Rise of Skywalker Legit Leaks

Legit leaks:

>return of the jedi remake

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My uncle's frriend works at Lucasfilm. I sent him a link to those reddit leaks, he texted me and says he knows what happens in the movie, and about 40% of the reddit leaks are right, the rest is off.



dont care

Go back faggot.

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Posting it because OP is a stupid faggot

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No you

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>Dark Rey is a clone
>We see her titties when she is brought out of a bacto-chamber

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>nu-star wars
who gives a shit

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You know, I always wondered why Westboro Baptist Church used that specific color scheme for their signs.

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>general pride
>bad guy


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Literally no one cares about your corporate dork bait.

Yet here you are, posting in this thread.

To tell you to fuck off. It is what I do and I do it for free. I hope your not on my level, I hope you at least get .5 sheckles per post.

There's too much here. Too many locations, too many things happening. Faaaaaaaaaaaaake. Can't fit this in a 2.5 hour movie.

>too much stuff
Say that to infinity war

>expecting me to read anything from those pretentious left-leaning, s/o/y drinking, onions chugging, single minded, democrat voting, Disney-shilling, opinionated, politically correct, limp-dicked, muscle-hating, marvel studios-loving, ps4-playing, morbidly obese, ass-eating, BRAP-loving, cuck zoomer redarded SJW plebeian filth stupid idiot neckbeard jackasses who think they're better than anyone else down at pl*ebshit dot com
No thanks. Neck your fucking self.

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star wars is shit bro and marvel's on it's way out now too. The difference is marvel has had a few good movies the past two decades while star wars has not.


That's precisely Jar Jar's style - cram as much shit into a corporate-approved runtime, and keep the pacing and razzledazzle turned up to 11, all of which is to fool plebs into thinking they've watched something amazing, but afterward they realize is nonsensical, logically and logistically absurd bullshit. The man is a brainless style parrot without a shred of imagination.

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I just want a good end for Kylo. Fuck everything else.

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>General Pryde

As in Kitty Pryde? These leaks just become more and more ridiculous the more people write them

>Jar Jar
>Jay Jay
Lucas foresaw the coming of the beast

Sounds boring as fuck.

Dios mío.

Christ that sounds aweful, especially the parts where the ghosts of two geriatrics help rey to overpower palpatine

>Doesn't involve anything we haven't already seen
>It's a straight Point A to Point B plot, with no pathos whatsoever, on any level
>Adds nothing new, interesting, or even relevent to any character, not even in a "Subversive" (read: Stupid) way
>Doesn't even bother to follow basic story structure

I'm not saying JJ is any kind of decent writer, but this is *clearly* fake.

The difference is, in In Infinity War's case, it was all under a single umbrella. There were a lot of different locations, but only one thematic throughline: Get the stones.

Here, there's a lot of different shit in a lot of different places with a lot of different characters all wanting a lot of different things. There's nothing cohesive. It's literally just clumsily duct-taping everything we already know from magazines and teasers into a story whose whole aim is to clumsily duct-tape everything together, as opposed to actually telling a story

>posting a straight link to reddit
suffocate yourself with a plastic bag flilled with my shit then go to hell you fucking faggot

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You have to be at least 18 to post here.

>corporate shilling is now left-leaning
what a time to be alive
are you american per any chance?

So a JJ Abrams movie?

The whole point of the nu-trilogy was to undo the ending of Return of the Jedi and do it over again across the span of 3 movies. All this shit with palpatine is pure cringe. The Disney Star Wars series is an abomination and anyone with even the slightest capacity for critical thinking can see right through it.

"End of the Skywalker saga" my ass. The Skywalker saga already had a satisfying conclusion 30 years ago, and if that was not enough then the expanded universe provided 30 years of excellent wankery to keep the story going. Rise of Flyswatter is Disney Star Wars running out of gas and getting pushed across the finish line for posterity's sake.

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just as planned

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All those flashbacks to the original movies in the latest trailer
>see guys, they're totally Star Wars movies were making! t-trust me guys

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Fucking kek. Pure truth.

Star Wars Episode VII: The Quest for More Money


Say what you will about the quality of the stories themselves, but at least JJ knows how to write coherently. There's exactly two throughlines and two characters in the entirety of TFA around which the entire story revolves.

The left doesn't many any more sense in Europe than it does in America.

>Back at the main Resistance base, Leia is on her deathbed.

isnt this a little tasteless?

