Westworld completely shit itself by season 2, and season 3 somehow manages to look even worse. What a waste of potential.
Westworld completely shit itself by season 2, and season 3 somehow manages to look even worse...
It's a one season show what do you mean there's more
I don't think Westworld did have much potential past the first season. It felt like a pretty complete story.
Oh my god the gap between seasons is so big I can't even remember season 1. Time must be speeding up or slowing down somehow because I remember GOT season 1 like its yesterday
That's because GoT season 1 was good and left an impression on you. Westworld is just packing mystery boxes ontop of more mystery boxes
I think it's because I saw GOT when I was younger
I don't get it. Why does season 2 get so much hate? Westworld is pretty good / 10. Can't wait to see the 3rd series.
Because it was way worse than the 1st?
>season 3 somehow manages to look even worse
It's not even out yet you mongoloid.
I was extremely hype for the second season, but wow I had to drop that shit on like the 4th episode because of the noticeable drop in quality in the storytelling. On one end we have Maeve the god playing 5D chess at all times and on the other the plot itself is so far up its own ass it tried to just have twists for the sake of twists. Any criticism given to the second season was met with "its for our intelligent viewers ;)", TMIB carried this shitshow and even then he wasnt enough. They shouldve left it with season 1.
I will never get over Japanese instrument cover of CREAM while that geisha danced in front of the emperor. One of the stupidest scenes in recent memory
anyone remember being really hyped for the japan samurai world?
imagine even considering to watch season 3 of something after an entire season was already shit. Consumer retard
I quit in the middle of season 2.
Have they revealed the Shrink Ray yet?
i think this series is in an embarrasing place for the producers because it progressed in its political climate but their writers don't have any good ideas to make it a good series
>Westworld completely shit itself by season 2
It completely shat itself in Season 1, which is why I never watched Season 2. I shudder to think how bad it must have gotten later on if you're saying that.
I didn't bother watching the S2 finale because I got bored with the series.
Imagine Season 1 but without all the good parts. It's just the Maeve show
>i think this series is in an embarrasing place for the producers because it progressed in its political climate but their writers don't have any good ideas to make it a good series
What this guy said.
Westworld could have been good if it had been made before the SJW Era, but now it's hamstringed by the requirement that every black female of color has to be a badass and that gets boring to watch over and over.
season 1 was terrible too, i actually don't get why people shill this show so much. it was an interesting concept but the writing was awful.
season 2 was nearly incomprehensible and awful to sit through. the only kino moments were Man in Black stuff like, "Death sitting across from you," and finding his wife in the bathtub along with the entire Native American episode.
Everything else was shit! I don't understand how entire plot archs felt so pointless - the entirety of Mauve's stuff was
>she can have super robot powers
>finding her fake daughter and getting her to digital heaven
Somehow it felt completely pointless.
Also, Dolores just seemed to kill for the sake of killing? No point behind it? WHAT??
how? was? season? one? so? kino? and? season? two? so? shit?
>white supremecist incel board doesn't like show about women and PoC rising up and destroying their white male oppressors.
There's a surprise
Kept expecting Dolores to have some greater meaning and then there just wasn’t. Ultimate subversion of expectations.
S1 was originally just a standalone season about William/MIB and Dolores.
Then someone at HBO decided to turn it into their new 'flagship' show since GoT was ending and they added all the Maeve shit for sequel-bait. That's why that stuff was totally separate from the main plot and noticably worse.
S2 is so bad because there's literally nothing else to write, the story is already told so they have to make shit up as they go along.
should've been a miniseries, season 1 was perfect and didn't need any follow up, season 2 was complete trash that wanted to have another "ebin twist" that reddit loves but failed miserably, season 3 will be political propaganda garbage, the only thing that might make me to watch the 3rd season is William and see how his story ends.
>show is called westworld
>season 3 mainly takes place in the real world and nazi park because muh six gorillion
A no-Maeve cut of Season 1 would be pretty great actually.
> Why does season 2 get so much hate
Bad (rushed?) writing.
The show tended to get lost in its meandering philosophical ideas without giving its characters anything to do. It kept throwing new plot developments at the audience without properly dealing with the old ones, having plot twists became cheap substitutes for actual plot progression.
>Can't wait to see the 3rd series.
I'm gonna skip it, Heck, I wish I could erase Season 2 from my mind, and let only Season 1 as my head cannon.
I truly don't get it - literally, what was Dolores up to? What's the point of anything she did in season 2?
She doesn't seem to have any compassion or brotherhood with her fellow robots, I think I remember she needlessly got a bunch of them killed too?
What is she supposed to be accomplishing? I genuinely can't tell.
it cool until it's twists/plot turned out to suck
If it made money, there will be new seasons or sequels, simple. No one, maybe with exception of some of the people who made the first season, truly cares about making something good forever, just make it once and milk it dry later.
she's trapped in sjw tokenism
that and remove tessa thompson too, the writers must've been fucking mental when they decided to put her in the same room as anthony fucking hopkins
I understand why they made it a series, I truly do. But S1 ended perfectly and satisfyingly for me and there was no feeling of wanting to see what happens next. What more was there truly to tell about the setting? The only thing they had left was worldbuilding but you couldn't just lean on that for several seasons so they had to fart out some shitty plotlines for characters who went full retard because of it. MIB is the only reason now to watch the show and that's not enough to keep me interested.
I actually stopped watching the season 1 finale about mid-way when it just got too stupid to follow any longer. It was losing its edge about half-way through the season anyway and I was just too invested to stop before then. I didn't bother with season 2 or 3 because I figured they would continue with the garbage writing. I was apparently right. HBO is losing its mojo.
Yes, first half is decent then they abandon all interesting themes or promises of depth.
Jesus, what a faggot.
>women and PoC rising up
they're not even women or any race, they're just robots, awful bait too