Movies about Tinnitus?
Movies about Tinnitus?
Black Hawk Down
Enemy of the State
baby driver
Gotta say my favorite by far is eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Fucking diabolical
fucking kek
Based no earprotection poster
Legendary post.
Children of Men
>muh teen sheboon whore who has a fatherless child is an EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE kino
go back
Private Ryan
Checked. How bad is yours, bros? I only notice mine when I'm trying to sleep or when I'm wearing headphones
There is a kino dramatic documentary about the life of beethoven, it's in 3-4 one hour parts on youtube
I guess I have it. Constant ringing but it's low. I only notice it like once a week and it doesn't faze me.
Does it get like painfully loud for some ppl?
>I only notice mine when I'm trying to sleep or when I'm wearing headphones
This for me too, it's honestly not that disrupting
I didn't even listen to anything loud, it's been here as long as i can remember
a quite place
>there's a skeleton in your body
>there's a snail in your ear
Cringe for not getting the reference, but also redpilled for using based eric reaction images
I have tinnitus, but it got so fucking back a few months ago, that I literally didn't know what I was gonna do. I could hear it over listening to music over my headphones. Over everything. I work professionally in audio, so it's not even something I can particularly help.
Turns out I just had fuckin' wax in my ear. Got that shit cleaned out professionally.
>implying I didn't
The porch ape RUINED the movie
>have a nonstop 24/7 hissing in my ear that sounds like a humidifier
>it came in combination with hearing loss(essentially deaf) in that ear
If you have some meme ringing in your ear once in a while don't appropriate my condition, thx
She didn’t need to ruin the movie. It was already reddit trash to begin with
I have popping in my ears for a few years now and I have to get those tubes placed or some antibiotics or some shit but I'm too lazy. What do?
the extended cut of "A Star is Born"
It’s self explanatory
I have horrible tinnitus and think nothing about suicide 24/7.
Shit sucks bros.
What do?
I had horrible tinnitus in the right ear as a teenager and thought it will stay that way all my life. Then, years later it's gone and I learn that tinnitus can be a symptom of puberty.
Nobody told me this. I thought I would go deaf in one ear for years....
Showed at 16, really fucked me up, couldn't even sleep properly for 1 year. Now it runs back in my brain all time, I thought I couldn't but I got used to it.
Dealing with Hyperacusis in one ear. Really sucks. One ears hearing is perfectly fine but the other one's pretty distorted.
Yeah I got that type too user in one ear.
I think it's more tolerable than the eeeeeeeeeeeeeee though desu senpai.
I hate this.
When a young child makes that particularly high pitched squeal that they just make for no fucking reason it makes the ear ache.
When I'm out in a mall I wear an earplug in one ear to stop it happening.
Fuck this shit.
>tfw menieres
havent had vertigo in a while, worst symptom atm is the constant tinnitus, i need to sleep with some noise otherwise it's impossible
also being in a noisy place is suffering
at least i have Yea Forums
I get both, the hiss is constant, the other shit comes and goes, especially if I'm in a loud room sometimes my whole head can feel I don't know the word. Busy?
Probably same thing this nig said
>at least i have Yea Forums
at least we have eachother
To all the afflicted ITT, lets hope that in time there'll be some kind of medical magic that can fix our fucking ears.
In the meantime, tough it out and don't an hero like that one programmer guy.
Archer has some tinnitus moments
I've always had tinnitus. Got knocked down age 3, probably the cause. Would explain the autism too 'spose.
It's really loud if I get shitfaced.
It's ok to off yourself if you have no loved ones :)
I would never advocate for someone taking their own life but who gives a fuck about "loved ones". It's not about them.
those jokes were funny until i actually got tinnitus
Hearing the tinnitus sound in a movie is feels 10x worse for some reason now that I have it myself. It's like a resonance thing or something
Actually, the I will modify this statement that if you have dependents, THEN you should tough it out. Otherwise if it's parents or friends or whatever ya know.
>get visual snow
>suddenly get tinnitus accompanied with it
fucking lame. for the first month or so i discovered it i couldn't even sleep from the anxiety, but i got used to it now more or less. i find that the ringing gets loud when i get no sleep
iktf. i have to turn down the volume anytime a movie tries to simulate it.
Is such a thing as actually being diagnosised with tinnitus? I have the ringing in my left ear as well, I only notice it when no other sounds. I noticed it about a year ago after an ear infection cleared out. Thought about going to the doctor's for it but not sure if it's really worth.
I went to an ear doctor for my hearing loss. I mentioned the tinnitus as an aside, to which she had nothing to say about. She didn't know much of anything, I felt like I was better informed just off of googling. Only thing she was able to do is identify that I in fact had hearing loss, and she didn't even seem interested in tinnitus discussion saying something along the lines of "yea, that's probably related to the hearing loss" and that was it.
sounds like a super shitty doctor. they're supposed to test you for hearing loss, but in the end there isn't a cure so its better to get used to it
Because grief is a quite severe tangible harm to put on someone for the rest of their life. Could make them hurt worse than you did.
is your guys vision full of dots as well?