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>write coherently

Are you fucking serious? Tell me, I absolutely fucking dare you, to tell me right now, after two entire movies and God only knows how many comics and "books," what places all of the following:

>the map to Luke
>the Millennium Falcon
>the most powerful Force sensitive anyone's ever seen

all on the same backwater desert planet other than sheer fucking coincidence.

time to add Rise of Skywalker to auto-hide filter.

Explain this

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>We never got the true kino SW sequel trilogy in the 90s

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jesus christ, it's a fucking MCU movie with star wars characters. and they managed to do it while still carbon copying the ROTJ plot. fucking hell.

>Star Wars EPX
>the New New Republic falls to yet another clone of Sheev’s empire
>the Empire will always survive in some shape or form
>the Jedi failure cycle continues forever
Sheev always wins baby

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Why did he shill for TFA?

Adding to his, the film itself has loads of plot conveniences. Finn crashing so close to Rey when he could have crashed anywhere on a planet, finding Rey so fast on the planet sized Starkiller, etc.

god what a disaster

Because if you give him what he wants he will praise it even if it is disgusting vapid fanservice, and ep7 was a rehash of 4 which he liked. He likes the Marvel movies. He isn't some kind of film connoisseur who only likes unique art house films

Given the number of shit reviews they made having frodo meme level easily addressed complaints, they probably can't even reasonably well.


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This. I fucking hate it. When Maz handwaved how she got Anakin's lightsaber, I seriously considered walking out.

>The Tantiv IV just *happens* to get boarded above the same desert planet that has Luke and Obi-Wan
>The star destroyer just *happens* to not bother destroying the escape pod
>that just *happens* to contain droids that have the Deathstar plans
>Which just *happen* to crash land within a hundred miles of Luke and Obi-Wan
Star Wars's dramatic backbone is *made* of coincidences, user. That doesn't mean anything.

>Abrams remakes ANH with TFA.
>Fanboys and general audiences are pleased at first
>Time passes, new car smell wears off.
>People realize it's an unoriginal POS
>Expect TLJ to be an ESB remake
>Johnson instead tries to do something different
>Fails anyway
>Disney panics
>"Hey JJ can you just remake Return of the Jedi?"

Please do next time. Seeing autistic spergouts would be funny

They were going to Tatooine to look for Kenobi. R2 knew who they were looking for. Kenobi was there because that's where Luke was. He cared about that because he knew who Luke's father was. They didn't blast the escape pod because there were no life signs *and* because they wanted to recover the plans, confirm they had retrieved them, not just assume they'd been destroyed.

Now try to connect the dots in TFA, any dots at all.

>Palpatine just giving away his empire to people that aren't even Sith Lords or his apprentices.


As barrel-scraping as they are, Death Star Destroyers might be a noteworthy reveal if TLJ hadn't already given us Death Star tech continuing to be in use in other platforms. The First Order could have built those ships themselves if they'd wanted so why bother with the secret fleet at all, the tech clearly isn't a secret.

>be palpatine, thrown into the chute at ds2 in ROTS
>hey let's burn all the imperial worlds cus I died
>nobody is really gone, neither am I
>instead of cloning myself or doing some sith bullshiterry, let's give control of empire to two nobodies
my bullshit sense is tingling, but with nuwars and disney you just never know, I expect the plot to me more retarded then the leaks tho

>this is now the only man left on earth that can possibly salvage the nu-wars franchise

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Why bother with Death Star tech in the first place when you can Hyperspace Ram?

Around the time Last Jedi was released I thought the Leia Mary Poppins thing was just Yea Forums shitposting. At this point, you have to be ready for anything, no matter how insane.

>her parents are nobodies
>but her grandparent is somebody
That still makes one of her parents a somebody. True or not this is a stupid retcon.

>Luke and Han are dead but Leia(who is dead in real life) gets major screentime in the apparent end of the skywalker saga
What a bunch of bullshit

>brother I am pregnant and must stop jedi training
>no we must lightsaber fight pregnant sister
fake and gay

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>Rey parents are nobody, but is grandpa is palpatine
How is palpatine's son or daughter a nobody?
>Death star destroyer, sith troopers
Talks about overkill

Only Admiral Holoheado is smart enough to think up that idea.

Fucking kek.

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>How is palpatine's son or daughter a nobody?
The power of the DARK SIDE of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be ... unnatural.

