The last one just died, let this reign
Other urls found in this thread:
based janny
An admirable effort for a fan recreation.
obrian evil
/trek/ is eternal.
based JJ BTFOing you nerds
>when all the main characters have plot armor but everyone else dies
that's how you know its a star trek universe
I want to fuck a vorta
>2 picards
ah shit, here we go again
You'd be lucky to fuck a Horta, user.
>thinks he's gonna fuck a Vorta
>turns out to be a Horta instead
What a faggot
They go for sensitive guys.
Ferengis do this kind of scams
what a fucking kike
I bet he's had it in the ear before.
HBO version of DS9 would actually show """Dabo girls""" dressed as female Vortas, Khaleesi style.
Other station favorites: Kira, Jadzia, Bashir
>My... apologies hew-mon. Merely a slight typographical error on the advertisement, I assure you. I will be happy to arrange an actual Vorta, for an additional hundred strips. There is also a.. slight administrative surcharge of fifty strips due to the last minute nature of the exchange request. I'm sure you understand...
Sounds like pic related.
this is the darkest timeline
maybe trek should be turnbased?
Y'know what? She could still pull it off. Captain Dax would be immediately erection-inducing.
too skinny.
You're relived.
Coalburning race traitor whore
more white actors play klingons than white
>Captain, we're being hailed by the USS Celibate.
foken spoons
>baseball series
was worf ever loyal to sf?
cytu be/r/GunladsFrontleague
/trek/ is playing and currently winning!
/trek/ has survived a lot. Many forces have tried to tear it down but failed. This thread is a testament to defiance.
Set course for the carbon neutral zone!
I don't get it. Who is this?
Hey there, Greta FASberg
No. He was loyal to the duty of Starfleet, and learned that only some members of Starfleet are worth being loyal to.
Lt. Thunberg of the USS Incredulous.
That doesn't sound very loyal.
Did know, in there?
I was just going to the holodeck...
Well there's sort of a recurring theme in Star Trek: what do you do about admirals who go off half-cocked? Do you obey the chain of command, or the ideals of Starfleet? Of course, this board also thinks that Pressman did nothing wrong.
Dukat Force Energy
yes, he's in tng
It gets worse
You are duty bound not to follow illegal orders.
Wouldn't be Trek without Picard
you can stop now
The fact that this dilemma occurs means that Starfleet is flawed and should be purged, completely, from the Federation.
Hostile reminder that everybody itt will hatewatch Nu-card.
Again, if your superior gives you an unlawful order, you are not obliged to follow it.
Sulu drives and fences
Some of the aliens look the same
Bajorans like earrings
But how do you tell the difference, and illegal according to whom? The Pegasus project seemed to have been sanctioned by Starfleet Intelligence, and presumably it wasn't Starfleet itself that entered into the Treaty of Algeron. But more broadly, a lot of legal questions are ambiguous; should Starfleet officers consult with Federation lawyers if they think they're in murky waters? Because that sure as shit never happens.
Based jon
honorable klingons
very important
The situation should not occur.
both genders wear them
never trust an admiral
pakleds play dumb
star trek
No, they R dumb.
Can you find it in your heart to stop?
>Starfleet ingelligence
>Federation lawyers
Yeah, this isn't utopia and scarcity exists. Fuck Gene Roddenberry AND Rick Berman.
against the Borg, resistance is futile
Riker did
Against the Borg, insistence is puerile.
Riker never got laid on cam
Riker the Commander
>the spammer is just posting random Trek related words in the thread
what did he mean by this?
I thought we defeated trekkie229?
boldly go
The days, Nicole de Boer looks like that aunt you have whose husband dumped her for his 22 year old blonde secretary, so she shows up at your cousin's wedding when you were 16 in a dress that is not age appropriate, gets shitfaced, hits on the DJ, and buys booze for all the underage kids, then pulls you into the bathroom and does hand stuff with you and on the one hand it makes you feel like a stud because it was kinky as fuck, but on the other hand, it was your first sexual experience and she's your mom's sister for fuck's sake and even though it was 10 years ago, it messed you up way more than you're willing to admit to yourself and you continue to have intimacy issues because of it.
Don't forget that, when we do see Federation/Starfleet legal proceedings, it never comes down to the facts or precedent at issue or the strength of the various positions, but it always comes down to some eleventh hour discovery that the "villains" of the trial were acting in bad faith.
