Comfy NYC Movies from the 1970s-1980s

Are there any good thrillers that take place in New York City that heavily feature the subway? There's something really comfy about the 1980s New York subway. The Warriors is probably the best one for me.

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Other urls found in this thread:

The Taking of Pelham 1-2-3.

The Warriors

death wish

Death Wish

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Not sure it’s set in New York but who cares it’s all the same

State of grace

Midnight cowboy

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The New York Ripper

After Hours is the quintessential 80's NYC movie.

Attached: after_hours-655205490-large.jpg (799x1200, 139K)

Get a load of this guy.

name of the film?

Zoom zoom

The Thing

While it has an awful ending the film is very good overall.

Attached: dressedtokill.jpg (500x215, 17K)

The French connection


Jacob's Ladder
Taxi Driver

Style wars
PBS documentary about the early 80s New York grafitti and hiphop scene.
Comfy as fuck

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