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Fair enough palpatine is alive because we know Sith basically always look for ways to he immortal

This is a stupid and pointless game, but okay

>The Millennium Falcon was a piece of junk on a planet specifically designated for pieces of junk

>The map to Luke was given to a close friend in an intentionally out-of-the-way location

>We don't know why Rey was on Jakku, but we didn't learn why Luke was on Tatooine until Return of the Jedi either

But ultimately, it's all pointless, because you can make up any junkball explaination for anything, because the reason they're there on Jakku is to get the story moving, for the same reason the Star Destroyer helmsmen (and literally every Stormtrooper) were bad at their jobs in ANH. Also, knowing *why* the map to Luke was on Jakku is completely tertiary, and unecessary for following the plot.

Again, I'm not saying the story in TFA is *good*, I'm saying it's consistent and coherent. You can pause the movie at any point and give an easy two sentences on what's going on and why. The "Hows" might be murky, but the "whys" are crystal clear.

How did he survive the fall into the Death star's reactor and then the Death star blowing up?

Surely the children of Palpatine are not "nobodies"

true, it breaks the lore, especially when we have this bad boys which should prevent/pull ships out of hyperspace, pic related
having infinite number of DS capable ships is just retarded. In old EU there existed ships that had the capability of DS (can't recall the names) but they still took a shitload of time and resources to produce. Hell, even death star took a shit long to produce, heap of wookie slaves, geonosis genocide and who knows how much resources and slaves in the process of making one. At least before Disney stuff made more sense, as in holding resources and planets that had shipyards and capability of producing massive ships and the need to hide said ships/productions. Having asspulls and star forges at the ready is simply bad writing, yes empire had hidden tech bases and centres, like in old EU, and they could continue researching for new tech, but constructing new tech when they lost control of most of their systems plus manpower loss is not something you can replace unless they go for cloning again which in the long run would make more sense then whatever we got or are getting here.

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Imagine being this retarded. Embarrassing


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>there's one specific junk planet, yet it's mostly vast stretches of desert, not junk

Also, the Falcon was only *called* junk by Rey. Its actual owner knew what he had. This is made doubly nonsensical because Rey has worked on thd Falcon, and as such, would have been very aware that the Falcon wasn't just an old freighter. It's heavily customized, and given her slack-jawed(heh) reaction to the revelation of what that "junk" really is, she *should* already know what she's looking out in a coherently-written story. J J's not real big on logic and follow-through. In fact, he borrowed this all from a similar set of "happy coincidences" in the script from his first Star Trek movie.

Your logic is nothing before the power of the JJ, who needs more star destroyers for his trailers. They cost no resources, he merely wills them into existence by his very thoughts.

any obi 1 stories will be prequels,
and all prequels are utter garbage because there is no danger, no tension because we know nothing will happen to him.

I really don't think you know what "Coherent" means, in terms of storytelling or plot.

Pathos matters more than logistics.
JJ's problem is he buries the needle on pathos, at the expense of logistics, which is bad, absolutely.
But the entire point of a character driven story like TFA is knowing *why* a character wants to do a thing, and is doing that thing, and that's something the movie has in spades.

Which is why I think the "leak" in the OP is fake as fuck, because it's inconsistent with JJ's writing.
The main good guys want the Wayfinder, but don't know why? What the fuck is this bullshit?

Jesus, this sounds horrible.
the worst part have to be forcing the same shit from tlj with Luke on Rey to make it look like it made sense for Luke to go the route he went after Return.
actually trying to make Kylo redeemable by shoving Han in there as ifar thst cGanges everything. oh what a coincidence, now after all this time I decided to change my mind! it just do happens it was right at the end of everything.
also wtf was the stupid shit with hux being the mole? he's a space nazi, you're telling me he turns on the first order just cause he doesn't like kylo? fucking 1 dimensional. this all sounds so goddamn bad, the ot is undone forever.

