"my bad"
>as he posts a soijack without a hint of irony
Yeah, pretty much. Dead board.
Almost all those things are Yea Forums-related. This thread isn't.
More like Evangelion
Cunnyposting has been the bread and butter of Yea Forums for a long time you newfaggot. People don’t want to hear it, but Yea Forums has always been a shitposting board. Take it as a compliment, we are the ones that create the funniest memes. All the good humour of this site comes from us. We consistently make good material. One post of "he cute" and tuxedo pepe was enough for it to blow up on every board
I love you baby
Wow people don't want to talk about my mid 80s somber slow paced "action" Kino or the camera tricks of w superficial 80s teen rom com so therefore tv is shit
Flu king neck yourself bro
idris elba is based though
is the onions wojak recognized outside of Yea Forums now
But op, you forgot to mention
>only 194 days until Godzilla vs Kong
Spot on