HoH: Jackson
Noms: Christie/Jessica
Veto: Tommy
Previously on /bb/:
HoH: Jackson
Noms: Christie/Jessica
Veto: Tommy
Previously on /bb/:
I miss him bros
First for if you're rooting against Christie then you can go back.
Okay so, who is in the wrong here? Jackson, or Holly?
I see a lot of people around upset with Jackson over this fight but from what I have seen (and I certainly missed a bunch), he was pretty much defending himself, and upset with decent reasons about her being embarassed of being with him.
People say hes been gaslighting her but from what I saw he was just being honest and not letting her put him down.
Am I wrong on this? Thoughts?
he keeps saying and eluding to the fact that he has dealt with this type of thing his entire life but he still deflects. you would think that if it keeps happening he would realize that he is the problem. just shows his mentality
So who’s going home this week?
Cliff or Nicole?
do you never get bored of being so boring
he overreacted. it seemed like holly wasnt giving him the reassurance he needed and instead made it all about her.
Correct. Holly is too easily influenced by broad impressions from other people. She is not confident enough in herself, and does not know how to separate broad based generalizations of a person from a person as an individual on a personal level. She is too worried about what other people, and strangers think.
She is weak, and that will lead her to the dark side of the force.
>didn't change the name like the Kaitlyn one from last season
M - Mull over options to get reality famous
I - Investigate Kat's vagina in shower
C - Coast through early game in large alliance
H - Help yourself to all the watermelon all the time
I - Intensify hatred of ex-alliance members
E - Exit showmance coupling for no discernible reason
She's 31 and he's 24; what did she expect?
She wanted the Jess and Cody TAR ending, but all she got a homance.
Odds on Jackson slampigging Jess when he goats her to F2?
Jess is dunzo; Jackson has picked Quarky as his goat.
surprisingly dece
>Michie breaks up with Holly
>Holly gets booted in the double
>Quarky consoles him for losing his closest ally
>He tells her he had more fun during pie wars than he ever did with Holly
>She says he can creampie her if it'll make him smile again
>They end up going to f2 and dating after the show's over
is there anyone other than mid 40s aged housewives who like taran armstrong and his big brother larping?
his impressions and reenactments are fucking terrible
>m-maybe I can be your showmance big brother?
It's funny that Quarky is actually older than Jackson.
Pls don't make me vomit
>he doesn't want Quarky to help mellow out Michie
>he doesn't want Michie to get Quarky out of her shell
They are literally perfect for each other as evidenced by their interactions during Prank Week
Yeah. They both suck ass lol.
quads confirm
one true pairing O*T*P
>This is getting weird guys.
Dubs, Trips and Quads confirm, the universe ships Michole
We did it guys
Through the power of repeating digits we have manifested Jackole
i ship it
YA BOI is coming to the party
I wonder what gayass shit that cover up tat is covering up.
How would Jackhole do on TAR?
I hate her demon face. She is pure 100% EVIL too the core.
armenian mafia tats
>not calling them Nickson and pronouncing it Nixon
can you imagine the quality of watermelon in fucking karachi?
She's winning this season because she's doing Grodner in the DR.
She's pretty here because we can't see her bird nose. Yes, she is afraid of birds because she is one.
>Jackson, your Roadblock challenge is to eat this whole watermelon in under 45 sec--
>Jackson, at least wait for me to finish explaining the challenge!
Not necessarily, but most likely Grodner's fellow part-time lover on the outside.
>muh grodner
what the fuck did i just stumble upon?
There's no tard wrangler, A Baller.
It must be BBUK9
no, its a roblox thing apparently. not a recreation, theyre up to double digits in seasons.
i was just looking for more backyard swimsuit pics and that was one of the results.
there's a wiki and everything.
albino guy FTW
No Natalie, no A Baller - not BB9
>you play big brother
>these are your HGs
>first competition you win HOH
>have to nominate two of them without taking to anyone
>who nominate
I'd go I
good choices, anyone who wears a jacket like that needs to go
I wonder if 2012 Bog would be happy with 2019 Bog's life.
Pre-Bog is like a totally different person.
That doctor was a butcher. I wonder if Dr. Will could put her back together.
Once fatty arrives, nick will finally have someone to Fuck in the jury house
i cant even tell which one is supposed to be her
It's too bad Vince will never let him back to the WWE.
Thought you meant over as in done, but you meant as in successful. Wrestling terms are fun!
Good for him, he’s the man
there really isn't that much bad blood
austin's problem was with bill demott, and wwe have quietly acknowledged he was a bully and really changed things up with matt bloom in charge
he probably rarely interacted with vince because he spent all his wwe time in development, Vince would LOVE to snatch away AEW's hottest tag team and put them in NXT out of spite
mandrama is fucking gay and not Yea Forums
What did you say?
