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Other urls found in this thread:


Is this about Epstein

you've just described the plot of neon genesis evangelion in one sentence. congrats

You are both Epstein AND the girls he fugged

kino video

This is an old story but still an amazing one, great concept, great execution

This is all part of the plan to introduce the NWO religion btw. Don't fall for this new age bullshit. You're not alone in the universe.

Pretty much this

god i'm glad that were me

isn't there a greentext or screencap of this? i remember reading it here more than once


Except wh*te m*n

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Do the people that buy into this not realize they're advocating for solispism?

>pre-existence was condemned as heresy in the Second Council of Constantinople in AD 553


Used to respect this channel.
Unfortunately they've become ifuckinglovescience tier pop science peddlers.

what's wrong with that?

I understood that comment

somewhere in hell, origen is seething

>trying to explain scientific concepts with cutesy animation and funny jokes for normies that get impressed by surface level trivia

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>all religions are right
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanddddd droppped

>Liking kurgezagt
Kill yourselves, reddit atheists

these channels don't have to balls to have an opinion

More like me and only me.

can I stop arguing with myself please?

>you like X ???????? I dont like X.... DIE HAHAHAAHAH !!!!

You're doing it to yourself, solipsist.

reminds me of the starmaker althoguh I'm too cynical to be touched this new age thinking. I've pretty much accepted were isolated beings that stop existing when we die.

We pinpoint this was done a bunch of times
>liking kurzgesagt
>your face right now

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this new trend of explaining 1000 years worth of science and philosophy with cool looking infographics and jazzy beats is fucking cancerous. People literally don't have interest in anything beyond the surface level anymore.
Fuck Vox
Fuck """"""science"""""" channels
And fuck every other video essay channel.

Yeah not like the average Yea Forums user who is soooooo enlighted he spends the days here because he is sooooo interesed in "deep themes" like shitposting and making fun of things he doesn't like.

are you too retarded to understand that these kind of videos are made to get people interested in these topics?

hear about a cool concept like the vacumm state being able to destroy the universe. Watch these types of videos to try and understand.

I can't

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literally every person between the ages 15-30 gets their knowledge from these types of videos.
They can't even be arsed to skim through Wiki articles anymore.

Imagine not being an atheist in 2019.

No one is impressed by your christcuck LARPing.

That video spooked the ever living shit out of me

Atheism is the trough of the Dunning-Kruger graph

is this what youre telling yourself, desperately hoping that there is more to life than this? fat chance, faggot, this was your only shot and you wasted it.

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I'm not religious, I'm just saying that most atheists don't know nearly as much as they think they do.

that was very boring

Its not that complicated. Basically our universe isn't in the lowest energy configuration it could be, so if a certain location slips down into a giant bubble of reconfigured universe will start expanding.

god damn fucking purp*e p*ople

>Imagine not being an atheist in 2019.

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post timestamped physique


>optimistic nihilism
that was one of the dumber ones

remember when atheists were at least creative
>dude there was a big explosion we are actually monkeys lmao

It's an opinion but also a stupid one given how many religions outright contradict each other.

Me personally? I'm an optimistic nihilist. I used to be an existentialist, but after reading Meditations by Marcus Aurelius (which was recommended by my social studies professor), my whole world view totally changed.

Stopped watching this shit after the refugee video. It's lefty propaganda

Popsci is a cancer that I am convinced is at the heart of both the anti-science and scientism camps. The latter is just religion 2.0 worshipping the current scientific dogma without question while the former happens because popsci never underlines the fact that science is all about testing and discarding faulty theories, not establishing absolute truth. "We now know" is the most fucking painful thing to read or hear when it comes to dumber down normie science education and it drives me up the wall.

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Answer me this, are there two genders or not?

I thought males and females were settled science but apparently not.

shit video for really dumb people

>shit video for really dumb people

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literally every social science and psychology article I've read in the past 3 years has been bullshit to varying degrees, without exaggerating. In addition to that, people literally read the headline, first paragraph and then the comments of other people, and base their opinion on the matter of off that.
In my opinion the majority of people shouldn't have any opinions on science (or atleast they shouldn't voice any of them), they literally don't have the brain capacity or attention span to form their own conclusion from what they are reading.

