ITT: You've been teleported to skywalker range 1994

What do you tell George Lucas?

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Wait for the prequel zoomers to come-of-age, George.

hey George. how are you today

Tell him not to pussy out with Darth Jar Jar

Nothing, I just walk the two miles to get back home. I don't care about Star Wars.

Don't use computers, build sets and animatronics. and DON'T SELL TO FUCKING DISNEY

Make sure you sell Star Wars to disney in 18 years so we can get some cuties cast

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You live two miles from 1994?

Do whatever you have to. Don't regret.
No matter how shitty your film is it'll only get worse

I'm seeing 2 cuties and a cokehead xenomorph

Make the sequel trilogy first and let disney deal with the prequels

where's the bathroom teleportation make me sick

Yes user, I obviously meant two miles away from the time and not the place.

This could actually yield good results

Time and space are the same thing

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> I obviously meant two miles away from the time and not the place.
Space and time are connected. Do you know something we don't, user? Do you have a real time machine?

Do not ignore Campbell.
Re-read Hero with a thousand faces.
You are not better than the master.

>2 billion, seriously

George. It is going to be a hard road, but don't forget what you want from these films. Fun movies for kids that push the limits of what technology can do will keep you loved, and it will keep you profitable.

Overgrown children will criticize your vision, but that doesn't matter. They will denigrate you, and wonder if you have 'lost your touch'. Remember the people that told you that you could do this. Speilberg, Howard, and Cameron all believe that you can. They know far more about film making than the people that will criticize you.

I never lost faith George. I am here. Teach me what you know, and when, a long time from now, you are ready to step away, I will be ready to carry on your legacy.

God damn, I am crying that I don't have a time machine.

>let disney deal with the prequels

this would've had worked great for disney
>make anakin a strong black woman
>she has to deal with an evil white patriarchy
>becomes strong by using the force
>hundreds of hours of content with a black girl defeating white supremacists
>transitions slowly to become darth vader

Im sorry George

I'm sorry it has to be this way, George

delay the movie

Make a sequel trilogy with Mark, Harrison and Carrie while they are not decrepit and dead.

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Lol. This.

Don't put a fucking kid in your movie, George. And take out Jar-Jar, too.

>It was Mike
>It was Mike Stoklasa the whole time!
>Oh god I came to early
>Find him George find him

Reminder it wasn't Darth Jar Jar. It was that Anakin was going to kill Jar Jar.
He abandoned the idea when he realized the audience would cheer.

Unironically, why did he makes prequels when the main cast was still decently young? Prequels could be made when the main cast is all dead.

He never wanted sequels. His story was about anakins rise and fall, and redemption through his son. Having nothing change after rotj completely invalidates the first 6 movies.

Probably why his sequel idea was that wacky micro verse stuff. The story had nowhere to go and shouldn't have.

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Write with a proper American fountain pen, not a #2 pencil. That is all.

I’d tell him to stock up on that nice loose leaf paper he likes because paper quality will shit the bed in a big way in the future

I'd apologise.

we're all already of age...


They tossed around the idea of getting into Vader clones with Imperials who were more like street punks than members of a great empire. It could have been Dickensian cyberpunk kino but it slipped through our fingers like so many star systems

Source? I thought the actor for jar jar all but confirmed Darth jar jar was true

Just give the original prints to the Library of Congress you fat fuck

Ok retard. Go bully someone your age, you fat fuck.

Hire someone else to write it. And direct it. Also: You're never going to beat Titanic

Let the past die, George. Kill it, if you have to.

George, wait just a bit longer for your vision for the Prequels. Above all else, DO NOT SELL TO DISNEY

You need a scene of Anakin getting blasted out into space and then hyper space ramming the Trade Federation ships with the force

Didn't he want them back in the day though and wanted a huge 12 episode saga or some shit?
Though personally I think they should have just stuck with the OT only.

A 50 minute lesbian sex scene between these three would make the best Star Wars movie.

>just shoot him in the back of the head Of Mice and Men style before he kills the thing he loves most.

I'm from the future. Hire a dialogue coach and never sell your franchise for any amount of money.

Mike Stoklasa: "Hire JJ Abrams, he won't fuck it up."

Don't sell to Disney. That's my only advice.
Yeah the prequels had corny dialogue, bad acting, and shit CGI but they still had soul.
The Disney ones are slick and well-produced but they're just so... sterile. There's no enjoyment.

Sell to Warner bros

>What do you tell George Lucas?

Do it.