Well yea, got tested afterwards too and confirmed.
It's not about them, it's so ironic that people who commit suicide are called selfish when this is the actual selfishness.
guess that's a yes
yes, it's called "Visual Snow", and nobody knows how it works or how to treat it.
yeah i'm well aware, can see it pretty heavy in a dark room. but apparently tinnitus and visual snow are both in the same pathway so if you have one you most likely have the other
have you been on any psychedelics or pharmaceuticals?
nah, it just happened out of nowhere. first it was the visual snow, then it was the tinnitus. thankfully they're both pretty mild and have learned to cope with it for the most part
based. maybe in 40 years or so it'll get cured
hopefully, but i also think these issues are about being hyperaware. i had no idea that the dots or the ringing were a problem and never thought anything about them until i saw some posts about them on the internet. i've also read plenty of stories where a person will have blaring tinnitus that they've lived with normally for their entire life until they're told that it's a medical issue, from there they hear it everywhere and it becomes hell
>boo boo you selfish bitch I'm getting off!
what the fuck is this shit?
Noise (2007)
Australian cop gets tinitus with Traffic-like interwoven plot. I remember enjoying this movie years ago, it’s the only thing I’ve seen to feature it to this extent.
I have it on my left ear for the last 4 years. It was actually worse at the beginning and got better over time. I only notice it when it is really quiet or I go to sleep.
Thanks friend :)
There is actually research going on but a cure might take a while.
the key is habituation. stop treating it like a threat and eventually your brain will naturally filter it
and DON'T think about the fact you will NEVER EVER be able to hear complete silence again
i used to think i had tinnitus but i spended like 30 minutes cleaning my ears out and now i have hearing like a rabbit
I live in a medical advanced country, They gathered up a table of "experts" to study tinnitus. (I was among the test subjects) But after two years of going and doing their "tests" (wich by the way are examining with cams and audible tests) I think they found nothing relevant. Showed up 4 times a year, they seem pretty lost imo.
I made peace with my problem, knew a few people that had it and we all agree, the worst part is the begining, somehow you get used to it as time goes by, just have to be a little strong and bear it.
Not sure if that's what did the trick for me or if it just went away.
You will in time forget how silence felt anyway. besides the tinnitus I will always hear shit like my heart pumping.
it sounds bad when you put it that way but you honestly get used to it
I think I'm already used to it. I always slept with a fan on to begin with anyway, so that now helps drown out the nose. The only time I notice it is when I'm indoors in a quiet place. I think I got it from my job though (airplanes). I think mine is pretty mild compared to a lot of cases I hear about. I do hope that in the future some magical cure shows up.
>besides the tinnitus I will always hear shit like my heart pumping.
>insect farts keep me up at night
ITT: unironic Indigo children all grown up.
Don't have it (yet, probably will happen at some point), but my hearing is a mess
My audiometry is on point, but speech turns into gibberish when there's any prominent background noise, it's a problem with the nerve
Will probably go deaf eventually
I thought it was my eye's playing tricks on em,your telling me you can see em too!?
Do any of you have psychic ear-ringing? I do. I can easily tell if someone is near or will soon be near my, even if it's a wooded area. Other times if I really burn someone on a post here the ringing will get strong if that person is either surprised, shocked, or actually offended(mad).
visual snow and tinnitus come hand in hand. don't worry though, it's basically harmless
Sometimes I'll be looking up at the sky & see these tiny "wiggly lines" that look as if they're floating just out of hand-reach
Who else here /visualnoise/?
I am so fucking sick of going into the sunlight and being blinded by black splotches everywhere
yup, visual snow. or blue field entopic phenomenon, under the same umbrella
Those are floaters, I think most people have them, especially those with shit eye sight
If they are not accompanied by flashes of light, they are of no concern, though they are unlikely to ever go away, but you just start to filter them out
Yeah, specially on clear sunny days, doees anyone get the, and this is gonna sound strange, visual blending. like if i stare at the toilet while pissing the uniform white of the bowl and rim will blend into a singular mass. Makes me feel like im insane
I only notice it when I pay attention to it and there is no louder noises.
>it's been here as long as i can remember
I remember talking to my mom about hearing some sort of a bell when I was... 6? She told me it was 'normal'. Thanks for this one and for my phimosis mom!
I think low ringing in my right ear. I think i've always had it, got worse a few years ago for some reason. Doesn't bother me, i learned to block out the sound through meditation.
