Now that the dust has settled, was it kino?
Now that the dust has settled, was it kino?
Yeah, that intro was kino. Surveying popup geography relevant to the episode in question is godtier.
Sorry, user, but nobody talks about GoT anymore because Yea Forums said so.
The first few seasons were kinda slow, and random. I guess like other good shows like B5 and TNG
It was in part.
Dropped it after the first season. Pointless, rambling story that has the sole distinguishing factors of a very high budget, and lots of porn and gore for shock value.
Garbage. An embarrassment and insult to American society and culture that it became so popular. We are the goyim
user, you have to watch the rest of the show. Then, you can get emotionally invested AND disappointed that you wasted so much time with it.
This is the proper course of viewing a television program.
I think so. I feel like D&D botched the last few episodes of the series though. It needed another season.
No amount of seasons can save that shit ending.
They needed to just wait until the fat man finished
Or fired d+d
Maario Naharis
True, but if they had planned for an additional season while writing they could have made it better/different.
I don’t disagree, the ending was horrid. The whole build up with the white walkers, and how Dany transformed into a monster overnight without much explanation was complete and utter bullshit.
No. I deleted it off my hard drive
It's what he wants.
>Yea Forums is one person
I agree but being that their were contracts that would have been difficult. George originally wanted for 10 or 11 seasons I think he said, but Dan and Dave only wanted to do it in like 5 or 6. George told them the story would not have much room to breathe in that many seasons.
I don’t think George had too much faith in the show to begin with that is why he was in no rush to finish his books. The reason the characters are so well written is because of the time and thought he takes to write them.
GOT could have been a lot better if they reworked the script not to include that much Daenerys. She and her low-iq eunuch mulatto posse is so boring to follow
biggest pile of turd i've ever seen yes
No doubt, Dany is going to probably turn to her evil roots for sure in the books, and she will probably cause as much chaos if not more. It will be explained much more thoroughly, with more time given as well, same goes for brans story and motivations. The whites will be more of a threat though and will be written differently.
For all the brainlet complaining about the ending. That was the ending of martin. The slow descent into madness.
The show did it in 1 episode and a half because actors where to expensive to make more seasons and d n d had other offers.
That fat fuck couldnt stop eating 8 hours a day and finish his shitty books before the show caught up.
Unironically yes. Season 8 has its problems but people whining about it are ass-mad Dany stans, and Preston Jacobs/Altshiftx theory autismlords
No. Thank god it’s over. Sage
First 4 seasons were good
>Dany is going to probably turn to her evil roots for sure in the books
Which is fucking lame and contrived. Dany shitting herself crazy is lame and contrived. fAegon is lame and contrived. Jon murdering his aunt is malicious, lame and contrived. Bran becoming King is retarded, lame and contrived.
Honestly, I have no beef with Bran=King.
Sure it's one of few ending points George gave them, but imo its the whole clusterfuck building up to it which is the real offense. D&D are just shit at writing and that's it.
>It's what he wants.
And after the reaction to the end of GoT he's backpedaling and implying that his ending will be different, lol.
>Honestly, I have no beef with Bran=King.
You're retarded then, because that shit makes no sense and serves no message.
S1-S4 Yes
S5-S7 Schlock but watchable
S8 Pure and unfiltered shit
Also, cutest psycho.
he'll never finish it
The whole point is that history tends to repeat itself. If you know the backstory of asoiaf you can understand why.
The thing I dislike in the books is how sane Daenerys is written. No one with that much incest blood would be that sane. Something magical must of happened on dragon stone.
Rather bring Daenerys to Westeros earlier and leave the boring Essos sideplots behind.
Back to twitter with you.
The ending would be better if Jon and Dany went mad together and wrecked shit up, prove me wrong
Completely agree. Bran is probably the wisest due to his abilities. No better person could be named king imo as long as his actions are for the people and not himself.
It actually changed depending on the episode?
That's pretty fucking kino.
The last 2 seasons were far too rushed and the writing was half-assed. A disappointing end to an otherwise great show.
You're just now discovering this?
>The whole point is that history tends to repeat itself.
Then there is no point in reading the rest of the non-existent books, if all I am going to get out of them is STARKS GOOD EVERYBODY ELSE BAD. Fucking boring and childish.
>Bran is probably the wisest due to his abilities.
So much for "the human heart in conflict" if the solution is a preteen tree wizard who knows all the answers.
Okay, Jon was never meant to be anything. He does not feel like he is entitled to anything. He is a loyal man, who does what is right. Just like Eddard Stark would have done.
No woman would make him see that differently. It is not who he is, and that was never how he was written.
>1 amazing season
>2 perfectly servicable seasons
>1 iffy season
>4 godawful seasons
Interpret that how you wish.
Then don’t read the books and keep watching tv, but that’s just my assumption.
I don't know how so many people can see through the show's bullshit and yet praise the books which are only good for toilet paper. The difference in quality is negligible
Again, history tends to repeat iteself. That’s why there is no other person/being better for the throne than bran as he is selfless and does what is right for the people. His abilities are icing on the cake.
>All seeing fucker doesn't make sense being a power player
Right back at ya.
>Then don’t read the books and keep watching tv,
There are no more books left to read, user.
Again, there is no reason to care for the story.
It directly contradicts the quote that you missed in my post.
Not for a while, was still entertaining though.
I'd put season 7 in the same tier as season 8. Shit like Littlefinger at Winterfell, Highgarden being taken off-screen, Beyond The Wall were all retarded. The Spoils of War was really the only great episode. Season 7 was just as bad as season 8, it's just that back when it was airing it was still coasting on the benefit of the doubt from when the show was still good and all critique was shot down for being a wet blanket on fangasms.
