Why are all fantasy movies bad except Lord of the Rings, Conan the Barbarian, and Excalibur?

Why are all fantasy movies bad except Lord of the Rings, Conan the Barbarian, and Excalibur?

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What about stuff like Labyrinth, The Dark Crystal, Pan's Labyrinth, Chronicles of Narnia, The Golden Compass?

Krull and Willow are kino. Not to mention 7th voyage, golden voyage, jack the giant killer, clash of the titans, the beastmaster.. do you want me to go on? You seen very uninformed.

Conan is a very bad film tho


>no dragonslayer

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It was on my mind, I offered to keep going and that was coming. Dragonslayer is TOP kino.

I really liked pic related, but I can see why it didn't work for some people.

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Chronicles of Narnia



It wasn't anything special when it came out, and it still isn't, but if you actually compare it to the stuff that's coming out today, he has a point.

Most writers/directors/producers/actors don't have the self-esteem to treat the source material seriously so you get this weird SyFy original movie vibe.

Yeah, sure. But it still sucks.

Fantasy fans are typically idiots. They're easily made happy by superficial elements, like armor or dragon design. As long as they have their little fantasy boxes checked then they're happy. It's the same mindset as capeshit fans who argue about which suit is best. That's not what makes a movie, a cohesive creative vision. At least sci-fi fans typically pretend they care about themes, but fantasy is always shallow.

Stfu faggot.

>omitting Beast Master
I know you made this thread because you don't know any other fantasy films and wanted recommendations, but fucking hell user. Try harder.

The CGI ruined it. Also a bunch of stoners the few rows above me wouldn't stop heckling the movie the entire time in the theatre.

Yeah but did you say anything about it? Nope you kept your mouth shut like a little bitch

What is best in life?!

What about this kino

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Why don't you tell us Neverending Story with that stupid flying dog is a good movie, too?

You're a cocksucker.

Is beast master the same movie as death stalker?