvement" over another, the medium is entirely subjective. While we usually word our opinions as fact, you need to realize that isn't actually the case
This. Brea is still a turbo bitch despite being the new Queen of the Gelflings.
Saying something doesn't make it true, user
Is shitflix shilling? The trailer for this looks bad.
Absolute retard
If you have Netflix (or know someone willing to share their password), you can go and check for yourself.
Oy vey goyling delet this, Skekses are your greatest ally.
If it were shilling, opinions against the show would get attacked immediatly and harshly. Which isn't the case here
You're confusing this with Star Wars
I know it's full blown "I SAW IT AND I CLAPPED!" nostalgia bait moment, but when the little dog critter showed up and Deet pet it's belly, I smiled.
Most toys' names were never uttered on the movies.
gib Deet gf
I laughed when the critter's wife showed up and immediately stormed off and he practically growled "It's not what it looks like".
That fizzgig was an inverse furry.
The movie. It's a lot more moody
Punished Fizzgig
i used this lol
I hated my father.
>"What, you're trying to control Aughra?"
>"Aughra can hardly control herself!"
He never used lube.
Pretty sure Augra wasn't represented as a holy matriarch but nice bait.
Its a bit nefarious but, one of the main reasons is so that people identify good special effects with "good CGI", allowing hollywood to always have an edge over the international market due to the amount of money it costs to make convincing cgi. Continuously using CGI to younger audiences means that they'll view CGI as good movie making.
Straight up lie fed to you by producers and marketers to dismiss using practical special effects. The things remake and alien: covenants budgets tripled when redone with CGI.
You mean celadon
Yeah I do.
>>augra is represented as the holy matriarchal coming back to fight the white patriarchy.
Augra is chaotic neutral, nobody tries to cross her, like ever.
Nah they look really alien and majestic and that's was the point but yeah they were asholes
Ok this is the most retarded post I saw in the entire week, a new level of seething and projecting never saw before
Did Brea's sister have jedi force powers? It looked like that when she was fighting with Cersei's Stoneinwood maudra character
pls explain
It also allows them to have a stranglehold on visual effects companies, which routinely go out of business thanks to long work hours and underpaid staff. The Life of Pi completely destroyed the effects studio despite the movie being a massive hit.
>all gelflings are led by women
>only male lead is a bumbling fool and an idiot.
you will get a aneurysm when you discover how ants works
Kinda funny to see how the season ends knowing what happens in the end.
I wish that was true so I could buy a Skesis
>I'm already half Charmberlain
Hunter/SkekMal has a distinctly ugly looking action figure. Neither SkekTek nor SkekSil do, though.
it's not so much puppets that are expensive but the robots. Puppets have this issue where you can tell they are obviously lifeless,so robotics are often done in conjunction to give them life. this is where the beefy price tag comes in and why cgi rules cinema. It's not just the initial price tag of robotic puppets that's a issue,but the technical hiccups.
for example, Prince goro from the mortal kombat movie is one of the most advance robotic puppets out there and it broke a ungodly amount of times. Basically adding a massive price tag to a already massive price tag. Cgi cuts out the initial price AND technical hiccups that increases it without any chance of harming the actor/puppettear
>Why are we still here... just to woofer?..
Matriarchy was literally in the original notes (I think it was Frank Oz who came up with it..could be wrong). Henson had very liberal views. Plus how is it to be fucking triggered all the time? How do you enjoy anything? I find it annoying when they force things into franchises (looking at you SW) but Dark Crystal has always had "progressive" aspects? Dont believe me? watch the original film again....and try not get triggered.
I was thinking about a figure with details like these Hot Toys
The puppets and the people inside them too, to have so many of them interacting on screen requires dozens of skilled puppeteers and body actors, in the original the actors for both Mystics and Skekses needed months of prep and choreography leading up to the filming of the movie to learn how to move and act in costume.