Atheism is a trap option. It feels good to believe you're enlightened, but that only lasts until you think just a smidge further realize that the universe doesn't give a shit. Thus your impotent screeching at some retard who's happy because he thinks faries talk to him can only be an exercise in either well-meant ignorance or the usual egotistical flailing.

>thinks he knows more than them
larp more won't you

Since gender as a concept is not strictly tied to biological sex, and considering how absurdly flexible human sexual preference is, I wouldn't be shocked if it wasn't written in stone.

I thought this was science channel
wtf happen

two sexes with slight aberrations. gender is frankly meaningless and people who obsess over pronouns should reconsider things.

I thought about this as objectively as I can and came to the conclusion that I am more intelligent than the average person. In my teen years I used to think that people who say shit like I just did are delusional edgelords who think highly of themselves. But as I got older and talked to and observed many people in my life, I can no longer ignore the fact that the average person is pretty ignorant.

I’m thoroughly convinced that academia is mostly just institutionalized larping.

You looked at me with fascination. To you, I didn’t look like God. I just looked like some man.
I knew they had to add that in

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>chinese peasent girl
so that will be a short life then?

>I thought about this as objectively as I can and came to the conclusion that I am more intelligent than the average person. In my teen years I used to think that people who say shit like I just did are delusional edgelords who think highly of themselves. But as I got older and talked to and observed many people in my life, I can no longer ignore the fact that the average person is pretty ignorant.

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There is only 2 genders. Man and woman. Nothing else. Those who say otherwise are fucked in the head and deny reality.

Do you believe this deserves a serious response or is this just trying to get the last word in?

Atheism is an acknowledgement of lack of knowledge. Theism is built around giving people comforting explanations for the inherent inexplicably of reality.

What is this conviction based on, besides the usual mistake of believing gender is a synonym for biological sex?

Well yeah.. But you can't go back, not without knowingly fooling yourself. And that's impossible.

That's agnosticism. Atheism and theism are broad positions to either side of that. One does not believe there is a God or gods of some capacity while the other does. That belief/lack of belief takes a myriad of forms from there.

Actually galactanet.com/oneoff/theegg_mod.html
Published in 2009

You’re describing the trap of false/premature enlightenment. Which isn't unique to atheism.

Why do people deny the individual?

Brainlet, see:

That's why it's called a trap option. Or I would say that, if there were no atheists who later recanted and went back to/found other beliefs they jived with.

>Channel based on scientifically accepted facts
>Channel based on opinions

Choose one.

Gender and sex were synonymous until some publish or perish dipshit wrote a paper about how sex and gender roles weren’t concretely linked, but decided to delete all instances of “roles” to make the paper look more provocative/groundbreaking.

A trap option, not THE, trap option.

eh, it's a decent short philosophical story

The concept of gender was literally written by said dipshit, Dr. John Money. His entire thing was about showing the divorce between biological sex and the personal conception of sexual identity. He faked a ton of data and was a huge quack, but look at how messed up Freud was despite birthing the now heavily reformed discipline of psychology.

Then they simply never were true atheists.

If true atheists can never change their minds once convinced their position is correct, they just means "true atheist" is synonymous with "hopeless idiot."

It did a one-of, calm done. After this one you can return to never watch the channel again.

>reincarnate as fetus
>get aborted
>"boy sure i learn a lot in that life"

Wrong on all counts. Agnosticism is creating an false dichotomy between is/isn’t god and claiming it’s impossible to determine which is true. This is also just more comforting bullshit, because it protects you from having to make a decision and being potentially wrong.

Theism and atheism aren’t diametrically opposed. As there is a huge difference between not believing god exists and believing god doesn’t exist.

You’re likely one of those imbeciles who claim not believing in a thing is a religion.

Oh, it's semantics then.

>As there is a huge difference between not believing god exists and believing god doesn’t exist.

Yea, that’s basically what I said. He didn’t invent the term “gender” and “gender roles” was common phraseology before he wrote his garbage. All he did was invent the division between terms that were synonyms before his paper.

Believing God does not exist is anti-theism. Agnostics by your definition would be correct in that it cannot be proven whether God does or does not exist. Atheism goes beyond true neutrality by straddling the line between agnostic and anti-theist.

