>this was a middle class home in the 90's
This was a middle class home in the 90's
Other urls found in this thread:
yes upper middle class hence why they go to Florida in the second movie and all stay in one small room or why all 20 family members live in one house
America was great when it was white
No it wasn't. They were upper-middle-class North Shore people, Winnetka is one of the wealthiest suburbs in America. Dad's probably a stockbroker or something.
The Chicago suburbs used to be so comfy before Cook County took over every aspect of this state.
VERY upper middle class, same as now. Few people then would have defined it as "middle class"
This is what america used to be like until the socialist took over and destroyed the country.
Yeah then people voted for Obama
>until the socialist took over and destroyed the country
This is what trump wants to give to americans and it's so sickening
No it wasn't
Specifically his billionaire friends. The rest don't count.
you're an idiot
It was something the middle class could aspire to or dream about. None of them could afford it, but it wasn't big enough to be unrelatable.
It's a McMansion. Those are available to people who earn six figures but the middle class is composed of people earning about 90k a year tops.
explain this
if he is giving these kind of homes to his billionaire friends then its a big step down so he is actually thinking about the less fortune more stupid hippie
You’re a genius
The simpsons started in the 80's.
What kind of jobs did Kevin’s parents even have?
He was a mobster.
Homer has a really good job.
His father was a mechanic and mother worked as a waitress.
It's not a McMansion, it's like 100 years old.
Keynesians like Dwight Eisenhower and Richard Nixon would literally be considered too radical and socialist to get elected today.
t. Frank Grimes
Yeah I'm sure Bernie would love the guys who spearheaded Operation Wetback
They sold their kids to Michael Jackson
That has literally nothing to do with their "socialist" economic policies. It is worth noting that Bernie writes off "open borders" as an ultracapitalist Koch Brothers scheme while Trump hires illegals, though.
they had to have a big house for the final act to work with all the booby traps. you can't have a dozen different traps in different rooms if they live in a small house
they have houses like this in my neighborhood. they look massive, but don't go back very far, like paper thin. it's all a big dick illusion
Homer works at a fucking nuclear plant
This, Homer made beaucoup bucks which made his mundane family life at times unendurable.
>guy who supports amnesty and free healthcare for illegal immigrants
>against open borders
Bernie please go back to your cuckshed
better someone than no one
>guy who supports amnesty and free healthcare for illegal immigrants
What are the actual policies?
>against open borders
Yeah, he's part of the old labor left who opposes illegal immigration for the sake of domestic workers. That was a thing before organized labor and the left were destroyed.
The problem is Chicago got BLACKED, causing suburban dwelling prices to skyrocket exponentially. Winnetka, however -- the suburb in which Home Alone takes place in -- was already an affluent neighborhood, not just for Chicago, but for the nation in general.
Nowadays, the area has an average property value of roughly $1.6 million.
So your theory that this was considered "middle class" in the 90s is very miscalculated, and is counterintuitive to the plot of the film. Thieves would not risk burglarizing less affluent housing when more lucrative options are available.
Homer makes fuckin bank and Springfield is a cheap shithole.
The Clinton economics was a mofo
Homer is in a high paying trade(with no experience) literally living the american dream.
Except he doesn't oppose illegal immigration you lying faggot
What’s with everyone’s obsession with buying a big house these days? It’s not like the people(millennials) that whine about muh expensive houses are ever going to have kids. It’s just a waste of space that they’ll fill up with useless shit. They’ll probably spend most of their time outside anyway. Besides, large houses are a bitch to clean
>What’s with everyone’s obsession with buying a big house these days?
>these days
Nuclear safety inspector
>The problem is Chicago got BLACKED
Yeah, in like World War 1. Retard.
Diet Reaganomics.
He's on the record saying that he opposes "open borders" as a Koch Bros. scheme. This video doesn't really tell me anything other than a government-run hospital won't be allowed to leave someone dying out front because they don't have a green card.