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he's white, obviously
white pryde

I am aware JJ doesn't care for logic or any film sense. In Kotor it was a question how the sith amassed such a fleet when they had no shipbuilding capabilities and conquered so many planets, the answer was star forge, alien made ship building station. See the difference, they asked how and why, and how to stop it.
In the new movies, nobody asks why or how, but stuff just get bigger and bigger with no means of end, making it really one sided.
If we compare it to OT movies, Empire had supremacy over most systems and their firepower couldn't be contested by puny rebels. Destroying the first DS brought to light that Empire is vulnerable and can indeed be beaten, that there is an end to resources and capabilities if you keep hitting them hard enough and don't give them time to rebuild, like with DS2 and the trap that was set for rebels. All of these questions of why and how made an interesting story and moments to use in movies and to build the setting. Hell, even in prequels, the droid and clone army were not endless, somebody had to finance it all and to produce the army, ep2 was a big blow to the CIS since they lost a big production planet to the republic, something we don't see in the new movies, and Kamino was constantly under attack from the CIS (in clone wars series) since if the republic lost it, it would be the end of the wars. I'm not saying prequels and OT are 2deep4us but just having a normal story that can answer to all basic questions a little kid could throw at the movie or story of star wars in general, why something is happening instead of the movie being just another adventure movie.

Laura Dern is unironically one of the great talents in Hollywood

>Kylo loses for the third times against rey, so he quit being edgy and retook his name
> Dies
Why luke was so afraid of him again?
>Rey is palpatin grandaughter
If Rey is so powerfull and his grandchild why he bothered creating Anakin in the first place?

And here's another one for you:

If the First Order is there looking for the map, why were they conducting an air raid on the settlement instead of conducting another ground assault + interrogation? Their commanders already know the descri0tion 9f the droid they're looking for, yet there they are blasting away at a couple of fleeing humans and a droid, almost as if there were no logic applied to the proceedings, just a frantically paced excuse to force the characters to where the plot needed them to be for the next setpiece.



no one gives a shit about the expanded universe or your "lore" which treats Star wars like a series of wiki articles

>Star Wars movies need to be about logistics spreadsheets and troop deployment charts and we need to know the tax policies of the armies so we know how they fund their spaceships


this is exactly the same as an MCU movie. "just reprogram the synapses to work together" bullshit. I'm inclined to believe this leak is true because this is 100% what disney would do.

There is literally a scene in the movie where General Hux says they are under orders from Snoke to destroy the droid if they can't confirm its capture. The only person who actually demands it be recovered intact is Kylo.

Why did Rey want to keep the droid? That should be easy to discern in such a character-driven piece, no?

Why is Finn having panic attacks about killing in one scene and "woo-hooing" about the deaths of his fellow "conditioned" child soldiers in another? Does that strike you as coherent, consistent storytelling?

>Why did Rey want to keep the droid?
Why did Luke want an unreliable astromech and a Protocol droid he specifically had to stretch make excuses for?

>Why is Finn having panic attacks about killing in one scene and "woo-hooing" about the deaths
Because he realized the difference between killing innocent bystanders and members of the evil First Order. That's, like, his entire character arc in the first movie.

>Why is Finn having panic attacks about killing in one scene

Finn never had a moral aversion to killing, he's just a coward who got scared in his first mission. Yeah, he's not a psychopath who guns down innocent people, but this idea that he was a pacifist who wouldn't shoot at the people trying to shoot him for deserting is being deliberately obtuse for the sake of being angry about the movie.

Or you're just fucking stupid


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>jj's rabbit's foot shit again
why does this faggot keep getting work!?

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Do you really not hear that for the nonsense it is? "Destroy it if you can't confirm its capture." What the fuck does that even mean? How can you confirm you've destroyed it without first determining it's the one you're after?

Since clone wars, rebels and all other movies are canon they've ruined the lore of those movies by making the hyperspace ram and asking the question how come nobody in hundred of years didn't think of that, not even during OT. We both know the answer that they didn't watch or understand SW nor cared, they wrote themselves into a corner and made a retarded asspull.

>Star Wars movies need to be about logistics spreadsheets and troop deployment charts and we need to know the tax policies of the armies so we know how they fund their spaceships
No, but prequels are about that, OT was about that, it's "star wars" not "star adventures", every decision and moment in film had a reason, even if you don't like it clone wars is canon and so is rebels where they do discuss such things as logistics. If it weren't for logistic or troop deployment, Endor battle would never happen, so continue trolling and enjoy your "run of the mill disney adventures movies that hit your nostalgia".

Because they're the mighty First Order, and they don't give a shit about collateral damage on a junkball planet. Duh.

is this really how Star Wars ends?

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Not really. What’s Bill Gates kids names? Don’t google.

Overcomplicating fantasy stories that are essentially a morality play in space does not make you intelligent or more interesting.