Oh, so there is no such thing as atheists. Or Scotsmen.

You're wrong, he invented the actual concept of gender.

You just quoted one.

A person who has never heard of “god” won’t believe in god. A person has to know of the concept before they can say that it’s bullshit.


I think he means once a person has heard of the concept and doesn't accept it, what's the functional difference between that and rejecting it?

Zoomers lack the attention span to read anything. Best they can do is watch a few minute video with shiny, flashy animations.

You’re not understanding what I’m saying. The word, gender, comes from old French and Middle English. John Money did not invent the word. He didn’t even invent the concept behind the current definition of the word (gender roles). All he did was take “gender roles” and drop “roles.”

So if the modern definition of gender is his conception, what is the point of referring to ye olde definition as an excuse to get mad?

A person is shown a bike. They have the choice between riding it or not riding it. Your (faulty) concept of atheism is a person resolving to never ride a bike ever.

Like was mentioned earlier, you’ve built a false dichotomy between atheism and theism. They are not diametrically opposed. As the true diametric opposite of your imagined atheist would be someone who spends every second of every day doing nothing but praising god. Which obviously doesn’t exist.

A dumb theory that falls flat on its face the moment "god" is introduced. If the point is that we are all one being, then why the fuck is there other guys? Would have made more sense if god revealed that the egg was him and he came back to raise himself.

I really have no idea why you’re having so much difficulty understanding the idea I’m attempting to impress upon you. You seem determined to be stupid.

Keep trying to assert that they're different. I'm sure someone outside of tumblr will believe you.

Gender and sex were synonyms until John Money came along and decided to redefine “gender roles” as “gender.”

Wasn't he also a pedo

It’s the idea that time isn't objectively real. So one being can exist at any point in time.

This is hogwash because the universe is clearly a four dimensional spheroid and time is obviously the fourth dimension.

John Money didn’t invent gender roles. If you read his paper and replace every instance of “gender” with “gender roles,” then it’s pretty clear he isn’t saying anything of any real meaning or note.

Like no fucking shit a man will sometimes clean, do laundry, or be a nurse.

>It feels good to believe you're enlightened
I thought you were supposed to be talking about atheism and not religion.

>in my opinion, people shouldn't have opinions

Why do they all insist on such an ugly and worn out artstyle

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no its about us, the girls he fucked

They actually removed that video and publicly apologied for it in a seperate one.

It's only decent if you haven't read any actual philosophy book

Oh... so agnosticism are the wannabe neutrals trying to be friendly (not offending) with believers and non-believers?

This, it's the type of shit you come up with when I'm lying in bed doing nothing.

>there are people in this thread who think some moronic youtubers invented this idea/theory

>purple """""people"""""

its fun to imagine john money walking around in the 50s, mouth constantly agape, as he recounts to his colleges tidbits like "when I am at home, my wife cooks all the food. but when we go out, a MAN is the cook??" and "When at home, women are the nurses, but when at war, men have to be the nurses?? What does this mean??" His colleagues being too polite to do anything but chuckle and make conversation and recount other experiences in the same vein "a MALE stewardess??" and "I've noticed that some men have a very effeminate air!" etc.

Then he publishes a paper that most people just politely ignore. then fast forward to 2005 and people use his nonsense as the basis for identity politics.

Don't forget the most thrilling saga of his.

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>It feels good to believe you're enlightened
The loud minority of fedoras on reddit are not what most atheists are like. There's no real sense of enlightenment.
There might be actual "supernatural" shit out there (of course, by existing, they're no longer supernatural, and just something we can't measure/detect/understand yet) and I'm not arrogant enough to believe I know exactly what's out there. I honestly believe the real arrogance and false sense of enlightenment comes from judging yourself (and the others who follow your religion) being the one to "get it right", while people who follow all other religions are deluded and following false faiths.
You might be right for criticizing atheism if you were claiming agnosticism is a more logical choice, and right as you would be, nobody likes agnosticism because it's just not as satisfying. Even atheism feels more like picking a sports team than agnosticism does, which is half the reason most (not all!) people with a religion even claim to believe in them in the most place.
What I feel is that most religious people are at least somewhat doubtful of their own religions and fight against their disbelief everyday.

