Karen is probably a virgin and will age better despite being 2 years older than Erin...

Karen is probably a virgin and will age better despite being 2 years older than Erin. Erin has likely fucked hundreds of guys. Karen thought it was racy to post on instagram wearing a once piece bathing suit

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Why is Erin doing Trollface

I've seen the nudes for Erin, she's disappointing as fuck desu, some women look better with clothes on.

Katana, however....I would like to see without her clothes on.

Just because shes not comfortable showing things to the world doesnt mean shes not a raging cumsack behind closed doors

Karen's first generation Japanese American. I know a lot of first gen chinese women and they carry their virginity for a long time

Why is she so pretty, guys?

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she looks like she fornicates with white gentlemen

she's waiting for me, so we can lose our virginity together on our wedding night. i'm white btw

>Japanese and Chinese must have the same values because they're both Asian

acne whore

Yeah, well I know someone who went to college so I'm, like, a doctor

The very fact that shes an actress means she a raging egomaniac. Such people dont tend to be pious or chaste in reality

God I want to sit her on my lap and brush her hair...

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She's lovely, you shut your butt.

They both have slanty eyes

saddest tits since maggie gyllenhall in the deuce imo

Shes 100% basic with no outstanding qualities whatsoever. But whatever, some niggas like plain yogurt.

I want her to kiss me in front of my friends.

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Imagine thinking any moderately attractive woman who grew up in the west is a virgin past 14

The sad truth. Even if she comes from a strict religious background, there is a lot of abuse that goes on in those communities and there's a better than average chance that her dad, uncle, or brother has gotten her hands on her.

I know multiple asian girls who didn't lose their virginities until their mid 20s