Austin is /bb/ at its finest my bro otherwise id agree with you
One of the best moments in BB history.
Victims aren't we all.
I wonder who would have won if Vanessa booted Steve.
Fatty thinks nick is a fag
>F4 HOH Johnny Mac wins
>Vanessa wins POV
>Austin booted
>F3 pt.1 Johnny Mac wins
>F3 pt. 2 Vanessa wins
>F3. pt. 3 Johnny Mac wins
>Johnny Mac takes Liz to F2
Who wins the vote?
first thing she's been right about
vanessa for sure
I hope they have an All Stars season before Austin becomes too big.
He's probably bisexual.
the guy in the yellow jacket is totally blind. He came in second place.
but he won blind brother
okay thats actually the only acceptable excuse for wearing that, so i retract my previous statement.
never watched this garbage
what's the point?
Johnny Mac easily
back to your capeshit threads
Jackson 100% posts on /pol/
she's pathetic
no wonder he is such a fucking moron
Jackson posts on /soc/ to hook up with LA twinks.
He has way too much confidence in himself as a person for that.
So Holly or Cliff going up? Cliff probably beats Jess out, as does Holly
If Holly goes up I think Cliff makes a deal with the gays and takes a shot.
But I don't think Jackson is that savage to break up with her and put her OTB in the same week.
theres no scenario where he is putting up bog. he is too afraid to be labeled the asshole that he is
there is a scenario where tommy doesnt use the veto though
he’s too white to post there
Isn't it all hapas larping as nazis over there.
tommy just confirmed to christie by the pool he is taking her down. thinks jackson is too unpredictable and doesnt want to chance it.
that’s true, and with Tommy and Christie safe that leaves Cliff and Nicole but I doubt he’ll put up Nicole. So then Cliff gets voted out by Tommy, Christie while Holly and Nicole vote to stay, so Jackson votes out Jess
ok then its cliff hundo p and they need to take him out instead of these retarded moves they keep playing waiting for someone else to "take the shot"
Like said unless Cliff has pissed off Bog and Jackson then he’s safe
from the convo last night between quarky and tommy. i believe tommy and christie will keep cliff and all four of them will take shots at holly / jackson because they realize they have F4 deals with both duos
whats a free site for the feeds. CBS just canceled my last account
Nicole won't do it and Holly would be stupid to.
If Cliff is voted out then it's just Holly vs the house at the next HOH.
Nicole is covered no matter what she does, but she's more loyal to Cliff than Jess.
But, Thursday is a long way away and votes can flip for the dumbest reasons.
Cliff needs to be up Holly's ass until the vote.
fuck anyone and everyone who is trying to meme that the season has picked up and that they are playing good games... that includes any of you
free month. promo code AUGUSTHEAT
not really.... letting bichie breaks the tie means its still the entire house vs her and him at the double
what bog needs to do is spearhead the cliff eviction, that will get christie, tommy and jess on her side instead of being seen as a blind loyalist to bichie
nicole has a landing spot either way but when she is the only one who votes to keep cliff they can also use that as an excuse to target her
I miss Cody and Milky Marks so fucking much, bros
I think the season has picked up and is fun, and good. But I never said they were playing good games, nor have I seen that opinion thrown around often.
Quarky has played good games with my dingle
Tennessee paid $950k to lose a game yesterday
Poo in the loo
fuck ovi. For all the stupid shit he says about bullying shit he said happened in the house, his one dream in life is to be a chad like the jacks, hence his obsession with gay extracurriculars. He's the one guy in the frat that goes too hard in the actual "organization" and politics instead of just being with bros.
sometimes I'm convinced that Cliff is playing a good game but then he says shit like he doesnt think tommy would use the veto. Its amazing how little anyone knows anything about gameplay in the house. Sometimes I think Tommy is actually playing but then I realize hes just coasting on being gay and an inoffensive manlet.
pretty much
If Cliff is gone what would make more sense?
To go after two goats or two gamers?
They'd take Jess and Nicole to F4 and get the easy win.
is she casually passing a black guy on the street?
I want to smell quarkys navel
id love to nuzzle her tummy tum and give it kisses after she gets home from a hard days work of wrangling little r-bombs
qute and loving fantasy
yeah you are right it totally made sense to vote out analyse and now jess instead of gamers
clock says 4pm in the house. did big brother really move them ahead 2 hours?
Cliff & the sodomite did it
this will never get old. love it
ah, figured someone was doing something hinky
The wild or a initiates it’s mating dive
*orca dammit
Mmmm quarky with the titty jiggle brushing her teef
sounds like a bird getting hit by a car
I feel like I'm starting to turn around on Christie. I would probably like her if it weren't for her connection with Tommie.
Nasty Jew dyke
Realistically that’s the same for me but that connection being hidden by production and then the hypocrisy of them doing it on Holly/Kat is what makes them the worst
Why would you put lipstick on outside of your lip line?
