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>When the Turks defeated Greece in the 1920's war Atatürk said "Hector we have avenged you

name a better fight scene

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Shampoo boy living up to his name.

trojans were greek colonists

Otomans were nowhere near Anatolia fat that time

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bitch this isn't Transformers

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>Ahh!! Bradpheous Pittpheous, sheath they sword, I beg forgivness

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in the iliad hector runs away

>Don't ever do that acrobatic shit with my ice cream scoops again, Roach

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in the Iliad there was Diomedes
this movie didn't even include him

why are all these shithole countries stuck in the past? Is it because they achieved absolutely fuck all in the past 2000 years?

When Italy beat Germany in Euro 2012, the Italian prime minister sure as fuck wasn't saying "this was for Varus and his legions" lmao

the past is wicked awesome though

Sounds like something an Amerimutt would say

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>there are no pacts between lions and men, and wolves and lambs don't get to fly on the concord
what did achilles the great runner mean by this

based but Ataturk was descended from Albanians

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>trojans were greek colonists
lydians were (from Crete specifically) but what proof the Trojans were? Phrygians were from the Balkans I thought?

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based yet cringe

No he was GALATIAN