White collar jobs, seeing that they had a week off during the holiday season
>works as a safety inspector at a nuclear power plant
>unable to afford that home
pick one
The closest thing this country has had to "socialism" was the post-war Keynesian era which brought about the highest standard of living the US working man has ever experienced. Moralizing neoliberals aren't anything close to socialists.
> the socialist
You know you can just say "Jews" here, right?
But the gays.
In later seasons they turn Homer into a borderline retard. Does he still works at a nuclear power plant during those episodes?
Flanders says 'Affordable tract housing made us neighbors' to Homer in one episode.
He says he opposes it yet he's against the deportation of illegal immigrants, supports amnesty for them and giving them free healthcare which will make healthcare costs even higher.
If he actually gave a fuck he would be supporting Trump's pushes against illegal immigration (not including the wall) but he cries about muh chillens in cages and other bullshit.
Homer's paycheck is revealed to be ludicrously low in one episode, and a nuclear safety inspector makes like $50k/year in 2019. Also Sneed.
>Yeah, in like World War 1. Retard.
Yes, blacks were quite a small percentage of the general population at that point, and white flight didn't happen until the 50s and 60s, mitigating the value of urban and suburban development.
Then, if you look at major crime statistics in Chicago, such as homicide rates, things really skyrocketed in the 70s until the 90s -- 1994 being the worst at 931 murders.
So when you couple the effects of white flight with the increasing fervor of crime in urban Chicago, you start to understand why suburban dwelling became much more expensive as demand increased.
Yeah and it only took a world war and taking out every major world power to achieve it, as soon as Nixon took us off the gold standard because of overzealous keynesian promises our currency became fiat.
Thanks Keynes for killing the dollar in the long run.
>He says he opposes it yet he's against the deportation of illegal immigrants, supports amnesty for them
Seems like the economically feasible/sensible solution.
>and giving them free healthcare which will make healthcare costs even higher.
I don't think hospitals should leave a guy dying in the streets if he doesn't have a green card (let alone the whole ambulance rides and insulin driving U.S. citizens bankrupt thing). You can punish him afterwards if you'd like, but I have a feeling you'll consider anything short of execution as "cucked".
>If he actually gave a fuck he would be supporting Trump's pushes against illegal immigration (not including the wall) but he cries about muh chillens in cages and other bullshit.
Trump doesn't have any sincere pushes against illegal immigration, he would never harm the business class like that.
>middle class
we've had this thread multiple times now
>amnesty is economically feasible
The absolute state of modern socialists, thanks for helping kill wages here.
Homer is a satire of boomers getting comfy jobs usually undeserved.
>Single mom
>Afford this
Explain this motherfuckers.
So? It's still an okay looking house.
God forbid they have to pay taxes or anything. Socialists aren't the folks hiring illegals because domestic labor is so unreasonable as to demand 40 hour work weeks.
>suburban dwelling became much more expensive as demand increased.
Ruin the cities while selling White people the escape hatch. Then buy up all the ruined property for cheap and sell it back to the Whites decades later. Meanwhile you have gained control of urban politics where power is naturally concentrated.
Who could devise such a scheme?
WTF was Flanders job?
His Mother was a preschool teacher and his Dad sold vacuum cleaners door to door.
>the deportation of illegal immigrants
Because it's a waste of time and resources.
>supports amnesty for them
So they are subject to the same labor laws as US citizens which prevents corporations from using them as cheap labor to drive down wages.
>giving them free healthcare which will make healthcare costs even higher
Offset by increasing the tax base.
>If he actually gave a fuck he would be supporting Trump's pushes against illegal immigration (not including the wall) but he cries about muh chillens in cages and other bullshit.
Trump's anti-immigration is security theater that gives his base the warm and fuzzies but isn't effective and costs more. The vast majority of illegal immigrants come into the country legally and just overstay their visas. If he really wanted to combat illegal immigration he would make it unprofitable for companies to hire these people but we all know he won't do that.