>>all gelflings are led by women
Isn't that because the Skeksis wanted someone easy to control? They specifically picked the ones who would obey them the easiest and who they could buy with trinkets. All but 2 leaders instantly folded to them too when they learned that Skeksis were eating their fucking souls. Exactly one straight up said she wanted to fight the Skeksis and she got punked without doing any damage in the first battle and then is one of the only deaths in the entire final battle. Shit, when a woman stood up to the Skeksis she straight up got murdered without a thought.
The male lead is the only reason they even rallied to fight at all, most bowed to Seladon, SELADON!
Both are pretty different.
Age of Resistance is a high-fantasy show about the usual good vs evil, an epic quest and a party of lads going on an adventure.
The OG Dark Crystal is like this moody mysterious spiritual dark-fantasy tale in a completely alien world. A world which is kinda dead and desperately holding onto that last bit of life.
Both have the same core values of spirituality and the connection between Nature and Man, but it just comes much stronger in the film.
I will say that the show is much better written, especially when it comes to character and dialogue.
Where's his mask? I can't get my boy without his trophy!
>all gelflings are led by women
makes sense. I mean, aren't female the dominant gender in gelflings? They can even fly and shit.
>only male lead is a bumbling fool and an idiot.
lmao he literally is denoted as being the brave one of the trio.
And even then, if the lead isn't perfect, should we throw the other compent male characters out the window?
Honestly, just leave poor Rian alone. He's suffered enough.
>skekis are white people
lmao bluepilled
>Isn't that because the Skeksis wanted someone easy to control?
In real life slavers did that too so woman could deny sex if the males were against their masters
I like how all the males are brown, and the females a pale/blonde
Poor fucking Rian...when he was pleading at Chamberlain not to drink his GF's essence I lost my shit haha
>And even then, if the lead isn't perfect, should we throw the other compent male characters out the window?
Seconding this. A lead shouldn't be perfect, but rather strive to be.
weird how so many fags here fellate the fuck out of gene roddenberry and henson on here yet are unaware that both were basically hippy tier(gene had been fond of fuckin maoism ffs) when it came to politics and not "le based redpiiled maga men"
>I mean, aren't female the dominant gender in gelflings? T
Rian's dad was the big war hero and Rian did a lot better in battle than any of the other Gelflings. Sure, he was out of his league against Hunter, but he beat the General. The warrior-clan's female leader got killed by the librarian for fucks sake, after she got spider-raped without even putting up a fight the first time. Seldaon smacked her to the ground with magic.
The Skeksis specifically chose the leaders, that's a major plotpoint in All Madura's development.
The stone-in-woods are all brown, women included, Vespa are all pale, including males.
And the females are green..and brown...and olive. ffs.
Exactly...Did these cunts ever watch Fraggle Rock?
skeksis are ((merchants)), they took control and spread misinformation to keep power and make the gelflings hate each other.
>You fought in the Arathim wars?
Puppets and robotics are much better for a director, modern CGI shit takes MONTHS to render so if you're not convinced about a particular scene you're fucked, no room for experimenting or trying new things.
Look at how fucked up Warcraft and Justice League were, it's also because "shooting" a CGI heavy scene takes 3-6 months.
The movie is purest art … more like an experience
the show is more story driven
I love the movie, but it's so fucking desolate in comparison. That's kind of the point though
>cause infighting against the races to split them and better control them
>one literally says "you won't be slaves if you don't know you are slaves"
>seen as benevolent friendly people but are all gluttonous monsters who don't care about the plebs
>when not given what they want, they say they're hated and being hurt to emotionally manipulate people
>possess superior technology and knowledge that allows them to continue their rule
>the secrets of the planet are entrusted to them
>abuse their powers to literally drain the essence of life from the sheep-like controlled majority, that essence is ingested so they can live forever
Ah yes, the (((((Skeksis))))
Seriously what did Henson and co mean by this?
henson was redpilled
Deet a cute! A CUTE!
>they get free wealth for doing nothing, and complain if you don't give them enough
forgot that one
>"I have something here for you. Your father wanted you to have this when you were old enough, but your mystic wouldn't allow it. He feared you might follow old Auhgra on some damn fool idealistic crusade like your Maudra did."
