Is this the end of Dave Chappelle?

Is this the end of Dave Chappelle?

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Other urls found in this thread: chappelle&client=firefox-b-d&channel=crow&source=lnms&tbm=nws&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjPwPDzobDkAhUBc98KHVG_DZwQ_AUIESgB&biw=1536&bih=750

thanks wom*n

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Was it really that bad?

>inb4 99% audience score 0% critics score

it's pretty decent comedy. however he provokes SJWs almost the entire time by making offensive jokes, so the outcome is predictable. audience score will fix.

no but he made fun of everybody instead of taking a clear biased side so he's a bad man

Watched it last night with my gf high on acid and we both laughed the whole time.

It's dull, honestly. I smirked and wasn't offended by any of it because it's tepid Mike Cernovich level insight. It really just serves as proof of how deep into the PC culture everyone wants to go at this point. It's become as absurd as Owen Benjamin's stupid videos he made like 10 years ago, in reality.

Ok but can we redteam him for a second? How many points (out of 100) would he deserve in an ultra-hardass, ultra-strict evaluation?

It feels like a set he'd practice for shits and giggles and not actually make a special out of but it's still pretty funny if you're a fan of his newer shit.

It’s really good he just makes controversial jokes

How does RT work? Did they really give it a 0 percent lmao?

>Inkoo Kang

> Inkoo Kang

This is a man, right?

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Yes, if you are L, G, B, T, Q or J.

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The one where he gives a review for a pimps book was much worse. It wasn't even comedy it was just him talking about some shitty pimp book for 30 minutes then laughing at the end"HURR HURR THAT'S WHY I LEFT SHOWBIZ!" as if that's a good reason for wasting everyones time. He needs to work on his material more. It seems like he just says random reactionary things and gets paid for it without honing his craft.

Anyone who uses this word is a butthurt sjw

It was good, fags are just mad that they made fun of trannies


All comedians are reactionary you dumb tranny

>Some people are offended by something therefore PC culture is out to get everyone.
Based retards. These are individual people sharing their own opinion.

interesting. it is as if leftytards try to erase or suppress everything they don't like and should be resisted by any means necessary.
Trump 2020

I love Chappelle and I even loved his other 2 Netflix specials after his return, but this was just meh. Its decent, and it's fun to see a celeb as big as him giving no fucks and shitting on the retarded american SJW culture, but then jokes just weren't that strong. I smiled several times, but nothing really made me laugh, easily his weakest work so far. Still, worth a watch, its Chappele, it's still amusing, but dont expect the funniest special on earth

the right is as butthurt about it as the left

Eew Mike Cernovich. I'm cancelling your opinion.

They rate it out of 10. Below a 6 is rotten. If all the reviewers gave it 6/10, it would be 100%, if they all gave it 5.9, it would be 0%

Netflix, HBO, Showtime, Amazon, etc.

Which means if the critics shit on it, they wont produce anymore specials like this

imagine being so paranoid you're calling someone who fought in the trenches alongside you years a tranny because there was a bad chappelle netflix special.

The only one that is bad is the pimp book one btw. Go ahead and seethe more though, brothers. If it makes you feel better to pretend I'm a tranny then continue.

>All those articles and blue checkmarsk saying we should "cancel" dave
>PC culture isn't out to get anyone

Name one person on the right mad at Dave chapel right now you tranny they are applauding him

Finally SJW trash and butthurt white incels can finally agree on something

>Culture war over?

"Reactionary" is the leftist equivalent of /pol/'s "degenerate". You don't belong here faggot. You're not subtle.

there isn't really any difference when it comes to asians

>someone who fought in the trenches alongside you
shut the fuck up tranny lmao


just ask /pol/ what they thought about him saying it was up to african-americans to save america again and to arm themselves

>skinny jeans and that long ass dress/shirt in 2019

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>Ok but can we redteam him for a second? How many points (out of 100) would he deserve in an ultra-hardass, ultra-strict evaluation?
I'd give it something between 65 and 70. It's not a masterpiece, but considering most stuff these days is more around 40-55, it's an enjoyable experience.

Based on pic, I can tell OP that Chinkomongs are always the first to call out offense. Make one controversial joke, and they attempt to assert a moral high ground. She likely has some hypocritical past of encouraging anal sex with adults while she was a minor.

They hate niggers regardless but they don't disagree with his premise about looking out for your own self interest. They are not triggered by dave chappelle the like that he's pissed off all the journalists and leftists.

Show sources of the articles saying Dave should be "canceled".

