Search nerd crew

>search nerd crew
>no thread

wtf guys?

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can't wait to join the Mill with my Yea Forums bros

he really nailed the basedboi look

I can't believe rich evans is fucking dead.

You just missed them slow ass faggot

Very cool though.

they getting desperate for views again?

I wanna touch jay bros

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There is nothing to say, they are just shitting on late stage capitalism which everyone agrees is cancer

"He's bitching about Star Wars. Is he alt-right?"

I loled.

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Shilling going well, Mike?

so cute, so precious

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Nerd crew is their best series after BOTW.

Anyone know what what Jay said backwards?
BOTW is bad since most of the time it features unfunny slapdicks

Objectively wrong. Re:View is GOAT

he got better

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Watching the kind of thing they are lampooning is so painful that even as a parody it's unwatchable.

Have even seen Ghostbusters?!

Nerd Crew is cringy tired shit.

i don't get it

Very cool

>based Chris

fuck off, alt righter

The Independence Day episode is top-tier entertainment

We all bow to our Disney overlords, hail the mouse, hail the mouse.

the implication is that he's a cuckold

don't we all

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Best moment. Another great moment is episode 2 or whatever when they have Rich Evans open their lootcrates/nerdbox

>there are people on this board who still think they're shills for the Mouse

checkmate channel awesome faggots

Scientist man is the best and underrated.

When will there be a rlm+

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so these are the same guys who recommended every Marvel movie, said DC should belong to Marvel and loved TFA

yeah, no thanks, I wonder why Yea Forums suddenly loves them again

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I legitimately couldn't tell what was real or not after a certain point.

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that episode was so good

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that would be patreon unless they decide to double down like that sandwich from KFC cue Rich eating it

jay's laugh at 2:25 is top
fuck me, RLM's still got it


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>so these are the same guys who recommended every Marvel movie
I don't think that's true.
>said DC should belong to Marvel
Only in the sense that Disney would make better movies, which is true. If Marvel is capeshit, DC is below capeshit. This is coming from somebody who has no brand loyalty.
>and loved TFA
I disagree with their takes on TFA and R1, but they are allowed to have opinions. This is not fucking politics, where one has to toe party lines. They shat on TLJ, too.

Its only funny once. RLM can fuck off with this repetitive shit.

These days, whenever I think about Star Wars, I just start laughing in what inevitably turns into a twisted, maniacal cackle.

your entire post reeks of reddit, soiman

sounds more like you got sand in your vag


I haven't been very active here but I just wanna make my point before leaving. I came for fun rlm-related goofs and memes. Recently I have seen a lot of misogynistic content, trans- and homophobia and hate speech in here, and I just can't be a part of that. If you think I am butthurt, then fuck you! The point of this is to show that I think a lot of content in this group is problematic and that the group might need more careful modding.

It's gotten better because the reality is worse by the day.

>he's bitching about Star Wars, is he alt right?

Underage leave

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based and trannypilled

God damn, I wish. He's such an unfunny faggot.

Why does Jack look 75 now despite being younger than the rest of the crew?

Literally not an argument. I don't even like the NuWars movies, except for Rogue One. I didn't even bother with Solo.

kill yourself brownie

>Only in the sense that Disney would make better movies, which is true
>This is coming from somebody who has no brand loyalty.

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That was fucking depressing. Makes me glad I don't give a shit about capemovies or Star Wars but it makes scared about being able to watch anything legally without having to bend over backwards to pirate anything that isn't chinese cartoons

what is it with sudden influx of """people""" posting image macros

I don't have brand loyalty; I have fucking eyes. I loved the Nolan Batman movies, but most of what DC has put out afterwards is trash. I think Endgame was a let down and that Captain Marvel was garbage, but Marvel has a better hit-or-miss ratio--even if most of their movies are unremarkable.

>rlm appealing to alt-right fags
I don't dig it but I expect it from a bunch of boomers.

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Are you Alt-Right?

They are the real villains.

jack been packin on the pounds lately

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In the song "kill all the gays (and the faggots)" I like to think the line "buckle up boys we're headed to Milwaukee" means he's going to visit Mike "the spook nuke" Stoklasa

At least DC makes interesting movies
Marvel makes the equivalent of stale Big Mac meals

Brutal blowing the fuck out right there, wish I could be witty and think of something like that, not even joking.

