It's already september

>it's already september

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is time speeding up?

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What hae you done so far? I watched some documentaries and thats bout it.

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My mom says as you get older the days get longer but the years get shorter

I watched 5 movies in January and marathoned the King of the Hill.

Fuck your mom for that accuracy

It's 2009 right guys?

1989 was 30 years ago

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>2008 was 11 years ago

I did a semester of Uni.
Made a couple short films.
Completed 2 vidya.
Read 4 books.
Watched 20 kinos and 5 tv shows.


Wake me up when September ends.

I watch The Simpsons everyday and when a subtle joke comes out I screencap it and post it here followed by "I don't get it". I do this everytime I see a Simpsons episode.

We're rapidly approaching omega point. The fabric of society is dissolving, everyone is shedding their accumulated karma. The jester is accelerating the process.
Open up about your dreams and you might be surprised to find a kindred spirit.

Can’t wait for Fall to start so I can decorate the house

Time flies like an arrow

Fruit flies like a banana

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this is it lads, this month i will get a girlfriend I WILL NOT GIVE UP

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I did it last month, you can do it too user.

>seasonal decorating
how gay are you?

>every year you get older is a decrease in chance of getting a cute virgin lgf

I signed up for volunteering at a legal agency. I need to work at my resume or nobody will hire me.

turns out if you spend most of your time doing the same thing like posting to an image board, you don't form many unique memories, so time seems to go by faster as little stands out from the recent past as compared to grade school

each days bring us closer to our lonely and sad death.

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Several astronomers have speculated that The Big Crunch is occurring right now

It don't matter
none of this matters

Shhh don't bring it up

>summer is over

Finally time for comfy season with darker nights and colder temperatures.

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thank you for your blessing and positive words,user bro everytime that i have negative thoughts about not making it, fear of failing etc i will visualise a screencap of your post in my head,

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The fuck is The Big Crunch

I made ramen for dinner, but I fucked it up and had to throw it away.
I know.

>cant even prove the big bang
>dude what if..listen..what if there was a thing called the big crunch!
fucking science bitches

>tfw when I met my ex a year ago already
>tfw when I realise I spent almost an entire year being fucking miserable and wishing I was dead 24/7
Love fucking sucks and It's not worth it bro's

that's flattering. good luck brother

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the big bang has already been proven ya dingus

>tfw 30 this year

It's still called a theory for a reason

What happens to us? That sounds unrealistic

Give me an lgf