Somebody explain this fucking joke to me

Sneed's feed and seed
(Formerly Chuck's)

Attached: sneeds-predecessor-didnt-sell-feed-and-seed-1507571211.jpg (780x439, 54K)

Attached: 1466666885.jpg (1920x1440, 573K)



The sign is a subtle joke.

Literally how. Just one person, one fucking person, explain to me how this shit is remotely humorous. This is the worst joke in comedy history

you're more of a bad joke than anything

It's just to give you a bit of backstory about the town and who was living there before Homer moved in.

Enjoy your ban, zoomer. Reported for off topic posts

uhhhh sneeed????


Attached: 698FECDB-A69E-4117-A86B-948E07D65BC3.jpg (1024x759, 68K)


you have to be 18 to post here, autismo

>posts a dead meme
>calls others underaged
You are a vermin

Chucks fuck and suck


Dead meme

Attached: moe.jpg (262x234, 14K)

Attached: 1563905929165.png (262x284, 16K)

Attached: sneed posting.jpg (1508x3108, 594K)


Only the architect really gets the joke...

>somebody explain this fucking joke to me
trannies have no sense of humor, so they repeat lame jokes they see on the internet constantly, thinking it makes them seem normal

DEAD MOE (formerly alive)

Attached: sneed of thrones.png (703x394, 282K)

chucks confirm

It's funny because now that Sneed owns the seed and feed it rhymes

Moe shitter btfo

Attached: images (21).jpg (511x288, 22K)

it's as bad as all other simpsons jokes desu