>liberals tut-tuting
who gives a fuck

I didn't even make that argument. It's not exactly news that the media judges things by political correctness a lot these days.

Then do away with critics and blue checkmarks then. Why put them on a pedestal in the first place? Fucking brainlets I swear.

Slate is hot garbage

Most of /pol/ would agree blacks should arm themselves. Ethnostates go both ways.

It's sad how this inoffensive special is what passes for controversial now

>and [Dave] Chappelle is to blame

Why use "[ ]" for Dave? Is the critic trying to sound smart ?

He was joking that the government would actually ban guns if blacks did that

Look at all these articles faggot chappelle&client=firefox-b-d&channel=crow&source=lnms&tbm=nws&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjPwPDzobDkAhUBc98KHVG_DZwQ_AUIESgB&biw=1536&bih=750

Specifically about "canceling" him and calling him a hack that should go away

Look at how fucking triggers leftists are

Not bad at all. Yeah he's become a bit jaded recently, and it shows in the special, but I still laughed quite a bit throughout. He's just not spewing the same PC talking points that white liberals expected so they're obviously upset.

>Is the critic trying to sound smart
That goes without saying. It's used so that the reader can distinguish which Chappelle he is referring back if we forgot we were talking about Dave Chappelle.

She looks like she fucks Asian guys

it was fucking hilarious

t. hispanic

Why aren't they posting the audience reviews? Do they usually wait this long after it premieres?

>”i’m not *for* abortion”
>crowd member screams
>”oh shut up nigger”

A golden moment

>make a special about getting cancelled
>get cancelled

No it's fucking great, SJW critics literally so fragile they try to cancel anything that mocks retarded left wing politics

I love how these retard critics froth and foam over the importance of diversity yet they're all jewish left wing shills.

you don't understand what stand-up comedy is. like, at all.

why can't incels do something useful and take aim at the liberal media establishment?

This is why Metacritic is better.

Dave seems to leave Hispanics alone, what's with that?

did you not watch Chappelle's show?

What if I'm a N?

We equally hate both whites and blacks but choose to stay on the sideline for your petty squabbles between each other. It's honestly the most /comfy/ seat in the house of this country. Seeing niggers chimp out and whites kiss their black asses over and over again.

That's stupid.

You'll love it.

It's been over a decade, I just remember the Wetbacks aka the Niggars new neighbors, and the barber shop with the music

Do these people just ignore or forget about Dave’s massive body of work before this?

>faggots keep visiting Rotten Tomatoes after the Captain Marvel shilling
unavoidably, kill yourselves

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extremely based. are you in the US? i'm in socal

its so hilarious to think of spics as people. also as holding beliefs they're superior to literally anyone or anything.

its like an indian believing himself to be superior to niggers while he squats down to shit in the street before leaving an offering at the town toilet shrine.

Who the fuck actually listens to women regarding any aspect of comedy?

Wow these racists! It's like slavery all over again...

cringe. you can do better than that, Tyler.

Condoleezza Rice...sounds like a Mexican dish.

Yeah I would've thought they were talking about John Chappelle.

Dude, I'm not even white and you'd have to be fucking deaf blind and dumb to think that PC culture isn't a cancer designed for rich white people and women to try and weasel their way into multiple industries despite having 0 talent or skills.

Whatever you say soon-to-be second class citizen.

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it was pretty funny not his best but the bad reviews are because he didn't suck everyones dick.

don't call them that. i like white people. in fact i literally don't want them to be a minority in the US

my fiance is white

Stand-up is shittiest tier of comedy.

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based spic

lol are you really this fucking dumb? The critic didn't put that there, the editor did. The [] is to denote that the critic omitted it. I can tell you were a C and D student.


What's the deal with The Ringer?

I listen to their movie podcast, and it seems like Bill Simmons, who I thought ran/owned the place, is afraid of his hyper-woke staff... but then why does he employ them?

I bet you think Monty Python sketches are funny.

hide Australian threads

ignore Australian posts

do not reply to Australian posters

i dont get it why is it 0 ? i watched it and it was kinda good

I personally love that whites are so focused on nigs, makes things much easier.
But I will agree with blacks when it comes to white women being fucking annoying, my god, the only times I've ever wanted to punch a woman in the face has been with white women.


I loved it - fucking funny senpai

I was saying Mike Cernovich sucks, clearly. ESL needs to leave. Dave Chappelle just didn't say anything more in depth than that lisping faggot yet people are acting like he's based.

His last special sucked. Why would this one be any better?

