>Criticizes the movie for excessive feet shots
>Previous video was 25 minutes of her showing her feet
What did she mean by this?
Criticizes the movie for excessive feet shots
Other urls found in this thread:
Women are retards.
all women are whores
Do you think she would go out with me?
>Watching a Tarantino film
>Complaining about copious amounts of foot close ups
Thats like complaining Saw is too gory
only if you're white
nice, im in.
Holy hell is it really that easy
Look at these dudes
She looks like she fucks white guys
Jesus fucking Christ she is so woke. Just cant help herself
>pyramid of Funko Pops to celebrate Christmas
Do white people and Asian roasties really do this?
look away asian masculinity
>second or third generation non-white in a white country
Why did he settle for a gook? Probably gay, like most male models.
>literally who did something hypocritical
uhh.. ok, whatever you say
i hate whores but what does she say about blowjobs?
LEL @ user can't tell the different Asian ethnicities apart and think 'ARR ROOK THE SAME'. There hasn't been one East Asian female posted in this thread so far including the girl in the OP who is a hapa with a Filipino mom (as if you couldn't tell from her broad nigger nose). REMINDER :
AMWF = East Asian male with attractive Central Asian, Russian, or Eastern European female
WMAF = BETA Anglo or Northern European with brown, goblin (flat face with jutting jaw), low-IQ, flat-chested midget from a 3rd world nation in Southeast Asia such as the Phillipines, Thailand or Indonesia.
Case in point (see ), every "Asian" female in this picture is obvious Filipina.
1. Brown dark skin
2. Christmas tree (Catholics)
3. Broad nigger noses
4. And of course with White men.
>this is what incels do with their free time
>that pasty fuck on the far right
why wear a belt loose? FUCK MY AUTISM
He is also a manlet. Why do they even try LMAO
Gib waifu now
she's 21 years old, that should tell you everything you need to know about her opinions on anything.
When I made this statement, all I based it on was a low-rez picture and even with that I knew they were Filipinos from physical appearance like their broad noses, dark skin and of course being with White men.
After looking at her Twitter, of course I was right (see pic), and she is of course - a Filipina. Amazing how this is ALWAYS the case ...
She meant “gee I hope chad likes my feet teehee”
the keyword is *she
Bob Dylan wrote Blowin in the Wind by 21
It would be so great if women couldn't talk
And the girl in the OP is a WMAF Hapa with a Filipina mom. Amazing how this is ALWAYS the case ...
How anybody can look at the girl in the OP and see her broad nigger nose and know she is part brown SEAMonkey is beyond me?
the girls aren't really supermodels either, user. everyone is just kind of average here
t.self hating flip
Honestly, she cute so I don't care
>8/10 white man settled for 6/10 Asian thot
>she is almost certainly the one who initiated the breakup
Honk honk
shes cute, shut up you pathetic incel
so is she hapa or white?
I left a comment user
it's your yellow fever speaking
All women are whores
>calls that barely average flip mix cute
>calls anyone else an incel
Lol, pitiful. She won’t fuck you, idiot
at least pick a more impressive asian girl. srs user. i don't have yellow fever so you're gonna have to convince me she's not a bugperson
>>slut cunts don't make sense
what? no way man.
She might. im white and tall after all, I also have a good job. Better then you insect
What? Are you ok, retard?
having a good job isn't a necessary part of attracting her so i'm not sure why you mentioned it
Being THIS defensive and insecure
Holy shit lmao ask how I know you’re a virgin
what the fuck is with the zooming in?
do they think they are sam fucking raimi?
How is having loads of disposable cash not an attraction?
Glad I torrented this movie, wh*te fragility makes Tarantino’s movies unwatchable, and that’s even when you ignore the racemixing and foot feishes
if you need it you're not doing it right
Too bad about the face and personality, she has beautiful soles
>all the mad white roastoids ITT
All it takes is one asian qt
Being so insecure that you reply to criticism of your mate choice with “b-but I have a good job” is a turn off for literally every person in the world including the gayest, most degenerate fag.
Females are hypocrites. What else is new
How to spot reddit 101
I’m not Asian, and I have no idea what you mean by this. How mad are you right now? Be honest
I can tell by just looking at her that she's a whore.
That doesn’t make sense, and I’m starting to doubt your “good job” is anything beyond payroll monkey. Imagine having such an embarrassing personality you make yourself look bad on fourchin lel. I bet you have literally no friends
FYI : Southeast Asians are not mainland East Asians. They are a completely different racial / ethnic group known as Austronesians
The exact same way that Arabs and Indians (from India) are CAUCASIANS, it doesn't make them whites or European although racially, you all belong to the CAUCASIAN 'race'. There are distinct facial features that SEAMonkeys have one of which is a broad nose similar to African Bantus. The girl in the OP has this nose which obviously comes from her Filipino mom.
You know if people weren't constantly bitching about the feet it wouldn't have even registered when they were on the screen for me.
The vast majority of WMAF relationships are with these brown SOUTHEAST ASIANS.
You lied to me. She barely shows her feet at all.
>zoomers have easy access to the greatest films of all time but choose to watch this garbage instead
she's cute I wanna bang her
I say the vast majority of White men are with BROWN SEANiggers and you prove me right by post an obvious Filipina girl.
BTW : She is currently dating a AMWF Hapa with a Chinese dad and White Anglo mom from Hong Kong (see)
Imagine going to Asian and fucking so many Asians that you wind up on the local news because of butthurt
>She is currently dating a AMWF Hapa with a Chinese dad and White Anglo mom from Hong Kong
" say the vast majority of White men are with BROWN SEANiggers and you prove me right by post an obviously Filipina girl."
imagine how much of a failure you are to be a white guy and not be able to get an average asian gf