>how will I know what to watch where?

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>they fucking used an action figure (don't care if it costs $250 and is a MODEL it's still a fucking toy) face for the official film poster

Alt right faggots stole this from Jay. They literally are villains.

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>I loved the Nolan Batman movies
>I have fucking eyes
>what is it with sudden influx of """people""" posting image macros

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what's a spook?

like a ghost or a monster

He did this for us, right?

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>jabbing at Disney and basedbois
of course Yea Forums was gonna get their jimies rustled

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DC made bad movies. They failed to ape Nolan's style, then they went in the opposite direction afterwards. Batman v Superman sucked, and I ONLY saw the extended cut. I liked Wonder Woman, and that's about it.

>Batman v Superman sucked
>I liked Wonder Woman

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>Why weren't you invited to Star Wars Galaxy's Edge then?
Fucking MURDER

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It's really fucking bad. The first one was an okayish parody but from then on they just keep repeating the same shit and every "joke" lasts 20 minutes.

Their comment section is is absolutely terrible. It's always the same things repeated over and over again.

What did Jay say during the Twin Peaks backmasking audio part?


That joke wasn't meant as an appeal to the alt-right, pretty sure disney nuwars defenders on twitter did label many critics as being alt-right which is what RLM were rightly mocking. People on the right are just less likely to slurp up corporate trash like nuwars, than today's leftists who will squeal in delight at displays of "wokeness" in media.

t.suckmann fans

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But Batman v Superman did suck, even if one didn't like Wonder Woman. Wonder Woman was just a better version of The First Avenger, which became trash halfway through.

just say pussy

>dude if we pretend to be ironic we can sincerely discuss the things we want to talk about!

What is wrong with them?

>pretty sure disney nuwars defenders on twitter did label many critics as being alt-right which is what RLM were rightly mocking
Who were the youtubers specifically?
>proves my point
Thanks user.

alt-right/nazi doesn't have any meaning any more

pussy is the juvenile zoomer term

they've discussed disney, star wars, and the new streaming trend without the use of irony elsewhere on their channel. cry harder disneyfag.

What does that even mean? Of course those words do.

Nothing has meaning anymore. It's memes all the way down.

Go outside bro.

>It's really fucking bad. The first one was an okayish parody but from then on they just keep repeating the same shit and every "joke" lasts 20 minutes.

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Too scary. The memes are always fighting and shooting each other.

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This latest one was hilarious. Glad they're back in form. Dinsey Basic Needs+ kek

haha shut up fanboi

I don't mean actual definition; i mean impact. If everybody is called altright/nazi then the word has no power

My granddaughter has a rash on her pussy.

Go suck Jordan Peterson's flaccid dick some more.

Could you give an example? Let's be honest here, you're browsing Yea Forums so it isn't such a huge leap in judgement to assume you hole the same views as a nazi or a member of the alt right community.

I was surprised they showed the lame ass photoshopping in the new SW poster.

real men call it cooter

you're browsing Yea Forums too

It's safer to assume they are marketing research.

see? it doesn't sound right.

I don't need a man to tell me to wash my penis

>I'm so much better than that dumb faggot Mike

>you're browsing Yea Forums so it isn't such a huge leap in judgement to assume you hole (sic.) the same views as a nazi or a member of the alt right community

It wasn't always like this. Fuck newfags. Fuck Trump. And most of all secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

How can one youtube channel be so based?

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Yeah but i'm liberal.

I do

I'm black

Holy fuggg

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Is it safe to assume you're an sjw?

>dude what if we did 100 episodes of the same joke even though 90% of our content is unironic capeshit review

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fucking kek. What a small minded ape you are.

>90% of our content is unironic capeshit review
In the last six months, they've put out 38 videos. Only 5 of those are capeshit reviews.

Literally hwo does anyone take RedditLM seriously?

How am I small minded? I didn't say everyone who browses Yea Forums is a racist but that this place is comprised mostly of racist and incels so it isn't a huge leap to think someone who browses here is one.
Sure I guess? SJW basically means "anyone I don't agree with".