>Just like Eddard Stark would have done.
Ned wouldn't have killed his queen, much less his blood.
>I'd put season 7 in the same tier as season 8.
Except no. Season 8 had NOTHING. Horrendous dialogue, even worse teleportation and character assassination, and terrible action. Season 8 earned a tier all by itself. It was truly an embarrassment.
>Okay, Jon was never meant to be anything.
That's just begging the question.
>He does not feel like he is entitled to anything.
He fantasized about being the Lord of Winterfell and the Dragon Knight.
>He is a loyal man, who does what is right.
To whom was he loyal in season 8 and why? The entirety of season 7 was retconned for no reason.
>Just like Eddard Stark would have done.
Ned Stark would murder would murder his aunt, queen and lover in a cowardly act? He bitched at Jaime for less AND he married for duty. Jon couldn't even do that, despite "loving" Daenerys.
>S1: 10/10
Ned and Bobby B.
>S2: 9/10
>S3: 9/10
Slower pacing but red wedding was great.
>S4: 10/10
Most satisfying finale, Mountain vs Oberyn and Arya/Hound roadtrip. Inb4 shirtless Ramsay
>S5: 6/10
Butchered Stannis and Dorne. Hardhome was kino though.
>S6: 5/10
Completely killed Dorne and Tyrion became useless. Arya developes superpowers. Finale was great and interesting development of Bran/White Walker story.
>S7: 3/10
If it weren't for episode 4 it would be S8 tier. Also Littlefinger acting like a bigger fool than Tyrion.
>S8: 1/10
Decent first 2 episodes that were a good setup yet from episode 3 on every episode just set a new standard for worst episode in the series.
>Highgarden being taken off-screen
It wasn't worth having an expensive battle scene to capture one castle we had never seen before, the only character we know that's there being Olenna Tyrell who's been a side character for 3 seasons at that point
>Jon couldn't even do that, despite "loving" Daenerys.
It just gets better when you realize that by Stark standards this level of incest wasn't so uncommon.
It completely breaks the lore in which the series was based. This kind of shitty handwaving justifies shit like Bronn being Lord of the Reach and Master of Coin.
>Biggest standing army in Westeros led by competent commanders
>Completely vanish because your 300 men garrison got killed
You need to go back
after the boring slog that was s1-s5 that my dumb cumdumpster gf made me watch, s6-8 were absolute kino with all the battles and dragons
That’s right, he would have probably been killed by Dany then.
How dan and dave were writing the show, given Jon’s circumstances, they wrote him into a situation where he had no other choice but to kill her seeing the future of things to come. Jon stood for the people, and when he seen Dany plow through them like garbage, it angered him.
All Jon had to do was MARRY Daenerys. None of the conflict in season 8 made sense. Nobody cared that Jon rode a Dragon. Sansa, The Lady of Winterfell (at best), was openly hostile to Dany for no reason. Varys was forgot that the North practiced incest and he retardedly believed that Dany "is too strong for" Jon.
The ending we got is so unbelievably contrived just to arrive at Dany burning down King's Landing. Beat-for-beat, it makes no sense. Cersei even being in power makes no sense.
I don’t blame him for killing her. What she did was cowardly, not acknowledging her council or anyone else for that matter.
You got your morals backwards.
>I don’t blame him for killing her.
You're swinging at nothing. You are arguing against nobody. The entirety of the setup made no sense. You're trying to view Jon's actions in a vacuum (even then, my argument about Ned still stands), but that is retarded. There is no logical progression, because nobody behaves logically. Jon defending Tyrion, who actually committed treason, also makes zero sense.
have sex
Denounce who he truly is, meanwhile you have this insane wife/queen running the place making all the wrong decisions? That’s not in his character.
Dany was pissed about Jon’s lineage due to her desire for the throne. This coming to air would make him the rightful king. But, oh no she could not have that one bit.
>It's contrived because I didn't get my fanfic dragon incest ending
You people are so transparent it's ridiculous
No, not at all. Always thought it was overrated but i still watched it, the ending kinda ruined it all
You disregard everything else I said, user.
I agree, I am arguing with nobody.
>Denounce who he truly is, meanwhile you have this insane wife/queen running the place making all the wrong decisions? That’s not in his character.
Begging the question.
>Dany was pissed about Jon’s lineage due to her desire for the throne.
She was asking Jon to rule TOGETHER with her until the very end. She was pissed because other people would illogically plot against her, which is what happened.
>This coming to air would make him the rightful king. But, oh no she could not have that one bit.
That wasn't the problem. Sansa and Varys trying to get rid of her for no logical reasoning, was the problem.
Aunt-nephew incest isn't considered incest by Westerosi standards, and Jon and Dany ruling is an infinitely more satisfying and logical conclusion than BRAN KING CUZ HE GUD STORY!
Well, yes of course ??
Fuck off
And why the fuck should the Lords of Westeros elect him as their King ? He's an inhumane weirdo wizard who believes in different Gods and is a fucking Cripple. In a patriarchal Society ot makes zero sense for them to choose them as their leader
Jon and Dany is the "Disney Ending," by the way.
nth for the saddest queen
Have you not been subverted?
What shows do you like. faggot?
Honestly they should have just made him crazy as fuck.
especially since he got fucking resurrected
That would have been the perfect place to start the insanity fire.
Only good part was when Varys and Littlefinger were talking
i think it only changed in seasons 1-4 after that it was just the same shit every episode
No, it changed locations every episode until the last season when it just showed the hole in the Wall, Last Hearth, Winterfell, and Kings Landing.
Just fuck my series up senpai
If you watch the first four seasons and pretend the rest doesn't exist, it's pretty kino.
B-bu-but the books will be better! I swear!