You got that backwards, nufriend. 3P0 convinced them, not Luke. He convinced them he could be of use. Luke just agreed with him.

>No, but prequels are about that,
Yeah, and that's why the sucked.

>OT was about that,
It really, REALLY was not. They built TWO deathstars out of NOTHING. And the second one was bigger than the first for no reason. Come on man.

The First Order troopers are pressed into service just like he was.

So what was he supposed to do? Let Phasma brainwash him again? Was he supposed to just get out of the TIE fighter and try to talk down the stormtroopers trying to kill him?

Get real, you autist.

How can you be this fucking dumb? I order you to destroy the file cabinet containing the secret plans if you can't confirm its capture. It's somewhere in Manhattan. Now go blow up one building and consider your job done.

>Rey being sith is a vision
Lol fucking called it.
>turn Kylo good to just kill him off anticlimatically
What the fuck is the point? Literally is a Return of the Jedi shit plot, but they dont deserve it. What are the Jedi returning from? There wasnt a Revenge of the Sith movie that played into it. Omg this sounds worse than Last Jedi and anyone who doesnt think so can eat my shorts

You're aware you can reluctantly kill your former comrades without making it seem a gleeful, triumphant experience, aren't you, you tone-deaf retard?

Because Snoke is so terrified of Luke's potential return that he just wants the map destroyed so the Resistance can't find him.

And are you *really* comparing the First Order divebombing a few huts in the middle of a desert the same thing as nuking Manhattan? You are seriously unreasonable.

The only time he whoops and hollers is when he blows up the (possibly unmanned) turret.

You act like he's cheering when he's gunning down people, which he never does.

And maybe, if this was Apocalypse Now and not fucking Star Wars, they could've gone that direction


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Yeah, I do. They strafe a settlement, then just take off hell-bent-for-leather after two people and a droid with zero indication they even know for sure it's the one they're after. Bear in mind, they're also still being presented as a remnant of the Empire, a fraction of its size and power, not the oppressive, omnipresent Imperial forces of the earlier films.

You sure you sister doesn't work there as well?? That would be more believable.

Correct. But I wasn't the tone-deaf retard who introduced that degree of moral ambiguity into a space faerie tale, now am I? That would be the guy telling these "coherent" stories you're going on about.

i-i'm sorry quad lucas

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I am very, very sorry George. We didn't know how bad things could get.

Also checked.

They know FN-2187 and a scavenger girl have an orange and white BB unit and are hanging out in the area. Why is it so ridiculous to you that the bad guys would shoot first and ask questions later?

>Why would they even have a human-sized vent to the trash compactor in the hallway of the detention center of a Deathstar?

>How could Darth Vader not possibly know Leia was his daughter through the entirety of ANH?

>Why would Darth Vader be mocked for his "Sorcerer's Ways" when the Jedi were a real, very well known thing less than 20 years ago?

We can pick literally any era of Star Wars apart for its inconsistencies. It's pointless to try.

Ep IV yes, after that we got morality with EU and more content further improving the story and the setting. Nobody said it's deep but just adds more to the story and setting in general.

If we look at DS1 from when the movie came out, then yes, we had no idea who or how the DS was built. Wookiees being slaves used in DS/DS2 construction was back story of Han Solo before the prequels if I am not mistaken, that's how he met Chewbacca.
Death stars were used as intimidation tactic, hell AT-ATs had no sense expect being intimidating being pulled down by little snowspeeders, it was the imperial trademark, build it big and scary. DS2 was unfinished as a whole, why build it bigger was not explained in the movies or I simply don't remember, can't say it's because of intimidation anymore.
The Endor battle was Empire baiting rebels to attack what they thought was a non functional Death Star, destroying it the second time would be a big setback for the empire, not to mention emperor was onboard and they could cripple the whole Empire with it. Let's say for example the imperial fleet was all out in front of the DS2 and the rebels hyperspaced onto them, it would be a suicidal battle, even more then before.Having the trap set and effectively capturing the rebels gave more layers to the story and possibility of going further with main story of morality. What kind of morality dilemma could Luke have if he from the start knew they had no chance of victory? Emperor was counting on crushing his hopes and turning him out of fear and desperation.
Yes, there is less logistics then in prequels but at least they have moments where the good guys know the bad guys are building something, know they have to stop it and actually employ strategies, just look at escape from Hoth.
I'm not going to go into the ending of the ROTS since I'm conflicted by movies alone and still think the best explanation is "battle meditation" that was lost upon Emperors death.

