Cast them

Cast them.

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How soaked do you think she was? And I dont mean from the flood waters

This is what inspired me to go to the gym

Why is Yea Forums so slow these days? Where is everyone?

Why was I born such a fucking twink?

having sex with ur mom lol

Me as the baby

looking at the weather it apears to be pretty humid so her pits are probably thoroughly soaked.

Jannies are doubling down on shitposting because they get a bonus based on how many posts result in a ban.

not sure you guys notice it's almost Halloween?

you're a little cutie.

Calm down Ian Watkins


the reboot

can you imagine how low she will see her husband after that , "another man took me and our baby in his harm while you were carying shoes and a bag" .

Me on the left.

Why am I alive

Isn’t the guy holding the shoes the real Chad in this picture? I mean, the white guy is carrying the other guys wife and child, and at the end of the day, the guy with the shoes gets to fuck his wife and spend time with his family and the army fag has to go back to the barracks or his dingy apartment if he’s in the reserves and beat his meat.

cope more

Only white woman are unloyal sluts

was it kino?

It's so cruelly, needlessly unfair.

Attached: iktf.png (234x216, 4K)

so you can lift ugly brown women?

What makes you think the army guy isn’t in a relationship or getting laid? Besides, that Asian couple looks like a sexless marriage. Probably stopped fucking after the kid was born