If tinnitus is bothering you try meditation. It won't cure it but eventually you won't care about it. Remember the buddhist monk who lit himself on fire as a form of protest? He didn't even flinch due to his years of meditative self-discipline. If you can find a place in your mind where you are completely relaxed, physical unpleasant sensations don't seem as bad.
how did you guys GET tinnitus in the first place? i don't have it but i've stopped going to metal shows because i hear ringing the next day and i don't fancy wearing ear protection at them. fucking terrified of tinnitus.
It's all gone pete tong from 2004
May seem lame and old, but anyone with tinnitus should check it out.
Infections can cause it.
went to three shows back to back to back, only one of them being metal and got the EEEEEEEEEEE. even had basic earplugs in for most of the metal show.
>Does it get like painfully loud for some ppl?
Normally it isn't bad but I'm coming off an infection and its fucking obnoxious right now.
Audio engineer with tinnitus here. My right ear doesn’t hear high frequencies very well either at around 10k+. I’m scared of ever telling anyone because you start to get treated like a leper or a retard.
Very often my ears will just start ringing randomly. Sometimes it lasts a few seconds (normal of course), but more often it'll last hours and not go away until I sleep. I fear the day I wake up and it's still ringing. I've noticed it tends to happen when I'm at my desk with horrible posture. Is there such a thing as poor posture causing chronic tinnitus?
Poor posture is linked with TMJ which is linked with tinnitus
Blood pressure issues. Sitting squishes up your body and makes the flow harder.
ear infection
that's palinopsia
complete silence is not normal and never happens in nature
put a person with perfect hearing in an actual acoustically isolated 100% silent room and he will feel uncomfortable and nauseating in mere seconds
I got your program about tinnitus right here friend.
I would unironically kill myself if I had tinnitus.
I have it on both ears, only noticable during complete silence and when I try to sleep
Haven't had a 8 hour sleep in 4 years. I wake up like 10 times per night and even when I'm tired I just sleep for 2-3 hours and have to force myself to keep sleeping
I miss the days when I could go for a 12 hour sleepfest and didn't even know what the fabric of reality was when I woke up
>Audio engineer with tinnitus here
it's simple really. if you have tinnitus +
>dots in your vision
>weird squiggly white lines in your vision
>a ton of floaters
>trailing afterimages
>double vision
you have visual snow too
you fags ever be looking at something and something goes a lot faster than you expect it to and it all flares up really fast for a second?
For example, if I'm scrolling down and then on accident it scrolls really fast.
that might be autism
wait for uzamaki
Archer, tinnitus sucks, wear earplugs if you play live music, trust me
I've been consuming media through cheap headphones since I was about 11.
Have you guys been using screens heavily for a good chunk of your life?
I-Is that a s-spiral, what THE FUCK
Mines mainly only in my right ear and can only be heard in quiet places, however I get lots of anxiety about it worsening and can't stop thinking about it.
>forgot I have tinnitus
>see this thread
>start hearing the ringing
Fuck you, OP.
Based and eeeeeepilled
On a scale of 1 to 10 how loud would you say yours is? Mine is about a 2 on normal days since all the background noise helps me forget about it, but at night when i'm trying to sleep it shoots up to a 6
Cleaning ears with q-tips too much gave me mine. Still do it because my ears get nightmarish itches that don't go away without a good cleaning. Between the two, the itching is worse.
Well actually not really unless you count looking at the small screen of a nokia n95 as a computer screen
Mine is like a 1 in the day, 3 on the worst night. Sounds like a CRT TV is on in the room.
really wish the US had Japanese ear cleaning salons (mimikaki). going to an ear doctor I think they just forcefully push water in your ear to clean it. I'd prefer for a tidy woman to carefully clean out my ear.
has anyone gone to a doctor to get their ears cleaned?
did they use water or a suction hose?
did they have a scope camera to actually see what they were doing?
did insurance cover it?
what kind of doctor does professional ear cleaning, an ENT?
thanks faggots now i hear my tinnitus, i was ignoring it all day just fine
how can I avoid developing tinnitus?
recs for good earplugs?
I get after images and sparkly snow before I get a migraine
sometimes get weird zig zag and purple blotches and people look green
that sounds like an ocular migraine and not visual snow
same, the last one i ever got, 11 years ago. got tinnitus then no more infections. tooks years to not wanna kill myself. also my hearing seems better now than 5 yr ago. wonder if my brain compensated.