If Bimbo didn't leak it about her friend, she would have had two friends in the house. Misty was her replacement.
Kassting is lazy and just picks people off Instagram.
She wants OBongo lips without paying for the injections.
top fucking kek
about time
These dubs are getting freaky
i've always liked her. the whole connection thing certainly put a damper on it at the start
Fatty just realizing she’s going to be a meme
phone image editing app
Comparing the two reminds me of how horrid she's become over time.
At least we don't have to watch her cry all week.
i miss this lil body like you wouldnt believe
he listens to rap so he de doesn't
>going to
too late
fuck y’all went?
can we get to the double already? I hate seeing so many people in the house with christie
>those heavenly holy Christian boobs
this. Christie needs to go.
um no sorry, but christie is goose stepping all the way to the confetti.
tommy is going to win the double and get cliff out
god I wish Nicole got evicted week 1 so we wouldnt have the threads spammed with pics of her
Can someone explained to me why Holly sperged out at Jackson? Was it really all because of Zingbot?
um no, you must have gotten an early draft of the script. The final one Grods handed out has Christie going at the double. Sorry to burst your bubble, but ... POP!
Holly's age is an issue. She's worried about any negative impressions since she depends on her appearance.
Cry less faggot
Any reason to watch the Sunday ep?
>zingbot utters three syllables at you
>spend the next week having an existential breakdown
and they said he was weak this year
she's just finally succumb to the stress and pressure of being in teh house.
too bad she wasn't liked enough by production for them to put one of her good friends in the house like christie.
i wanna qiss that qute tummy, lick her down lows and eat her ass like she's never experienced before
Not unless they show Holly, and Jackson's split.
did you forget kat who literally made a 4 person alliance with the outsiders and told her?
happened after veto
you'll just see the HOH and some "gameplay"
i didn't forget, the kat and holly relationship was vague and tenuous unlike the tommy and christie one.
holly and kat weren't good at playing the real casting game.
aw yes, they were just next door neighbors who would have betrayed each other early in the game
oh wait, they would have taken each other at final 2
thats why kat voted for jackson to stay
Quarky not for lewd
any chance Jackson puts up Bog on the block tomorrow?
theres still 1 hispanic woman left in the house
he has a job to do
he has a chance to complete the deck
would give him immunity to F2
> Everyone in this picture other than Jackson and Holly are now gone
long ass recap
probably a lot of filler this episode
will they clown show the whales fall?
>jackson wanted to win hoh not because he thought tommy would put him up but because he thought he'd put up cliff and nicole
they obviously fed the tommy target line to jessica
literal fat shaming on national tv
i love it
faggot weather man cutting into my broadcast
anyone get a screencap of christie trying to catch rain with her mouth
Chad Jackson laughing as fatty crashes down
survivor commercials are cringefests
hey Nicole how about you grow up and stop crying about stupid shit
>i refuse to drop
god nicole is such a failure
nicole lost the wall comp lmao
lame jersey shore catch phrase
why is shitcole so pathetic?
THIS FUCKING SUCKS - Jackson winning hoh
Tommy is absolutely terrified of making any game move.
Whoa, this Abominable movie looks cute
Well looks like we're in for another week of Christie crying.
Why the fuck do Christie and Nicole cry so often? Fuck these losers. Does Nicole cry as much as Christie does?
thank you CBS for telling me about the amazon
>letting fat Jackson win the wall comp
>why the fuck do women cry so much?
They really think tommy would have put up cliff or nicole?
it’s a tard house
he probably would
then backdoor Jackson if he controls veto
drama queen
at least nicole is self aware that she's a loser
>Tommy going in for the kiss
honestly I doubt it.
>lets make the six
whale is so retarded
How has Jessica managed to hide those fat tits from the cameras? Surprised we haven't had any nip splits yet.
Okay, which one of you freaks made this?
i am confident, tommy is extremely defensive player
i don't believe he would risk jackson winning veto and stay in the house pissed at him
Jess really feeling the effect of beginning the game by saying she would target half of the house because of their gender
you probably did
when i tried to call her NLS and that one aggro went full aggro on me
why can’t bb ever find women who aren’t retarded losers?
WOMP WOMP Have these people left their mom's house?
don't worry Nicole
Jackson is single now, his big dick will cheer you up
>matching outfits
Jackson made up with grandma.
If Michie wins BB Big Brother is dead.
Because it would take too long to find them
did he finally give her the smooch
>win all the comps
>"we will lay low and play the middle, we are so smart haha"
if insert hg wins bb I will never watch again
I miss the weekly Summer of Stein so bad bros.
