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Other urls found in this thread:

Very cool.

Mike has lost weight

Thank you.

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I thought they didnt know what a podcast was

>a bunch of manchildren obsessed with star wars and capeshit make fun of other "bad" manchildren that are obsessed with Star Wars and capeshit


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ironic cringe is still cringe

>22 minutes
Well, I know what I'll be watching for 22 minutes.


the sneed episode?

This shit was tired after the second episode.
"just consume product" is the only good thing to come out of all of them.

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> he's bitching about star wars is he alt-right ?

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>monitoring the weight of middle aged e-celebs
Kill yourself, faggot

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he's younger than all of them

no he isn't.

wait is that thing about the toy being on the poster true?

what a bunch of cynical assholes.
>durr durr people are excited about stuff fuck them

if you're excited about star wars you're a retard

Fuck off, mouse.

Yes, there was 40 Yea Forums threads about it

If you don't even understand what they're satirizing, maybe you shouldn't bother commenting. If you think the point is "durr don't be excited for stuff" then you are legitimately an idiot.


>he's bitching about star wars is he alt-right?

>22 minutes of pure nerd crew bliss
Oh baby!

>he is bitching about Star Wars, is he alt-right?

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>Jay starts talking backwards
I thought i was having a stroke for a second. What did he say

How can I watch Babylon 5?

I think Mike overacted too much in this episode

Sjws btfo

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I'm not, but what could be more unproductive than bitching about it for years and years like these faggots.
well, enlighten me.

childhood is idolizing Mike, adulthood is realizing Jay makes more sense

Are all these streaming services real?

>well, enlighten me.
I don't think that's possible

MTV- isn't.

I love em but these are painfully unfunny

Why is Rich's nose so red, is he turning into a tumblr comic from 2014

fuck off mouse

some are the obviously fake ones aren't

this, fucking Jay with this Lynchian fanboyism

>aidsmoby would like to invite Jim Sterling to BotW
Be thankful he's not in charge of making this decision. Suddenly Max Landis doesn't seem so bad.

Shudder is unironically based. Even Jay uses it

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>implying that you HAVE to subscribe to every single streaming service out there
The vast majority of people subscribe to 2-4 services max which is way cheaper than cable.

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Are streaming services along with twitch/patreon donations and porn the reason why millennials are all broke and debt ridden?

what a fag

Yeah, I'm already on Disney Healthcare+

More copyright holders want their finger in the streaming pie. It's only going to get worse from here.

>the reason why millennials are all broke and debt ridden?
nope, that's american capitalism.

That would be pretty hilarious if Mike starts bullying him instead of Rich.
>what the fuck are you some kind of video game dictator?

>hes bitching about star wars, is he alt-right?
Nerd Crew is RLM best show.

The unpopular services are already dying out though, for example FX+ died. IMO it will probably get better.



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kys faggot

Millenials are stuck in 2005 and still using TPB. They know how to find content.
These services are for tech illiterate boomers and their zoomer kids.

That was great

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4 is still way too fucking many. Why waste hundreds of dollars on movies/tv shows when you watch whatever shit you want on free websites in the same exact quality.

>Jack wants to collaborate with all these retarded youtube fags like Jim Sterling and Obscurus Lupa but he has no talent and nobody would even know who he was if it weren't for Mike and Jay, who don't care about any of these people

This was the best nerd crew episode since the first one, only soicucks(who they’re making fun of) will disagree. That streaming service portion was gold

And thus began the great age of piracy.

>Jim Sterling
christ, he'd be awful. just have mcculkin again regular, he's the only good one.

>4 services
>hundreds of dollars
more like 40-60$
Also I'm not condoning it just calling out the dishonesty.

>he's bitching about star wars
>is he alt-right?


I literally just shit myself

>only white people

thank god he has no power

>don't want to watch because I know it'll be the same 3 jokes they do each time
>do want to watch because the alternative is study

>Has the dozens of hours to waste watching tv capeshit
>Still won't give Farscape a real shot.

Yeah, everyone knows Jack is a dedicated SJW who pretends he's not to fit in with RLM

The only thing RLM is good for is Best of the Worst. Nerd Crew is the same fucking joke every time. We get it, guys. Now fuck off.

the jokes gotten old. I have it playing in another tab and I can barely listen to it.



