>when the new A24 bone-chilling horror movie is out
When the new A24 bone-chilling horror movie is out
you just know all three of these faggots have seen every single capeshit & are unironically excited for all the capeshit & nuwars tv shows. even though they make fun of it all the time
>that face
they did it on purpose right?
So the average Yea Forums poster
These directors are attempting to be all timers. A for effort.
Capeshit fags need not apply
Parodying this guy.
>don't try
i saw midsommer directors cut last night. it was surprisingly relaxing and therapeutic. beautiful film.
nice cope redditmedia fag
>Why yes I think "The Hereditary" is the best horror movie ever put to film, how could you tell?
haha okay this is based... this is deep
what movie?
if you use the term slow-burn or bone chilling horror you are a zoomer who hasn't seen a single horror movie made before 1976
>ywn facefuck Jay
that's pretty gay user
These ""people"" deserve to be castrated.
Jesus, poor guy.
End your life.
How is it gay?
Jay doesn’t even need to try looking soi for nerd crew. He just gives off a vibe
why does he evoque such a tribal sense of hate in me? He's doing noting wrong but as soon as he starts trembling and crying like a bitch I just get this urge to punch him in the throat again and again until it's crushed
It's just swell
Real talk, have you ever seen an A24 movie or a "bone chilling slow burn whatever", and/or do you actually dislike them, or do you just make these threads for fun
For the past year I've lived with 3 absolutely gorgeous roomate roasties aged 20-22 and every time they all leave, I steal there pussy stained panties and sniff/jerk off with them. It's absolute kino bros.
Deep down your instincts know if he somehows manages to pass on his blood it will just weaken the tribe.
because your instincts tell you he is pathetic and weak. nature should have killed him. and that you should kill him and take his wealth and women. it is your ancient alpha coming to the forefront because it is so fucking disgusted.
and also this.
Based and nostalgia-pilled from when I was 14 in my mates sisters room
they already are, can't you see
Yesterday when doing laundry I saw a neighbor had left their basket down there cause they were after me, spotted panties on top and decided to take a sniff, smelled pretty bad to be honest, did not turn me on.
First time I ever smelled a pussy.
I play with my mums big. Boobs every day til they ache
why do they always wear these ugly ass glasses?
one of the few occasions plastic surgery is 100% justified, if genetics fuck you over this badly. just marry a girl with good jaw genes after and hope for the best for your kids.
soiboys wear big glasses not small rim glasses like moby or wizard
No, I live in a city where low self esteem art hoes are plentiful.
b a s e d
Grave Encounters 2
just watch the first one and skip the sequel
It accentuates the eyes, without them their faces would look even more plain
i think its becasue this act he does is in the first place even accepted in our society and such a weak minded tranny cuck has a channel with probably a bunch of subs of like minded assholes who watch this shit, its natural to feel angry and repulsed
it's the founf footage "zombie" movie right, I'll give it watch, the first one doesn't seem that great so how does 2 compare?
no it’s about a haunted abandoned mental hospital.
don’t watch it, you won’t like it. I just like memeing that guy because he makes a good s.oy face.
Why does he permanently have a wound on his cheek
>lived with a hot roommate
>stole a pair of her panties while she was in class one day
>to my horror I realized they had a nasty shit stain
>instant turnoff
>hid them in my room for weeks
>finally buried them in her dirty clothes hamper while she was gone
>tried to find another pair but literally every one had a shit stain
>what the fuck
>a few days later she's doing laundry
>pulls the panties I stole out of the drier and commented directly to me that she'd been looking for them for weeks
>she knows
Shoulda spunked on the shit stain bro
I actually really liked the first one. The second one is fine, kinda more of the same though.
idk why but women seem to shit themselves a lot more than you'd expect
Most of the time cases like these are only partially caused by genetics at best. Mouthbreathing consistently as a child/young teen causes 80% of it, and this guy is a prime example of a mouthbreather.
he's a numale. his immune system literally can't defeat anything
looks like a cancer mole
Always deny everything no matter if it's a roommate or the police. If they had proof they wouldn't ask so deny for your life because they'll only have what you give them.
Poorer hygiene on the back of the front-to-back wipe method they are limited too
its not shit its period blood
>>finally buried them in her dirty clothes hamper while she was gone
Returning to the scene of the crime...
They have weaker sphincter/abdominal muscles. It's why they piss themselves laughing
that makes the panty thing less based.
Why don't women invest in bidets?
>t. degen brainlet
A24 makes good movies a lot of the time
>moms friend stays the night
>she lives further away
>they go out drinking
>super hot milf
>they come back
>get bright Idea of stealing her panties
>they are passed out drunk
>go into guest room
>clothes are on ground
>take panties
>black silky ones
>sniff them and do my thing
>once I cum the desire goes away and I get remorse
>put them back
>sudden horror that it wasn't my moms friend passed out in the guest room, It was my mom
Lmao wtf, no shit she knows. You put them back weeks later and in that time span the hamper was completely emptied many, many times. If you waited that long just dump the evidence, or clean it yourself and put it back discreetly
>Jerked it with my sisters used gym clothes
Shes 16 btw
You just know they fingered each other in the back of a taxi as well