A man who works for free and spends holiday weekends alone browsing an incel forum. Yup, its true...

>A man who works for free and spends holiday weekends alone browsing an incel forum. Yup, its true, a cautionary tale of wanting power wherever they find it

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>People hiring an elderly racist man to lead them because they didn't like their previous boss who was a minority? It's happened more often than you think.

>A self inflicted wound kept from healing through severe delusion? This one happened in a place called America.

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Give it a rest.

The next five years are going to be rough for you.

>no wall
>no ACA repeal
>no concessions from China over trade
>Iran is making nukes again, which they'd stopped
>North Korea still has nukes and is still testing rockets
>The economy Obama fixed is now is headed for a downturn.

Promises kept!

>Religion of peace?
>We made it up.

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go back to your containment board

>The economy Obama fixed

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farm animals have a more nuanced and realistic view of the world than bugmen like you

And despite all of that, whichever of the 37 weirdos ends up running, you're still going to lose. Says a lot about your ideology.

Suck that fat Jew dick. Suck that fat nigger dick boy.

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>Suck that fat Jew dick

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>amerigoyim think only one party sucks jew cock
lmaoing my ass off

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6 million? While it may sound true, you may be shocked to learn that this is completely fabricated. It was written by our writers. There is not a shred of Nazi documentation that signifies a policy to exterminate jews in their concentration camps. However, a few hundred thousands jews did die due to typhus outbreaks, but the 6 million that they claim? That's just Beyond Belief™

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I was watching the 80's show "Hill Street Blues" last night, and the cocaine dealer looked vaguely familiar.

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>they'll still vote red

>billions to israel under the current administration
>trump believes himself to be the king of the jews
>any jew that doesnt support trump is "disloyal" in his own words
keep sucking that jewish cock, /pol/

The wall is literally, and i mean that literally, in the middle of being built right now. And do you genuinely believe it was Obama that fixed the economy, that miraculously began its upturn the month Trump took office and not before?

>i-it's being built!! of c-course these 3 images i have from 2017 aren't just prototypes of how it will look! it's real!

Also Germany

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Sublime shitposting. Really, a flawless model.


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Kek, no wonder he couldn't pull off an actual genocide. Trannies are fuckups at everything.

if right wing retards vote for trump again they really are braindead.

is this the new raimiposting?

>America? We made it up.