>hasn't ever taken a bath in her whole life
>life surrounded by dirty moss and underground dirt
nah fuck that, bitch is stinky
Brea is pure, cuter, and prolly smells like heaven
I've never had a bigger "HOLY SHIT HE'S SO FUCKING GNARLY" reaction than when I first lay eyes on this fucking dude right here
>Oh nooo, my young Jedi. You will find it is you that is mistaken... about a great many things.
>You, like your father, are now mine.
So I got bored and realize the heroes were too dull and uninteresting to continue the series after like a half hour. Tell me about the skews is throughout the show? The scientist skeksis seemed pretty cool and the skeksis held my attention? Are they bad bad guys or are they portrayed interestingly and complexly? They would be the only interesting reason for me to actually go through the series. I have no interest in the heroes who are stupid and lame. Is there enough fun memorable content of the skeksis? Maybe some witty dialogue? Some badass moments?
The Skeksis get plenty of screentime and it's a joy to watch them each and every time.
>moment where he genuinely cares for his birdbro
Why give this random bit of humanity to arguably the most monstrous skek?
Also curious wtf was that? Hmmmm?
Just finished the first episode and god damnit why does the camera move in every fucking shot?
The flying virtual camera shit got less towards the end, but still overall it felt so "restless" the whole time.
Because the Skeksis are evil because they are one half of a split being. They can't really go against their nature. Heretic/Wanderer got lucky in that he got split into one lethargic and one impatient half instead of a good and evil part.
Tree powers.
Burn the trees, plant war now!
based and The Crystal Method pilled
But are eye a job because they are so evil or because they have humanity And fun scenes?
>Gelflings have force powers
They have skeksity
Both. Skeksis are complicated. They even behave civil within their limits when Augra is present.
No, one single Gelfling has the power of the Great Tree.
someone in another thread said the only Skeksis we have yet to see are a Spymaster and a seafaring type dude. Are they in some other pieces of canon?
They were killed after the urSecks split themselves during the Great Conjunction. They killed their Mystic equivalent and immediately died, its how the Skeksis realized what would happen to the Mystic, would happen to them.
I've been making that hmmmm noise for years every time I see a girl I'd like to fuck and I forgot that one skesis makes the same noise.
He means Seladon.
Do we ever see them dying in the comic?
My GF really likes his design and the fight scene in episode 4. Definitely one of the cooler skeksi additions.
Why was he so based?
>So chad the only way to kill him was for someone to commit suicide
>Even then it only worked the second time.
Back off of Deet, Chamberlain. She's mine.
>suddenly has 4 arms and goes Grievous on Rian and his father
He even looks like Grievous with his skull mask.
Maybe all Chamberlain is thinking about is how sitting on that throne would get him some prime skekpus.
>everyone is old and dying and he can still fucking move like that
This nigga was probably unstoppable in his prime. Christ he's so fucking awesome
>>everyone is old and dying and he can still fucking move like that
Without the ritual or essence, to boot!
>>suddenly has 4 arms
The Skeksis have had 4 arms since the original movie, his are just the only ones not atrophied to the point of being completely fucking useless.
Reminder that we're seeing what most of the Skeksis looked like in their prime with him, back before they got fat and lazy. This one bro could have won the entire war solo, and there used to be a bunch of them.
>everyone else is off double crossing each other and doing petty shit to piss each other off and get each other in trouble and earn more powerful positions
>you guys are fucking gay I'm not staying here just tell me what I need to kill
>The Skeksis have had 4 arms since the original movie, his are just the only ones not atrophied to the point of being completely fucking useless.
I never noticed. Such is the fate of a worn out VHS.
Its implied he still is in his prime, he's the only one still close to Thra of all of them. The others have been draining the crystal and growing weak and fat while standing directly over the Darkening, which is blighting their bodies and minds. He's a hint that they could have been just fine and didn't need the Essence not to die if they hadn't been such lazy fat fucks.