>Using a streaming service cause your favorite e celebs do

strikes too close to home huh

anyone else have this set as a kid?

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or obscurus lupa, he actually appeared in one of her videos.

What was Jay saying backwards? The Disney mantra?

not really I'm a snyderfag

its called freedom

he won't? this only adds to my dislike of the bald faggot.


>no HIV+ joke

weak sauce

I love the freedom to pay twice as much for insuline as canadians. Thanks Reagan.

Calm your tits Kristian

>twice as much

I thought it was closer to ten-fold

>having diabetes
you deserve to die

How about the freedom to say twice as much as canadians without going to jail?

That hasbro+ but seemed so real. Go bots and puppy pals tv show when?

no that's college

That thing is worth nearly $200 currently. I wonder where they even get all the props for this shit

You'll have it within 5 years. Stay mad.

Yes, but unironically

I liked the one with the unboxing

The jokes weren't as good in this one but better than nothing.

It's housing costs. Massive transfer of wealth from the young and poor to the rich and old.

>dedicated SJW
He lived half of his life in farm. If anything he is just old school liberal.

pateron bucks they have there own paypigs shits great

Nearly everything they have in that warehouse is fan donated. There wouldn't even be a Best of the Worst series if their fans didn't constantly send them in old VHS tapes.

More globally not being able to afford kids and/or a house has them spending their extra money on total bullshit. I know so many people my age who travel to europe or some shit each year when financially they have no business doing it.

not for long

>We all bow to our Disney overlords. Hail the mouse. Hail the mouse.

wow what a freedom, those canadians sure seem depressed

>better than nothing.
This is the bar for RLM fags

>people should go to jail for having opinions i don't like

Thanks user, you're pretty based

probably rich

Yeah apparently the characters lack clear motivations yeah I know

It's here at around 7:15 if you want to subject yourself to it.

Pretty sure Jay is the youngest by a couple years, mike and rich are the same age

No, it's because people that have no right going to college go anyway because the job market is fucked and even the most menial job wants you to have a degree even if it's utterly worthless, so they take on tons of debt, get a worthless degree because they're not qualified to get a meaningful one and try to pay off their debt by working at Starbucks. If people just accepted when they're out of their depth and went straight to work after highschool this wouldn't have become as much of a problem.

Yes I want to hear more about the priviledge googles.

>what is a strawman?

Mouse nigger

Niggers only give a shit about Black Panther and anime

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Rich you liar you didn't watch Babylon 5.

>you should sign up for Disney+ right now, like a good loyal fan. Remember the mantra: LOYALTY TO DISNEY. LOYALTY TO THE BRAND. LOYALTY IS SALVATION. LOYALTY IS LIFE.

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Can we discuss streaming services and how this obviously isn't gonna work out in the long run?

You just did

hopefully this faggot kills himself

What is this manchild shit? Just shut up and enjoy the movie like everyone else. No one thinks you're cool for being contrarian.

>manchild shit
>defends capeshit movies

yes please make it stop
i already can't tell for sure which ones mentioned were fake (other than the obvious ones like mtv-, disney healthcare+)
all these capeshitshows too, just fucking why

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>What is this manchild shit? Just shut up and enjoy the movie like everyone else. No one thinks you're cool for being contrarian.

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Dream BoTW guests?
Jim Sterling
Lindsey Ellis
Anyone I'm missing?

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You just had the whole discussion already by yourself. In the end the only model that's worked long-term is broad-access TV on cable, and that only works because of advertisement, which only work because they lobby to enforce standards and practices so their soap dish commercials don't play during rape murder serial killer fantasy shows where two people on one keyboard hacks a computer faster.

What wins the day is always piracy, and as the market becomes glutted it will only be more beneficial and less immoral to do so. I'd rather afford a car payment than be in the "ethical right" to watch a show I might like.

And people think there aren't any shills here.



This is the world where the ones doing the illegal downloading are the only smart ones

this dude is better at makeup than the average tranny I'll give him that

>p-please like my shitty superhero movies!!!!
Fuck off to reddit, go enjoy your juvenile trash there

>it's contrarian to be against corporate monopolies

Hahahaha get a load of this SHILL

kys ratfucker

I was making fun of the clown I was quoting

That trannie will never pass

Nerd Crew is the only thing that can sustain me until Rich gets his own fast food review show.

i honestly hope you're joking

That's a YIKES from me

Jay is a cute!

