whats my opinion on this? what is shazam power level in dcu? who is the scolopendra guy/girl?
You gotta be 18+ to post here kiddo.
said the tripfag
Why don't you take your superhero movies and go back to playing fortnite?
addicted to free bumps
Top-tier comfy family kino. Shazam is supposed to be of a higher power lever than Superman but Supes will usually best him through wits being that he's a fully grown adult and Shazam is still a boy. I don't know what you're talking about in the last question
>Top-tier comfy family kino.
This. Wonderfully comfy and wholesome family cape film. It reminds me of a modern Gremlins.
the after credits scene, where we see the centipede from the beginning of the movie plotting to take the 7 universes.
does shazam have a diverse foster family in the comics? It felt forced, but maybe I'm primed to trigger on pol stuff
He does.
And the caterpillar you’re talking about is Mr. Mind. He’s made of pure awesome.
BvS Director's cut
Wonder Woman
Getting kicked in the sack
Justice League
Suicide Squad
>whats my opinion on this?
Had this come out before every movie was already a quipfest, it would've worked better. Still, a decent flick overall.
>what is shazam power level in dcu?
He's typically at around Superman's level power-wise, but not quite as capable when push comes to shove. He's also technically a kid, and Supes is more experienced.
>Adolf Hitler – He and all the resources of Nazi Germany have assisted the Monster Society of Evil. Adolf Hitler was the one who gave the orders to create Captain Nazi.
wtf am i reading
it truly was a different time user
>This. Wonderfully comfy and wholesome family cape film. It reminds me of a modern Gremlins.
What this guy said.
It tries really hard to be spiderman 2 but fails at it. Even has the doc ock scene with the surgery room, but with the board room with the villain in shazam. It failed on it's family dynamic, you didn't buy that the people in the house actually loved eachother because they had little interactions.
You thought it was dumb that billys brother had toys of batman and superman, considering they had just gone through 3 9/11s back to back. He even likes batman like he's a comic book character, even though he branded criminals in BvS.
Overall it's a forgettable flick that's potential was hampered by the violent course correct the DC movies made. Hopefully Joker ends movies like these.
>He even likes batman like he's a comic book character, even though he branded criminals in BvS.
maybe he is a future mass shooter. Imagine Freddy going into to movies to see a Batman flick
>tfw you realize you are actually living in a DC timeline
directed by mn shymalayan
I don't think it was intended to put Shazam in the same canon as all of the DC movies. More like a soft canon where Batman exists but not the BvS version specifically.
That doesn't matter, people are just finding out about metahumans and the metahuman thesis and you are telling me that they already have toys of these people? Fuck no.
>He doesn't know what a tripfag is
*Captain Marvel
>That doesn't matter, people are just finding out about metahumans
I didn't get that feeling at all. Seems like there were already established metahumans and Shazam was the rookie.
>just say the word
They really should have called him Nigger
Established? More like 2 years ago meta humans were introduced to superman and everyone became aware of them. In 2 years everyone became okay with them to the point of product and advertising? Come the fuck on.
See, when I said
>I don't think it was intended to put Shazam in the same canon as all of the DC movies. More like a soft canon where Batman exists but not the BvS version specifically.
I meant that.
But it was, and it is. That's why they use the logos from the films, they exist in that universe. You would have to be insane to think that they aren't loosely connecting the films.
DCEU works in real time, so Superman was introduced 6 years ago, and died, and everyone mourned him, then he came back, only then Shazam happened
Even if it was 6 years, that's STILL a short amount of time to actually accept that gods live among men, and to have toys of a guy who branded criminals. It's fucking stupid anyway you look at it.
ok, so what's the correct amount of time?
It was pretty good. It's a shame it was sandwiched between Captain Mediocre and Endgame. It also lacked good action scenes, but as a pure comedy it is great. It's been a while since I found a comedy to be good.
Never, it's fucking retarded to have toys of real world superheros like their cartoons. Especially when some metahumans are out to kill them.
Jesus man let it go