>he's the only one still close to Thra of all of them.
But UrSkeks are not of Thra and have no natural connection to it.
It makes sense when you realize how many arms the Mystics have.
t. Hup
so does his mask imply that he killed another Skek or...
He's forged a connection on his own, acting in the role of an apex predator he exists harmoniously with the world around himself like every other predatory animal. After all just killing things can't throw off the balance of the world since their essence returns from whence it came.
so is this a prequel to the movie?
Since neither Skeksis nor Mystics have anything in common with the UrSkeks, I never thought about it that way. I simply went about accepting that the world of TDC is simply weird beyond human reasoning.
Good explanation.
yes, and it blows it out the water in terms of pretty much everything
Any trials by stone yet?
Almost thtough with EP9, so far no.
It's not a SkekThat's not a beak.
Though it would make sense with the river of shit everyone fired off when Chamberlain blew the horn.
None happen in the movie because fucking nobody challenges the Emperor.
>when the Scientist just fucking beats that gimp slave to death
Andy Samberg sounds scarily similar to Frank Oz
the blood splashing on that little creature in the cage. Nightmare fuel.
We almost got one when they tried to wake up Lore to fight the Hunter
Speaking of Lore, the record and needle arms were a great idea.
Yes. You get to see the Skeksis at their prime evil here.
Wait, there is one in the movie. Chamberlain gets exiled because of it.
escapism at it's finest
I just want to spend time in this world forever, learning hidden pieces of lore and discovering all its secrets. Who knows how long season 2 will take
user meant to write "series", but wrote "movie" instead.
Love it too. Super weird, nothing is as it would seem to a human, and yet it doesn't feel like Deus Ex Machina.
Weasel words, you mean.
Appreciate the clarification.
I didn't care for the cheapish CGI jumping around, but he was otherwise cool.
>I don't think anything will ever be as it was before.
>No. It will be better.
Aaaah god damn Rian and Deet... you won't be there to see it.
>tfw everyone's going to get slaughtered
Also I was sad when the skeksis pretending to be friendly to the princess at the start turned out to actually be 100% evil.
I was hoping for a turncoat skeksis.
Very pleased by the heretic, though.
"my bad"
>Cool voice
>Cool design
>Is out hunting for himself while the other Skeksis are acting lazy
I kinda wish we knew or learned more about the Mystics. Granted they're just basically hippy wizards.
>literally too angry to die
Holy shit
I was terrified of watching the last episode because I thought I was about to walk into all these characters I love getting murdered. Glad to see a second season on the way but it's still kind of inevitable.
Honestly, I had a small hope that we can see Raunip in one form or another, maybe a flash back. Would be nice if they do something with him in season 2.
It claims to be a prequel, but seems to have rewritten the history of the movie.
The Skeksis getting the Crystal from Ogra for instance. The Skeksis didn't even appear until the crystal cracked, splitting the original species into Skeksis and Mystics.
MOTHER OGRA entrusting them with the crystal is straight up pants on head stupid and requires the audience be too stupid to realize that the Skeksis only exist because of the crystal. They weren't ENTRUSTED with it, they CAME FROM IT.
The original plotline of the Dark Crystal involves an alien species who come down to Thra, they're original benevolent but they become arrogant and damage the crystal. This splits them into two parts.
The alien species was directly linked to the crystal that they cracked. They were always connected to the crystal. It's even suggested the crystal is how they traveled the universe and came to thra in the first place. That's the only reason why the crystal cracking broke them into two species in the first place BECAUSE THEY WERE DIRECTLY LINKED TO IT.
Also the Gelfling aren't wiped out for their essence. They're wiped out because of a prophecy that says Gelflings will destroy the Skeksis. THe essence thing isnt a reason to destroy the Gelflings ITS A REASON TO MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A CONSTANT FUCKING SUPPLY OF THEM.
The Netflix writers for this show are fucking terrible, and the prequel series has jack all to do with the movie it's supposed to be a prequel to.
Just look at the wings. Yeah. The wings. They could glide. Not fly.