Shame about his actual face. No amount of make-up will let him pass.


They have a similar dry sense of humour that would mix really well. Plus it wouldn't hurt to bring breadtube to a different audience.

pretty good bait

commie faggots need to stay in their containment zone just like nazi spergs

And his shoulders, he's a big guy

>techlets will have to either spend tons on loads of different steaming services or tactically select which ones have the shows they want to see
>piratechads get everything for free and from one location (maybe multiple if they're looking for obscure shit)
We stand triumphant once again

Hnomberguy loves the prequels and hates the Plinkett reviews. I almost wish he made a long ass defence video just to laugh at his retarded arguments.

>muh scary commies
Grow up.

For a second I thought Jay was wearing a collar and got inexplicably aroused.

they're not scary they're faggots

no watching chads can just sit around and shit on everything without doing anything at all

Mickey, play "Have Sex"

"You got it faggot, HUH HAH"

I kekd

All these shitty streaming services with nothing to offer but endless trash...
Makes me want to unplug and go back to slow time.
I had it with this interminable digital abyss I'm going the fuck /out/, goodbye frens.

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The Extra Credits guy

They should never have MaCancer on again.

Goodbye user

Like it or not, communism/socialism is the only cure for corporate monopolies like Disney and Google. You can't complain about the glut of streaming services and NOT be at least a socialist.

Oh look another Nerd Crew...just like all the other before. They are so lazy now. Seem after the failure of space cop they don't want to do any effort now.

Some of them aren't real yet.

or just don't pay for them and they die retard

I genuinely didn't realise this streaming subscription shit was so out of hand. It really does feel a bit like the precursor to a recession and massive reset of business models.

Companies have started taking consumers for granted and when that guaranteed cash flow suddenly stops its going to get pretty catastrophic for them.

they started the VHS collection themselves, though, in one of the early episodes they mention that Jay found one of the movies in a pawn shop or something

Almost like Marx was right or something

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The network-specific ones will all burn down like the CBS one is.

You realise the irony that a narcissistic hedonist is the head of breadtube right. Contra is in the top 1% of american income, her dad is in the top 5%, hasn't worked a day in her life and spends 800 bucks on fake nails. The workers revolution will totally be lead by a woman who spends the average persons weekly income on fake nails l m a o

>solution for big bad companies is making a big bad state with no alternatives.
I was beyond the Iron Curtain and I know this opinion is stupid.

capitalism is the cure for feudalism

except most of the people who shit on this garbage will just pirate everything and not give them a single cent, while all the blue checkmarks and people screaming about how communism is the solution are the ones making o-faces at the newest Disney property trailer and paying for it when it's out

pirating is the cure for corporate monopolies

I love that they keep sharing that quote from Jay without realizing how deep of a critique of conspicuous consumption it is.


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That and their Sony tardrage got me.

Yeah, until it is prohibited and every thing you download is monitored. And the exact moment you download a movie your internet connection is disconnected.

>dude Jay is like a communist
Good thing we constantly shit on them for being retards with awful opinions

thank god my country doesn't give a shit
lmao imagine living in the united states of america

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everything you download is already monitored and expanding government powers aren't going to cure that

>le 43 percent foxe

>they called out the photoshopped toy in the poster
fucking based

good thing piracy is legal where i live

having celebrity guests on typically ruins the show
im not sure exactly who jim sterling is except he's morbidly obese and hates lootboxes, maybe it would be fine?

but when they have washed up movie stars on it completly ruins the chill dynamic they have

is this some extra layer of irony i dont understand because i dont visit Yea Forums more than once a week?

>having celebrity guests on typically ruins the show...but when they have washed up movie stars on it completely ruins the chill dynamic they have
They don't get it.

>abolish the captialist monopoly
>replace it with state monopoly
well i guess you are right, there wouldnt be any more corporate monopolies

Unironically breadtube is pretty based desu. They destroyed the alt-right which has improved discussion on Yea Forums dramatically.

>replace it with state monopoly
Would be far better. All the shows under one roof and even better, you wouldn't have to pay for it.

fuck off disneyshill

how about no shows it wastes time anyway

And they'd all have the same executive producer
Donald Trump

He's got the most experience in the government about running TV shows. It's actually a perfect job for him after his second term ends.