>the supernatural can't exist because if it exists it's not supernatural
Top tier skeptical atheist circular reasoning

Retard he said it could exist and he was just adding that it would be called natural if we knew about it

No, sorry, that's not what I'm saying.
The "supernatural" can exist - gods, afterlives, ghosts, etc., but the only reason they're called supernatural is because they're beyond what we can explain, correct? If people managed to find proof of ghosts, study them and catalogue them, they wouldn't be supernatural anymore. Because the word itself only exists to describe anything according to the shifting point of what humans consider - natural. Lightning and fire were supernatural once, so a skeptic who says there can't be an afterlife because they don't "believe in the supernatural" are missing the point.

"natural" in that context simply refers to the materialist/physical layer of reality that we occupy. Something could be beyond those constraints but still be possible to catalogue and explain.

Shieeeeet so u be saying we WUS KANGS AND SHIET

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>Yea Forums hates kurgezagt

I know there are some contrarian autists on this board but fucking hell.

Some cunts read one or two science or philosophy books while they wait for their NEET bucks and they think they can look down on anything as beneath them or normie.

Most of these videos are to get people interested in the topic, to broaden people’s thinking.

Wait, is antimatter supernatural?

This was their gayest and most boring video. Wow.

You forgot REFUGEES ARE GOOD FOR US propaganda.

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Dude, he is literally an sjw.
Watch his video about the European migrant crisis.

>Most of these videos are to get people interested in the topic, to broaden people’s thinking
No, they're to make normalfags think they're intelligent and informed for taking 10 minutes out of their day to watch a cartoon they'll totally forget about by the end of the day.

I always hated this story because it inexplicably makes the god-child all of the human species while pretending the entirety of nonhuman lifeforms on Earth are just background props or something.
Doesn't even make sense how that would work since it's not like there was any one clean cutoff point where the last non- anatomically modern hominid couple reproduced and had the first anatomically modern human child.

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I guess how much one feels about the trend on these types of videos depends on the quality or thoroughness of education one might have, I suppose...

t. someone who was taught about basic chemicals and physics in his country at 16 years old

looks like the trannies were right, I really am Hitler

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We might as well be.

And do I really want to meet interstellar species? It's very likely not gonna be as fun as in Star Trek.

I knew that Yea Forums would love this when I saw the video.

This video is literally Spirit Science shit but slightly less retarded

>Don't fall for this new age bullshit. You're not alone in the universe.
The mistake is believing humans have a psychic responsibility for one another.

The truth is we probably are alone, which is beneficial, as another alien race would only pose a problem or threat to us, not an opportunity for dialogue. I can't imagine a technologically superior race treating us with respect. Our track record for dealing fairly with xenos is not good.


why would non-conscious beings be part of the god-child equation?

Anything we can all do about this?

He was calling user a “reddit atheist”, which is the worst possible thing to be

This also means im antony burch

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>I can't imagine a technologically superior race treating us with respect.

so you're unable to imagine treating a child with respect?

no, time is cubic

pretty retarded comparison, sweetie

>he treats children with respect
Actual cuckold. Please never have sex.

So you have no argument.

I'll let you figure this out on your own, yes.

Also then what’s the purpose of your eventual god-life? Is it just the same thing again, you have to live a bunch more god lives to mature into super god?
Seems tedious, and just as ultimately pointless as reality actually is

A human child? You realize that's entirely different.

It's more like treating a small stupid animal with respect. Not a cat either, but something entirely divorced from your evolutionary history. We would almost certainly be as alien to them as bugs are to us. We would engender no sympathy from precocity.

Yes, I have figured out that you have no argument.

>scientific concepts
its a shittily written short story by a literal who

children have obvious physiological similarites to their parents built in so their parents will care about them and, you know, are the same species. Even the most loving parent could still justify killing even other humans for being different enough

Yes, thinking we are all one and the same is what the globalists want so they can control you and your spending habits.

so two conscious species will have no similarities

An alien race capable of space travel is going to be several generations of technology superior to us. they're not going to roll into the system in a chemical rocket. so they will have the decisive strategic advantage.

i think they'll check us out, conclude we're really violent and either leave us be with some monitoring or just glass the planet. perhaps systematically remove humans and take a small sample pop for a zoo. maybe just catalogue our destruction for the museum.

youtube.com/watch?v=JtUAAXe_0VI video link.