Look at the naming of the new creatures calling them moths and wolves and this or that with a thra sounding name in front of the moth or wolf bit. Why? Go back to the dark crystal, each creature had a unique alien name because the original cut of the dark crystal was ENTIRELY IN A SET OF ALIEN LANGUAGES.
Let's talk about Fizzgig
That's not the name of the species. That was the name of the girl's pet in the original but the show writers ARE FUCKING RETARDS and can't figure out that she called it that because SHE NAMED IT FUCKING FIZZGIG
The Skeksis themselves. Of the existing characters that are in both the movie and prequel ONLY CHAMBERLAIN ACTS OR SOUNDS LIKE HE DID IN THE MOVIE>
Let's talk about the narrator for the prequel series. Not go listen to the narrator for the movie. Haunting. Mysterious. Ancient.
Same with the music. The music for the prequel series is your standard fantasy adventure. Go to the dark crystal movie now. Ancient and mysterious, a bit ominous.
The prequel series has no fucking clue what the tone of this setting is that's why it's all fucking stupid jokes and moronic LOL OMG writing.
They've rewritten basically everything else. They could easily decide to tell the movie to take a dive in the shit bowl and laydown a few hard steaming bricks on it. THey've basically already done it.
>all that reddit spacing
>the I'M ANGRY parts
>the level of insane nitpicking
Fucking christ dude. You trying to audition for TGWTG or CinemaSins?
three vaginas! its canon now
It's weird they did this with him since that's basically the character of Chamberlain's rival from the original movie. The guy was an actual warrior and destroyed Chamberlain in trial by stone.
They seem to have completely deleted that rivalry and even the character really in the prequel.
he's not deleted, he's just off doing shit
he'll be in season 2 since he commands the robobugs
They made a bunch of lore comics that came out before the show. The story is different because of the post movie lore comics not because of the show.
The bit about the wings is easy, the population was decimated and after generations the females lost the ability to fly. Them being able to fly in the past makes sense.
Hmmm, no.
disgusting wetback podlings can't even speak english
Oh fuck what? I thought his rival was the general and he somehow magic'd back to life.
He's also right. All the things he pointed out, are indeed inconsistent with the movie the prequel is supposed to be leading up to. In fact the changes are so many, and so off, that the prequel can't actually lead to the events of the movie. One of the most basic is the timeframe.
In the prequel it's stated the Skeksis have ruled for a thousand years at this point.
In the movie it's stated that, the Skeksis appeared 1000 years prior to the events of the movie. Essentially that means the prequels events are somehow taking place at the same time as the events of the dark crystal movie. That's one of the first lines from the movie. A really basic thing to get wrong, and that's just the front of a mountain of things that keep the prequel events from ever leading to the movie without drastic rewrites or throwing that forgetfulness powder at literally everyone that survives to the movie, which still wouldn't explain the movie's narrator also being wrong about everything that happened during the prequel.
And really that wouldn't do much, because the movie wasn't wrong. The writing in the prequels is. I don't think he should be quite so angry about, but he's hardly wrong.
Ignore skeksis posters
Do not reply to skeksis posts
wut? Hes not the Garthim master from the movie.
Gelfling girl in the back whispers "He cute."
nah, he's basically the same character as the General except not a total retard
They name drop him in that scene where the Skeks are all panicking and talking about recalling the rest of them to the castle
what are you hm noing?
the emperor dies at the beginning of the movie
we never see him acting like he would not on a death bed
that means chamberlain really is the only character acting like his movie version in the prequel. the closest is the scholar skeksis whose voice isnt replicated loyally like chamberlains was.
They absolutely know who she is after they capture her and let her wander around while they're eating.
>. They're wiped out because of a prophecy that says Gelflings will destroy the Skeksis.
Nigga you need to rewatch the movie because there's one prophecy in this movie and its this.
>When single shines the triple sun,
What was sundered and undone
Shall be whole, the two made one,
By Gelfling hand, or else by none
Where the hell do you see "This kills the Skeksis" in there?
