To this day, I still have not watched this movie in its entirety. Is it really that bad?

To this day, I still have not watched this movie in its entirety. Is it really that bad?

Attached: https___blogs-images.forbes.com_scottmendelson_files_2017_12_pTmvVqg.jpg (960x539, 119K)

It's almost a kino

If there was no subplot with Holdo and the racing animals/Finn&Rose it would be kinda fine. Still shit but not terrible.

there are so many scenes that leave you puzzled and going “did that really just happen” that the entire movie seems like a gigantic joke

no, its even worse

legitimately this, it's far more ambitious than TFA, but it just fails spectacularly on the execution

Ignore the haters. TLJ is as good as ESB but a lot of users on this site hate strong women and change.

Is worst than anything you can imagine.

same here, I got halfway and had to turn it off.

I haven't seen any of the nuwars movies but watch reviews for them, and I think watching it would just be cringe inducing just due to being able to spot every single plot hole, poor character decision, etc.

let me break it down for you, sweetheart.
Nobody hates real strong woman, nearly everybody hates badly written and unbelievable characters (all 2 genders).
Change in itself is neutral, just because something changes doesn't mean its automatically good.
A transition to something better is always welcomed by everybody, the opposite is never true.
Every change TLJ introduces is bad. Every character is badly written. The story makes no sense.

I'm not a prequel apologist, but NuWars made me appreciate those movies a lot more. I've seen TLJ reviews. The movie seems to back peddle on its ambition toward the end of the movie.

It's like someone shitting on JJ works, so it's great the first time because there is a fucking lot of scenes like that so you will laugh a lot. But after that, you realize that other than that, the movie is also fucking stupid and you basically just saw the death of Star Wars.

Its ok, but it fails to be a compelling sequel to TFA. If it was the last movie in the nu-trilogy than it would be treated much better

>fails to be a compelling sequel
TFA failed to be compelling opening so it's hard to blame it for this

Most guise in this treat gets it. Nuwars is dead horse shit. Just cut the life support finally and no more bland spinoffs anymore (e. G the mandalorian)

Not really. There are definitely bad parts but the bulk of it with Luke Rey and Kylo are good

no its surprisingly good for a sw movie, rian is a pretty good director

its pretty gay. took me about 2 weeks to watch the whole thing coz I kept putting it on before bed and falling asleep like an hour or so in, it was that boring. and this genuinely fucked me off, roses sister at the start is cute as fuck and she dies straight away and we are stuck with fat pig face Asian for the movie.

>He's tooling with you sir

it's a fantastically crafted movie with a less than ideal plot

it's a true 7/10 in every meeting of the word

no it's fucking phenomenal kino, we're just meming to fool retards like you out of watching it
congratulations you cucked yourself

I watched it multiple times with fan commentaries on

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>pretty lights and boom boom
Fuck you for enabling this shit in the film indusry

It's actually a pretty smart film. I like it a lot.

t. Rian

There's such a thing?

Yes. Imagine loving seafood. Can't get enough of that seafood! Then you get food poisoning from some off prawns and it puts you into the hospital for 6 months. After you get out of the sick shack, would you want to go for sushi?

Star Wars was always badly written

It's the best one of Disney era and the third best of the entire series.

Imagine actually believing this^

holy fucking shit

>I haven't seen the movie
>but I deliberately seek out angry sperglords on the internet to tell me they're bad
>so of course they're bad, guys!

I watched it yesterday and the plot and subversion wasn't that bad, the bad part is the writing. Every line seems copy pasted from generic action movies. It's awful.

It's the best of the new Star Wars movies, next to Rogue One at least. Suffers hard from poor attempts at comic relief but a lot about it is very good. Over all I'd recommend it.

I liked parts of it, especially Luke, Rey, Kylo staff. I have a feeling Rian himself only cared about that storyline


Kylo is one of the only characters I feel anything for. It's like they didn't even try to make Rey relatable. Didn't really dig into her thoughts and feelings as much as kylo . Some people hate her but I feel nothing at all about her.

I'm on the opposite camp, Disney may do whatever it will with Rey, she will never be a tenth the insufferable cunt that Padmé was. That's the rock I'm dying on, the one with "Padmé a shit" carved on it.


No, it isn't. Don't even watch it just to see how shitty it is, because you'll only be disappointed. People make it seem like the worst movie ever, but it's just average. Not great, not terrible.

I could only make it through half the movie, but I think I've seen every scene at some point in review videos or webms and I know everything that happens in it. It's trash alright.

This the best the shills can do these days, must be rough

The backlash to Disney Wars has been quite entertaining. Seethe harder fag. Here let me continue expounding on what I said so that your ass pain may increase. Unless you can argue that all the reviewers like RLM, E;R, and Mauler, etc. are making errors about what the movie is factually comprised of, then I already know I wouldn't like it. But even before I heard a single review of TFA I already had no intent of watching it, even though my impression of the reception was that it was a good competent albeit unoriginal film. Even watching the free reviews I got more entertainment value than I ever could from the movies. Disney fags should be furious and embarrassed they can't get even me ( someone "nerdy" enough to read the EU books and grew up playing Star Wars games) to watch their shit.

Attached: disney defense team.png (600x400, 341K)

It's fucking terrible. I have read multiple plots from random, anonymous people, at least a dozen different stories, and they are all vastly superior to this meandering, self-contradictory piece of shit. The attempts at humor are forced, juvenile, and wholly inorganic. I have seen better fight choreography in fan-made films. It's only redeeming quality is that it's occasionally visually striking, but it's too few and far between to even make that sufficient reason to watch it.

>Is it really that bad?
No, it's worse

>but I deliberately seek out angry sperglords on the internet to tell me they're bad
>so of course they're bad, guys!
Isn't that exactly what you're doing?