Shut up you idiot. You'll ruin it. Just let the whites fight the nigs and post in their little BRADDU PITTU threads to cuck asians while we sit back and laugh.

i couldn't get through his last one. too much SJW shit.

this one, however, is pretty based. watch it

There was absolutely no reason for the editor to do that. Even an idiot would know who "Chappelle" is referring to in a review about Dave Chappelle.

>>It's not shopped
I fucking hate this age I live in.
How are people this fucking thin skinned and faggoty in a position to fucking officially review bomb something cause it hurt their feelings?
Why is the press allowing faggots like this the opportunity to be a bunch of piss soaked wet blankets?
I hope this shit ends soon, I can't fuking deal with this shit.

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>How are people this fucking thin skinned
the irony

it's slightly below average. made me chuckle at points

how did you get all those extra blue buttons? what extension is that?

>Why is the press allowing faggots like this the opportunity to be a bunch of piss soaked wet blankets?
they were hired because they hold these opinions

I’m NatSoc and I found it pretty funny.

its called a "web browser", you phoneposting zoomer faggot

Yea the elites leave the large latino population out of the race baiting narrative entirely. It's really fucking weird, and glaring. It's all about promoting white guilt, getting whites and blacks fighting

That was fun watching you get BTFO, you smug cuckold.


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why wont people just like comedy for the jokes?
i liked this special because it reminded me of early 2000s chappelle show kino
this disappoints me so much ;__;

fags just pretend that its good just because of EPICLY OWNS THE LIBS BASED AND REDPILLED cringe shit
its terrible and he should have stayed retired, before he came back he was a legend

Because blacks aren't actually a threat demographically, they've been 12-14% of the population for like 140 years.
Hispanics on the other hand went from being 5-7% in 1965 to almost 20% today.

the future is Castizo

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>tepid Mike Cernovich level insight.

>takes comedy and makes it not-comedy

I bet you think I'm a leftist because you have poor reading comprehension.

Wow, you really got blown the absolute fuck out

It was pretty awful. Based women.


I can imagine Brendan Schaub saying abortion is only for women to discuss, but men shouldn't pay for kids. Dave got too soft.

>autists getting mad on a vietnamese rice farming board is the same thing as the left wing outrage machine which currently controls nearly all major social and traditional media platforms
Haha wow you're funny.

yup being spic is kino.

you got so BTFO i bet i'd recognize your posts from now on

might as well leave and make a reddit account breh

it's good, but it's pissing off SJWs so....

It's not terrible, it's decent. Stay mad, leftcel.

the fuck haha. taco here, most of us don't hate whites. hell, big chunk of hispanics would pass for white anyway lol.

you're fucking seething

if you really want, i can explain why the left always controls social media, news, and basically all forms of public media

if you really want me to i'll explain. it's really simple. and no, it's not "jews"

we are just pretending to be npcs, makes the invasion way easier


Kinda jewish desu

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Who the fuck actually listens to women*


I found it hilarious, and I usually never find anything made by or remotely sanctioned by kikes or Basedflix to be funny

triggered tranny

If you are a ... Joker?

no retard, if the people start to ignore (((critics))) the big corps wouldn’t care

He didn’t make it to be funny. He’s holding up a mirror to American SJW faggots and they don’t like it


>muh reactionary
Kill a bolshevik, save the world.

meme creator

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And that is why Black Panther is the best rated movie of all time, right?

Yeah, that's why it's fucking hilarious when we see libs push "diversity" (aka Asians and blacks) and never put in Latinos. It's even funnier to see them to argue they're fighting for fair representation despite Latinos having a larger population than blacks. That's why a ton of Latinos rolled their eyes for "Oscars so White" and the following year with an overstated black presence. That was during the time when Mexican/Spanish directors kept winning without begging for a hand me out

>muh /pol/ is mainstream right
Kek at the asshurt Pakmanoid. Go cry to MasterCard™ about it.

The lefties have their heads so far up their ass it’s back in place.

Funnier than forced punchlines

First minute is pretty much shitting on cancel culture, that pretty much set the triggered mood of most of those people

When spics are majority, everyone is second class citizens.

This post is so stereotypically nu-pol that I suspect you're a shill trying to fit in

maybe sort of a wacky concept, but didn't these publications used to have expert critics in their chosen genre review works from said genre? like if you were an expert on jazz music, you would review the latest chick corea album. and if you were an expert on stand up comedy, you'd review dave chapelle's sticks and stones.

but it's like they got the people with the least sense of humor who would be most likely to be offended to review dave's special instead.

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It gets the clicks

For sure
Remember these gook runners?

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It was great you heroin addicted white.