They basically say they were toxic about it youtu.be/JtUAAXe_0VI?t=190

Isn't that pretty much the ending to 2001 a space odyssey? lmao

Not really.

2001 has a reborn 'space child' as the result, initialized by an alien influence. This is more or less just about reincarnation.

niggers and white people are the same species, as proven by their ability to procreate. Even as members of the same species, phenotypical differences are enough to make them hate each other for no particularly good reason. Sentient aliens would presumably be even more different from humans because their evolutionary tree grew under entirely different circumstances (their dna might be 100% different from ours, which you can’t even say about Bacteria from earth) so there will probably be enough of a difference between them and us for something similar to happen

You're still making an argument on the level that any adult will view any unrelated child as something that needs to be stomped into paste, simply because the adult has higher capabilities than the child, and the adult, somehow, has no memory of being a child.

To say your hypothetical alien race has no historical knowledge or understanding of their own development and have suddenly popped into existence at an FTL technology level.

There is a sound argument to be made here for why aliens aren't in constant contact with humans (what adult walks up an infant and starts trying to trade their car for the kid's sandcastle) but you seem to be specifically avoiding that.

What the fuck is this feel good, nu-wave spiritual bullshit doing on the channel that is supposed to be about science and rational-thinking?

>And fuck every other video essay channel.


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i actually like a lot of their vids about space shit. i hate all of their political shit though where they try to frame their straight liberal party line stances as being based on facts and science when those are the videos where they gloss over details the most and just say shit like "scientists agree that..." to back things up

Can't you be an atheist without caring about religious people?

it's a drastic departure from their usual content. there aren't even any fucking cartoon birdies, fuck this

I'm saying if aliens make themselves known to us the prospects are not good. I make no argument they don't exist or aren't actively monitoring us and the reason we can't see or hear them is because they won't let us. that is entirely possible but unfalsifiable.

what do we know about humans? that they have a violent history, that they are at least competent engineers and have managed to put small things in orbit, that they occupy only one planet but could occupy more in a short timeframe (200~ years). also that we're a relentlessly curious sort and will cause problems if they pierce the veil.

that's how i would see it if i was looking into the fishbowl.


literally, figuratively, objectively & subjectively reddit

>does lsd for the first time

>the virgin 8 minute Kurzgesagt summary
>the chad TheraminTrees hour long two part discourse

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I would stake my life not only upon on the likelihood that some low IQ inbred schizophrenic sandniggers are not the chosen ones of god, but that their god doesn't even exist.

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>it's a drastic departure from their usual content. there aren't even any fucking cartoon birdies, fuck this
agree with the bird part tho

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>about science and rational-thinking?

Those things are relative. Maybe our history wouldn't be as violent as the aliens.

Which one? The one they already deleted because they knew it was flawed as fuck and realized that almost everyone was against it?

>This triggered

idk, i lasted about a minute before i read the description and realized that i've been clickbaited by the channel name

>for no particularly good reason

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Even the Alt-right?

White Christians are literally, figuratively, objectively & subjectively the biggest supporters of charities to the third world and the opening of borders.

His videos are very well produced BUT the guy is so embarrassing he makes the average redditor look like a humble, curious model citizen

>Even as members of the same species, phenotypical differences are enough to make them hate each other for no particularly good reason
>for no particularly good reason
Oh sweaty...

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The idea that some basic archetypes won’t hold true for any form of life is pretty silly. Any advanced extraterrestrial species would have also needed to have originated from an origin common to all other forms of life on their respective planet, where there would need to be predator and prey species, and would have developed from one or the other. They would not have popped into existence knowing how to read and write (or travel the stars) thus would have originally spread and then fractured as they moved beyond their ability to efficiently communicate between the fringes. Then they would’ve either unified via physical or social conquest and then pushed outward.

All the ET-phobics seem to believe an alien race would just pop into existence knowing how to travel the stars and seek only to terrorize all other forms of life.