>In old EU there existed ships that had the capability of DS (can't recall the names)
Not just EU. Palpatine's personal super star destroyer, the Eclipse, had a super laser, even in RoTJ. However, its power was considerably less than the death star super laser. The ship was also >10 times larger than a regular star destroyer.

The only time he actually fights a storm trooper in TFA, he's hesitant and tries talking his way out of it the whole time. At no point does he whoop at killing any of his former comrades.
You're being pointlessly obtuse.

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Quads of regret.

Dude literally no one actually cares about the EU. Even Lucas himself considered them separate franchises that just borrowed his ideas.

Explaining Aragorn's Tax Policy would not have made Lord of the Rings a better story.

That's the one, it was the size of Vaders super star destroyer, hugely unpractical.
Was eclipse mentioned anywhere except in books and EU tho?

>They built TWO deathstars out of NOTHING
They were constructed by a massive galactic government employing trillions of workers over the course of two decades.

>My sources tell me that the "Dark Rey" moment seen in the D23 footage is in fact a vision

No, they don't. They don't even know Finn's still alive at that point, and I can't even recall if we're ever shown Unkar communicating directly with the First Order. I got the impression he was keeping the info under wraps so he could collect on the full reward.

The ship is in the space battle in RoTJ. I don't think it's actually named in the movie though.

That's even worse!
That means it took twenty years to build the first Deathstar, and less than two to build the second, larger one.
That's not better.


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First of all, the second one was mostly unfinished. Secondly, it wasn't stated that construction of the second death star only started after destruction of the first.

got a pic? The eclipse is the one with the curve underneath, I don't recall seeing it nor can I find any pictures. I always thought it was finished after ROTS and do remember it from comics/games.

The second one was nowhere near complete, just functional but extremely vulnerable.

What? Did you really think evil rey was going to happen? She doesn't have the agency to be evil.

The Eclipse is 100% from the EU and never appear in the films.

The flagship of the Imperial Fleet in the films is Vader's Super Star Destroyer, which is named the Executor in the EU.

Apparently I was wrong. The ship in RoTJ was called the Eclipse, but it was actually an Executor class SSD, like Vader's flag ship. The Eclipse CLASS ship, which had a super laser, was only produced by the empire after the battle of Endor, so I guess it's not canon anymore.

Vader's executor is called the executor, Palpatine's executor is called the eclipse, that's the one that's destroyed in ROTJ. The eclipse CLASS ship, with the large ventral curve and super laser, is what's EU.

No doubt about it. She just needs proper director to support her. Rian Johnson is pretty far away from such director.

You are making shit up, dude.

Clone wars on the other hand did make prequels bareable and were and are widely considered EU, even if they are canon today. Yes, I know the stance of Lucas on EU, but if we look at the post you replied to and ignore han solo backstory and battle meditation, Endor battle in ROTS would make less sense in being a direct confrontation, with weak reason for Luke to have a moral dilemma. From prequels and other series/movies canon we can come to conclusion DS was built in secret near Geonosis, Geonosians were used to build it and wiped out, using wookies as slave labor for DS1 construction I'm not sure is directly specified anywhere.

both of you are tards

No I'm not. This is the movie canon ship that got killed by Ackbar in the battle of endor:


This is the non-canon class of super star destroyer which had super lasers:


It's so bad. It's just so fucking bad. I don't want it to be real because it's a worst case scenario leak. Even time travel would be more interesting.

why didn't Palpatine take one of rey's parents and turned him or her into palpatine 2.0? whoever is connected to Palpatine's bloodline of the two.

why would you leave such an important offspring on a planet without keeping tabs on her and risk her turning out to be a good person and ruin your plans?
how does kylo know this information? if palpatine told him, then the question above again

so jj made a shriveled up testicle fuck someone? or did he clone himself?
I find it weird that palpatine was thinking of someone else other than himself, something like pass on his legacy just doesn't seem like him, and with star wars tech, if his ultimate plan was to live forever, he could've injected himself into a robot body like Grievous and live forever, or clone a body, and transplant his brain into that one, he's powerful enough to use the force without a real body from the looks of it, or a clone body, and he has the entire galaxy ubder control, meaning unlimited funds and resources to extends his life and find a way to live forever, just luke he used those resources to research and build the death star...but giving Rey his entire life's work? doesn't sound like him at all, he didn't do it with maul, dooku, vader, he's not going to do it with Rey if she did turn, even if she's his bloodline.
sith rule of two never applies to palpatine being replaced, he always replaces you, his puppet.

come to think of it, with this new lore info from ST, why didn't he just create an offspring before Return, back when Vader was starting to crack, in Palpatine's eyes?