You mean a 50 minute sex scene in Jaba’s rape dungeon

get someone to direct the movies and someone to rewrite your scripts.

>get someone to direct the movies
He tried that but everyone told him he should do it.

Yeah I know. He asked Spielberg, Howard and Zemeckis....Imagine the prequels directed by these guys, back then they were still great. Fuck them for convincing Lucas he could do it.


Yea, at one point he said 9 or 12. That was after the OT and long before the prequels though.

>What do you tell George Lucas?
Make Anakin's childhood and adolescence the cartoon part in exchange for another live action movie of actual Clone Wars.

why did he not direct anything between star wars and the phantom menace?!
why did he give indy to spielberg?

they couldn't work for him because he was outside of the union.

I think he never considered himself a particularly good director and didn't liked it.

Howard did a decent job trying to salvage the Trainwreck that was Solo. It ended up being a solid 5.5/10 movie, all things considered

Hi George I come from the future, look at this little clip I have on my phone of you at Star Wars Celebration 2017. If you want, I'll tell you everything I know, and you can decide how to take it. All I want is pristine 35mm reels of the unaltered original trilogy in return. Deal?

Just let the fans do all the work for Star Wars now. Let them make the books, comics, and lore from now on and just collect the paychecks. Work on independent projects if you want, but don't rock the boat. Give a bit of oversight if people want to make a cartoon, but just resource other visionaries to do everything

>Im sorry George

i apologize to him

Directing Star Wars nearly killed him, it didn't turn out like he wanted and he admits he isn't very good at it. He basically quit after RotJ to raise a family

>tfw no Star Wars prequels directed by Spielberg and with creative help from Lucas similar to the first three Indiana Jones films
>tfw could have gotten this in the 90's instead of AI

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He also helped save it in editing along with several other people, including his now ex-wife. Once after spending 1 million dollars in the effects department and yielding no finished effects shots, Lucas is said to have cursed the entire crew out.

Is it true? Is there some paper I can order from overseas that's 10x better than what I'm used to?

Make it stop

Unpopular opinion: Star Wars went downhill as early as 1983 when they couldn't find a better threat than another death star and went with the Ewoks planet instead of what they had originally planned.

George, make sure you follow through on your plan for Jar Jar!


Interesting theory

I still feel depressed looking at mcquarrie concept art

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We got 3 great movies that pretty much put his art on the screen, so that's alright

I'll accept this criticism. Ewoks never bothered me but I can see how Death Star II was uncreative (although I always liked its half-finished appearance). I think the biggest problem with RotJ is the half-baked rescue mission in the first act. Sending the most valuable members of the rebellion to rescue (essentially steal) one man from Jabba seems unbelievably risky. Why not bargain with Jabba, or send in troops? In any case RotJ is still my favorite of the OT, despite its flaws, as it has the best moments between Luke and Vader, and the emperor

It wasn't a rebel operation, they don't have the resources to be rescuing 1 guy from a Hutt gangster. It was a private mission by his friends. The whole section is kino because we see how Luke is changed after his encounter with Vader and the subsequent timeskip.

Not enough of it.

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Get a co-writer and LET SOMEONE ELSE DIRECT.

You know there's like 20 minutes of nothing happening until Luke shows up at Jabba's Palace, right? The whole plan is convoluted and makes no sense and if it happened in a modern Star Wars flick mauler would have a fucking stroke pointing out the "plot holes"

Came to post this

It's not nothing happening, but I guess if there's no lightsabers swinging around or lasers going pew pew nothing is happening in your view.

>I thought the actor for jar jar all but confirmed Darth jar jar was true
Nah, he just said that there was definitely more planned for Jar Jar than what ultimately ended up happening to him in ep2 and 3.

And he also made a tweet that was something like "it's cool that people are now starting to figure out what we had planned"

Give the franchise to sony for free

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Teleport back and have a word with Jeff for fucking me around again. I dont need to be going to 1994 when theres plenty of things that need changing in 2084.

The fact that this didn’t and can’t happen really makes me sad.

I'd tell him that "Skywalker Range" is not a fortunate name for his property. He should just simply call it "Skywalker Ranch"!

Skywalker Wrench shall never be forgotten.

Thank you. For everything.

Empire Strikes Back has no real action until 40 minutes into the movie and it's still enthralling because of the character work, set design, and cinematography setting the stage for the Battle of Endor.

Jabba's Palace is a puppet show that spends the first 45 minutes of the film resolving a cliffhanger from Empire and the entire movie needs to reset itself afterwards.