Thus the comparison between an advanced alien species and us becomes that of an adult to an unrelated infant. As it’s pretty silly to believe an advanced alien race would have zero empathy to other life forms at other stages of development.

2 genders. One doing the fucking, one receiving the fucking, to produce the next generation. Anything else is a fashion statement.

Even in that case I think the prudent thing to do would be to nip the human problem in the bud. Just throw a tungsten rod or some big rocks at the planet and let the ensuing shitstorm solve things. once those humans get into space they are going to be slippery bastards.

Trust me, it's way cooler, my dude.

one question i can ask

why the big european powers helped the poor and unindustrialized feudal japan into becoming a great power?

one can ponder that an advanced E.T life could do the same thing with our civilization

>The idea that some basic archetypes won’t hold true for any form of life is pretty silly. Any advanced extraterrestrial species would have also needed to have originated from an origin common to all other forms of life on their respective planet, where there would need to be predator and prey species, and would have developed from one or the other. They would not have popped into existence knowing how to read and write (or travel the stars) thus would have originally spread and then fractured as they moved beyond their ability to efficiently communicate between the fringes. Then they would’ve either unified via physical or social conquest and then pushed outward.
This is highly anthropocentric. Making assumptions as to what kind of ecological niche a spacefaring species originally occupied, or what kind of society prevailed in their history, is literally no more than a guessing game. They are safe assumptions to make assuming all alien life evolves roughly the same it does on Earth. Absent any evidence of alien life, again, this is just one opinion among many. I am of the belief alien life will be fundamentally alien in presentation, even if it is biologically similar in structure.

I do not think alien races pop into being with technological superiority. They obviously have some sort of storied history on par with humanities as to how they struggled from a prehistoric society of poverty-level subsistence to one that can traverse the stars. that says nothing about their governing philosophy regarding races besides theirs.

as for the comparision of adults to infants, that is just a result of how quickly technology progresses. for most of human history we struggled with fire and clothing, but today we have a highly advanced industrial society and are on the verge of becoming multi-planetary. this happened in the span of about 5000 years. That is an eyeblink. If aliens exist they are either way behind us (prehistoric, primitive) or highly advanced.

Feudal Japan only barely survived foreign uplifting because they had a strong history, culture, and national identity. Now they’re a culture of pedophiles with an evaporating birth rate.

For a more extreme examples of botched uplifting see Africa and India. Both those regions are basically fucked forever.

because japanese are human beings and they were interested in assimilating parts of that culture.

any comparison of diplomacy between humans is invalid. diplomacy with an alien race will be quite different. it could be peaceful, but it won't be equanimous. there is no practical relation between xenos and humans. assuming they exist at all, which i highly doubt. alien life yes, but "sentient" life; life that can offload it's cognitive functions and provide something for subsequent generations to build upon; life that can get into space on machines. that sort of life probably doesn't exist anywhere else. that's my hope anyway.

if tabby's star is a dyson sphere we are SO fucked.

>Making assumptions as to what kind of ecological niche a spacefaring species originally occupied

No, only assuming the various niches would exist on any planet that produces complex life.

Fun fact: the internal combustion engine was invented in the first century AD. Hero of Alexandria. See also; the antikythera mechanism. Put into that context, technology has not advanced quickly at all. This concept also establishes it was more important to develop a societal model capable of putting such devices to meaningful use than developing the concepts/devices themselves.

>not liking Andy Weir

>all these places are fucked forever
>because whitey came in and tried to show them "the right way" to do things before fucking right off

the decolonization movement fucked it up

There has never been an equanimous diplomatic exchange in human history. It’s always been violent, angry, and exploitative, but under a thin veneer of composure.

These isolated incidents hardly discredit over 2000 years of recorded and documented scientific and technological progress in different parts of the globe. if you need more proof, look only at GDP and how industrialization has improved standards of living. none of that was possible without an investment in practically engineered applications of scientific knowledge. that has been occurring for all of human history and it's easy to see a steady progression to where we are now going into our own Earth orbit pretty much daily.

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Whitey came in and showed them that whiteys get to sit pretty on top of the labors of others. So now they all what to sit pretty on the labors of others.

