How likely is it that a white incel pulls a James Holmes the day Joker comes out?
How likely is it that a white incel pulls a James Holmes the day Joker comes out?
>dude joker will make people violent!
>BAHAHAH Trump thinks video games inspire violence!!? WTF that makes no sense!
There's studies that prove videogames don't cause violence. Meanwhile we know that incel right wingers shoot people because of fucking memes.
This was obviously bait written by someone here
post a study that proves alleged incel right wingers shoot people because of memes
There's no study needed, you just need to look at their manifesto. Pic related.
Columbine kids loved Doom, "studies" are bought and paid for by video game companies
If movies cause violence then so do games
You gotta be 18+ to post here kiddo. Why don't you take your superhero movies and go back to playing fortnite?
Columbine kids made Doom maps, I guess we should ban Doom and violent FPS games. They also used pipe bombs inspired directly by Duke Nukem 3D.
>Columbine kids loved Doom
I'm sure every contemporary shooter liked some videogame. Correlation is not causation.
Studies prove you wrong, sorry. Otherwise everyone would be a serial killer because of GTA, one of the most popular franchises in the world, which is even more popular than sales indicate due to being pirated by everyone and their dog.
>go to movie theater to watch Oscar bait the movie
>buy some pop corn and coke and see some /pol/acks making cringe memes in the line
>pic related bumps in me and says "my bad fellow gamer, maybe one day we will be free to say NIGGER right?"
>finally go to my seat just to see more /pol/acks and DC shills in costumes
>out of no where pic related stay in front of the screen and says "WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY! GAMERS RISE UP"
>he puts a gas mask, throw some gas granades, pull out a gun and start to shooting up the place
>Otherwise everyone would be a serial killer because of GTA,
Well everyone played it and the last 20 years had more Violent shootings and bombings than any other time before that.
Interesting isnt it?
Then I guess you agree that Joker and movies don't cause violence.
Lots of people have watched Joker and share memes and do nothing, sorry
the military uses video games to train. if i have to give up my military style weapons, then you have to give up your military training video games
>haha studies prove you wrong
>haha i dont have to prove my points with studies
get fucked you piece of shit fucking faggot. i hope some incel greases your fat ass at the joker movie
>Correlation is not causation.
In othet words, Joker isn't why people shoot up theaters.
It is, yes, because I live in a pro-gun state and I have no idea where to get a firearm as quickly as these lunatics do.
It's like someone is instructing them, through unseen channels, how to get the things they want the most for these awful actions right at the time when they seem the most ready to have them.
Someone watching from everywhere until they just barely start to break, then give them an address or a link to follow and then a gun just shows up at their door in a furniture set box...
Just don't live in cities you fucking nigronians. The only people who die out here in the country are drunk drivers and perfectly sober drives that run into deer and are also elderly so it was their time anyway but their truck is just fine.
People only die in cities now. I'm so far removed from the self-contained third worlds in square miles that it all feels fake.
damn better outlaw memes then the left will win elections.
Its super easy to buy illegal weapons what are you talking about you friendless virgin?
>Well everyone played it and the last 20 years had more Violent shootings and bombings than any other time before that.
What part of correlation is not causation didn't you get? If that were true then 2004, the year San Andreas came out, would have been far more violent.
Right wingers unironically shoot because of memes though, as shown in the manifesto that you chose to ignore.
What part of "the shooter literally released a manifesto as to why he did it" did you not get? Same with the recent norway (attempt at a) shooting that was also because of /pol/ memes.
Incels shoot people because of /pol/ memes, and one of them being spouted is clown world. James Holmes shot people and called himself the Joker remember?
so these kids get guns from their friends? or lovers?
do all serial killers have friends?????
Fuck Phoenix, when does pic related get his own movie?
Pic is source for the norway dude.
>Right wingers unironically shoot because of memes though
Lefties too. They're starting to get brave against government facilities hoping one of them will go down in a blaze of glory so they can add the word Christ to their name posthumous as a martyr and force-start their version of a war.
