Any kinos with this feel?
Any kinos with this feel?
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I live in Florida. This is a classic episode, often re-run.
God I wish that were me, storms are comfy as fuck
It's not a storm
Is your balls really hot and sticky?
>tfw GA fag so never in any real danger but can still feel like I'm in it
How about we just nuke it? Problem solved!
West coast here. That fucker was supposed to be coming right at us but it's turning like the punk ass it is. COME AT ME FAGGOT!
This is being so hyped and it's seeming more and more like it's gonna be like nothing unless you live directly on the coast.
Same, I think I need to buy a new umbrella soon though.
tick tock Disneyland
sounds based
Is there any natural disaster floridians won't shrug off like it's nothing?
>t.SoFloridan here
Watching this fucker move like molasses.
>tfw it does a loop and repeats the same path infinitely
why wouldn't this work?
Hopefully that Star Wars park is destroyed
>tfw 20 minutes from Daytona Beach
goobye frens
JaxBro here. I’ll see you shortly.
I hope it just on Florida as a Cat 5 for a week before turning around and hitting the Bahamas again
This was actually seriously considered in the 50s. However, physicists have determined it won't successfully disrupt the vortex enough to stop the hurricane. Not to mention it would almost certainly violate nuclear detonation treaties.
Florida houses are built like fucking forts
Just board up your windows and hope that a tree won't crash into your house pr something
I was a young man in 92 during Andrew. We went two weeks without power. Then when I was in college in 2005 we had three hurricanes roll through in one summer, knocking power for three weeks total. You just boil some coffee on the barbecue and ride out the humidity for a while.
Chad-Tsar-bomb would have dealt with some puny hurricane.
>cat5 rimming Florida for the next 48 hours
rip east coasters
tfw in Orange Park
>tfw space coast gets fucked while us miamibros get comfy
Get some alcohol in you to ride it out. Godspeed fren
Better be a cat 10 if it wants to kill me
A tsunami
Can't wait for 30 years from now when Florida is underwater and all the retirement boomers bitch they have to move
We have specific building standards for withstanding this sort of thing. Isn't too worrisome if you don't live in a mobile home.
I've been smoking weed and eating all my storm munchies all weekend.
boomers are moving to Arizona these days
God I hope it wrecks Trump's Florida properties
Is it all true about Florida Men?
>rent free
There's also the chance that the storm carries radiation onto the mainland, dipshit. Being rained on with irradiated water would have a much more harmful effect in the long term than simple hurricane damage.
No way. The storm is the size of a small country. The bomb would barely cause a blip
Nice trips tho
>Going from one extreme climate to the other
I thought the whole point of old people moving to Florida is that the humid environment somehow helps them live longer but Arizona is the complete opposite of Florida.
Yes. We all have large penises
>live in Wilmington NC
>we got raped by Florence last year
>just bought a house
>gonna get raped by the Portrait of Dorian Gray
And all of this is underscored by not having a gf. Fuck
Hey, the good news is FEMA has been plundered of their recovery budget to rebuild sections of the wall that already exist and so that ICE can lock up brown children indefinitely without trial. Take solace in that while you're sitting in the dark hoping your new house doesn't get knocked over.
>And all of this is underscored by not having a gf. Fuck
You've got a big wet hole heading your way
Well yeah, the bomb's total destruction zone was 35 kilometers and the peninsula is what, 150 km wide? Bomb's blast radius would fit in the eye of the storm.
Hurricanes are only natural disasters if you live in a hut. In the first world you might lose power for a couple days but that's basically it
I'd literally prefer this over losing power for a day.
>not glassing Mecca
Decidedly un-based
Not based
Based. thanks. I'm nuking shithole countries
I really wanted this thing to crash right into central florida where I am but nope now needless to say I am bummed out.
So after all if it could cause windows break at such distance maybe it could disrupt some winds in the storm and cause it to fall aprt.
>Is there any natural disaster floridians won't shrug off like it's nothing?
It's not natural if people deliberately imported them