Most of those are fan donated and a lot of them are cheap dollar store toys.

They don't.

You sound really butthurt.

even worse that means they carefully choose those exact pieces of capeshit to review like shills instead of just reviewing them all like non-shills're retarded

>Most of those are fan donated and a lot of them are cheap dollar store toys.
Ah so they're getting their fans to give money to disney instead, that absolves them.
>They don't.
Nope they have. Stop trying to run damage control historical revisionism. It is 100% a fact that they recommend capeshit. You literally can't shit talk endless sequels if you recommend Iron Man Part 25.

sjw doesn't have any meaning anymore

Keep moving those goalposts, dipshit

>"He's bitching about Star Wars. Is he alt-right?"
>I loled.
Ironic because they are also liberal bitches
Remember when they disowned Landis over some thot-allegations?

olympic level gymnastics

So on a scale of 1 to 10, how jealous of RLM are you?


I get the joke. It was good for a minute. Stop.

>distancing yourself from a literal rapist is a political act

>SJW basically means "anyone I don't agree with".
More like "I believe in 48 genders and affirmative action", but I don't think that's an issue for you.

You still haven't debunked anything. Why do you hate hollywood if you keep giving them money, RLM shill? The fact remains: you are 100% wrong and you lost the argument. Eat shit.

He's not a rapist, SJW. Every single MeToo accusation has come out to be fake, and the inevitable accusations against Mike from Jessi will be fake also.

this level of cope
>they just randomly choose only disney shit

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No argument lol. You can't make fun of Collider for being shills when literally all you do is constantly give money to Disney to watch every single flick they put out.

Fucking knew id see these immediatly here.

>Every single MeToo accusation has come out to be fake
Even the one where there’s an actual police report for?

God Jay is dorbs in that stormtrooper onesie. I think their stupid clothes are the best part of all these take downs of fanboying,

based retarded nigger non-argument, keep ironically buying disney toys so you can give them to jay

They’ve skipped many Disney movies, some of which are Marvel movies. And they hated Rogue One, ripped into The Last Jedi, and made fun of Brie Larson and Captain Marvel relentlessly.

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I LOVE watching *ironic* star wars and capeshit reviews

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Nope, we won't stop sharting all over Reddit Leddit Meddit. It doesn't matter how ironic they are, their wallets speak the same as the shills they besmirch, This isn't your safe space, SJW.

If Jessi ever surfaces again I mean its been like 3 years where the fuck has she been? If she hopped off Mike's cock and left wouldn't she have resurfaced doing something else? We know from Jack that Mike is a shit business owner and didn't even have contacts for anyone, I doubt he has any NDA shit over her.

uh okay
I seriously thought their TLJ review was a joke and they were making fun of the people that nitpicked the movie but then it turned out that they were those people.

>fuck two kids then drop a helicopter on their head
>get away with it

>talk to girl
>she accuses you of rape and ruins your life

They don't make them like they used to

>*buys every shitty 80s movie*

hyprocisy, the name is RLM

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You’re just embarrassing yourself, user

>I seriously thought their TLJ review was a joke and they were making fun of the people that nitpicked the movie but then it turned out that they were those people.

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>this isn't you safe space, SJW

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>3 years
It’s been 6 years


t. Kristian Harloff

Seethe. We the people will not stand for your shit anymore.
Yep. It's not your safe space, SJW. Cry more in your reddit seethehole, SJW.
Cry more, SJW.

>being such a newfag you don't know Mike is a conservative

Thanks OP. Was worried that this shameless friend simulator shilling wouldn't continue.

>supporting film restoration is the same thing as blindly supporting a monolithic corporation
Did you hurt yourself with that stretch?