Did you actually read the article? It says the ship was only in Nu-EU books.

You're going to have to be more specific

sorry, faggot, but you still fucked up star wars, disney fucking it up more doesn't redeem you, just like kylo is unredeemable after killing his father.

why are you two arguing about something that has literally no bearing on anything? it's quite literally useless to argue about this.

What would you have us do instead? Discuss a shit movie that we're not going to see?

why not? they are passionate about it and care for it

Almost perfect
Also watch the video, the sound makes it better

Attached: 34536.png (1344x756, 1.14M)

Forgot youtube.com/watch?v=nKgsBM8AzJA

>im not going to talk about the movie because its shit and im not going to see it
>now excuse me while i talk about the proper nomenclature for a spaceship that only existed for the visually imposing image

I'm gonna see the Rise of Skywalker and I'm excited for it.

I enjoy shitting on EUfags who don't actually like Star Wars movies, they like the infodump books and wookieepedia bullshit version of the franchise

>white male dies so the woman can become the hero
yassss thank you KK

Yeah, exactly. Nerd shit is more fun than Disney's D team shitting out another half baked turd.

You're so fucking stupid. The worst part of the sequel trilogy is not the degree to which they adhere to anyone's idea of canon, they're bad because they have terrible scripts and mediocre acting. Individually, they fail to tell a compelling story.

good puppet

No, I think TFA and TLJ tell a very good story that BTFOs autist prequelbabbies and I hope Rise of Skywalker can stick the landing.

Don't lay it on so heavy next time.

>EUfags who don't actually like Star Wars movies
does that exist tho? You can't be EUfag without loving the movies.
>hurr durr you're giving replies to a troll
I know

No llores mijo. Deja al pasado morir.

Palpatines goal beside attaining ultimate power was for a sith younger and strong enough to ultimately replace him and continue the Empire he created.

Maul was nothing but a trained attack dog for him and Dooku was nothing more than a useful puppet.
Anakin was who he wanted to originally become strong enough to ultimately replace him but that got fucked when he became more robot than man but he couldn't find another potential replacement that even began to rival a pissed off Vader

They only "like" the Star Wars movies insofar as they lead into the EU books, which are almost an entirely different genre and style of storytelling that only use the films as a springboard.

The original trilogy is a whimsical fairy tale inspired by samurai flicks and eastern mysticism, concerning the duality of man and what leads him to be good or evil. Even the most restrained of the EU, the Thrawn trilogy, wants to be this hard boiled military scifi story with politicking n shit where the Force is nothing but a superpower you can turn off like a lightswitch, and then you get into Warhammer 40k knockoff shit like the Yuuzhan Vong and it's not even the same fucking franchise anymore.


Even if we accept your premise that the setting and context for the story don't matter at all, that logical inconsistencies are not any kind of problem, the sequels STILL fail. Because they aern't fucking ABOUT anything!

I kind of feel that all this mess to "close the book" on lucas's work was pretty unnecessary and honestly mostly poorly explained. Maybe they didn't want to be trapped into using the OG characters or something to go "they are all dead, don't mention them again"

Oh well, maybe the Mandalorian will be OK.

s..sorry I didn't know laughing so much at the Plinkett reviews would lead to you selling out your life's work.

>Because they aern't fucking ABOUT anything!
>hurf durf the movies aren't about anything because DISNEY made them and if you present any evidence to the contrary well uh you're just a fucking shill

>Rey fights Kylo again
>Rey wins again

you'll be attacked cause that's EU, talking about anakin and how he messed up being a cyborg and not using his full potential.
I personally don't think Emperor ever would have wanted to leave the Empire to somebody else cause he thought he could live forever (sith magic, cloning, you name it). I do think operation cinder from nuwars could be more viable if it was a "big fuck you" mechanism that started to destroy every planet without imperials even knowing about it instead of imperials blindly following orders.