I just finished watching it. I thought it was good, and honestly don't see what all the controversy is about, but then again I'm a 30 year old straight white guy. I wouldn't say it was legendary or anything, but it was good. I'm guessing Netflix waaaaaay over paid for it though, since that is their mo. Why does netflix continue to pay these comedians huge sums of money for 1 hour stand up specials that really don't have any rewatch value? They know that tv shows, especially sitcoms, with like 20 episode seasons are their most popular content, why don't they focus on making original ones of those? it makes no fucking sense!

I'm actually interested in how an Asian would be able to tell that Tong and Liao are even women. At least Fu and Yang have long hair. The middle two clearly don't look anything like women.

Standup was never Chappelle's forte and this special just cements that. Had its moments but nothing impressive, really.
The show and the reaction to it does work as an interesting example of how deeply rooted PC culture is in the west. Very little of what he said was actually offensive, and that's putting aside all the years of conditioning on Yea Forums which basically made me impervious to opinions that are normally considered abhorrent.

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nah, she's just asian

Probably by the presence of the vagina.

Just wanted to say I really enjoyed it, but his comment on "Why can I say nigger on television but not faggot? I'm not a nigger!"
Well maybe if you comedians and rapper retards weren't so infatuated with your own demeaning words, calling yourselves and each other niggers all the fucking time then maybe people would give a shit about not using the fucking word, you dumb hypocritical nigger.
It's not like you see faggots call each other faggots every other sentence, not even close to the same thing.

Chappelle hasn't been good since Chappelle Show. I'm sorry but it's true. His stand up used to be top tier, and Chappelle Show is GOAT, but he sucks now. He's not young, skinny, and endearing anymore; his shit doesn't come from naivety and paranoia. He does the whole seasoned vet/wise sage and plays up the Africa debacle as victimhood/enlightenment. I miss skinny Dave and white guy voice.

Vaginas and penises aren't generally presented out in the open in public in modern society. If you were walking down the street and you saw the middle two I'm guessing like any rational human being you'd assume they were asian males.

Spics are literally pests that are replacing whites in America, you're right blacks are a good distraction from the big problem

It was boring as fuck. Anti-SJW rambling is still rambling in the vein of SJWs.

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>his nose isn't sensitive enough to smell pusy

based retard

Please tell me this is fake.

Nasty image. Also why are men's uniforms practical while women wear underwear?

I am not offended by a single thing he said, but unfortunately for Dave not only has he triggered a bunch of sensitive people with his jokes, but in general the special was very underwhelming. So a lot of this criticism is people just being offended by the jokes themselves, but the jokes themselves are just not very good in the first place.

Yeah that's why Netflix is making sequels to Bright and Death Note.

I'd say it's average. There were some good chuckles but none of the big laughs I remember from his older stuff. I agreed with a lot of his commentary but it wasn't exactly top comedy so much as decent political satire.

He just feels angry like he's finally been beaten down and given up. I used to think he was an optimist trying very hard to seem like a cynic but I'm not sure that's true anymore

where can i stream this for free

alternatively, does netflix usually come down hard on torrents?

I just watched it. I thought it was funny. There is a reason why a lot of critics would feel urged to give it a negative score.

has this been uploaded anywhere yet? I dot have jewflix

wait is this serious?

that is very odd. are african americans the only group of people who refer to their friends in a derogatory term? You obviously never see any white people saying hey honky pass that beer, or any asian say hey slant eyes pass that onions sauce. Do blacks in Europe call each other niggers too? I know african american culture has spread to africa, do africans now call each other niggers? What the fuck is going on?

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I'd fuck the far left one.

only time spics matter to any side is when they need to play up immigration for some issue then they'll forget about them for a few more years until its time again

its really that good

The Gay Mafia is pissed

Hang in there Dave

>We equally hate both whites and blacks

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In Britain and Australia white people call their close friends "cunt". But it remains very derogatory and offensive to use the term pejoratively against someone you don't know

oh he's predictable now?

i thought it was alright. it isn't killing them softly or even for what its worth but it was a good time.

Everyone likes Chappelle, nerd

Why did he plagiarize so much shit from Owen Benjamin?

ohh what an edgy rebellious duo you and your gf are seriously can you ever be contained?

>t. Seething faggot

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I guess I wasn't specific enough, because even where I live friends constantly call their friends derogatory terms. I think I meant racially derogatory terms. You never hear of hispancs in California calling eachother beaner every third word out of their mouth. You never hear muslims calling eacher mudslime every third world, like african americans do with the word nigger. It's an absolute staple of their vocabulary. It's weird as hell to me.