Why won't Eric go on video this year with SoS?
it’s ok rhap is filling the void with shitters from old seasons
>If i were given an opportunity to keep both of us safe i would have definitely taken it
yeah, you had an opportunity to win HOH, dumb dyke
Oh no no no no
Tommy and Christie figures it out
Now Jackson and Holly will side with them to save face
jesus christ, its like the youtubers doing family guy impressions
also why cant rob get any good guests?
that would be pretty dope F4
Nicole is worthless and Cliff has already been evicted
Jackson seems like a strategic mastermind compared to everyone else in the house right now. Him winning would be kino. BB is dead if nicole wins. Him winning also means that all this bitter jury shit is reversed
i miss when RHAP was still good, 5 years ago
Shit taste
Cliff and Nicole are kino tv.
>b-but muh gameplay and strong competitors
Who fucking cares.
Rob doesnt interact with any BB males over 5'10
What happened to Matt Hoffman and Ian Terry though, they were the GOAT guests.
based boomer dabbing on quarkyfags
this segment is gonna be a big no thank you from me
Cliff must have gotten so bullied on oil rigs and at ATM
if nicole or jess somehow win big brother is dead
if holly wins, big brother is in it's death phase
if cliff, jackson, or tommy win, big brother is in remission
I miss Tangela.
um, excuse me?
Top Husbandu
BB wont ever go away cause its the cheapest possible summer replacement
>Muh family
>Muh fear of birds
Truly enthralling
Lmao this Jackson and Jess segment
If Christie wins BB is back.
>muh crying
>muh hands on cheeks shocked omg XD
Truly enthralling tv
i am glove man
to be fair, she does have some nice little feet, but we need to stop sexualizing quarky
damn storm is raping my signal
Jackson or Christie winning are the most kino endings and would mean wilder emotional gameplay coming back especially from the jock archtypes. Cliff winning would be respectable for the boomer archtype making it. anyone else is the death of bb
I have become Michiste master of this house
this so much
tommy winning would be fine with me just because everybody would say he is the first gay winner and it would absolutely make Andy Herren seethe on twitter
have you never met a woman before?
ugh what are the chances jackson has a heart attack and dies
>Christie winning
this is what peak Big Brother performance looks like
>christie first
>good winners
>shit winners
Tommy is also a shit winner because of the huge Grodball fuckup with casting BFFs "accidently".
move cliff with holly
add christie winning to saving big brother
Based Jackson sacrificing whats best for his game to cut the fat so real brutes can battle it out in the end.
good winner
shitty winners that kills big brother
They're doing a lot more than that up in the HOH room now.
>Nicole winning
because the few who aren’t retarded don’t want to go on a tv show where people create wikifeet pages about them.
plus they probably make more money as professors and lawyers etc
Shelby pretended she was gonna be a lawyer
You guys read this?
Vanessa actually became a lawyer.
any post saying nicole would be a good winner should be ignored
I like nicole as a person, but she hasn't won anything, clueless majority of the game, and most likely gets coached in the DR
tommy winning is trash. He has done nothing in this game. the only way i would accept it is if he goes on a comp spree like KC at the end
>Great Winners
>good winners
>meh winners
>voted out of the game winners
>yikes winners
She'd be Josh and Jordan tier; but I'd be happy for her.
TB.H, $50K would be big for her, so I hope she gets 2nd as a proper goat.
I would lick nicoles armpit.
she wouldn't be a good winner rn.
Either Christie and Tommy winning would be a shit tier BB8 Dick winner. Grodballs to the max.
jordan only won because of jeff in the jury
natalie should have won
if christie wins she would easily be in the top 10 best winners, and probably even top 5
i wouldn't say she is clueless about what has been going on in the house. i think she has played a great goat game just by being herself
Fugly Jew dyke
>quits after working as eviction lawyer for less than a year
really problematic, who else will be helping mexicans to keep their apartments?
I was gonna add a spoiler saying “who passed the bar” but I’m phoneposting too and I didn’t feel like typing out the tags lol
>plays BB
>becomes eviction lawyer
>can't evict people
based jackson started the trend of this season of taking out the floaters and waste of space players all season. I thank him for that
yeah, on a second try
He's still a moron for finding Cliff and Nicole's veto cards in the POV comp. They told him where they were hiding them.
>all these Christie fags
Wtf I thought she was hated here
only redditors hate her
I wonder what she did to Morgan to get kicked out. Did she have Paul over too much?
new thread
Nah. 90% of all people on the internet watching BB21 hates Christie.
Only a small percentage of rebellious "me too"s like her. Included in that are lesbians that hate males white, or of any race, like you.
i fear for what the universe has in store for you user
The Universe does not care about me, or Big Brother. Things happen as a result of consequence, that's the reason - consequence. Not some spiritual bullshit a spoiled brat thinks.
Honestly, a week after BB ends, everybody forgets about these people.
Things happen due to random chance.
Quantum Physics laughs at your consequence.