And now back to how to fix your Donkey when they've thrown a shoe.
We'll follow that up with watching paint dry, the inner life of Kafka and then news at 11.

All the shows would be garbage because the only thing the state will fund is propaganda. There is no profit so making a good movie doesn’t matter. You might just be literally retarded.

>dude just give the state control over the entire economy so you can watch mindless entertainment

what are you talking about? North Korean cartoons are some of the best kino shit and it's all propaganda

You're as braindead as the retards they are making fun of.

>paying attention to the far-right/far-left culture war
ah i get it now, you are a loser

I’m signing up for Disney Basic Needs now!

Shame nobody gets to see it because they don't have electricity for most of the time.

>wouldnt have to pay for it
hope you keep your social credit above 2300 so you get access to the premium package

Yeah... until it is not. Or do you think Disney is not going to reach your country?

Disney will have a whole hunter seeker division

IBS killed the alt-right.

Trump killed the alt-right

FBI plant Richard Spencer and the MSM killed the alt right.

>a woman
Fuck off trannypol

>when it turns into black mirror at the end
k i n o

>same joke as last time

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This is a false flag right?

Mein negro


How is it "not going to work"? Do you think people are just going to get bored and go back to cable?

(she's a drag queen too)

Nah. IBS got the alt-right to go after each other and split up.

>don't watch streaming services or Disney
>Just watch us, RedLetterMediaâ„¢!
>Tune in to the next episode of nerd crew where we tell you not to watch Marvel movies but instead to watch us, RedLetterMediaâ„¢

You guys really fall for this shit?

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Enjoy some snippets:
>All the characters in Farscape are shallow
>John Crichton the "muscly white guy" is an annoying character
>Shitting on Eryn
>No one explicitly states their motivations or do anything towards their long term goals while chased by a peacekeeper carrier and lost in the *uncharted* territories and surrounded by total strangers whom they have no reason to trust but all that's tangential so it must mean they don't have any, and it's a sham because of it
>Doctor Who only has one bad episode
>Firefly is great
>Farscape is sciency fantasy it is but all the "sci-fi" you watch is you hick
>Complaining there's no scene of the crew boarding a big PK ship, not realising that's because Moya is attached to the big PK ship
>"Crichton is a white male" brought up at least four different times
>D'Argo has a heart of gold because he's loyal and has a code of honor
I know I shouldn't care because he's a known idiot but that shit is why things like Farscape don't do as well as they deserve to and also you can sense Rich's disappointment

Do they just come here and take notes for these nerd crew videos so they can get reddit likes? The worst part is they pretend that theyre making fun of other podcasts but thats basically what they are

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I need to watch the latest RLM to know which movie I can watch or which movie to criticize.

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yeah I watched the clip he's a giant fag and hopefully he gets replaced one day

Holy fucking kek, that MUST be bait, right?

>it stops at 5 episodes only

Thats basically RLM but with a hipster makes
>hahah le irony XD

>it's sci-fi fantasy which takes some time getting used to because it's so much like star trek
What is this nigga even saying?

>I shall not question moot
>Yea Forums is my blood and body
>I shalt always shitpost on Yea Forums until I breath my last breath.
>Must shitpost on Yea Forums and do nothing until next thread is created
>Don't ask questions
>Just shitpost on Yea Forums then get excited for new threads to shitpost in


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Stopping after five episodes is fine but the criticism he (smugly) raises is some insanely stupid shit.

>that lootcrate joke
very cool

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the filter is unnecesary, but I agree

>don't think for yourself just repeat memes and repost images that RLM and there fans told me to

>mfw I unironically do side with Disney over Sony because I somehow hate Sony so much more than I hate Disney
>mfw I now can only cheer for characters I love by rooting for whichever giant corporation I hate the least

Attached: rlm mike sony.jpg (687x395, 57K)

for some reason I watched nearly all of it and it felt like 5 minutes, weird.

The filter is how you can tell it was made by somebody no older than 16

Rich needs to fuck off. He's not funny.

>"He's bitching about Star Wars. Is he alt-right?!"
My fucking sides.