>muh joos
>muh niggers
every single one of these threads in a nutshell
Dad was a bad lieutenant
Yeah I'm sure they're going to be paying tons in income taxes and not being a net drain on the country like they are already with all the social services they exploit along with the crime they bring.
How the fuck did Jews even get to Chicago and Detroit. I thought the WASPs had those cities on lockdown.
>offset by increasing tax base
Yeah I'm sure having 5 million more members of a class that barely pays any taxes in the first place is going to offset that cost heavily.
>I don't think hospitals should leave a guy dying in the streets if he doesn't have a green card
That's just healthcare, not free healthcare
[citation needed]
You are talking about creating a bottomless pit of labor supply, housing demand, etc. Amnesty and benefits only creates more migration. And mestizos and indios don't increase the tax base. Only Whites and Asians are net tax payers as a group.
Trump is a do nothing faggot though for sure.
He was in pharmaceuticals, had a home based business selling rugs and then the left handed store.
I assume he also invested his money wisely.
Home Alone was 1990, 3 years before Clinton took office
Citation for what? The fact that the vast majority of illegal immigrants are lower class?
Doing god’s work anons
Trumplets are the truest cucks of all, in the sense of voting against their own interests
What incentive is there for illegal immigration if there’s no advantage to hiring them?
When you own a house, your rent is a mortgage payment that builds equity. Assuming the price of the house is stable or growing, your rent money is essentially "saved".
If you live in apartment owned by Shlomo Goldstein, your money goes down the drain every month with no way to ever get it back
Yeah amnesty for illegals and moving blacks into suburbs is really in my best interests
If you want to get rid of people who take far far more out of society than they put in, start with the billionaires.
You sound frightened user
Meanwhile I live single room above a bowling alley that's below another bowling alley.
More labor = lower wages whether legal or not, and the migrants themselves are incentivized to come for the benefits and even marginally higher wages than they have back home.
>If you want to get rid of people who take far far more out of society than they put in, start with the billionaires.
Jews and other parasitic ruling class people must be punished, but their tools/scabs have to go back too.
I just want to afford a home and have a comfy family life.
>get rid of the class that provides the vast majority of the jobs and taxes in the country
Good idea bernout
Thank you for your service
A nuclear family lived in that house. Uncle Frank and his family lived in Ohio. Apologize
so you live in the other bowling alley?
But they often spur growth and invest back into their private industries, which in turn employs lower-income plebs. Some, but not all also take part in philanthropy.
Elisson who runs Oracle employs roughly 137,000 people. Bezos goes without saying -- Amazon has over half a million employees, most without higher education and within menial positions.
This could be your house with a wife, kids, and huge dog and all you have to do is work at the scratch and sniff factory.
>no advantage
>implying more illegal immigrants won't flood into the country with the government rewarding them with amnesty in the long run
What's Bernie going to do with more illegal immigrants that come into the country if he won't deport them?
Ok, we get rid of all billionaires and all Mexicans.
Why would they come?
>thank you mr shekelberg, may I have some more?
Yeah, thank G-d for the Republicans, who totally do not love cheap labor and are sure to make an honest effort to crack down on it.
Out them on welfare that is paid for by your taxes.
[citation needed]
Bet you think you reeaal smart comin' in here with all them careful thought out facts don't ya boy? But can ya squeal like a pig? C'mon squeal for /pol/! Squeal like a pig!
Isn't that a good thing?
Why the fuck wouldn't they?
don't ruin your home by letting filthy animals live inside it
The funny thing is Trump hires a bunch of illegal immigrants himself
There’s no incentive if people won’t hire them.
LBJ got you all good. he got the blacks too. man was a evil genius
Have sex.
>come legally
Truly the same thing as being apathetic about illegal immigration and giving them amnesty while not deporting anyone.