Literally brought up in the movie and dismissed by the fat fucks because they're sure if they drink enough of it they'll never die.
SkekUng the Garthim-Master is the one that defeats Chamberlain in the trial by stone in the movie. Pretty much the rival during the movie.
>ach creature had a unique alien name because the original cut of the dark crystal was ENTIRELY IN A SET OF ALIEN LANGUAGES.
Like the Crystal Bats-OH WAIT.
That's the thing that follows them and wifis their screen to them by the way.
will you sound the same when your decaying and dying in bed? Hmmmmmmmmmm?? They're all significantly close to death in the original film. Fuck the castle is old and decrepit in the film..their clothing is decayed. You know the shows set way before right?
The Skeksis know how they came to exist. They know they were one made two. They know the Gelflings will undo that. That's why the wipe them out. Being destroyed by the Gelglfings is no different to them. They didn't wipe them out because of the essence.
It's stated repeatedly this is why they wiped them out. The entire essence plotline works against that. Yes, they used Gelflings for essence, that's fine, but they didn't plan to wipe out their source of essence.
As to Ogra, they literally go who the fuck are you in the movie. I just went through and rewatched the scene to be sure.
I love this fucking show and it brings me so much delight, but it's very depressing knowing that it all goes completely south to the point of basically being post-apocalyptic and there only being two Gelflings left in the world
the show and movie are so drastically different in tone
im not complaining about the emperor
im talking about the skesis that actually hard character in the movie who also appear in the prequel acting and sounding nothing like themselves
only chamberlain was faithfully recreated
my only comment on the emperor was what you just quoted
that he was a sick and dying so hes the only one that doesnt count because hes the only who dont know what would be like as a healthy skeksis
>As to Ogra, they literally go who the fuck are you in the movie. I just went through and rewatched the scene to be sure.
Keep in mind the time lapse could have rendered the skeksis even more senile. They're certainly more put-together in the series than the movie. Even with essence they're in a constant state of decay.
u mad?
And Ogra senile?
This is the thing I'm talking about, this only works if they throw forgetful powder at every single surviving character, but that still doesn't explain the narrator of the movie also being wrong about all sorts of things.
Most notably the timeframe. Somehow we're 1000 years into Skeksis rule in the prequel and the movie takes place 1000 years after the Skeksis appear at all. The reality is the Skeksis weren't supposed to be in a state of decay yet during the prequel, that was their prime. Yes they were getting older, so, therefor essence, but this is the period in which they were strongest. Actual warriors and powerful sorcerers. The old behind the scenes material stated as much and it matched up with the movie based on things Henson himself said.
The prequels veer away hard from the movie on many storypoints. We'll see, but I call right now, without serious, "because the script says so" moments, the prequels can't really lead into the movie.
Her name is Aughra, you fucking nigger. If you're going to be so upset about this shit, at least spell it right.
>They know the Gelflings will undo that.
When the Prophecy is told to them maybe, but you know, they've got to learn about it first. Seeing as the prophet is in the process of making it right there, kind of a challenge.
>They didn't wipe them out because of the essence.
Didn't wipe them out for it in the show either, that's just what turned the Gelfling against them.
> but they didn't plan to wipe out their source of essence.
Its not like it only worked on Gelflings, all things connected to Thra at least have some. They drain a podling in the movie.
>As to Ogra, they literally go who the fuck are you in the movie. I just went through and rewatched the scene to be sure.
Nigga you senile?
They said "What is this" because they THOUGHT SHE WAS THE GELFLINGS. Look at how they act to her in stark contrast to everyone else, she marches right up and bitches them out to their faces and when she does her eye threat one of them even flinches away like they know exactly what that means. The only posturing they do in the whole scene is go "We are lords of the Crystal!" the same thing the Emperor did in the series.
I mean come on, she literally tells them to their faces they should have asked her and bitches them out and you think they act like they've never met?
>we'll have to see Deet die
I fucking love these characters and I just don't think I can handle seeing anything bad happen to them
>Hup will either die or live long enough to become one of the soulless podling slaves in the movie.