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ok kid

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>being this defensive about your friend simulator

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It's a medium-level zinger it's nothing special

>blindly supporting a monolithic corporation
which they do as they watch the 40th entry in the Marvel Cinematic Universe

If you really think you were making a competent point here, I feel bad for your parents for having such a retarded child

Can this person actually be real? Is this bait? I just don't know anymore

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>have a collection and passion for horror b-movies for himself and friends
>buying merch and consuming every flavor of the month to fit in
Yea, bro.
Same thing

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user, this is imageboard.

but glass isn't capeshit user
it's bad but it's not capeshit

Why do you not know anymore? Because your worldview is shattered by people calling you out for being an SJW corporate shill? Because some people don't like your friend simulator? Ask your dad if she watches Social Justice Media. If you can't answer this question, then you are an SJW as normal people have normal relationships with their dad.

lol oh okay. 6, not 5. Out of 36 videos. You sure proved me wrong, genius.

Not him but Jesus youre a cringe worthy faggot. I hope this is bait.

Registered Democrat but go off

She stopped appearing on video in like 2015 and the last time she was mentioned was a prerec stream where Jack "answered" what happened to her by saying she stays behind the camera. I don't think she has been mentioned since.

Tremendous post.

Okay okay chill the fuck out there Sargon

Her last appearance was in 2014

I know youre mad they didnt review Alita, but theyre doing this for money. Theyre making videos for movies that most people will see so they can get clicks.

Why am I cringe? Because your SJW circlejerk told you that you can't use "SJW" and "triggered" and "safe space" anymore despite your liberal RLM conglomerate advocating fo those words? Hint: it's not normal to have cried over Trump's election.

>haha you said 90% and in fact a mere 60% of their reviews are capeshit. owned!!!

>Registered Democrat
proof please, I know you're desperate to lie so you can be a contrarian

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Then why do they bitch about hollywood stagnation and nerd shills if they do everything to keep them employed?

it's bait

>Theyre making videos for movies that most people will see so they can get clicks.
Then don't make videos mocking capeshit cock sucking YT shills if you're going to do it yourself.
>broooo it doesn't count though because it was ironic which means I get to deflect all criticism

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RLM are the living embodiment of the smug, detached Gen-X ethos. What do I mean by this?

Well, I'd venture to guess none of them has felt a single sincere conviction about anything since childhood. They exist as polyps upon the colon of culture, satiating themselves on the perceived failures of others (i.e. "The Man") while adding nothing new to the discourse aside from ironic complaint.

They're a group of insecure, lost, rapidly aging burnouts who silently believe they could do a better job of making films than the professionals in the industry. Yet they lack the ambition and ability to actually enter the very industry they're obsessed with. They choose instead to fuck around and make student film piss-takes well into middle age.

They are awful, awful people. I've met thousands just like them, and the last thing we need is for these people to gain any attention for their navel gazing.

Please do not aspire to become anything like these people. Theirs is a lonely and pathetic road leading to depression and a life devoid of real purpose.

I hope they disappear and their disaffected followers stop subsidizing their lifestyle. Perhaps that would force them to do something productive with themselves.

I thought we had finaly moved on from hella fucking epic political debates in a fucking television and film forum.

user, summer's over, you can't stay up this late on a school night

>i-if I post about the wrongthink youtubers that trigger me, I'll win the argument!!!!
You are soooooooo mad that your SJW shit is getting called out worldwide. 8 years in and you still can't deal with pushback. Get over it.

>only counts the one show where they do reviews of current movies
>doesn't include three other shows they do and one-off videos

Cry more SJW corporate shill. We're here and we're not going anywhere.

Yeah, it's bait. Use less buzzwords next time, its too much of a dead giveaway.

Stop being triggered, SJW. Why can't you debunk any arguments? Explain how SJW is an invalid term. Maybe you'll do better at this than you did trying to convince me RLM are not corporate shills. Hint. "Because Hbomberguy told me" is not an argument.

You're right! Be proud!

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Literally google. I found his address too if you want. Also public. Dudes house is nice.

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Explain how they are buzzwords, SJW. We're not gonna respect your triggers or your pronouns.

Great if only for the moment where Rich breaks character after finding the Vienna sausages

wtf is a "reputation score"

Get a life, faggot

Awww is the special snowflake mad that right wingers have more subs than your based breadtube bretheren? Funny how you pretended to be impartial right up until your temper broke and you revealed yourself an SJW.