Same memes, they just hate them instead of revel in them.
>If that were true then 2004, the year San Andreas came out, would have been far more violent.
Wrong because all these people were playing GTA SA in 2004, it also takes some years for them to grow up and act on it.
People dont play a game and get instantly violent, they play violent games for years and they place the seed of violence in them.
Some day it comes out.
It's easy to bring guns from one state to the next. Same reason Mexico has so many guns.
If you are not a total retard you can easily figure out where to buy illegal weapons.
Nowadays you don‘t even have to know people to do it, you just order one over the darknet.
the military uses video games to train. do you really not understand that you stupid cocksucker? jesus fucking christ why cant incels shoot stupid fucking retards like you?
Incels don‘t shoot other Incels, that would be friendly fire
lmao what. Where are these leftist memes that make leftists shoot people up? Even the antifa guy (as in, he retweeted an antifa tweet once instead of being antifa himself) shot black people, what leftist meme was that?
>Wrong because all these people were playing GTA SA in 2004, it also takes some years for them to grow up and act on it.
Pfthahaha okay buddy. What about GTA3? That one was popular as well. Or Quake? Goldeneye? Wolfenstein 3D? Sure as hell takes a long time for this massive increase in shootings to happen.
What does that have to do with what I said?
have sex
They don't follow leftist memes, they follow the same /pol/ memes, but it makes them hateful and spiteful and vindictive and insane instead of super larpy dipshit foolish. /pol/sters don't shoot with anger.
>bruh everyone plays GTA haha!
Not everyone is a sad sack of shit with bad taste like you, stop projecting.
It can take up to decades til someone acts on it.
Maybe advances in graphics have also to do with it as they shorten that timeframe it takes for someone to become violent.
Leftists shoot people because of /pol/? What? Buddy what reality do you live in?
>Incels shoot people because of /pol/ memes
Wrong. Correllation is not causation, remember? You can argue it's an excuse the mentally ill makes, but that's as far as you can go.
>using the word kino
>outside of Yea Forums
>A May 2018 policy brief by the Rockefeller Institute of Government at the State University of New York, which looked at any incident that resulted in deaths or injuries and excluded gang violence or terrorist activity, found that the perception that whites are responsible for nearly all mass shootings is a myth.
>“Despite common misperceptions that all mass shooters are white, the findings indicate that while a majority are, this proportion is just over half of the perpetrators (53.9 percent),” said the study, noting that almost all were men. “More than one in four shooters is black and nearly one in ten is of Hispanic descent.”
>Amy Swearer, senior legal policy analyst at The Heritage Foundation, said about two-thirds of shooters are found to have serious mental problems but that the media coverage has focused on those with an ideological bent such as racism or nativism.
Way to completely miss the point. GTA is insanely popular selling dozens of millions of units, so where are the hordes of mass shooters?
>It can take up to decades til someone acts on it.
So you're saying all these people just coincidentally started acting up on their murderous desires only in recent years after being conditioned by videogames? Even though, again, studies prove you wrong anyway?
>hey you used correlation is not causation as an argument against videogames, so I'm gonna use it against you as well even though I don't even know what your argument is!
Hey, genius, what part of "shooter's manifesto" did you not get? They are literally admitting the reasons they did it for.
Why the fuck are you invoking correlation is not causation here?
>are responsible for nearly all mass shootings is a myth.
Good thing nobody said that here then. Way to prove you didn't even read the thread.
I don't care about your stupid point retard. "dozens of millions" isn't even near to everyone.
Are you being dumb on purpose?
Nigger do I have to post screenshots of you saying that everyone plays GTA?
>people just coincidentally started acting up on their murderous desires only in recent years
It was no coincidence tho, videogames did this.
Violent movies and porn too.
Again, are you acting dumb? Or are you an actual sperg who takes everything at face value? Do you also think I believe that dogs play gta too since that was part of the quote you're thinking of? Dumbass.
