Name a funnier move scene (hint: you can't)

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Other urls found in this thread:

pure kino

>now dick on this

What did he mean by this?

You know full well what he meant by that user.

pretty sure he said "out tango this" or maybe "now tango this"

i actually dance and act like this in the parking lot after the qt cashier smiles at me

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ughhh, fucking based! I naturally have a massive strut from all the testosterone you see so I just walk like chad anyways. It draws the womens attention, they can see your total confidence and testosterone expressed through your mentality which in turn is presented by how you act and move even if it is perceived subconsciously.

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Kek, but no gif? People really should start making gifs out of this film. Especially the moment when he flicks his jacket and the womans hair blows. Could make a good meme if it had a (you) hitting her.

You overestimate my intelligence, user.

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No, you underestimate yours.


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For some reason, this always made me laugh

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Why is Rami Spider-Man so based, bros? How did he do it?

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This is a Rami thread, cringe.

And can you believe those philistines of 2003 didn't like the film?

He's Raimi. He's fucking based, always has been and always will be. Tobey is also the perfect Spider-Man and Kirsten is the perfect girl next door. All the other actors are fantastic too (Flash even if h appears 2 minutes, Harry, Osbourne, Uncle Ben and Aunt Mae, etc..). All the minor characters have tons of personality (the jew neighbors, the pizza boss, etc...). Cinematography is absolute kino, sound design is ridiculously good, music is the very best a cape flick has ever had and the humor/drama mix is unmatched (as perfectly balanced as the humor/horror elements of Evil Dead 2, etc...). In short, it's a masterpiece of a trilogy, even with the faults of the third.

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*faults which could have been resolved easily, such as by leaving Venom out of it and focusing him as the sole villain in Spider-man 4, for example. It was simply overstuffed and lacked a bit of focus. Harry's goblin and Sandman were enough, considering the third "opposition" to Spidey would be his own personal life and trials.


That wasn't Raimi, it was the producers who forced him to add venom which as he said himself was a character he wasn't familiar with and was forced to do without given the necessary care.

I'd like to shoot you some time.

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I can’t believe spiderman 4 is happening.

Correct, Sony fucked up. Incredible shame that we never got to see 4 and a truly high-quality 3 just due to some dumb fucking Sony execs. Wish they just let Raimi handle it all.

Thank Avi Arad for that.

>"now jew on this"
>not watching the uncut director's cut
The studios really butchered Raimi's original message.

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>pointing at jewish burial site near a concentration camp
>"Now dig on this"
What did he mean by this? Does he want us to investigate?

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Wow this thread has gifs and everything (fuck webms). Good job OP. You definitely aren't a faggot.

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>open the first and second youtube videos
>realize I had them bookmarked already

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Nope, it was going to happen with that green hawk guy and his girlfriend. It was going to be the eastern european guy as well as that famous female actress with the black hair playing the female hawk. Raimi eventually said no to it because he new what happened to the first film was happening again so he cancelled to save the trilogy.

Honourable man.

Refer up.




>your pic

A true patrician I see.

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> gaybashes bonesaw
> cucks his obviously jewish neighbours

wtf raimi

why did people hate spider man 3 when it came out?

Wasn't a word for amazing then.

They were too fucking dumb/plebian to understand the jokes and humor. This is 90% of the reason, with the other 10% going to how it handled Venom (which I agree, was half assed due to the filthy Sony exec demands). Go read the reviews yourself, you'll quickly realize the ratio is correct. Sad really, it was and still is a great movie with some of the most kino scenes in history.

>after gassing 6 billion jews in the holocauster

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>your gf

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Movie went over their heads. Plain and simple. The symbiote Parker scenes probably do the best job illustrating this. The audience and (((critics))) thought it was bad filmmaking, acting and cringe and that Peter is not "cool", but they failed to notice that was the damn point. He's a nerd who just found confidence through the symbiote, he wasn't meant to be a Chad, but an aggressive nerd. That's why the women laugh at him when he does the point clicking on the street and everyone looks at him like a weirdo.