>actually believing that shit
I bet you're taken in by net worth figures and blind items too, knuckledragging mong

>get a life
>on Yea Forums
o bb....

Who was the better dancer?

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You're really overdoing it lad, I know getting (you)s can be intoxicating, but at some point you crossed the line of pretending to be a retard and actually became one

>Sandeep Verma
>Raed Abuhakmeh
Is Mike a sleeper cell?

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No, back to you: explain how SJW is an invalid term. Go on.

Why did they shill for TFA?

>he's not excited about the new nerd crew
what are you, alt-right?

That site is horse shit. It lists neighbors and randos as "associates" and gives everyone a reputation score based on nothing. It's straight out of a black mirror ep.

those 80s movie posters were so beautiful

Theyre words or phrases that are popular at a specific time. Youre overdoing it. Learn to bait more subtly.

>he took offence from a joke about obese diabetic centipedes
We truly live in a society.

>Andrew Stokllasa Mike
sounds legit

This is your brain on POL

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>it's okay when THEY do it
>it's okay when I LIKE the PRODUCT they BUY

all hail RLM

all hail Rich Evans.

That sounds like something someone would say to throw us off his trail.

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Why did Drew have to leave, bros?

Not exactly

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"third reich" Mike didn't tip you off?

And? Why are you not allowed to use them to accurately describe your political leanings? Why do SJWs think arguments stop being correct if they're overused?
No argument. 8 years. Cry more, SJW.

I'm sorry, can you repeat without gargling on that corporate Disney(TM) cock in your throat?

/r/dc_cinematic in da house!

Stop believing everything you read on the net. Far left culture warriors are a tiny fringe minority.Most moderately minded "liberals" hate that bullshit aswell.

So many assmad Disney bros in here.

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All hail RLM

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>all those streaming services

Seriously, how cucked are people who don't just pirate their media?

They very willing and ready to slurp up russian-backed corporate trash, though, so they're the same kind of cattle, just dumber on average.

Hey guys, mister Rich Evans has something to say about niggers, trannies and jannies

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if there is a police report why he isn't in a jail?
and don't say because he's hollywood. bill cosby is in jail.

Boy the mouse really didn't like when they turned on them. Ever since they shit all over TLJ it's been nothing but shit like this from the shills.

>using microtorrent in 2019

Either a federal agent or a derogatory term for a person of color.

Are these threads a terrorist recruitment operation? Is that why people are so fanatical about this shit?

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Last reply. Your clearly baiting for (you)'s and the buzzwords youre using do have valid definitions. Its the fact every other word you use makes it obvious youre doing epic lol u mad bro posting.
No (you) 4U:)

Or a ghost, or used as a verb to describe fear.

Lol nope. Prime minister of Canada thinks Gamergate is a major social issue. Fuck off with your SJW disinfo.

Some of those that work forces...

Jay is gay, right ?

>I’m completely ignorant of the circumstances, therefore they have to be false

>b-b-b-but it's how you use them!!!!
Nope you're triggered by them because you are an SJW.

I thought this site got traffic mostly from asia and other places outside the US. I think you're living in fantasy land, tubby.

He has at least two biological children.

>no argument
>has provided only buzzwords and overplayed insults
Breddy gud bait 8/10 would fall for again

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>dat Evans sideboob

Why are you not allowed to use them to accurately describe your political leanings? Why do SJWs think arguments stop being correct if they're overused? Answer the question, SJW.

Maybe bi but not gay based on his past. Did you even know "I'm dying Lauren"?

whatever, incel

There not authentic like based Dougie who is more wholesome to watch with your parents.

Asia is racist as hell so thanks for proving my point.

Yeah but it's a different type of rayciss. They don't even know what a nigga is.

>you know everytime i drink too much pepsi i have a streaming service

What did he mean by this?

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Other way around. Front and center of the far lefts ideology is class struggle and some civil rights issues not directly related to it but nevertheless important. It's liberals who try to make Star Wars and other low brow entertainment into a political issue just so they can pretend to care about politics.

Even if that were true, are you actually implying that all the racist english speakers on this site are mostly asian?

i doubt any of them actually have kids


No we're Sony bronies.