He was a biochemist or pharmacist before dropping it early season 1 to start the leftorium. He's also incredibly on the dot, as seen when he fills out his taxes. He can likely make a lot out of nothing.
And pardons Jewish criminals who bring them into the country. King of Israel 2020!
No human is illegal
Here's another redpill. If medical costs weren't being driven sky-high by greedy cunts and were in line with what every other developed country pays we would already be able to afford socialized medicine with no tax increase.
But everyone is so concerned with niggers and trannies potentially getting something for free that they'd rather shell out 20% of their income in deductibles and co-pays each year.
You sound like you don't have a answer
Why wouldn't people continue hiring new illegal immigrants?
If the government won't deport them under Bernie and his ICE "restructuring" then they'll have more reason to flood up here especially with the potential of future amnesty.
Uncle Frank payed for the second vacation, which is why it sucked balls.
>scratch and sniff factory
the father owned that, didn't he?
>everybody loves raymond
>average house costs 300k in long island at the time
>ray makes 70k a year as a sports writer
>can afford mortgage
>can afford to feed 3 kids and a wife
>the house would be worth 500k now
>sportswriters wouldn't even crack 60k even for a big publisher
what did they mean by this?
Is he the same guy that said he'll have the niggers voting for Democrats?
It,s realy funny to see retarded shill outside /pol/.
Still retarded despite the change of scenery.
Medical costs only started going sky-high once the government got more involved with the introduction of HMO's and Medicare.
LBJ was just a puppet.
Niggers and trannies are part of the racket keeping prices up. You can't get rid of the pharmajew without dealing with their pets and vice versa.
haha yeah user it had nothing to do with the commodification of the healthcare haha
healthcare should be for sale haha
As I’ve said, you need harsh penalties for hiring illegal immigrants if you want to stop the flow.
He was mob affiliated.
you can thank mass migration and the continued muttification of America for fucking it all up
>muh job creators
Could you get Bezos' cock any further down your throat? You know what creates jobs? Demand. You know what spurs demand? More money in the pockets of consumers. Jeff Bezos isn't employing people out of the kindness of his heart. He's employing them to meet demand.
I mean accounting for inflation the house is around the same price but Raymond was making the equivalent of $114K back then, it's still a somewhat affordable mortgage but that depends on what kind of loan he's taking out on the home.
People on these H2A visas make about $4/hr and live in slave conditions. Legally. If you think this is a good thing, why don't you think rampant outsourcing is? Why don't you think skilled immigration is? Its all part of the same globalist neoliberal economic playbook.
1. All those hondurans and salvadorans that have been flooding over the border since February are also technically legal immigrants thanks to the asylum process.
2. Most illegals come legally on a visa and then overstay its expiration. Increasing the number of temporary visas is increasing the number of opportunities for illegal migration.
Do you blame blacks for everything?
Bow down to Lord Bezos
looks fucking confy and eerie
hello 15 year old commie incel who gets his political talking points from buzzfeed and /r/latestagecapitalism
the cleverest thing anyone has ever said. Socalism sure made property prices go through the roof fucking commies
Thank you, Bezos-Sama, of course I'll come in on Saturday
Healthcare literally was up until the late 1960's
I'm in favor of that but that's not going to be the only thing to stop illegal immigrants from coming up here in droves, especially when there's no fear of getting deported.
reminds me of this
inb4 sneed
Bezos deserves more tax cuts
>come in at other places outside of legal ports of entry
>legal asylum
Learn how our asylum system works please.
>You know what creates jobs? Demand. You know what spurs demand? More money in the pockets of consumers.
that's not how it works, if bezos takes all the money and puts it under his mattress then the dollars in your pocket are worth more
cringe and /pol/pilled
Agreed, we need to cut taxes to give consumers more money in their pockets which is the exact opposite of Bernie's plan which would hike payroll taxes.
why do Americans need big houses
I always wanted an Uncle Frank growing up. Instead all my aunts and uncles were dead head stoners.
inb4 won't save you
What was Steve Martin's job again in Father of the Bride? I remember the mom and daughter had no problem cleaning him out for the wedding and acting like he was the crazy one for not wanting to spend so much money.