Tasha's ghost protects the Enterprise
not always
It appears to be a commentary on the opinion that /trek/ threads must continue to be made every day, in which people discuss the same topics over and over
Ever notice that a lot of the matras of different species got shorter as the franchise went on? The borg "greeting" was originally this long monologue and by the time of Voyager it was just seven words. It wasn't as scary or dramatic.
these are the voyages
those are the voyages
I start new topics. Look:
Was the neutral zone formerly Romulan space?
>it's a "chief engineer almost mutinies because he doesn't like geordi" episode
Realistically, what would holodecks do to a society?
romulans are just vulcans having a bad day
The only exception I can think of is "The Measure of a Man" (and "The Measure of a Man, Part 2" with the Emergency Medical Ham).
Do you have something you need to talk about, friend?
Did sisco really beleive in the prophets or was he athiest
It would be only for the rich so nothing.
none bigger lobes than ferengi
There you go.
Well he became their priest so I guess he believed.
fuck off 229
He was just playing the game.
Rich people don't need holodecks, they can have whatever they want anyway
so where's the market?
Worf was right about Risa
Jonathan Frakes was 229 all along
Hes not wrong tho?
TOS is strong in this one.
In good and bad! I swear!
Morn is a man of few words
Who is this little bitch and why do I keep seeing her dull face everywhere?
>tfw 229's back
Ezri's the cool wine Aunt who gave you your first handjob.
Lt. Aspie of the uss mong
Frakes has been trolling people for decades
attention cardassia
You're worse than 229
fine, you have 5 min
Shes too little
Even then, "The Measure of a Man" was resolved through begging the question (that is, assuming your conclusion as part of your argument). Then "The Measure of a Man, Part 2" came down to, "well you let this slide once before, so why not twice?"
don't tell Troi anything
let her figure it out if she's so smart
deny deny deny
it's just a telly show
warp core breach
I don't believe you.
She was good in that episode.
neelix was pedo
where nobody's been before
This is my first time here and I don't think I'll be back.
Episode of The Outer Limits season 1.
She was hot.
post more pics
Just go watch the episode.
Tilly is fat
étoile randonnée
you won't post some pics?
put your trip on
der stern wanderung
I don't have pics to post. And I'm too lazy to load up the episode just to take screenshots for some fuck that doesn't want to watch a good episode of a good series.
You didn't have to call me names. I was being courteous.
Neelix tells the best late night ghost stories. He can stay.
How fucking new are you?
DATA [OC]: Come in.
(Troi and Geordi enter)
DATA [OC]: Geordi? Is Counsellor Troi with you?
TROI: Yes, I'm here, Data. Geordi said you wanted to see us.
DATA [OC]: Indeed. Or, stated more correctly, I wanted you to see me.
LAFORGE: Can we come in?
DATA [OC]: Please.
Go fuck yourself.
Or old, maybe? Not that user, but we used to exercise courtesy here.
>They go through to the inner room, and we see Data's reflection in a full length mirror. He is sporting a full set, a beard like Riker's
LAFORGE: Did you damage your face, Data?
It is a beard, Geordi. A fine, full, dignified beard. One which commands respect and projects thoughtfulness and dignity. Well? Opinions?
autism and gay
Andorians have four genders
Just finished that episode
Why is season 5 so perfect?
>This is my first time here
Run while you still can. We'll be here. We're always here.
because of the dominion arc
TROI: I'm sorry, I have to go now. Goodbye.
>(Troi leaves quickly, laughing)
Yeah, W-we're a tight nit bunch hehe. Almost like f-friends, I'd say, hehe
>he's now posting dialogue from the scripts
what is his endgame?
prophets were just wormhole choke point campers
Will EMH appear in Picard?
That's not true and you know it
These are low res and tiny.
death. only death
you can see her nips if you look really closely
>Star trek pepe 10
>thinks he can criticize other posters
Leave and never come back.
lol calm down
Based titbro
Well I've tried to always do so, though, I will admit, at times, when provoked, I have been a tad bit rude (within reason).
pep is board culture
I enjoy a decent pair of tits
Roberto Picardo might act in the series. His role wasn't specified
>Why is season 5 so perfect?
it's alright so far. I still wish I was on the enterprise-d though.