Attached: beavis-and-butthead-do-the-whitehouse-clinton-yeltsin-.jpg (350x550, 47K)

I haven't been very active here but I just wanna make my point before leaving. I came for fun rlm-related goofs and memes. Recently I have seen a lot of misogynistic content, trans- and homophobia and hate speech in here, and I just can't be a part of that. If you think I am butthurt, then fuck you! The point of this is to show that I think a lot of content in this group is problematic and that the group might need more careful modding.

but he loves Star Wars!

Attached: rlm rich vader dance tumblr_nfxrxcyl8F1qzxttjo1_400.gif (384x360, 645K)

bowtie Jay a cute. CUTE

Blow it out your ass

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why does he have such a sony hate boner? it's been a thing since back in 2011 with jack and jill and probably before

Its like avgn/ljn

sony is pretty shitty but only a little more than the average studio

Begun. The Streaming Wars have.

Attached: rlm streaming services.jpg (757x423, 97K)

>contrapoints on BOTW

mike would have the greatest day of his life and then get mysteriously assassinated

>that Lego X-WIng
Fucking jelly desu

We don't need to give that reactionary bigot a platform

>n-no u!

but James moved on is Mike being paid to care at this point? Why else?

>Lindsey Ellis
Nostalgia Chick? Why not Doug himself?

So, when is Yea Forums's streaming service launching and what is it called?

she's a part of breadtube


I haven't bought any Star Wars Legos or Star Wars stuff in years, but I am tempted to get the anniversary X-Wing. I wasn't buying Lego back then. That was the short time between the time I went from being a child to being a manchild.

Attached: lego cars a wing 1539798739645.jpg (1024x570, 65K)


>Yeah pay for the corporate overlords dont watch free content!

Dumb frogposter

What is that

leftist faggots on youtube that's what that list is

An american communist website where they talk about wanting to watch girls jerk off horses.


he leans heavy on the sjw bullshit, get out of whatever bubble you're in

we understand user

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It's true, all of it (or it will be).

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>Free content
You are being advertised to, idiot drone.

I bet you donate to their patreon too

stormfront plus
for $14.88 a month you get classics like birth of a nation and triumph of the will, and the latest remake of my struggle

Not kidding. I've not got tears in my eyes laughing at this shit. This is a great riff on all this streaming bullshit. I need to show this shit to my boomer older cousins who just got Netflix and were asking me about streaming.

Attached: rlm nerd crew mike needs a drink.jpg (347x427, 61K)

I made this image last year, ama


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Honestly I think I'd call him a well-meaning retard. He comes across as genuine and well-meaning, but his opinions are really poorly formed, like he spent no more than five minutes analysing the problem before coming to a conclusion (e.g. emulation, farscape, he said some really stupid shit on Europe, the list goes on.)

>feets, cunnies & black asses

this post makes ZERO sense if you watch the episode.
sony has been in the habit of making shit movies. thats his only gripe against them

Ljn doesnt make new nintendo games of course he moved on

Corporate monopolies funded communism in the first place

just wanted to say making it look like it's from one of those shitty generators is a nice touch

I can see that. He probably only grew up around white people and thinks he/they are lame and boring, so he jumps on the woke train now and then.

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>when you monthly give $15 to their patreon and have to convince yourself these 3 hacks still release great content & not poor low-hanging satire

Being a DC fanboy is pain. Nothing but pain.

Attached: rlm nerd crew dc plus.jpg (431x436, 70K)

>Seething Xcuck

>22 minute video where they pretend their own cringy Disney reviews are somehow better than any other Disney review

Nerd Crew would have a lot more oomf if they weren't such hypocrites and didn't plan on reviewing every movie they make fun of

Did you just call Rich Evans a low hanging fruit? I thought Jay was the short gay one.

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>eceleb shilling
these guys have always been faggots

I want twitter to fucking leave.

Attached: all downhill from here.jpg (399x464, 52K)

>You are being advertised to, idiot drone.
Unfortunally advertise is everywere dumbfuck even here.
>I bet you donate to their patreon too
What part of free content is too hard for to understand retard?

Go suck more disney cock corporate cuck

>government and corporations in bed together
>Hurr Durr, the government will fix this
Pathetic cuckold, its either remove them from our minecraft server, or shut up and bend over

it's been reclaimed by the left so it's cool now

That's my point his beef with a old dead gaming company wasn't a real thing. Mike's beef with Sony is clearly alive and has been for almost a decade at this point. Is it just his hate for Adam Sandler? He doesn't hate Netflix that much though ne never reviews there shit.