I mean the net wealth transfer from a single white american to niggers over someone's life is $300k, we'd be so much better off without blacks. you do realize this right?
This episode is a lot more relatable now
H-1B takes away an American's right to learn a trade or stake a claim and gives it to a less deserving person needed more in their home country.
H-2B makes central americans useful.
I support one and not the other.
I'm a programmer and I'm a borderline retard you do the math
houses like this are easily affordable for a middle class family if you aren't in the big coastal cities
So better start doing something about them. Oh wait you have no guts to start anything.
My parents house isn't much smaller than that, and neither graduated high school.
I have a master's in physics and live in the literal fucking ghetto. Two niggers have been shot in my apartment complex this month
center hall colonials just have weird layouts because they don't match up with modern social culture at all
I'll be able to get a job after grad school, right user?
you got scammed by billionares leaches. and are too stupid to even realise it, resorting to blame blacks, the jew, womin, immigrants, etc, while praising your real enemies as heroes.
I don't see the problem. Trump fixed all of this.
Do you guys remember where you were when Obama enacted his socialist tax regime in 2013?
Billionaires are driven by the same desire every other citizen is in this godforsaken country - wealth. The only difference is they have more capital in order to meet their needs.
They should be taxed more, but that will only force them to find new legal loopholes to hide away their 'real' assets via offshore accounts and other shady schemes.
You can't just eliminate billionaires in our country either. If you were to expel the 10 richest people in the U.S. today, it would just create a vacuum and new vultures would fill their spot.
>You know what creates jobs? Demand. You know what spurs demand? More money in the pockets of consumers.
There is plenty of demand currently in the tech sector, that's why these companies are flourishing. That's why we have uber corporations with massive amounts of underclass employees, filling their pockets with wages.
You can't expect the lower and middle classes to earn an income but then tell the owners of said companies which employ them not to earn anything off the back of their slave labour. Tax the shit out of them and they'll move offshore and employ gooks and pajeets who will do the work for a fraction of the wage soccer moms are paid here.
No. You're buying into the libertarian corporate cocksucker meme. We need to increase labor share of corporate profits, institute single payer to reduce health care costs, end student debt peonage, offer reduced cost or public trade programs, and create a public works program to upgrade are dilapidated infrastructure.
Completely unrelated outside of being a Steve Martin movie but I just remembered that fucking asshole son in Parenthood who tried stealing his dad's car to pay off his gambling debts and his dad setting up a payment plan while the son ran off to South America and left his bastard kid for his 75 year old dad to take care of.
Holy shit I've never hated a movie character more than this guy.
Lol no. Our IT help desk person making $35k a year has a PhD in Chemistry.
that's just what his job is on paper, the real reason they keep him there is because he's as durable as a water bear so he can tank shit that would be disastrous to others.
I have a masters in aerospace and I'm living comfy right now. You guys did internships and networked, right?
>expecting socialists to actually understand anything other than "rich people bad"
Good response though.
>You guys did internships and networked, right?
Why not just file separately?
>single parent
>income $260.000
>Single person
>income $230.000
What were they smoking?
Back when women could stay at home and freaks were mocked/ignored.
Yeah I'm sure this totally won't hike up my payroll taxes and cost tens of trillions of dollars just to implement these ideas.
My advisor wouldn't let us do internships. He wanted us in the lab 24/7.
Create something or be useful to someone. That's the way to get by in this country. You lazy NEET idiots will never realize this until the NEETBUX will (finally) run out and you're out on your asses with nothing.
>masters in "aerospace"
Sure buddy
Anyways, the problem is that everyone promotes STEM, but in reality only T and E make money. The relatively small job market for pure S and M graduates is almost completely saturated.
