>Cover your face
>Commit public violence
So this is bassically a pro-Antifa film
It’s a wet dream for them
>poor jew kills rich white businessmen who are portrayed as evil caricatures
>he actually watches superhero capeshit movies made by dc
Holy shit, grow up you moron.
>aha look guys, its Joker, the nemesis of batman!
Except everybody knows that Joker is a villain and evil by definition. So if what you say is correct this means antifa is by definition evil.
I hope we get those cheapo looking masks for Halloween this year.
By definition, it is. Breaking the law is evil, it states as much in the bible. If you're going to take user-abrahamic approach to evil then thats an entirely different thing. But the difference is people support it for committing violence of the bad guys. Just like, Batman, a vigilante.
People don’t know what rights are. Whining incessantly about how you should be given free privileges because you want them is eventually going to get you martial law.
I don’t care if you like Batman or the Joker. OP is coming out as the defender of giant corporations power and authoritarian government
Another /pol/ thread
>the one who's doing this is a mentally disturbed and emotionally broken man who has been shat on by both poor and rich his entire life
>not even purposefully targeting the rich
>his image is then taken and abused by a populus that doesn't understand his actions and doesn't know his plight but assume they do
This movie is shitting on both antifa and trumpkiddies alike
found the Prager University graduate
What does any of that have to do with either of those groups?
but he's not wrong
i like your butterfly :)
>a job is a right
>but I’m happy to pay a water bill
I fucking loathe most Americans, this has to be a joke.
There's nothing wrong with Antifa
antifas are the tool of the rich, they're for everything the rich want: no borders, no authority, no white nationalism
Why the Americans are so fucking retarded and stupid? serious question
this, of course the retards from /pol/ will support their far right masters and try to keep people from enjoying the fruits of their labor.
>Antifa throws milkshake
>WAAAAH public violence, they're TERRORISTS
>Fascist guns down dozens of people
>Just a mentally ill lone wolf, stop talking about it
Antifas are fat white college students and professors that claim to be anti-capitalist and shit but are the ones who rely on it most as they are fucking useless whiners and once it fails they'll be left for the pickings. They are nothing but fucking tools for more government control and it's working they really believe they are against the establishment they so desperately claim to be against despite Media support and shilling.
idk, they are obsessed with their president and politics, it's sad, every movie is political propaganda for them, stupid chimps
Both are mentally ill
You can't be an anarchist and pro communist.
They contradict each other
and that's a good thing
>Both are mentally ill
>Yes goy, let the muslims into your country! If you don't like it I'm sure (((voting))) will do something.
The alt left is authoritarian
Seems libertarian to me
This is poorly designed. The side guys should be each side of his abs with their shoulders being being the upper arm while their arms are the rest. 2/10 wouldn't let slap my gf on the ass and get away with it.
No. Breaking the law is malum prohibitum.
Evil in itself is malum in se.
You can have unjust laws that are not morally evil to break. But committing morally evil acts is always evil despite the law allowing it.
>alt left
are we unironically using trumpspeak now?
Yea Forums shilling a pro anti movie
Fucking kek
Both are based
>authoritarian libertarians
they do act this way paradoxically.
an anarchist that forces you to be an anarchist.
Propagated in the sense that we would not have such a thing as anti-fa if there were no fascists in the first place. Fascists being the jihadists of liberal capitalism.
Why the Opinion thinks this leads to an existential crisis, well, they're a joke site. Our actual existential crisis is approaching. And if you don't know what I mean by that, you're lost .
There is no alt left since the left is proud of our original foundations. We are communists, socialists, anarchists.
It is the fascists that need new marketing strategies and branding terms. They are at heart liberal capitalists after all
That guy is an idiot.
>hates everyone
>kills anyone
>destroys everything, even hospitals
You're an actual retard, you know that?
But leftists LITERALLY want authoritarian governments.
Even the so called "anarchist" ones.
>mentally ill lone wolf
...except nobody says that. Literally all sides will blame it on what it is, Difference is they'll either abhor it or support it.
kettle. pot. Don't even need to say they actual phrase, you know it.
Based moral philosopher
You mean he's a broken clock right?
Except Antifa only furthers the agenda of the mega corporations,faux rebels who never see who pulls their strings
Go outside and you'll see that you are an ignorant paranoid nutjob
I completely agree with you.
So teenagers then.
>the villain is a conservative
wtf they're attacking the right
>the villain is a leftist
wtf they're attacking the right
joker doesnt pick sides, he's anti-society
Except Antifa started shit first,remember that time they would try to knife german men in hospital beds?
Leftists are just delusional bourgeoisie now,manipulated by a few into doing their bidding,much to how the right is oblivious to the jewish parasite in control of the right
What's wrong with hating a senile, effeminate cuck like Trump?
>Literally all sides will blame it on what it is
/pol/ always insists that every right wing incel shooter is actually a card carrying democrat bernie bro. Typical pilpuling from them.
The lefties claim he's an incel Trump antihero, I just view that as projecting, he's more antifa to me.
>buttermutt is here
did the little janny have to run away from Yea Forums because they now accept /pol/ users and ideals?
how about people stop putting everyone in a box? Fucking annoying.
The Onion is satire.
>H-how about....
Nice damage control, you started it.
It makes no difference which type of ideology takes down neoliberalism, because if a leftist or anarchistic movement replaces it then the resultant chaos and increase in crime will naturally lead to broader support of the corrective strong hand of the right wing. And that's not even a value judgment, it's just the pattern of modern history.
I still won't watch your shitty movie either way, you are the one here who thinks the Joker is cool and are projecting your latent psychoathy unto me.
>Hollywood promotes jewish propaganda
Is that Wairuha or Akamai?
Authoritarian socialism IE Marxist-Leninism, is a dumb hybrid, and probably what’s confusing the dumb cartoonist above, but actual leftism is all about liberty of the people, not liberty of capitalists from monarchy, but of PEOPLE. Libertarian socialism is genuine leftism, look into it, don’t ask /pol/
Read a book (No Gods, No Masters is a good start)
>the Opinion
I wrote OP, damnit.
I pointed that out
You're perfectly free within capitalism to go work for or start a worker owned co-op if you don't like the idea of profits.
Every Anarchist ive seen does not seem to understand that government forms itself when society becomes too large for self management,that we as people seek relief of our responsibilities,even ancaps would end up with a single mega corp being the new goverment,it always happens this way,Anarchism is redundant and preached by people with no contact with the human soul,but yeah ill read the book
Is this thread shills on both political sides?