The only incel mass shooting that has happened was the one done by Elliot Rodgers, the rest have all been political.
i didn't read the thread. i just wanted to piss you off
Sure they did buddy, whatever you say.
Right wing incels play GTA therefore we need to ban GTA
>implying that dogs are people
Holy shit this is next level. Does your tard-handler know you're on the computer?
Also, coincidentally as in, even though violent videogames have existed for decades, you're using them to explain the massive surge in shootings in the last couple of years.
Correlation is not causation, user, and studies prove videogames don't make people violent. How many times does this have to be said?
Should've known because of the name. People with names or tripcodes are never genuine.
Because the people who played them grew up.
explains it perfectly if you look at the picture you posted here
You forgot the biggest bait
>batman v superman
Or you... really liked it?
I think he was being sarcastic
holy shit this guy's based levels are reaching redpill proportions
wasn't the previous joker shooter a yid
I agree. Islam is indeed a horrible meme. I rate it 0/10 even though it makes me chuckle from time to time.
Fucking white incels should be shooting the thing up on mass, leave it up to the Hwood jews to subvert the real problems of the times into antifatier Muh kapitalism.
Its about purposs you big nosed parasites
>incels are going to shoot up other incels
it's like pottery
Give it a rest. Holy fuck you chimps are pathetic.
That's one guy you know.
Gun crime has been consistently dropping for more than three decades. Maybe you're just mentally ill or easily manipulated by the media.
>unironic communists in a youtube thread
>people claiming right wingers shoot things because of memes
I guess the sorosbux must come in at the beginning of the month or something
letterboxd and this website are fucking pleb zones and you are all zoomer retards who have contributed to the death of cinema and retards giving 5 stars to capeshit like candy
The full review was was great. the last part about watching more films is very accurate as if hes from Yea Forums
Hes a little bitch for deleting it though
Who else is going to the premiere dressed up as the Joker?
I'll purposely take a different seat and when someone comes and says I'm in their seat, I'll just joker laugh at them until they leave to get the staff, where I will switch to my own seat and say I don't know anything about their claim. MESSING WITH THEIR MINDS
Then when "Send in the clowns" start playing, I'll get up and dance in front of the screen. It's gonna be so epic guys!
The CIA or Mossad is trying so hard to influence someone from Yea Forums to commits a mass shooting, it's sickening.
It's the last site they have to take down before the election
8 is confirmed for not coming back and no one cared about the other chans
You don’t need a study. There’s a full video of a terrorist attack on a mosque made blatantly obvious. You’ll call it a false flag though so I’m just going to leave this thread now.
>tfw still thousands of people playing multiplayer SA today
>"this film is my Black Panther"
Fuck off fucking nigger. Black Panther and surrounding manufactured black empowerment is and was pathetic phenomenon. Wakanda forever... laughable.
It's mostly world events and statistic that set people off.
>Hahah gamers rise up am I right? xD
>some incel shoots up a school every other day
>white people am I right xD?
I’ve never cringed so hard in my life. I can’t believe I share a board with these people
Wait, 8 is ded? For good?
Fuck off jew
>literal mass murdering super villain is portrayed as a disenfranchised white incel
>leftytards hate this concept
>the military uses video games to train
Because the movie seems like it trys to make him sympathetic, it isn't allowed
they don't or can't differentiate between critique and endorsement
that's why they always want to ban everything and hate free speech
the movie can be as critical of men or incels or whatever as aoc is of ice, doesn't matter to lefties
the fact that it exists and can be seen is already too much as someone might like or identify with it nonetheless
Based, you at the Magic Valley Cinema 13? I'm going with my boyfriend, it's going to be epic XD.
Jim wont come so it's not going back up
I'm going on opening day and boy im going to see it as multiple times as I can that day! if your not an incel .... yyyyyyeah you just dont get it, this is representation at last. its a function, this is an event.
if a fellow incel feels the need to open fire id honeslty be happy to give my life for the cause
That will unironically cement it as kino
We live In a society