>The reality is the Skeksis weren't supposed to be in a state of decay yet during the prequel, that was their prime.
But this is 50 years before the movie. Their prime should have bee a long time ago.
Dude I suggest you find the making of dark crystal books and learn the production notes from the original film. In the original film theres a shot of Kiras mother being captured by Garthim (like the Pod people) The scientists states "it worked better with Gelfling" They're going down the food chain (pod people is the next best thing).
Aughra scene? They only say "This is no Gelfling!" ...they partly fear her...they dont go wtf is this. They know who she is. Aughra being the "mother" was in the original notes way back in the 70s"
>Hup doesn't get sweet gelfling pussy
I almost burst out laughing in the Making of doc when one of the producers said that the romance between Rian and Deet was the core of the show.
And, like, it's a pretty fucking shitty romance.
It's ok, he can still watch Rian deep-dick Deet at night.
What romance? They exchanged a few looks and then she ran away.
She also almost said she loved him when they were being attacked by the spiders in the cave.
It's really fucking forced.
I've been nothing but lever headed. I know not everyone has, but everyone that points things out isn't automatically mad or one person. As to the spelling, I'm not the only one that's written it that way. I wouldn't know how to spell it. All I've done is sound it out.
The Podling in the movie doesn't work if you recall. It's strange that they'd only had tried by the time of the movie to be honest.
And yeah, she doesn't seem to have anything to do with the crystal, let alone being Thra's guardian in the movie. The Skeksis never act like she's something like that. The only ones with connection to the crystal seem to be the Mystics and Skeksis in the movie, right down to the united species leaving the crystal for the Gelflings at the end. It doesn't seem to be a this is yours all along moment. And going through some of the old interviews, it seems to be that the Skeksis, the Mystics and the Crystal were all originally Alien to Thra, which is why they were connected to the crystal at all. It only seems to be in comics and such after the movie that this was changed (the crystal being the heart of thra), which has always been an issue since the original movie wasn't written with that in mind and the original concepts were all about the Skeksis, Mystics, their united form and the crystal being alien.
Think how odd it is that Aughra entrusts the crystal to them, when they only exist because of it in the first place. They originated form it. It's theirs in the original concept. It's only stuff that's come later that rewrote that, and it makes little sense that it was rewritten in that way.
Seriously, why are we entrusting the Skeksis with the crystal? No gift could make the guardian entrust them with it because the thing they once were broke the thing in the first place and spawned them into existence. How does the guardian not know this? It makes no sense, and no justifications for it really add up.
>In the prequel it's stated the Skeksis have ruled for a thousand years at this point.
"Nearly" a thousand years, About 50 "Trine" shy in fact, and this is important to keep with the movie.
> the Skeksis appeared 1000 years prior to the events of the movie
And right there is the Great Convergence that happened in the movie, the first one that caused the split and only happens once ever 1000 years, so they're saying the Skeksis have been ruling since the split, and now that its happening again the two have to get the Crystal fixed again or they won't come back together. If
So he's entirely wrong?
The faggot Skesis acted and sounded not dissimilar to the original. The Fat fuck acted and sounded the same way. The scientist isnt far off (and again decaying will fuck their voice) and acted the same way. And no Pegg was close as Chamberlain but he doesnt sound the same either...perhaps...younger?! The actress who voiced Aughra was spot on...funny you fail to mention that in your poor nitpick attempts
The conjunction didn't cause the split, the beings becoming arrogant and breaking the crystal caused the split. It just happened to occur during a conjunction.
imagine being so upset about a children's puppet show.
I talked about the Skeksis being off. Why would I have mentioned Aughra?
>implying Hup won't be the one taking care of Kira
>implying the Heretic and his other half won't be the ones taking care of Jen
>implying they're going to follow the plot of the original movie anyway when Sith Deet exists
youre here on Yea Forums user
odds are youve bitched about inane shit too
'Norted Deet is odd, but doesn't break canon.