That's bizarre, my professor encourages us all to do summer internships. I've only done two though, and one didn't go great, so I'm not sure how I'll do.
Trump 2020
Where do they get those numbers? WTF LMAO
His dad was some kind of businessman and his mom was a fashion designer.
If I was a business owner, it should be MY right to pay what an employee at MY company what I think the job is worth. FREE MARKET. If you don't like that, feel free to look elsewhere.
It's the economy, stupid!
Where is Pete and Pete's house? Looks like a northern state or mountains with that climate.
Dumb LBJ. As if he had to convince anyone.
this was a triumph
>The exteriors of Pete & Pete's house (as seen in the credit sequence and other shots) were filmed on Melrose Place in South Orange, New Jersey.[4]
>>masters in "aerospace"
>Sure buddy
are you implying that aerospace engineering masters degrees do not exist or are you too autistic to infer the engineering part?
uh oh
That was from the Wall Street Journal. It was pure propaganda designed to try to make their incredibly wealthy readership feel bad that millionaires were paying an extra 5% in tax.
Also note that Obama didn't even raise taxes. It was an expiration of the Bush tax cuts, which the Republicans refused to extend without an agreement to repeal Obamacare.
>tfw guy I know has a degree in aerospace engineering and no debt but works at a fucking liquor store
I don't get why people this smart just give up like this, if I had that kind of intelligence and even a degree in the first place I'd be trying out for shit at Space X or something.
>Obama didn't even raise taxes
So if whites are superior then how are jews in charge of everything? White trash is white trash and is same level as hoodrat.
I've considered doing something easy and low-paying despite have a STEM masters and getting a PhD soon. Seems like people get burnt out sometimes and want a job where they don't need to think much.
Explain this.
>Tax the shit out of them and they'll move offshore and employ gooks and pajeets who will do the work for a fraction of the wage soccer moms are paid here.
Let them. And when they do you tax them at the point of sale or delivery. Doing so completely eliminates the only advantage tax avoidance has which is mobility.
Seems like John Hughes was indulging in some wish fulfillment in his movies. I could never afford this in a million years.
Women entering the workforce destroyed everything and now they’re more unhappy than ever
Rampant nepotism for the members of the chosen tribe. Why ask questions you know the answer to?
I'm sure this will convince corporations to do business in America and not just move to other countries with competitive tax rates.
I guess so (and I'm sort of feeling the same way despite being an idiot with even a bachelor's degree), I really don't want to be stuck at a desk all my life.
> I could never afford this in a million years.
Hmmm spending all of your free time shitposting on 4channel instead of working a job. Yeah, I wonder why you won't ever afford anything like that...
The largest corporations in the US aren't doing any legitimate business anyway. They are either ad companies mining data or playing around with money. Who cares if they leave? It's a fake economy they are producing anyway.
You're a retard. Americans are the largest consumers on the planet. Corporations have to sell their shit here. And if some don't I'm sure another noble entrepreneur or two will be willing to fill the vaccum.
I don't think I'd go through with it though. An easy job sounds nice sometimes, but I also might get bored out of mind from it.
>supposedly makes less than mininum wage as a shoe salesman
>lives in pic related with a wife and two kids who constantly spend all his earnings
How did he do it, lads?
>not seizing their assets
Anyone who can do this already has
I just don't see whites as superior beings especially when you look at this place.
Is this the know-it-all millennial hour on Yea Forums? Embarrassing.
Its the Boomers that have the stupidly big Mc Mansions, most Millenials (in cities) will never own any property at all since half of their income goes to Mr. Landlord every month.
They already all move offshore. They already use pajeets and gooks and chinese children to do any work that doesn't need to be done domestically, and imported spics to do any work that does need to be done in the U.S. whereever possible.