I've never met people like that, EU was there to fill the void and to give more depth to SW universe as a whole, be it games, books, comics, w/e, but that could have just been me and people I've met who loved SW.
>Even the most restrained of the EU, the Thrawn trilogy, wants to be this hard boiled military scifi story
I've never read books about movies and I do know they exist, it would be interesting to compare but it's really hard to compare movies to Thrawn trilogy and how it would translate to movies. Lucas and epIV crew started on one movie, and we ended with a trilogy, then another and shitload of EU. I'm not saying what you said it's wrong, far from it, EU had it's moments and movies had their problems, even OT, but if you understand the OT and what they are on about, how can you state the new trilogy makes and sense and is not a an insult to everything OT has built?
Personally the thing that hurt me the most of all if we ignore agendas and horrible storytelling is the lack of practical effects, aliens without inspiration and design as whole which lacks the SW vibe. I do remember before TFA JJ promised it would all be practical effects and there were little to none, except some actors in alien costumes.

Present evidence to the contrary then.

It would've been amazing

They are mostly there to wipe the slate, and put the Galaxy into a state of chaos with a fledgling rekindling of the jedi order, both the republic/empire shattered... the kind of scenario where the universe might be a little more exciting for some new planned movies and tv show.

Maybe do a YA series about the first class at Rey's academy, create a political show with a little action on the side about a group visiting various planets in the universe and rebuilding the republic, heavy on the world building, or something focusing on the various crime syndicates in the galaxy and maybe how a wily merc/smuggler rubs up against them.

>how can you state the new trilogy makes and sense and is not a an insult to everything OT has built?

You need to tell me what you think the problems are before you can expect me to make a rebuttal. I can't refute an argument that doesn't exist. You're just saying "it's bad because I say so"

I'm very, very very very sorry for what I told about the PT. You were a great director. Sorry for everything bad I wrote about you.

>Daisy looks better as a man
>Adam looks better as a woman
What did they mean by this?

The prequels were always good and so were the original movies. All hail George

That sounds awful. It doesn't tie anything together and just feels like last minute spectacle.

jesus christ

i fucked daisy ridley in the ass last night.
can confirm

What are you talking about? Daisy looks like a middle-aged bong dad who goes on holiday to eastern europe to fuck underage girls.

>Luke will appear in force ghost form but will take on the appearance of a black woman
>It will be revealed that the force is female
>no white male protagonists, only villains
>non-binary character
>more asians and blacks
>Hux will be sidelined

These are more interesting than anything in the final film.

>binary suns


>EUfags who don't actually like Star Wars
EUfags are who loves Star Wars you retarded shill, infact EUfags it's the reason Star Wars is a fucking thing and Disney wasted 4 billions on it

EU had it's fair share of turds, usually the stuff that made it into vidya or comics was slightly better.

pfffthahaha I'm sure Disney bought the franchise so they could adapt the Glove of Darth Vader and the Crystal Star lmao

the turds were only in the post RotJ and things made before the prequels because writers were writing with their headcanon, meanwhile Nu Was have to make a single good story just 1

Why do you think Star Wars stayed alive in the time between RotJ and TPM?

this sounds so shitty it could be true

>these leaks
HHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh jesus the fucking trainwreck, this is so fucking bad like the worst tier of fanfic shit ever made bravo Disney and bravo JJ

yes, that is the problem user, well analyzed

So there is just no explanation what Palpatine and Lando have been doing this whole time? How did Sheev get more star destroyers than the first order? What the actual fuck is happening?

Look at this retarded EUfag hahahhahah it's just a movie relax

I miss her

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Wrong.He is the last person disney star wars didnt Destroy from the classics...yet.

Nah we are better now without these shitty games

>stop doing quests for people, you're taking their experience points so they can't level up and do harder quests

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Cash in those Sheev memes after this movie

shut up retard

dilate transphobe

You're so cool dude

>Glove of Darth Vader
unironically, absolute, legitmate kino

>a McGuffin to find the McGuffin
holy shit

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So where the galaxy was after return of the jedi?

You just described 4channel(dot)org

Even if 40% of these are true, this movie is still going to be terrible.

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How does Leia have such a prominent role in the film if she died a year before filming?

It's fake. Also they're using cut footage from TLJ in this one.

I see now George, please forgive me

This. Member when everyone was pleading with George to stop directing and hand it off?

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>the bad guys are called the First Order
>the ducktroopers do the roman salute
>General Hux shouts when he does his speeches like some german guy with a mustache
>Snoke's ship is called The Supremacy
>General Pryde
Disney/LF and JJ don't know subtlety.

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