>It's liberals who try to make Star Wars and other low brow entertainment into a political issue just so they can pretend to care about politics.
Everything is political and so is Star Wars, the movies aren't even subtle.

Movies are just supposed to be fun.


I laughed hard

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And here comes the SJW after hours of denying it.

I'm implying that most of the racism here is ironic, and most people don't give a shit. I am correct.
/pol/ doesn't account for a majority of the site, and is mostly IRA shills and bots anyway.

Have any of those types commented about RLM putting them on blast?

what did he mean by this

Attached: soyface.png (1280x720, 981K)

Sure. Obviously Star Wars has, for example, strong anti imperialist themes. Because it's literally about people fighting an empire. But you don't seriously think people bitching at each other on Twitter or, you know, here about how many black people are or aren't in it care about actually analyzing the movies from that perspective.

The difference being it became about a million times easier to say that after the stupid shit like the canto bright dialog


(((they))) really are trying to change every societal system they can, aren't they?

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>the racism here is ironic
Dude, if you pretend to be racist the line is going to blur in the long run. Yea Forums isn't satire, it's just shit.
Yeah sure but it depends on the context of the argument.

>The difference being it became about a million times easier to say that after the stupid shit like the canto bright dialog
The villains are wearing nazi uniforms for christ sake, user.


>Only in the sense that Disney would make better movies, which is true.
Nah, they just need to make the dark characters dark, the inspirational characters fun and inspirational. The lighter characters fun and funny. They've started to get that right the last few films at least. They've also taken a few risks with say Joker. Disney doesn't do anything remotely groundbreaking with their supes, just popcorn flicks that don't really don't anger anyone or challenge the stat quo. Some are solid, others are just there. I think DC just needs to do DC sans Snyder and overall be more faithful to their characters and their tones, not make them all quipping formulaic clones or dark angsty assholes if that's not their deal.

fuck you where on a roll but you lost it whit this one

Sorry but the fact that you give primacy to the nazi allusions used as a convenient and more relatable stand-in for the historical development of the Roman empire, that only gives away how simplistic your conception of politics is


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Where is Jessi, why did she disappear.

It took me a minute too...

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Reminder that not a single RLM fanboy has EVER refuted this pasta

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He sure told them how he really feels

How will disney shills ever recover?

What a pathetic dick bulge

These. It's fine to critique people who are too emotionally attached to a brand but if you're going to do that at least have a point to it instead of over exaggerating it with strawmans. It's ironic rlmfans will make fun of brandfags but they are just as braindead. They just repeat whatever RLM says in the video until it isn't funny anymore.

Imagine being this exposed and not being to roll with it and take a joke at your own expense. Depressing that this shit is people's livelihoods and careers now. I bet their manager was pleased.

by RLM paying their wages

make infinitely more nerd crews to slurp slurp slurp

>Mickey, reorder valium from Dr Habeesh

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Nerd Crew is the only good thing in their channel.

Is this the "busting my ass as a professional Star Wars fan" guy?

keep saying it

Attached: raimi sympathizer.jpg (878x585, 144K)

Here's what Jay was saying in reverse.


Keep saying it

I'm i missing something are they literally doing the same thing but on the different side of the coin?

Attached: 1547506511170.png (375x331, 13K)

Explains a lot.

It makes me laugh how an obscure character from an obscure Star Wars children's cartoon is front and center in all the Nerd Crew epidoses.

*Am I missing something or are they literally doing the same thing but on the different side of the coin.

Big difference between saying a movie sucks and ‘boycotting’ studios, spending time signing online petitions and making dozens of posts on social media about fictional spandex people

Reminder that you've been repeatedly posting the same pasta and the same followup Channing Tatum image for literally 7 years now.

based af

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So RLM are just a bunch of bitter cunts? That's sad.

Hilarious! They made jokes about how there's too many streaming services. Very cool!

Ya ever just feel like big dumb cattle that's somehow getting dumber and dumber.

My perception of your aural manifestation is liken to a Sodomite on helium.

so how does the new Ep9 footage with with Mike's time travel theory? Does it still stand?

Which one of those captions suppose to be funny?

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but Richard doesnt have a gf