>It's okay if they make money off of advertising to me because EVERYBODY makes money advertising to me!

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>Not kidding. I've not got tears in my eyes laughing at this shit. This is a great riff on all this streaming bullshit. I need to show this shit to my boomer older cousins who just got Netflix and were asking me about streaming.

Attached: e9e.jpg (200x200, 7K)

yeah,they do. Eceleb worshippers are retarded

What the fuck is a sling?

>founder of socialism ranting on about the Jews and their sneaky ways
Accidentally based


Basically 15 dollar a month cable where you chose individual channels you want

>not streaming through Kodi add ons

Who in the world is excited for nuStar Wars? you are insane

Attached: mike.webm (1280x720, 495K)

irritable bowel syndrome?

Please never vote, this is shockingly naive and ignorant.

Something that is free and entertaining vs something behind a pay wall and not entertaining.. Hmmm I'll have to think about this one.

It's basically the people whinging about how they hate RLM too, or who have to add "______ is their only good show" in every RLM thread.

They are still making bank off of you watching all of their videos, drone

It means she has a yeast infection.

Right, but a vast portion of their collection is from donations. Without all those weird tapes (Shoji Tabuchi) there wouldn't have been a BotW.

Gaben said piracy is distribution problem on games there is just 2 big ones Steam and Epic most people don't consider piracy on games.

for streaming all was good with hulu, netflix and prime video. now there is no choice but piracy

Here's a bunch of commas, friend: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
They should last you a week or so.

Are you a fucking communist retard? What's your problem with people making money, that sounds like the basis of your criticism.. Hey there's no advertising in North Korea, sounds like paradise right?


Come back home....

Attached: Pirate ship wallpaper.jpg (1920x1080, 111K)

... Listen to yourself willingly lapping up everything rlm hands you.

>Dude don't watch Disney movies
>But do watch our review or Disney movies where we say we loved it
>Thanks for the add revenue, don't forget to share our videos on Yea Forums!

>small group of people who actually put more effort in their vids than disney puts in their movies for 30k patreon money that has to be shared with each member

>multibillion corporation that doesn't even try anymore because drones will eat up anything they shit out while also forcing their political agenda
i'll gladly support RLM tbqh

>burning man

Attached: jay.webm (640x360, 570K)

>Unironically breadtube is pretty based desu.
They're literally wrong about every single thing, get triggered easily and refuse to actually respond to legitimate criticism of their cult ideology.

Kill yourself senpai

no shit retard

Should it be called bootlick tube instead?

$0.56 Mickey Funbucks have been deposited in your account.

So being a bootlicking slave is a cure for corportism?

Why don't we just get rid of the laws that protect these companies like IP and copyright?
Why don't we simply implement a free market and kill all of the socialists?

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>literally defending north korea

>you wouldn't have to pay for it.
Yes, I would it would get funded through my taxes.
What an idiot you are.


guaranteed 80%+ of plebs in this thread subscribe to Disney+ when it arrives

I have never subscribed to an OTT service ever.

Doug Walker
Joe Rogan
Angry Joe
Andy Signore
Kevin Smith

I'm already subscribed to the ill Eagle streaming network, so no

Jordan Peterson
Michael Jai White

>Michael Jai White

Jenny Nicholson. Though that would probably be a Mikeless episode as there'd be too much sardonic cynicism in the room

>dude those massive corporations only got so big because they're protected by the gubment and the free market would fix everything
you're no less gullible than the unironic communists

>guaranteed 80%+ of plebs in this thread subscribe to Disney+ when it arrives

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A government controlled by giant corporations is the only way to ensure the free market can exist. The corporate backed government just needs to bring back the gold standard and we'll be fine. Buy gold! GOLD!

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yes based

>Watching anything for any reason is bad if they make money for it!
Kill yourself dumb faggot. I use ad block for youtube and don't give them patreon bucks, and I don't need them to tell me that Nuwars sucks.

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Jay a cute

why does he look 10x more attractive when he grows out his facial hair?

So are you guys just all faggots or what?

Is that what this is?

imagine being so insecure about your sexuality that you can't admit when a man looks objectively attractive