The only way to be competitive is to lower our tax rates, our labor protections, our environmental protections, our very standard of living to that which you would find in Chinkville. Its race-to-the-bottom globalism.
>who cares if the economy collapses lmao
The absolute state of neets
I have a mechanical engineering PhD and I'm a cunt hair away from joining the military. Mechanics were always interesting to me, but it was a mistake trying to pursue a career out of it. The PhD was a pretty bad experience and burned me out, too. I still remember how energetic and motivated I was at the beginning and felt the exact opposite by the time I defended and started working.
Engineering is a special kind of hell to begin with. None of my co-workers are what I'd consider normal.
>I just don't see whites as superior beings
Well, no one says they are so good for you I guess.
>How did he do it, lads?
The shoe store was a front for his coke business.
4channel is filled with mutts and spics.
If ad companies and investment institutions run your economy and it's better off collapsing.
it could make sense if he lived on the third floor but he probably meant "above" another bowling alley
>if we get rid of the Tsar how will Russia survive!
This is you and you don’t even know it. You’re an American in 1776 that supports King George. You think confronting the corruption of power is too risky, so you support your own rape.
Hitler did.
>trump paid no taxes
>trumps accountants used tax laws instigated by Bill Clinton to pay the least amount of tax possible, just like every person in America that can afford an accountant.
It's like pottery or something.
You are a retard if you think your heroes, Sanders, Hilary, whoever, aren't doing the exact same thing.
The one reason Trump is vilified is because he wasn't supposed to win.
Aryan =/= white
>forgetting what happened to Russia after the tsar collapsed
>he gets his history from television
Big oof
My house is a two story house with an attic, not a bungalow where the attic was turned into a second story, that clocks in at just over 2000 sq ft and has a ~200 sq ft patio on the first floor and a ~100 sq ft patio on the second. It was just under 200k and I bought it when I was 26 back in 2016.
As impressive as it sounds, the neighborhood is a blue collar neighborhood and I have spics blasting their shit music driving past all day. You can get a lot of house if you are willing to sacrifice the neighborhood you're in.
But we already do, it’s called a sales tax. The government could implement a value added tax, but that only puts more money into the governments pockets and not the consumer - meaning buyers don’t have more expendable income. What you’d end up with is rapidly increasing inflation, as costs would increase and the purchasing power decreases.
Unoccupied private property should be repossessed. All businesses should be run by the workers.
Isn’t that home valued at like $3.5M?
Yes before the muslim socialist Obama became president everyone was living in mansions.
why are you talking about superiority at all? whites are a net contributor to the US tax pool, blacks are net consumers of the tax pool. Do with that fact what you will
You mean "wealthy." Lol, throughout most of our history, most whites have been dirt poor peasants, coal miners, cannon fodder, even slaves...
Who's going to put up the capital to start up the business again?
And loser whites.
Credit unions and mutual banks
Trump is so based! He even pardoned that Jew who was using illegals to import and sell bath salts in Florida! He's gonna Make America Great Again!
The French Revolution was ugly too, but the world is better off for it having happened.
The Soviet Union didn’t exist in a vacuum. It was an agrarian society behind Germany and USA technologically and with its infrastructure, forced into accelerating into industrialism to maintain itself against the barbarity of the Nazis, followed by the richest country in its most prosperous time in history as an adversary.
Like any other group in power they made missteps and cruel choices, yet the west chooses to remember Stalin and not the voices like Kruschev, who was less of a tyrant than his Soviet predecessors and less of a tyrant than the repressive Tsardom.
The USSR was better than the monarchy before it, and in most ways better than the impoverished mafia state bearing the name of Russia today.
>trump hires illegals
>1 woman was reported on being hired at one of his resorts at being hired after she supplied fake documents
At best you don't read beyond the headlines, at worst you are a liar.
I hope you got paid for that post. Otherwise that's a pathetic way to spend your Sunday, willingly posting drivel like that.
Communism? America doesnt have that.