So, no, it doesn’t really make you think.

>Whitey came in and showed them that whiteys get to sit pretty on top of the labors of others.
Yeah the cooperative labors of other whites and maybe some browns who compete with their labor for a fair wage.


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seething christcuck

>incidents of early and abandoned technological advancement have nothing to do with how technology has advanced. Just look at GDP man, it’s spiked really hard recently!

So like I said, developing societal models that could put advanced technologies to use was more important than the technologies themselves.

Easy space travel would completely invalidate the entire concept of capitalism, as literally noting would have scarcity based value. There’s infinite space, infinite material, and once you get a few robots that can build more of themselves, infinite labor.

Yes, the rich really cooperate with the poor.

Just yesterday I saw Donald trump patrolling the border while personally building wall

>seething christcuck

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>Yes, the rich really cooperate with the poor.

yes, the democrats already do this, in election times, the liberal elite makes an alliance with the lowest of the low in order to win, democracy is a joke in the u.s.

>I-It's actually a jewish ploy or something, that'll convince you /pol/tards. Not that it will convince me because I would never speak against jews

Attached: 1562090244671.png (280x305, 29K)

Japan got fucked up post-WW2 by America; Meiji restoration and up until early 20th century it was a success story and even fucked up Russia - it was unthinkable to have a recently westernised 'oriental' nation to so thoroughly shit on one of the 'traditional' great powers

>The religion that was founded and perpetuated entirely by kikes for hundreds of years and compares goys to dogs isn't a Jewish ploy

Attached: 1561830675885.jpg (1338x1558, 239K)

>watching cuckgesagt after their syria video
It was so fucking bad, they procceded to delete it years later, but the damage had been done
It was such a blatant appeal to emotion and manipulation of data, one could think it came straight right from the refugees welcome organizations

Attached: 1463026334769.jpg (268x265, 33K)

>caring about normies and spending time getting mad at their behaviors instead of caring about your own development

That's the goal of Seele, it's note the state of things in NGE. The statement of things in NGE is that we exist as perceptions in us and others (but not that everybody is the same)

That’s really just a statement on how fucked Russia was, and the idea it was only a great power because of how long it would take to march and army any distance into Russia.

his animator is so good. too bad hes making videos for this faggot

who and who

the animator for kurstain, his animation is really nice. could prob make his own show. but hes making animation for kurstain

gender doesnt exist faggot

I had this fucking theory for years now and started posting it in the past year
And now this fucking nigger stole it
Fucking hell

The copypasta is a lot older than a year, user. You're not special.

>Fucking hell

hell is the heavenn for you

>And now this fucking

and now this is epic

>and started posting

i´ve started posting before you were born

Collective consciousness my man, the idea was never yours to begin with, you just accessed it.

>it in the past year

in the rear of our lord 2019

no, we're evil

the biggest reply on the universe



I had thought the same thing when I was younger. It's not something hard to imagine, especially when you're autistic af.

a human concept


>everyone has to learn science by reading dusty, old tomes
jesus, you cringey fucking autist

what about RALLY?

Extremely based posts, kurzgeasgtzstzstzst or whatever the fuck it's called is designed to be viewed specifically by I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE reddit crowd with below average IQ.
Also, it looks way too overproduced, style over substance exemplified.

>I had this fucking theory for years now
Yes, and some version of this idea has been bouncing around my head since I was like six years old in 97. Get off your high horse, captain snowflake.

>Extremely based posts, kurzgeasgtzstzstzst or whatever the fuck it's called is designed to be viewed specifically by I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE reddit crowd with below average IQ.
>Also, it looks way too overproduced, style over substance exemplified.

Attached: sz6wdwxjjge21.jpg (378x378, 31K)

Just be agnostic and God can't be mad at you.

It's not even his story, goddamned retard.

>dude just stop bullying me i'm you stop being rude and care for the plannet its for you, you need to mature dude

imagine being the turbovirgin who unironically wrote this and imagine being the cucklords at that channel that made it a video

>remeber the 6 gorillion

you don't attain an actual understanding of anything you don't actually concentrate on

god can go to hell

we are all one!!!! hitler loved jews

>Atheism is a trap option

It's not about choice. It's about truth.