Have you called others, "fag" or "gaymo"?
never trust a hologram for medical advice
We are very close.
have some cake and calm down
I almost always go with "faggot," but it's possible. I regret these decisions, however.
god the 80s were shit
based frogbro
Who's the biggest faggot/gaymo of Star Trek?
entire cast of Voyager
That's supremely rude, and I don't really approve, but in answer to your question it's probably Riker. William, not Thomas. He got up to a number of questionable things, despite exuding an incredible amount of machismo (which in itself is a red flag)
top of his class at the academy
it was odo.
i hope you have friends irl. i really do
my answer is canon
>tfw he starts talking about "the franchise"
I'll take that as a yes.
What stories? Like from ASSTR?
Add intentional errors to my posts to trigger aspies? Proposterus!
>that guy who shittily adds collars and pips to photos of random people
Maisie Williams is Lt. Mara Connor, fresh out of the Academy. Her father was Admiral Jason of her class...first woman science admiral fuck...whatever
A least he makes some sort of recognizable effort.
Picard was a 10/10 captain until this episode. He basically pressured a helpless girl into a useless suicide mission. Took me a while to finish season 7 because he lost all my respect.
Lt. Quasimodo
>that guy who defends the worst posters saying "at least it's content"
I want this thread to be inclusive and affirming.
rip sito. you're only mistake was trying to impress a senile man
I'd launch a photon torpedo up her Jeffrey's tube, if you know what I mean?
based and redpilled Picard getting rid of B*joran trash
Speciism has no place in /trek/
Who gives the best hugs in Star Trek?
riker with beard and tummy
Fill in your favorites!
Who was in the wrong?
/trek/ spends 9 months driving off new posters with inane bullshit
>Why no new discussions?
tuvok maybe.
>actually went and found a hug gif
wtf you niggers reported all the fun posters?
bighead girl for favorite recurring character
i liked her voice
they had it coming.
/trek/ is full of faggots
That's not how you do it, but a pat on the head for trying, user!
name a bigger /ourguy/ in all of Trek
no more
another thread filled with warm feces
good job fags
Do Borg need balls?
Troi can sense feelings
>all paws to cuddle stations!
How much longer until we can just spam zeroes and ones in this general?
she's an empath
I try to provide content but get no yous
>last one just died
>so I made another shitty thread, because fuck star trek discussion, we need a cancerous general 24/7 or else I start to feel lonely
Bajoran hasperat is very spicy
many here are lonely.
Barclay was an awkward, pathetic man
barely, she's a betazoid mutt
fanbase insert
Did Jake fuck her?
Riker was the man
Dabo girls are angels
>he's just filling up the thread at this point
don't tell anyone but Leeta knows how to rig the dabo table if you tip her
Who are you quoting?
I got a rig for her.
What exactly was Guinan's power level?
11001001 was a great episode.
She's a semi deity.
you can see her left nip if you look really closely
>upscales your post
yea, i think they were cute. one of the few good season 1 episodes
If you're looking for good eggs? Talk to Commander Riker.
Next time, without the 'tude.
Poor Sisko. She would have been the perfect wife.
I should hope the next thread be better.
At least the tripfags are gone.
she was cute like his first wife. He definitely wouldn't have hesitated to live together with her, like he did with kassidy yates
you're reading too much into it
What does everybody do all day on the ship if the senior officers are the only ones who solve the mysteries?
brb gotta go press some buttons on a panel over there
meat shields. can't solve mysteries without meet shields
when yellow light blinks
press a button
that's your job
Holy shit, mods are doing their job
Can't believe I spent four years at the academy so I could be a hallway walker on the Enterprise
maybe u should have gone stellar cartography?
Sometimes I trade hallway walking shifts with other hallway walkers without checking with my senior officer
No one cares we're all too busy walking around the hallways
kassidy was a downgrade. i feel like sisko was pressured into dating her. on the other hand, he actively chased jennifer and red-dress girl.
Science and stuff.
let. it. go.
Kasidy got better with age, Benjamin was thinking ahead
>have a ship computer
>ever needing a reason to physically walk from one hallway to another
perhaps hope isn't lost after all
post more but stills
Using a replicator is like cooking a full meal.
Geordi got on me again for sitting in ten forward instead of walking around my designated hallways
Man that guy sees everything
>Also dieses Arschloch Amerikaner auf dem Bauernhof sagt, "Hello Mister!" Der Bauer sagt "Ich bin nicht der Mister... ich bin der Melker!" Hö hö hö!