>forced into accelerating into industrialism to maintain itself against the barbarity of the Nazis
How do you fuckup the chronological order of events this badly?
>The government could implement a value added tax, but that only puts more money into the governments pockets and not the consumer
That's generally where taxes go which is what the conversation was about.
>meaning buyers don’t have more expendable income.
Which is why labor share of profits should be expanded.
Yes, everyone who doesn't believe in kike lies is a shill
Frankly I'd take a small house in a nice neighborhood any day. Enjoy living in a neighborhood that'll turn to shit in the next decade or so.
>The USSR was better than the monarchy before it, and in most ways better than the impoverished mafia state bearing the name of Russia today.
I can smell the Californian behind this post.
Everyone who finds the need to push drivel that has nothing to do with the thread, as you are, is a shill.
woman was reported on being hired at one of his resorts at being hired after she supplied fake documents
>1 woman
Why are you lying?
>The French Revolution was ugly too, but the world is better off for it having happened
citation needed
>The Soviet Union didn’t exist in a vacuum. It was an agrarian society behind Germany and USA technologically and with its infrastructure, forced into accelerating into industrialism to maintain itself against the barbarity of the Nazis, followed by the richest country in its most prosperous time in history as an adversary.
That's not how it happened
> and less of a tyrant than the repressive Tsardom.
Reminder that the Tsar was gone before the revolution
>The USSR was better than the monarchy before it
citation needed
Nuclear Power plant safety inspectors are easily on $200,000 a year
It will if you completely destroy the economy
>this is your brain on 5 episodes of Chernobyl
The French Revolution was a mistake. The American Revolution was the only based revolution in history.
That was my plan but I was stupid and listened to my parent's idiotic advice. The neighborhood won't turn to shit because the school district is half decent, and the neighborhood borders a very affluent area so there will always be overflow from people that can't afford to live in the affluent area proper, but wish to live nearby. They also build luxury apartment complexes recently which seem to be fully rented since the parking lot is filled.
No, they aren't, and anything to do with nuclear power in the US doesn't have a good job outlook.
Did you forget the part where the Russian people suffered the most casualties in WW1 and WW2? The revolution you dislike occurred in the middle of millions of Russian deaths at western hands.
You think they mobilized the 5 year plan out of trust for their neighbors?
>Brainwashed Americans: The Post(s)
He earns 300 a week from it
No, just guys like Bezo, owner of Amazon, and all the shit he had in the media a year or so ago.
Confirmed liberal btw.
If you claim to not know what I'm talking about please educate yourself before posting.
This, America was smart enough to not be retards and kill off all their rich folk unlike all these dipshit communists.
Tell us more about your wonderful life in the USSR california-kun
Anybody pro-monarchy is a cuckold. Simple as.
>there were some wars and people died
Now this is goalpost moving
Absolute brainlet. The French revolution's major base of support came from their bourgeoisie. The rich were the ones behind the revolution.
The US has more prisoners than anywhere else on earth. What does that make it, if it’s enemies are called police states and they have less policing?
90s was the best decade
that's even more true for every other race you silly boy
>muh culture war
Ask Bezos what his economic policies are. Whether he thinks you shouldn't be a doo-doo head to gays and minorities is immaterial. The culture war really did a number on this country.
You see it as that because you see Nazi germany as some one-off and not fundamentally a continuation of the same impulses mobilized by Kaiser Wilhelm and many before him.
Good luck maintaining your agrarian monarchy against the most high tech invaders in the world bro.
The USSR didn't have millions of niggers. To have any remote semblance of law and order in a country with blacks, you have to lock millions of them up.
I'm sure you'd really want to be stuck in a soviet gulag over a US prison Jason Unruhe
Even when whites are poor they create better living environments than every other poor race
And then they killed off the rich people after the revolt along with anyone who badmouthed the committee.
>muh muh
every single kike nigger with no argument in a nutshell.