I think after the success to the superhero genre the first 2 movies made, too many normies started watching superhero movies. Normies with literally an attention span of 2 minutes. That's why the Marvel movies are so successful, as well. They appeal to these imbeciles. They're perfect for that particular audience. You don't have to think, you don't have "engage" in the movie, you don't even have to watch the majority of it - you can spend most of that time on your phone texting and just watch the final battle. You won't miss anything.


Have you guys watched the behind the scenes? Fun fact: Tobey was actually coked up for real during the shooting of this scene and Raimi thought it was cool and just rolled with it. Said it gave the scene more credence and feel to it.

>have a close, clear shot directly on batman
>decide to flail arms about instead


>You'll get your holohoax when you fix thIS WOODEN DOOR!

desu this really doesn't hold up in today's climate, snapping your fingers at women in the streets is rape

people really thought he was supposed to be pictured as a cool chad?
His disgusting hair cut give it away.

Why is Nolan regarded so highly if he makes such amateur mistakes
his editing sucks too. Only good thing about him is the relatively original ideas and practical filmmaking

lol normies are so dumb they forgot all he got was supreme self confidence.

I don't think the cool Peter was the part they didn't understand but that they didn't understand that it was comedy, they didn't find it funny for some reason.

Any other ideas?

Kek probably did to. I love good directors like that. Maguire is apparently quite the naughty boy in Hollywood. Got caught in some illegal gambling ring with Dicaprio and maybe someone like Pitt. Anyhow and apparently he was a great winner - very lucky - but a horrible loser. Would get pretty angry when he lost.

And could I get a link to that?

After how many year rewatching this was really lame but at the same time, it's weird to say, it feels right for him in this movie. It's so over the top corny but it somehow works

my mistake user, maybe smiling would be better?

But in all honesty the masses don't give a shit about that, it's just autistic buzzfeed news and marxist university's. Which many imbeciles buckle under the pressure of even if they can't do that much.

Many people have used the same terms for his films.

Any other scenes in the film you want a gif of anons?

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>Kirsten is the perfect girl next door
That's the problem with her. Mary-Jane is a supermodel party slut, not a girl next door.

And yet I still think he did the best, most accurate depiction of Spider-Man that anyone could in that trilogy

>he's a "it has to be accurate to the comics"fag
user Mary Jane is not a supermodel party slut. She is better as the girl next door.

I loved it when Tobey was in endgame

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No, she's not. She's boring as the girl next door.

Nice! Mind if i upvote for you bud?

Sure friend :) thanks

>change character's personality
>bro it's better
you think Parker works better with Gordon's charm and jock-y attitude? Nope. Mary needs to be a supermodel redhead with a bubbly personality and a devil may care attitude

Absolutely, that's what I meant. It was sort of campy but in a good way.

It's actually hilarious for a reddit meme. Send it to Pewds.

I to liked when you shilled your Youtube channel

I wish I could create something like that with half a million views.

But the thing is your example is a dramatic change. It has a completely different dynamic, but with Mary Jane it's more or less the same (hah!). The only difference is better.

Noo it's not the same, you haven't read the old comics at all, you need an MJ who can say the jackpot line and look the part. It's an infinitely better fit than the plain jane pale hag we got

Off topic, but this isn't even a fucking joke. Some genuine homosexual retard spent time designing, producing and then some even bigger retard actually ordered this "thing".

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I don't know about all of that. I just know that she made my dick diamonds in Spider-man 1

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>Pale Hag
She's actually attractive but just made her look worn out for parts of the 3rd film. I know exactly what she was like, you think I don't have a connection to the 94 animated series Mary Jane? "Hey Tiger" drilled into my kid head (and she was actually drawn well) it's just both versions work. Funnily enough Peter Parker was a Chad in that series and that's my favourite Peter Parker character.

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All 3 inches of it when you were 11?

