Hey man, pass the weed man

Hey man, pass the weed man

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why does her body look so shit? like it's been used a lot. eww.

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Because she's a skank tv/ now capeshit actress

white women age like milk, that's why you have to take the yellowpill

>She doesn't have a bikini bridge


loose breasts indicate a looseness of character

>>not working out
>>fake mental illness


Drugs and alcohol.

It has zero tone because she's never exercised in her life.


it's almost like smoking, drinking, and not excercising has an adverse affect on your body

Yes take yerrow pill and have a son who Brad Pitt can use as a punching bag

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I mean her body color is not even uniform, it's just scratches, marks, bruises all over the legs and torso. Really ugly.

what's that?

>only one nipple pierced
Literally why?

>cottonmouth + sunbathing

I bet she thought this was such a cool idea.


That's a keif rolled joint, looks to be about 1g. That'll floor even a seasoned smoker.

She's lazy and doesn't work out, not even cardio


Implying she couldn't order a fruity drink with a little umbrella to wash the cotton mouth away

"The bikini bridge was an Internet hoax. It originated in the United States on January 5, 2014, created by users of the "Yea Forums" section on the imageboard Yea Forums as a parody of popular thinspiration memes."


>not even cardio
cardio is harder than lifting, especially for women (breasts weight, different hip and knee bones placement, higher risk of injuries)

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She doesn't look that bad I don't get it

>white people

why do they do this
it ages you extremely fast, especially if you dont have the melanin to block it


hey sneed pass the feed and seed sneed

Doing it as a white person is fine. As a ginger is completely retarded

Sophie is a natural blonde. The red hair was just a dye job

shes british

So is Watson and look at those hips

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>girls have different knee bones

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I can see pusy

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Dakota Blue Richards has way more talent

Back to fucking reddit you mong

A million bucks

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You seem familiar to reddit, you should go back

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this is a serious case of lack of hips

It's not rocket science that reddit loves shitty television shows and shills that overrated bitch which is why those same fags come here and post about her

She should get that mole checked out.

Yep, look at them compared to Watson's above her

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32DD talent.

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white women age poorly because americans are genetic mutants who eat sewer garbage as regular meals. Scandinavian women do not age like white americans or bongs, and that is a stone cold fact

Imagine waifuing this piece of shit woman.

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She seems pretty heavy into the online feminism, I don't think she'll ever get them out. A real travesty.

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Oh god.. Really bad. What the fuck? Even Maisie seems hotter now.

Lmao at all the porn addict incels that have never even interacted, let alone had sex, with a women before. This is how a real woman's body looks like, and pretend all you want, you'd all sell off your grandmothers if it meant you could touch OP's pic related. But I guess its better to pretend you find her body disgusting than cope with the fact that no woman, let alone her, would ever come within 10 feet of your worthless basement dwelling incel ass lmao.

>Imagine waifuing any piece of shit woman.

jesus christ this looks horrible

I'm a touchless virgin and I wouldn't touch that ugly cunt with a ten foot pole.

You have to go back.

Sure thing

>This is how a real woman's body looks like
t. Jonas brother

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You know you'll never get laid whiteknighting for women on here right?

what are camera angles and posing

I'm a guy and have bigger hips & mantits hahaha