Deet is going to die in the throne room during Rian's failed attempt to reintegrate the shard.
In the movie Jen has a vision of a Skesis cracking the Crystal. This was after the conjunction. One of the Urskeks had dark conflict within during a conjunction and it split them all in two.
>The Podling in the movie doesn't work if you recall.
It does, but "It worked better on Gelflings", actual line from the movie.
> It's strange that they'd only had tried by the time of the movie to be honest.
Almost like they ran out of stuff to use.
>And yeah, she doesn't seem to have anything to do with the crystal,
She doesn't in the series either, she just used to watch over it.
> let alone being Thra's guardian in the movie.
She used to be but left, she's just a prophet now. In the movie she states she was the first and would be the last.
>. The Skeksis never act like she's something like that.
There is exactly one character in the entire show they let talk back to them and threaten them and its her, then they just let her wander around the castle without touching her, the only character who gets to do so.
>The only ones with connection to the crystal seem to be the Mystics and Skeksis in the movie,
Except for her having the shard and being able to speak to it.
>right down to the united species leaving the crystal for the Gelflings at the end.
She left the crystal, she has no claim to it anymore and Thra didn't even sing to her in the show until she begged for it.
>hich is why they were connected to the crystal at all.
Not stated, they stated the Great Convergence is what fused them and split them, which is the focusing of the three suns, there's nothing in the movie to indicate that just fixing the Crystal would have fixed them without the Convergence.
>Think how odd it is that Aughra entrusts the crystal
Why? They used to be friendly.
>It's theirs in the original concept.
Not stated in the movie and implied otherwise since it supposedly heals the land.
>Seriously, why are we entrusting the Skeksis with the crystal?
They used to be friends.
>How does the guardian not know this?
Its not like she's psychically connected to the crystal, she had to talk to it face to face to see the damage.
>The conjunction didn't cause the split,
> the beings becoming arrogant and breaking the crystal caused the split.
Also false, you see a Skeksis break the crystal in the move. Meaning that they broke it AFTER they split.
>It just happened to occur during a conjunction.
After the conjunction.
>here's nothing in the movie to indicate that just fixing the Crystal would have fixed them without the Convergence.
In fact if you actually watch the movie you'd know it was the opposite, they said if they didn't get it back before said event then Skeksis would rule forever.
Didn't one of the Skeksis break the Crystal on the same day that the Conjunction and the split happened?
Would have had to be immediately afterwards at the soonest from what happened in the movie, they didn't seem like they could move while it was going on. Might have been that same day and in a rage one of them did that, or they might've experimented on it and broken it later. It didn't have to be right then, without the Convergence the crystal has nothing to focus.
user read what you said really quick. Just re-read that, see if you spot the problem. Not seeing ti?
>Skeksis break the crystal
>then the split happened.
>He calls them Crystal Bats in the clip
Damn buddy , guess you let that one slip you by.
Pretty based.
I think they mean that when the UrRu and Skeksis were freaking out after the split happened, one of the Skeksis broke the crystal out of confusion/fear.
>puppets putting on a puppet show
Why does gelfling hurt skeksis? We are friend.
not him, but Aughra deserves mentioning, because she nailed her voice perfectly.
Pegg outdid himself with that voice
>Another world, another time, jews are still responsible for ruining everything
Holy shit how did they get away with it?
>>skeksis represent white male patriarchy, evil for evils sake.
well, at least trannies count as evil, i guess.
based and whimperpilled
>Gourmet pees in three streams, so he certainly doesn't have a penis.
it probably rotten badly.
Only one of them faltered, and it happened to be the Urskek from which our dear Chamberlain and the Mystic Chanter were formed from.
>Even the video is bemoaning that it'll probably go full SJW
>Series follows the lore to a T.
Reminds you how lucky we are.
>General Kael vs. skekMal
Who wins?
>mask repaired at 2:12
Skekmal what the fuck are you even talking about. He's an okay fighter but k bird can flip through trees like a keebler elf on crack and pull out four swords when he feels like getting spicy.