Memes aside, a black comedy about her story could actually work if handled well. There were a lot of hilariously stupid shit that went down, kind of like Elliot Rodger.
>the boys weren't even yakuza but pretended like they were
>police ignored reports from boys who knew about junko's situation, later blamed people not telling the police about the girl
>the police actually showed up at the building where junko was being held, but didn't search the house because the boys holding her captive invited them to
>when junko was so weak she could barely see and could barely function she played a game with the boys and won
>the police arrested one of the boys on suspicion of a completely different murder they still haven't solved (what's more, the boy confessed and sold out his friends too)
>japanese government refused to release the boys' names because they were underage and wouldn't try them as adults, japanese media had to do it for them
>all of the boys wound up back in prison after leaving
>one of the boys' moms defaced junko's grave because junko "ruined her son's life"
It could work as a sort of satire against Japanese society and especially the incompetent fucks they call authorities.
Memes aside, a black comedy about her story could actually work if handled well...
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omg I love plastic love too!!!!
Am I supposed to feel bad about this roastie?
Todd Solondz material
She literally did nothing wrong and suffered horribly before dying at a young age so yes
It'll never work cause what they did to her is worse than what most serial killers d to their victims. Normies will never digest that, even if you make it a black comedy they'll throw a shitfit about how its disrespectful to the girl, which frankly, it is.
Nice digits but nobody will make a comedy about her being brutally tortured.
Elliot maybe
She was a virgin and these guys tortured her for 40 days,
They acted worse than apes from africa. Litetally worst than nigs.
Yeah i say in this case it is proper to feel bad.
What a retarded fucking person you are.
You wanna laugh at the torture of a young girl?
Are you litetally autistic? Or just indian?
Threads about junko on Yea Forums are the most unironically triggered I ever get browsing this site. I hope the shit talkers’ innocent kids also get murdered horribly.
Japs are literally worse than even the apes from Africa. If you look at their history you find they're fucking batshit insane. The Rape of Nankin, Unit 737, this shit, even their porn is all wrong. Fuck gooks they better stay the hell away from me goddamn bug people.
>white knighting for a dead girl, anonymous
Seems a little counterproductive dude
>One of her schoolmates, Hiroshi Miyano, had a crush on her and asked her out on multiple occasions. However, Junko Furuta turned him down as she wasn't looking for a relationship. Miyano was a member of the Yakuza and wanted revenge on her.
Literally killed for being virtuous
how the fuck is any of this comedic though
>Thanks for saving me user. I almost got kidnapped by those bullies if it weren't for you!
She was a virgin though.
Probably had a cute tight pussy. What a waste.
Why do you think we nuked them twice? Fuck all non-whites, cant trust any of them
jesus fucking christ
how does one even become such human garbage like her captors
Why didnt she die sooner? She was fed cockroaches and piss. All her organs ruptured, why did her body hold out for so long?
didn't the guys from futaba dox all the perpetrators? I heard every time they try to change identity, someone tracks them down and releases it to the net
>It could work as a sort of satire against Japanese society
You don't understand how glorious 日本人 sees their society in arts. Either its a problem and they are really depressed about it, or something is asburd and its hilarious or made to be. There is no middle-ground, and they killed of the genuine arthouse-circles of fillmmakers in the 90s
Lol maybe Japan will come out with their own version of Once upon a time in Hollywood where its Clint Eastwood getting BTFO'd by a 5'2'' gook and Junko who ends up getting saved instead of Sharon
They are either 14 year old edgy boys
Or shitskins
A black comedy would never work due to the simple fact that it's based on true events. If you pitch a similar, or even more fucked up idea and do a black comedy, it might work, but it would have to be entirely fictional.
Don't go shooting up any Walmarts today, incel
They have the least sex of any country in the developed world
>wow.... mocking a dead girl... too far and edgy bro...
There's nothing even remotely funny about it, and I've laughed at some truly grisly shit in my life.
Seriously. Try making a joke about it. It won't work, because it's not funny.
The human body is a traitorous thing. If I were her I would've leapt from the balcony. She probably either physically couldn't do it or still held onto the hope that she'd be rescued, I can't decide which is worse.
Muslim confirmed
>According to their trial statements, the four of them raped her over 400 times, beat her, starved her, hung her from the ceiling and used her as a "punching bag", dropped barbells onto her stomach, forced her to eat live cockroaches and drink her own urine, and forced her to masturbate in front of them. They inserted foreign objects into her vagina and anus, including a lit light bulb into her vagina and fireworks. They burned her vagina and clitoris with cigarettes and lighters, and her eyelids with hot wax. They also tore off her left nipple with pliers and pierced her breasts with sewing needles.
OP be like “yeah, all this shit is a knee slapper”
She wasn't roastie, she was too pure for this world. If it were a total slutbag then no, it would be ok to not care.
>>one of the boys' moms defaced junko's grave because junko "ruined her son's life"
Based and japanesemommypilled
All women are roasties and deserve rape and death
Niggers and kikes are subhumans.
This girl was a pure honorary aryan.
You know full well it's the same unemployable white manchildren on here 14 hours a day who say they used to spend high school lunch in the bathroom.
this but unironically
Based. She was at a stage where she was about to transform into her final form, a psychopath roastie slut that bangs a hundred guys to fill the gaping hole in place of her heart. Dont know why these plebbitors are whining about a future whore who would've ridden the cock carousel till her fucking cunt lost all sensation, fucking retards.
Or some subhuman chink.
and the boys were honorary dirlegang
>op lists things like how the police handled the case as potentially funny
>op thinks anal rape is funny haha
If you fags want something somewhat similar to what OP was talking about check this out, it's set in Russia but similar level of cruelty and incompetence
>the four of them raped her over 400 times
>100 rapes per guy
>2,5 rapes per day, per guy
hardworking fellas
You're trying too hard.
bitch deserved what she got
two nukes weren't enough
>including a lit light bulb into her vagina
how tho
why didn't she just call Braddu Pittu for help?
This sort of shit happens regularly in America
I know you're either trolling or trying to fit in, but 1980s nip girls weren't nearly as slutty as modern yank girls.
imagine how much better the world would be if all woman were subjected to this
Even if she had sex with a bunch of dudes, why does that justify exactly what happened to her in your mind? You must have been diddled into fucking oblivion as a child.
I can hear your cunt flapping, seething roastie