It's habituation. Kind of like your brain naturally ignores your nose
skip to 5:17
god I want this level of professional, private, non-medical ear cleaning in the US!!!!!!!!
one fucking cinema chain has speakers at max, during Dunkirk any time there was gun fire i could feel my ear drums move
I had to put paper napkins in my ear to dampen the sound
when I left i could hear a ringing in my right ear that didn't go away
sorry eeeeebros, I'll never take my non-damaged hearing for granted
i had tons of anxiety for about 2 months, but i've slowly learned to deal with it. just gotta do your best to forget about it
i see my nose at all times though
then you gotta learn to habituate that as well
if that hasn't happened by now it never will
control + f aronofsky´s pi = 0
serves you right for watching nolands in cinema desu
feel bad for you though bro :(
I just get random eeeee attacks in my right ear once every few days, happened after I went out shooting with some buddies and one of my friends decided to fire a glock right next to my ear without warning me.
what a great "friend"
hope you stopped spending time around them
how did he do it?
we eeeeefolk are working on a level you could never comprehend
happened for me though
This thread makes me feel extremely lucky. Thanks to all the sufferers. I sometimes smell the scent of an oxygen mask out of nowhere but it's not really a problem.
>those jokes were funny until i actually got tinnitus
for me those were funny even having tinnitus
uhh?? wtf do you think is causing that? maybe you show go to a doctor
i notice it at all times even on noisy places, which is normal for being caused by benzos whitdrawal, doctor said it probably going to last some years and then fade, i was on benzos for almost a decade, so its going to stay a while.
>being on strong psychiatric medication for nearly a decade
give me the QRD on what the fuck went wrong with you user
So they can treat me like some mystery diagnosis lab rat? No thanks. It doesn't Harry the afternoon twelvety undergone cruster dizza jreydush pinnytwibeyghuf goftgjhhhhftyu
holy shit yeah lmao
it's like missing the last step of the stairs but with my vision, I also have tinnitus + visual snow (no floaters)
not that user, but its really not that uncommon, especially the further back in time you go. Ive seen forum posts from old boomers saying theyve been on diazepam or some shit for 30+ years
>t. was on benzos for 6 years straight, for generalized anxiety disorder
And I was on one of the only "good" ones, aka the ones that didnt have long term mental side effects. Well, it turns out that was a big fucking lie, as they just didnt do enough testing on the benzo that I was on yet. When they did do tha testing, surprise surprise, it has the same side effects as the other ones!! LOL. Aint life grand?
smelling stuff that is not there is often a signal of a brain tumor.
get at least scanned.
> Metropia (2009)
Nah he’s alright, he’s just a wildcard, believe me I’ve dealt with much worse. I don’t hang out with him enough for it to be a problem anyway.
> Pi
I don't have and I've used headphones since I was 14 years old.
iron man
I can see, hear, and feel my heartbeat it's a bit annoying sometimes
you can get it if you catch the mumps I think
Do more cardio
maybe he is a HOLLYWOD PRODUCER?
>finally start coping with tinnitus after 8 months
>those episodes where i remember i'll live with this for the rest of my life
it's so fucking loud i just want to die
just... don't take strong psychiatric drugs or SSRIs, why the fuck do people do this to themselves?
>trusting big pharma or psychology/psychiatry AT ALL
wtf lmao
Ear infection or the army, it's pretty mild and I've had it for years but now I hear it again after consentrating on it.
i only notice mine in complete silence, like the kind of silence where you can hear things like your heart beat. at that point it's very loud and i find it nearly impossible to go to sleep like that, but it's very rare that any person ever finds themselves in complete silence.
nonstop abuse to my ears through loud noises from headphones since i was like 10, and i'm 24 now
also have done some shooting so i'm sure that helped
I get this before I have a migraine, like looking in the sun except it gets worse like you're still staring at it until it fades away and the fucking brain hemmorhage starts
i only notice it if i take more than 1 tab of acid
Boys mine is so damn loud. I used to drink most nights to fall asleep. Now I just listen to GoT book analysis to fall asleep. I wish I would have worn ear-pro during my time in USMC. I was airwing btw no war hero here. I didn't even file for disability because all the faggots lie about having it to get 10%. Can anyone else make it drown out almost everything else if you focus on it? I feel like the more I concentrate the louder it gets.
Clash Of The Tinnitus.
Side airbags blew right next to my head along with hitting my side of the head into the roll bar of the car
I'm not sure if I have tinnitus or not. If I focus really hard on my listening I think I can hear a slight "eeeeeeeeeee" and even feel it deep inside my ear canal regardless if my surrounding is noisy or silent. Not sure if placebo or not because sometimes when I watch a video I think I'm listening to the audio only to find out it was muted when I try to turn the volume up.
During a drill in the army one of my earplugs fell off. I was stationed near the LMG'r and he played rambo emptied 4 drums into the cardboard targets. His drum got jammed once even so he took the bullet chain out and wore it around his neck. My ear has been fucked ever since, I get random EEs at least once a day.
Surprised this hasn't been posted.
thats hyperacusis
which i have too
>have tinnitus
>still listen to music loud as FUCK
>will be deaf by the time I'm 60
do you know that even going completely deaf you will still hear it?