Taking those two things into consideration I've reached a conclusion ,BASED

I was actually 7, thank you very much.

Oh my mistake, all 2 inches.

There's a voice to his movies. Literally soul vs. soulless. The MCU movies aren't bad but they all feel like they were made in a factory and you'd never be able to tell who directed what.

Pretty funny but doesn't beat Spoods.

Have this one user, on the house.

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i love this place

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Raimi was living 10 dimensions ahead of his time

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What do I tell my barber to get the Spider-Man 3 haircut?

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Topher fucking Grace
I didn't know someone could be worse than Franco, then there he was.

Long on the front, short on the back and sides.

Truth. Topher Grace is a disgrace.
This. It also has to be straightened if you want it to look like Pete's, either iron it out or go hardcore with a brush and a hair dryer.

i still remember when i heard the intro to the movies with this music and thinking "this is something else"

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What? He did the best he could with the material he was given and would've been an excellent Peter, had he been given the role.

chan is tracking me

Everyday while I watch KINO, there's a thread about the same movie here.

Stay the fuck off my computer bruh.

What was so bad about him?

He was terribly miscast. Didn't buy him for a second.


>that cover

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all filmmakers make mistakes but I agree that he needs another person filming the action.

Such a great game

>confidence is evil

Cult classic

>can't even spell plebeian

I got a thread filled with shit for the red pilled
When Disney gives you a raw deal
Set you off 'till you
Scream, "fuck off, screw you"
When it talks to you like you don't belong
Or tells you that you're in the wrong
When something's in your mitochondrial
'Cause it latched on to you like

Knock knock, let based Sony in, malevolent
As they've ever been, head is spinnin', this medicine
Screaming, "L-l-l-let me in"
L-l-lick like a salad bowl, Bog Iger and Alan Horn,
Jewridden, shoulda been dead a long time ago
Liquid Tylenol, gelatins, think my skeleton's meltin
Wicked, I get all high when i think i've smelled the scent
Of angry bugmen
Hell, i meant Marvel Basedmen, screw it, to hell with it
I went through Hollywood with accelerants and blew up
My-my-myself again, Venomchad, tailspin
Dollars match my history
Went from Total Recall and being rail thin, District 9
21 Jump street, James Bond and Spiderman 3
How can i be down ? Me and my army
Of angry Venomchads behind me
Amy Pascal said. "Hell yeah"
And i got this stamp like a postcard, word to Jew-Man
And i know they're gonna hate but i don't care, I
Barely can wait to hit 'em with Carnage and the rest
Square in the face, this fuckin' world better prepare to get laced
because they're gonna test my

(I got that) Box office momentum (VENOMMMMMMMMM)
Not knowing when i'm
Ever gonna show up and I'm
Ready to snap any moment-um
Thinkin' it's time to go get """'em""""
They ain't gonna know what hit """"em""""
(When they get bit with the)

Attached: venom smiler.jpg (1280x720, 91K)

The Raimi movies are cool, but Tobey isn't a good Spider-Man, or Peter Parker. Andrew Garfield was unironically better even if his movies were hot garbage.

I heard it as 'dig'.

Spiderman 3 would have been kino if they saved Venom for a 4th movie

He was fucking awful. He just seemed like a slightly douchey version of Parker and was not menacing at all. Topher Cannot act. Show me a role where it doesn't just feel like a slightly different Eric Foremen, you cant.

uuh based?

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Yep that's a good Gwen

KEK, most pleb-tier opinion I've read in this thread. Tobey was a fantastic Spider-Man both in and outside the suit. Most accurate representation as of yet.

Insanely good OST. Just beyond words, no other super hero film has even come close.
Based indeed, hottest Gwen of any spidey flick.
Correct, blame Sony for that.

I love this movie, this trilogy, with all my heart. Makes me depressed that 4 wasn't made but I'll always maintain hope. PLEASE SONY, LET RAIMI DO IT. COME ON. COME OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-

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no he meant 7 inches

Have a bump while I'm away.