> Inkoo

> Pronounced "In-goo"

If you say so.

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Black comedy isn't funny

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fucking Breitbart ran a complete puff-piece worshiping him...

He just goes after the protected classes.

tong at least has female lowerbody but the other two on the right look like teenage boys

its pretty fucking tame desu. unless you're a normie.

its designed for jews

it's not full of drumpf nor "woke" fuck white men jokes so of course liberals hate it

Well it sure the fuck wasn't anywhere near as funny as anything else he has done. I only chuckled a few times. Maybe laughed hard once. I was more interested in the Epilogue. I'll watch it again eventually I'm sure. This is coming from somebody who fucking loves Dave. I'm glad he shit on trannies.

nigger got btfo lmao no replies here

well you're right however he was making a joke and you're taking it literally. relax.

Dave’s recent material is unpolished for sure. It still has glimmers of his genius. Why would you try when Netflix will pay you tens of millions for 10% of the effort.

This is why our forefathers didn't allow women to publish their opinions

I can't believe these media types have the ability to brainwash millions of people.

Seething sjw tranny, go take your gay pills and dilate

Didn't RT literally change how their user scores are calculated to protect Captain Marvel?

faggots are mad

That's fair, I know that sounded pretty rant-like, like I said I enjoyed the special, but he was obviously trying to make a point.

there's a McDonald's near my house that lots of black teens go to, and if there are any in there when I go in, it's guaranteed I will hear the word "nigga" five times within the first three minutes I'm there, no matter how young they are. Really weird seeing five year olds dropping n-bombs

That second woman is right though. It wasn't fun at all, it was just a bunch of dull statements that were designed to shock or offend people. It wasn't even actually offensive either. It just seemed like it was. For example, he never actually criticized the lgbt community, he is in full support of them. He just made some pretty tame jokes about them. It's just become such a taboo to mention them without waving a rainbow flag, that all the idiots here thought he was being politically incorrect.

you think Disney bought RT? thats crazy user

Worth it for the Jessie Smollett stuff alone. I get actors and Hollywod orotecting their brand and wanting to seem selfless but seeing all thise actors defiantly defending an obvious con artist just defeats their purpose. It's fine for a comedian to tell the truth be great if Hollywood would just go back to making greater films and leave the selfless act at home.

>cant find any examples
>b-but muh /pol/
im seeing a trend

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People are more concerned with the line right before that, when he said "I don't see any peaceful way to disarm America's whites'.

Better than Hannah Gadsby

>Why yes we do regularly post in r/AsianMasculinity. How could you tell?

>Frenchman Jussie Smollié

I laughed almost the entire time, and I usually don't like stand up. I'm bi, but Dave is right, trannies ruin everything. I wish them the best, but they are annoying.

"Cancelling" someone is Soviet "unpersoning"

Intelligent conservatives in positions of influence are smart enough to hide their affiliation, as anyone is when they face active persecution

>it's not persecution because they aren't getting sent to death camps
ok dude


Laughing out loud: 3 times
Upper-torso moving chuckle: 3 times
Nodding smile: 5 times

As Netflix stand-up goes, this is top notch.

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20 years ago, I wouldn’t have watched it again. But today, this qualifies as edgy because of the Neo-Victorian PC culture forbidding laughter.

>wanting to trade one set of whining butthurt faggots for another
Both lefties and /pol/tards can’t take a joke.

>the same NPCs who called hannah Gadsby funny think this is unfunny

Stay mad

Yes. It is. Limpdick

Pol is hilarious you whiney faggot

when will audience reviews be up?

That's a badge of fucking honor right there.

well, a 50 year old woman claiming that she's in her prime was pretty hilarious.

also those webms that put a laugh track to her routine are hysterical

It's an asian. They are all submissive little sluts. Some of them have a pussy, some of them have a micropenis, but in the end it doesn't really matter, because they all crave being dominated by white dick.

>even the national review panned it
oh no no no

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Post them pleaseplesapalepslesalpenapallwhehehe

Who gives a heck haha

First pic related, now Chappelle. Why can’t people get humor anymore?

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Reminder that rotten tomatoes was literally a mistake

this is the most brainletted opinion of his magnum opus i've ever seen, to such a degree i think it's just bait desu

It was okay. I chuckled at the obvious jokes, but the last bit where he talked about his son idolising Chris Rock and getting mad was the best segment

>tranny asked him after a show why the NY Times ran an article saying he “normalized” R. Kelly, but no one says he’s normalizing trannies