‘Joker’ Gets Eight-Minute Standing Ovation at Venice Premiere

>‘Joker’ Gets Eight-Minute Standing Ovation at Venice Premiere

Why do Americans do this?

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why are the jews pushing this movie so hard
it doesn't even look good

That audience's name? Albert Einstein.

Isn't Venice in France? Or did they mean Venice Beach in California?

it's in italy you fucking retard

Hey now calm down, it's just a place. No need to lose it

You're wrong. Venice Beach is in California.

>be american
>go overseas to meet fellow 4chanerians

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Clapping in festivals when the cast is here is acceptable. It's not like retard burgers clapping on your everyday screening

Not italy baby, california

I can never tell if these are parody or not

Like how could anyone unironically clap for 8 minutes straight?

When Matt LeBlanc auditioned for the role of Joker in "Venice" he only had $8 ovation to his name. When the cast got their paychecks, the first thing that Courteney Cox bought was a car. Matt LeBlanc bought a standing ovation.

Reminder that Neon Demon got a 20-minute standing ovation. At Cannes, Personal Shopper was booed throughout its first run and then received a massive standing ovation after it re-screened.

It's all theater and masturbation. This isn't news, and it's NEVER an indication of how good/bad the film is.

>literally one fit guy in the whole group
>it's a n*gger

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Super Dave's brother?

Holy shit this fucking PR campaign.

The movie is LITERALLY a remix of The King of Comedy and Taxi Driver and everybody just eats it.

It's literally impossible to have sex. I'm sure it's just one big conspiracy and everyone is in on it just to make fun of me. I can't even imagine what it must be like to have sex every day or with multiple partners. I can't even do it just once. Nope. It's not that girls hate me, it's just that they don't recognize my existence. It's like I live in a completely parallel universe to everybody else on earth. All I want is to be hugged and kissed for a few minutes but for me it's literally mission impossible. I feel so lonely and neglected I want to cry, I want to die. Incels rise up.

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>ad astra
Holy shit I guess thats what happens when you have leafs on the jury that hate white males and masculinity

If it is the Premiere then the director and actors and stuff would all be there and would hear the clapping

Fucking dumbass burgers

Neon Demon was actually good though

>ad astra
look how they massacred my boy

>Venice film festival
>Still has to mention Americans
Based rent-free OP baiting

Those are italian critics, not the jury

I honestly could not care less, stop blaming us.

People will still treat outsiders and weirdos like criminals

>he fell for the bait