Q: Why don't the Borg go to prison?
A: Because they obey the Lore!
Saw a cute new crewman walking the halls and tried finding out what times her hall shifts are but I haven't seen her since
Might be one of Riker's button pressers
you're one of those guys in a dress
On this ship you're either a hallway walker or a button presser
There's no way to move up in this organization
>double shift with Barclay
It's like you have to be "gifted" or "exceptional" or something...
If I see Barclay in a hallway I turn around and walk the other way
Q: What does a Romulan frog use for camouflage?
A: A croaking device
Plato's Stepchildren is one of the best episodes of TOS season 3. Prove me wrong.
the aryan super planet?
just gotta get back to those southern jungles on bajor
The southern continent is barren. (ds9)
did anyone even get promoted to fill in worfs old job when he replaced tasha?
that's just what they want you to think
non secutor
Probably some button presser.
At least you're not a barrel accountant, like me.
She only is individually special due to access to the Nexus and El-Aurians are not even as powerful as human beings
I'd give anything to be a barrel accountant. We only get new barrel shipments like once, maybe twice a month? So you just do an inventory once a week and the rest of the time you get to goof around in cargo.
My feet get so sore after walking hallways all day and I have to order a new pair of shoes from the replicator every six months. It's ridiculous.
>El-Aurians are not even as powerful as human beings
So Malcolm McDowell got his power from his black turtleneck?
Cargo duty is serious shit, man. Can't fuck around here.
He also accessed the Nexus, friendo
That's such a jape. I dated a Vulcan from cargo and she said she spent most of her shifts meditating and playing poker.
She sure as shit wasn't under warrant officer Kellogg. He won't even let us play games on our pads.
Q: What does the Enterprise and Toliet paper have in common?
A: They both circle Uranus wiping out Klingons
Are you posted in one of the busier cargo bays? Every time I walk past one of your stations you're all sitting on barrels, playing paper football and talking about which officers you'd fuck, marry, and kill.
His whole gimmick was wanting to go back because he was too stupid to use his unlimited amount of time there to gain ultimate insight, unlike based Guinan. Wonder what he was up to? Lounging around shitposting on imageboards?
Not with that attitude.
Don't you have some hallways to monitor?
Q: Did you hear that the crew of the Enterprise is getting married?
A: They have engaged the Borg
I'm not due for another twenty minutes.
When I'm patrolling my hallways today I'm gonna pass by every cargo bay on the ship and see if any of them are actually busy. I think you lot just file reports and inventories and sit on your butts while the rest of us are doing the real work around here.
Barrel accountant. How many barrels can there even be?
You need a V4 certificate to even set foot in cargo. Better stick to your hallways, bud.
I just walk back and forth in the hallway until the cargo door opens then I peek inside.
Your fate.
This hallway walker is getting a little too uppity. Asking too many questions.
>roleplay as extras
just stfu
Are you threatening me? See what happens when you leave your precious cargo bay.
I know these hallways like the back of my hand. You'll never see me coming.
soon it will be over and I can finally go outside
is it safe to trust a romulan?
sure. they can't even lie
make new thread
What are the best Episodes of TNG to convince me to watch all of it
fuck off already
Greta Thunberg. Acting Captain of the U.S.S. Libtard
Why does fun make aspies feel uncomfortable?
shes a ensign in pic
Why did Odo try to rape Geordi?
this was the worst trek thread ive ever seen
cry more little biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitch
>watch my parents dogs while they go on vacation
>watch TNG season 3 on netflix and really like Picard, Riker and Data
>never watched star trek before this
>read more about it and decide DS9 is what interests me the most
>176 episodes
176 fucking hours to watch this show
As if your fat ass was going to anything better than watch tv
Masks, Shades of Gray, The Most Toys
I love the themes of trek
I am extremely interested in watching more of it
But I have never watched a show with 175 hours of episodes
There are too many, its too much
You obviously haven't been here long then.
>DS9 is what interests me the most
How in the FUCK do you watch season 3 of TNG and come to THAT conclusion? Jesus Christ...
Because the episodic nature of TNG annoyed me greatly and felt like the shows biggest weakness
Yeah its touching data made himself a daughter but we know she will be have to die or leave in the next 30 minutes
Don't worry about this faggot, TNG is great obviously, but DS9 is so much more.